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Retro Gaming - PC DOS - AD&D - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - 2nd Edition - Ravenloft - Stone Prophet - Let's Play
Happy Halloween Month!
But I hope you enjoy this series!
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Retro Gaming - PC DOS - AD&D - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - 2nd Edition - Ravenloft - Stone Prophet - Let's Play
00:00 Welcome back ghouls and ghosts
00:02 I'm gonna mute my mic, but I'm gonna try and go through we're gonna be a lot of jump cuts and everything
00:08 But I'm gonna grab the palette in and I'm gonna finish a lot of these quests here
00:13 [Music]
00:33 [Music]
00:37 Men haunt their hovels, the beasts their lairs
00:41 These chill walls call to me
00:45 Home, they whisper softly, you are home
00:49 Who am I to argue with walls?
00:53 And if I am to be cursed, what matters the location?
00:58 If you must have a logic to my appearance here, it is this
01:04 I have no need to frighten the villagers of Mu'ar, their lives are cursing us
01:11 [Music]
01:21 A coarse fate to awaken from death with a curse such as this
01:26 Undead I shall remain until I gain vengeance on he who put me in this state
01:34 I cannot finally fully die until the deed is done
01:39 Special nature you ask
01:42 Is this fate of mine not special?
01:45 Does it not warrant the contempt in which I hold it?
01:49 I met death bravely. Yes, even I will say it as a champion
01:55 For who would see such goodness in my eyes today?
02:00 [Music]
02:11 Har'Akir decides the fate of those within her borders
02:14 Still, if you would fare better, avoid Sen'net
02:20 They were his fierce eyes last looked into mine
02:25 That tattered soul wrapped in mummy's garb took me into his clutches and then
02:30 When I awoke
02:34 Well
02:36 What remains of the fighter I was stands before you
02:40 My hero's heart lies still within this corrupt flesh
02:47 [Music]
03:04 Sen'net is no creature
03:06 Accepted his heart his eyes and the evil which lurks in every sinew of his being
03:12 Once a child of Alc'tepec, Sen'net turned against the lord who made him
03:17 That is he conspired with the priestess of Set
03:20 Together they plan to rule in place of Alc'tepec. So the story is told
03:26 It is a tale I would end if I could
03:30 Free myself from the bonds of this undead decay by destroying Sen'net
03:36 [Music]
03:43 If only I had the power
03:45 Formidable I may be and fear I know nothing of
03:49 Yet, I know my limitations
03:52 The energy of Sen'net cannot be crushed to blackness by me alone
03:58 Oh, what a vision
04:01 The righteous destruction of Sen'net
04:06 It would end my misery free my soul from this revenant guise
04:10 If I could reach out and grasp such a prize
04:15 [Music]
04:28 If any chance remains that I may once again meet Sen'net I shall join you
04:35 Together we shall tear that fiend down from his dreams of power
04:39 We shall rend his mummy's wrap tearing both it and he to the same small bits
04:46 But know you this
04:49 My armor and my sword they stay with me no matter the cause even if I die
04:55 It is the one small pleasure of being undead
05:00 Our pockets are rarely picked
05:04 [Music]
05:15 Jesters of the desert
05:17 How slow-witted to part with my company
05:20 A mistake as grand as any I've seen
05:22 You'll think the better of it when you do seek me out in the same area where first we met
05:28 Should you survive and return you will have recovered my respect
05:33 You will
05:35 There's definitely a problem with that guy's sound files
05:40 Um having said that i'm not gonna redo it just to get his full sound file
05:45 Like I did all the other times
05:48 um
05:50 Screw him. He's telling me to piss off. Well, he can go ahead and die in the desert for all I care
05:54 [Music]
06:20 [Music]
06:49 Junker
06:51 Okay, I lied i'm gonna try and get his full audio file
06:55 Jesters of the desert
06:59 How slow-witted to part with my company?
