The Audition is a 2015 short film directed by Martin Scorsese. The short film was created as a promotional piece for the Studio City Macau Resort and Casino.
Court métrageTranscription
00:10 [FOREIGN]
00:30 [MUSIC]
00:40 I'll tell you the truth, I didn't think you had it in you.
00:54 Come to my joint, threaten me?
00:57 You think I don't know what you've been doing, turning shareholders against me?
01:00 Me, I invented that game.
01:02 I did, Manila, Macau, Tokyo.
01:04 I built those casinos from the ground up.
01:06 I scraped scheme to Puerto Rostro takeovers from some of the biggest
01:09 conglomerates in the world.
01:11 So do you think some corporate air boy's gonna tell me how to run-
01:14 >> I don't think I-
01:15 >> Hey.
01:16 >> Leo. >> Bob.
01:17 >> How are you?
01:18 >> [LAUGH] Good to see you.
01:20 >> Good to see you too.
01:21 >> Yeah.
01:21 Wow.
01:23 Yeah.
01:24 But what are you doing here?
01:26 >> I thought you were in Miami.
01:29 >> No, no I'm not in Miami, I'm here.
01:32 >> I see, I see that now.
01:34 >> You told me you were on Iceland, right?
01:37 >> Iceland?
01:38 No, I- >> Yes, it's what you told me.
01:40 >> Iceland?
01:40 Maybe then I thought, but Iceland, no, Iceland, nothing, no.
01:45 I mean here, yes, Iceland, no.
01:47 It's too cold, I wouldn't go there.
01:48 Why go there?
01:49 >> It's actually not that cold.
01:50 >> It's not.
01:52 >> Greenland's the cold one, Greenland.
01:54 It's actually the opposite.
01:55 I know it might be a little bit confusing.
01:57 Anyway, I thought most people knew that.
01:59 >> Well, ice isn't the name.
02:02 >> Anyway, that's not the point.
02:08 What are you?
02:08 So you're just, you're here to hang out?
02:14 Is that what you're doing?
02:15 >> Yeah, just come through to catch a few shows, couple of restaurants, relax.
02:20 >> You flew all the way to Manila for that?
02:23 >> Yeah, Manila.
02:25 >> Huh, you catching up on some reading there?
02:30 >> What are you reading about?
02:32 >> You wanna show me?
02:35 >> I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
02:38 >> Yeah.
02:39 >> Okay, ready?
02:40 >> Ready.
02:41 >> One, two, three.
02:42 [MUSIC]
02:49 >> Hey, fellas.
02:50 >> Hey, Marty.
02:51 >> Hey, welcome to Manila.
02:52 >> How are you?
02:53 >> [LAUGH]
02:54 >> I have a question though.
02:55 >> Yeah.
02:56 >> Are we finally getting to work on a project together?
02:59 Is that what's going on here?
03:00 >> Well, technically no.
03:02 >> No.
03:04 >> No.
03:05 >> Are we up for the same part?
03:08 >> Not that you're up for the same part.
03:09 It's not like, it's more like you're vying for the same part.
03:13 >> We're vying?
03:13 >> Well, I mean vying.
03:14 Something going on in my head.
03:15 I'm not quite sure what it is.
03:16 >> We're competing for the same role.
03:18 >> Not that you're competing.
03:19 It's that we're here talking and that you're vying.
03:21 >> Don't you have a vie?
03:22 I mean, look, we're here and I just wanted to, first of all,
03:27 I wanted you to experience this place, Manila, where we are here.
03:30 It's incredible.
03:31 And the whole picture that I'm thinking of, it starts here in Manila and
03:34 then we move out to Macau.
03:36 And then it's got this big finish, major sequence in Japan.
03:41 So what I got, I got the private plane waiting.
03:44 Meantime, we get something to eat.
03:46 We drive out to the airport after we eat.
03:48 We go to Macau, all right?
03:49 Let's get something to eat.
03:51 I understand the thing over here to eat is lechon or some lechon.
03:54 How is it pronounced?
03:55 >> Lechon. >> Lechon, lechon.
03:58 Yeah, is that what it is?
03:59 >> I think it's a pork dish.
04:00 >> What is it?
04:02 >> It's, I know the name, but he knows what it is.
04:05 >> Yeah, okay, whatever.
04:07 I don't know what the hell it is, but they say it's really good.
04:09 Let's go.
04:10 >> I'm worried.