07:01 A mistake as grand as any i've seen
07:04 You'll think the better of it when you do seek me out in the same area where first we met
07:10 Should you survive and return you will have recovered my respect
07:14 You will be the wiser and not hesitate to accept my aid
07:18 [Music]
07:25 Yay
07:27 At least I think it cut off first time around oh well we got it at least at least once maybe twice
07:36 [Music]
07:38 [Music]
08:06 [Music]
08:24 I actually found a short sword of quickness
08:28 [Music]
08:38 But it's in no man's land
08:41 [Music]
09:08 [Music]
09:14 [Music]
09:34 You
09:36 You
09:38 You
09:40 You
09:42 You
09:44 You
09:46 You
09:48 You
09:50 You
09:52 You
09:54 You
09:56 You
09:58 You
10:00 You
10:02 You
10:04 You
10:06 You
10:08 You
10:10 You
10:12 You
10:14 You
10:16 Me
10:36 [Music]
10:48 [Music]
11:10 [Music]
11:18 [Music]
11:30 [Music]
11:50 [Music]
12:00 [Music]
12:10 [Music]
12:34 [Music]
12:50 [Music]
12:52 [Music]
12:54 [Music]
12:56 [Music]
12:58 [Music]
13:00 [Music]
14:18 >> Yeah, I should pause it.
14:31 >> And welcome back to all of you out there in video land.
14:36 Time to go down the well and see what we can find.
14:50 [MUSIC]
15:03 [MUSIC]
15:13 [MUSIC]
15:29 [MUSIC]
15:39 >> Gloriantha, are you injured?
15:48 I sense no evil from you, but rather that you came here to avoid it.
15:52 Abby, do you know your way around these chambers or
15:55 has your injury kept you from moving about?
15:57 >> I'll do Gloriantha first.
16:02 [MUSIC]
16:08 >> My ankle, it may be broken, I can't tell.
16:13 Lend a hand now.
16:15 You've two strong legs to take you anywhere you like.
16:19 My bones I sacrificed to scramble here.
16:24 A storm came, I knew it to be the wrath of Anctapod.
16:29 A wall of wind and sand.
16:33 I took hold of a rope and lowered myself into this well,
16:38 but the rope betrayed me, I fell.
16:43 And there is something, a creature at the end of this hall.
16:49 It knows I'm here and hungers for me.
16:54 [MUSIC]
16:57 No, my injury speeds me along.
17:00 Why, in a day on hands and knees, I have searched the very corners of this place.
17:05 Temper your words with sense, if you please.
17:09 No, I have not gone far, but I did find a scroll.
17:16 Here, take it.
17:19 I found it in the grasp of a skeleton at the end of this hall.
17:23 There, I've given you all I have, will you aid me now?
17:29 Take me back to the village, for I have no desire to-
17:33 [MUSIC]
17:38 >> I'm gonna have to restart that.
17:39 [MUSIC]
17:49 No, my injury speeds me along.
17:58 Why, in a day on hands and knees, I have searched the very corners of this place.
18:02 Temper your words with sense, if you please.
18:06 No, I have not gone far, but I did find a scroll.
18:14 Here, take it.
18:16 I found it in the grasp of a skeleton at the end of this hall.
18:20 There, I've given you all I have, will you aid me now?
18:26 Take me back to the village, for
18:29 I have no desire to litter this place with my bones.
18:33 [MUSIC]
18:38 >> I'm Krog, if I give you a weapon and show you its use,
18:42 might you make your way back to the village on your own?
18:46 [MUSIC]
18:51 >> No, by the merciful gods, I need your help.
18:55 I have no strength to return on my own,
18:58 no fighting skills with which to defend myself.
19:01 Take me back, please, you must.
19:05 I am Senesh, a loyal citizen of Muhar devoted to Osiris.
19:11 You cannot desert me.
19:13 [MUSIC]
19:26 >> All right, so apparently I gotta take her back.
19:29 That's right, I forgot about this quest.
19:31 So Mr. Tubbs says, remain here while we explore this place which has kept you
19:34 safe from the storm, we'll shelter you until our return.
19:38 Then Mr. Tubbs also says, very well, then come with us,
19:40 we shall return you directly to the village.
19:42 I know when I do that I'm gonna lose a party member, but
19:44 I'm pretty sure I can get Oriantha back.
19:47 So I'm gonna choose the first one first.
19:48 [MUSIC]
19:50 >> I think you cruel to trust fate so.
19:53 Perhaps you believe yourself invincible, but I have no such illusions.
19:57 I shall wait for your return.
19:59 Have I some other choice?
20:02 May the gods keep you safe, if not for your sake, for mine.