04:10 I just wanna ask you to- >> What's that about?
04:12 >> Is this the same show?
04:13 [MUSIC]
04:22 >> So I'm thinking he's more of a complex character, you know?
04:24 And I keep having this image of Gregory Peck, like a man in a gray flannel suit.
04:28 Yeah, he's sort of calculating and he's ruthless, but not many people see his dark
04:32 side. >> Yeah, he's a secret.
04:33 >> Yes, he's got a secret, but will we ever know what that secret is?
04:36 >> Like Mitchum in Out of the Past or something?
04:38 >> Yes, Mitchum in Out of the Past, exactly, exactly.
04:41 Because this guy runs an international casino chain.
04:44 He's a formidable businessman, but at the same time, he's suave and
04:47 he's a risk taker, okay?
04:49 He takes risks.
04:50 So he could be just as comfortable negotiating a takeover, right?
04:56 As he is, let's say, playing high stakes blackjack.
05:00 >> Blackjack?
05:01 [LAUGH] I'm almost a pro blackjack player.
05:05 I mean, I love blackjack, love it.
05:06 >> You know how to play?
05:07 >> Yeah, big time.
05:08 >> That's interesting.
05:11 >> Yeah. >> Really?
05:11 >> Play blackjack?
05:14 >> Yeah, I play blackjack.
05:15 >> I play blackjack.
05:17 >> Well, that's, it's that voice.
05:19 What are you doing?
05:19 >> No, I'm just, no, no.
05:21 >> Are you mocking me?
05:22 I don't understand.
05:23 >> No, no, he plays blackjack.
05:24 >> I'm just talking about in reference to the character,
05:26 you said he plays blackjack.
05:28 And therefore, I would be more prepared for the role of a head.
05:32 >> Do you play?
05:33 >> Yeah, I can play if I have to.
05:34 >> I play poker.
05:35 >> All right, well, this character plays blackjack.
05:38 >> I'm just saying, well, look guys.
05:39 >> He wants to completely rewrite the character.
05:41 >> No, no, no, no, no, guys, look.
05:43 The thing about it is that, you know, it's kind of awkward.
05:46 You, both you guys being up for the same thing, you know, like this.
05:49 >> Mark, Mark, all kidding aside.
05:50 >> You know what I'm saying?
05:51 I feel funny about it. >> All kidding aside,
05:52 this guy started my career, Mark.
05:54 I have nothing but respect for him.
05:55 This is big Bobby D here.
05:57 >> Exactly.
05:57 >> He started my career.
05:59 But whoever's right for the role.
06:00 >> That's it.
06:01 Well, may the best man win.
06:02 But you know, I don't even wanna say it like that.
06:04 May the best person who is right, may the best person for
06:08 the part be the person that is in the part.
06:11 >> You know, Bob, I'm happy you said that.
06:13 >> Well, well said.
06:14 >> I'm happy you said that.
06:15 Just look.
06:15 >> All right, listen. >> I think he gets the point.
06:17 >> Hey, stop.
06:17 Tomorrow, tomorrow we'll do auditions, okay?
06:20 >> Sure, sure.
06:21 >> And in the meantime,
06:21 I'm gonna line up some shots with Rodrigo.
06:23 Take it easy.
06:24 Enjoy yourself.
06:25 See you tomorrow.
06:26 >> Thank you.
06:26 >> See you.
06:27 [MUSIC]
06:35 >> Let's try getting a wide.
06:37 Okay.
06:38 >> Kid, huh?
06:39 >> Yeah, big Bobby D.
06:41 >> That was a great impersonation.
06:45 >> Well, I apologize ahead of time because I'm gonna be getting this part.
06:51 >> I'm gonna get this part.
06:53 [MUSIC]
07:03 >> [MUSIC]
07:13 >> Your call, sir.
07:17 >> Well, what am I supposed to do here?
07:19 >> I think here would be a wide shot.
07:21 We can't release a crane.
07:23 >> What?
07:24 >> I mean, what would be the right move?
07:26 >> What should I do?
07:27 >> What I'm showing the five, sir.
07:29 >> Well, you don't take any risks.
07:33 It's not gambling, right?
07:34 >> No, it's not.
07:35 >> Hit me.
07:36 >> Yes, sir.
07:37 >> [LAUGH]
07:39 >> That's- >> I'm sorry about that.
07:41 >> [LAUGH]
07:43 >> Don't count your chips while you're still playing, right?