20:06 [MUSIC]
20:17 >> Mr. Tubbs says, very well, then come with us,
20:19 we shall return you directly to the village.
20:21 And Abby says, we can take you with us, can you stand to travel?
20:26 I'll do Abby.
20:27 [MUSIC]
20:32 >> With all my strength I might travel as far as the village.
20:37 I cannot go with you into danger.
20:39 Of what use would I be when the fangs of some beast are at your own throat?
20:44 Would you stop to defend me?
20:46 I think not.
20:47 Take me home or leave me to die.
20:52 And may the gods judge you for your choice.
20:54 [MUSIC]
21:04 >> I'll just bring the trap anyway.
21:17 [MUSIC]
21:27 No.
21:40 [MUSIC]
21:47 >> Yeah, very well, then come with us, we shall return you directly to the village.
21:50 >> My thanks to you.
21:53 Now, hurry, I am impatient to rest within my own tent.
21:57 And oh, I suppose you expect me to ask the gods to smile upon you for your charity.
22:02 Very well, I shall remember to do so, never fear.
22:06 [MUSIC]
22:11 >> Sennet still lives, I know it.
22:15 You leave me with my vengeance incomplete.
22:19 Only that monster's permanent destruction can free me from this undead guide.
22:26 Should you come to your senses, seek me out where first we met.
22:31 And pray I do not turn my wrath against you.
22:36 [MUSIC]
22:38 >> Boy, these NPCs sure have an attitude problem.
22:41 [MUSIC]
22:52 [MUSIC]
23:02 >> Never in my heart did I believe you would be true to your word.
23:14 Even as we approached the village, I could not allow myself to trust.
23:19 Yet, you have returned me safely home.
23:24 My thanks are all I can give.
23:27 Fate brought you to me when I needed you most.
23:30 Perhaps it will be kind to you as well.
23:33 All that I have carried with me is yours.
23:37 I leave it here for you.
23:39 Again, please accept my thanks.
23:42 [MUSIC]
23:52 [MUSIC]
24:02 [MUSIC]
24:12 [MUSIC]
24:22 [MUSIC]
24:32 [MUSIC]
24:42 [MUSIC]
24:52 [MUSIC]
25:02 [MUSIC]
25:10 >> Oh, come on, I could have sworn she had a freaking bag with her.
25:12 [MUSIC]
25:14 Hm, I wonder that bag.
25:17 [MUSIC]
25:27 [MUSIC]
25:37 [MUSIC]
25:47 [MUSIC]
25:57 [MUSIC]
26:07 [MUSIC]
26:17 [MUSIC]
26:22 [MUSIC]
26:32 [MUSIC]
26:42 [MUSIC]
26:52 [MUSIC]
27:02 [MUSIC]
27:12 [MUSIC]
27:22 [MUSIC]
27:32 [MUSIC]
27:39 >> You have returned.
27:42 Do you come ready for battle?
27:43 If only I might say the same.
27:50 But causing harm is the only thought I know, the only item I possess.
27:56 Yet it is Senmet who deserves my score, not the likes of you.
28:01 It is battle with him which I seek.
28:04 One day soon my vengeance falls.
28:09 [MUSIC]
28:11 If only I-
28:12 [MUSIC]
28:15 If any chance remains-
28:17 [MUSIC]
28:29 [MUSIC]
28:37 >> I interrupted that because I'm pretty sure that we already got it recorded.
28:41 [MUSIC]
28:51 [MUSIC]
29:01 [MUSIC]
29:11 [MUSIC]
29:21 [MUSIC]
29:31 [MUSIC]
29:41 [MUSIC]
29:51 [MUSIC]
30:01 [MUSIC]
30:11 [MUSIC]
30:21 [MUSIC]
30:31 [MUSIC]
30:41 [MUSIC]
30:51 [MUSIC]
31:01 [MUSIC]
31:11 [MUSIC]
31:21 [MUSIC]
31:31 [MUSIC]
31:41 [MUSIC]
31:51 [MUSIC]
31:55 >> And that's it for this episode.
31:59 Now we can finally do the temple.
32:01 If I remember correctly, that woman is the evil priestess, immortal priestess person in the worship set.
32:09 But we'll find out later.
32:11 Take care everybody.
32:12 Love you, bye.