07:46 God, that was a lot of money.
07:47 >> Relax, I've done this before.
07:49 Now, my friends, behold the jewel in the crown.
07:52 [MUSIC]
07:58 >> [LAUGH]
08:01 >> What are you doing?
08:02 >> Bob, Bob, you are the life of the party, aren't you?
08:05 >> Marty, can I just talk to you for a second?
08:07 >> Excuse me, guys.
08:08 That was Leo's fault.
08:10 >> I've been thinking about this role.
08:11 It is in my DNA.
08:13 It's in my bones.
08:14 I'm born to play this thing.
08:15 >> Do you remember that guy, Jimmy Bam Bam?
08:18 >> Yeah, sure, from Prince Street.
08:19 >> Yeah, well, I saw him in Miami a couple weeks ago.
08:21 He's doing the same thing, hitting himself in the head.
08:23 >> Wow.
08:24 >> Hits himself in the head.
08:25 He's in Miami.
08:26 What the hell is that?
08:27 >> I hate to interrupt.
08:28 I just need 20 seconds with my director, if you don't mind.
08:30 >> Just 20 seconds?
08:31 >> You're a director?
08:32 >> Yes, yes, we've done five films together.
08:33 My director.
08:34 >> I've done eight films.
08:35 And the first film we did before you were even thought of.
08:38 >> Well, let's be honest, Bob.
08:39 It's been a while, okay?
08:40 So I'd like to speak to my director.
08:42 >> Oh, I see.
08:43 >> Excuse me.
08:44 >> One second.
08:45 >> He's talking about psychological.
08:46 He doesn't even know this is a kid.
08:47 >> He's a child.
08:48 He has no life experience.
08:49 But he's growing.
08:50 >> I'm a child, huh?
08:51 I'm a child.
08:52 Look, Bob, no one respects your collaboration more than me, honestly.
08:55 But for this role in particular, Bob, this role in particular, I feel like there's a
09:00 certain physicality that this character needs.
09:03 Somebody with on-screen presence.
09:05 >> You'd be careful.
09:06 >> You know what I mean?
09:07 And let's be honest, you're getting up there in age a little bit, Bob.
09:09 >> Excuse me?
09:10 I didn't hear what you said.
09:11 >> He's losing his hearing, too.
09:12 You may get --
09:13 >> That's going too far, man.
09:14 That's going too far.
09:15 >> Can I be honest with you?
09:16 >> I didn't mean it.
09:17 >> I don't like your beard.
09:18 >> Oh, you don't like my beard?
09:19 >> No, I don't.
09:20 I think that looks terrible.
09:21 >> You think my beard looks horrible?
09:22 >> Yeah.
09:23 >> Okay, now, guys, come on.
09:24 There's a nice banquet waiting for us.
09:25 >> I'd like this --
09:26 >> I'd rather shave this kid's head with it.
09:28 >> Somewhere there's music.
09:31 Moon.
09:34 Stars.
09:37 >> There's certain things that I'm sure, Bob, you feel about the character.
09:41 >> Skies.
09:42 >> I'm not going to understand, but you have your viewpoint, right?
09:44 >> Right before your eyes, you can see everything that's happening through the skies.
09:49 Music.
09:52 >> Somewhere, how high the moon.
09:56 >> I know, I know.
09:57 Well, look, I mean, the thing to do now is we have some dessert, and we talk about it on our way to Japan.
10:02 >> Somewhere there's music.
10:06 How high the moon.
10:09 The stars.
10:11 Everywhere they're flying through the stars, through the skies, through the moon, through the sun, and around and around.
10:16 Jupiter, Pluto, Mars.
10:18 >> So, look, obviously, both of you guys are beyond excellent.
10:21 I mean, we've worked together for years on projects, on pictures.
10:25 But, you know, what's occurred to me throughout this whole process that we've had now on this trip is that, you know, ultimately, I began to realize that, you know, the character we're talking about, it's like he's superfluous to the entire narrative of the film.
10:42 >> Hmm.
10:44 >> Honestly, I don't need him.
10:46 >> You don't need the character?
10:47 >> I don't need him.
10:48 I don't need the character.
10:49 I didn't realize until, you know, talking with you.
10:52 This would not have happened, you know, I would not have realized this if you hadn't been gracious enough to come down here.
10:58 >> Right.
10:59 >> Giving time and your effort and you giving time and being gracious to him.
11:03 There's one thing I could not have done.
11:06 I could not have done.
11:07 And I feel really bad.
11:10 So badly that I brought you down here and dragged you all the way across to Asia and Japan and really sorry.
11:17 But it really helped me.
11:18 >> So we're not needed anymore.
11:20 >> In a sense, no.
11:23 >> That's a wrap.
11:24 >> Yeah.
11:25 >> It was fantastic.
11:26 Don't worry.
11:27 Through process.
11:28 Best of luck, Marty.
11:29 >> All right.
11:30 >> See you soon.
11:31 >> Marty.
11:32 >> Thank you.
11:33 I'll see you in New York.
11:34 >> All right.
11:35 >> Good luck.
11:36 >> Yeah.
11:37 >> Yeah.
11:38 >> You think it was the beer?
11:39 >> You know, no matter what he says, I told you the truth.
11:44 >> He sees you with that beer and he says, oh, get out of here.
11:48 He didn't hire you either.
11:49 >> I'm --
11:50 >> Marty.
11:54 >> Brad.
11:55 >> Hey.
11:59 >> Thank God.
12:00 >> How are you?
12:01 >> I'm just working on the script.
12:02 >> Oh, thank God you got here on such short notice.
12:04 Thank you so much.
12:05 >> I appreciate the call.
12:06 >> Thank you.
12:07 Thank you.
12:08 It means a lot to me that you respond this way.
12:11 >> Great.
12:12 It's great.
12:13 Great part.
12:14 >> You were trying to look older.
12:15 Give me a break.
12:16 You know, try to look more substantial.
12:23 >> So --
12:31 >> Short notice, you're here.
12:32 It's a major.
12:33 >> I'm going to try something on you.
12:34 >> It's not working.
12:35 >> No, no, you try anything.
12:36 Feel free to try anything.
12:38 >> You're at my desk.
12:39 >> I got you.
12:40 I'm sitting here.
12:41 >> This is a desk.
12:43 >> You're in my office.
12:45 You're in my home.
12:47 So I scraped, schemed, fought off hostile takeovers from some of the biggest conglomerates in the world.
12:56 Yeah?
12:57 >> Yeah.
12:58 >> So if you think some corporate errand boy is going to tell me how to run my operation, then I, you know, come in with a threat.
13:10 >> You want to get some dinner?
13:12 >> Yeah.
13:13 >> At the tables?
13:14 >> No, okay.
13:15 Maybe we can go to the spa.
13:17 You want to go to the spa?
13:19 >> Sure.
13:20 Let's do all three.
13:21 >> Yeah.
13:22 They said they have this treatment there where they wrap you in seaweed, your whole face, your whole body, and it's supposed to make your skin all silky and smooth.
13:29 I want to try that.
13:30 >> How do you breathe?
13:31 >> What?
13:32 >> How do you breathe?
13:33 >> How do I breathe?
13:34 >> No, how do you breathe without a mask?
13:36 >> No, I don't know.
13:37 >> How do you breathe?
13:38 >> How do I breathe?
13:39 >> No, how do you breathe without stuff on your face?
13:41 >> During the treatment?
13:42 >> Yeah.
13:43 >> Well, I'm not a spa technician, but I would suppose that they would cut a hole where your mouth is so you can breathe.
13:49 >> When you say wrap, wrap means enveloped.
13:52 >> Swaddled.
13:53 >> Swaddled?
13:54 >> Yeah, look it up.
13:55 >> I don't need to look it up, Bob.
13:57 Thank you very much.
13:58 I didn't look anything.
14:00 Will you stop busting my chops?
14:01 I didn't get this party in there, all right?
14:03 >> Well, you decided.
14:05 >> I don't know.
14:07 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:09 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:11 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:13 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:15 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:17 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:19 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:21 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:23 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:25 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:27 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:29 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:31 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:33 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:35 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:37 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:39 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:41 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:43 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:45 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:47 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:49 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:51 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:53 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:55 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:57 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
14:59 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:01 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:03 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:05 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:07 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:09 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:11 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:13 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:15 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:17 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:19 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:21 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:23 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:25 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:27 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:29 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:31 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:33 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:35 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:37 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:39 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:41 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:43 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:45 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:47 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:49 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:51 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:53 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:55 >> I'm not going to be able to do this.
15:57 [Music]
15:59 [Music]
16:01 [Music]
16:03 [Music]
16:05 [Music]
16:07 [Music]
16:09 [Music]
16:11 [Music]