• 2 years ago
I love this game!

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Retro Gaming - PC DOS - AD&D - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - 2nd Edition - Ravenloft - Stone Prophet - Let's Play
00:00 And a welcome to another episode of Kevin had to start over for like the sixth or seventh time because he accidentally got killed because he was stupid.
00:10 So now we're at the well. I skipped a bunch of things, did the quest that we needed to do. I'm at the well. I'm doing this thing. I'm actually going to the well right now.
00:22 The little girl is not in the well. She is in the temple of the harvest and supposedly I have to do a couple dungeons before I go into the temple of the harvest.
00:32 But this is the screen that appears when you first see the well. The well. It appears cracked. Strange. Perhaps a closer look is in order.
00:42 Alright, so let's see what it has to say.
00:46 [Music]
01:04 Teleportation in Harakir.
01:06 In some legends, it is said that the pharaohs are near to gods and their power. Perhaps this was true of Anktapot. Many stories have come down to us, but few as intriguing as the history of teleportation in Harakir.
01:24 It is said that at the height of his power, Anktapot was gifted with the ability to transport from place to place. In turn, he gave this gift to the nation, establishing a series of teleportation obelisks.
01:40 They linked the vast reaches of the land together. For each obelisk, there existed a key. Both key and obelisk adorned by a common symbol. By placing the key in the hand and activating it, teleportation would occur between the location where the key was used and the obelisk adorned with the matching symbol.
02:00 I love old school RPGs. I really do.
02:06 [Music]
02:28 You know what? I'm going to pause the recording here, run into town, and then run back. Or, uh, I don't know. I still may pick up the troll. Except the troll doesn't gain any levels. Um...
02:45 I might just use my characters, boost them up as quickly as possible. Um... Anyway. Well, no, I mean, if I get my troll, I can also get the undead paladin, the other undead paladin, boost her up, uh, go into set, kill the evil mummy.
03:03 Hmm. Yeah, I think I'll do that. I think I'll get the troll and go through... Well, no, I want to do the well this episode, and then I'll get the troll and, uh, I'll get the paladin and stuff and, uh, I'll finish the whole troll caves and all that.
03:24 Alright, so, um, you know, you could dismiss a character and then go back and get them again. Except I'm not sure if the Wemmik can be picked up after you dismiss him. I don't want to risk it.
03:39 I'm pretty sure he can be. All NPCs should be. It was only one NPC that actually disappears in Ravenloft. Uh, and the paladin, the undead paladin, she disappears when you kill the other mummy.
03:54 So, uh, yeah, I'm going to pause now and jump cut.
03:59 Jump cut. You know what, I'm just going to go ahead and go through this ranger's dialogue, because I didn't really do it correctly last time.
04:09 Mr. Tubbs. Well, met, sir. Should we take you as a friend or foe? I think I selected that one last time. Uh, the other one is, Mr. Tubbs, uh, where are your men? Hiding nearby, perhaps? Oh, I think I'd do both of them anyway. Oh, well.
04:26 You shall be the first to hear when that decision is made. For now, take me as I am, a man. One standing before you in a desert. The few who have heard my name call me Trajan Kett.
04:43 You need not attempt to trick me by your words. Here I stand, alone, with no men to call upon. Yet I have been watching you. Your trail and its signs speak to me.
04:59 They tell me you have been in Harakir for a short time. Still, you display strength and wit, both honed to a fine edge. I might have a use for such as you.
05:15 Abbey, we have no desire to do your bidding, whatever it may be. By what history do you find yourself fit to command us?
05:24 My past, like yours, lies far from the borders of Harakir. What about this land draws creatures and men from their distant homes to populate it? None can say.
05:36 It has been half a lifetime since I knew my true home. The fools in Muhar have no answers. But, with seasoned adventurers at my side, Harakir may yield its secrets. The truth I have found so far dries dust.
05:53 Then you know something of Harakir.
06:09 I know what is important. I watch. For instance, desert trolls have recently established themselves around the burial catacombs. In general, they prove themselves an evil breed. If you are to tangle with them, it would be best to have an experienced ranger at your side.
06:34 Mr. Tubbs, first you try to take command, then you plead to join us. What is your interest in us?
06:42 Interest in you? None. My interest is in myself, and how I might find a way beyond Harakir. If this goal is common to us both, then this conversation may continue.
07:03 Abby, your words sting the flesh like a desert storm. Unctapod himself might join as sweetly an open conversation. Do you know the name? Mr. Tubbs, if you know your way about, can you tell us how Unctapod may be found? I'm going to do Abby first.
07:20 Anyone spending more than a night in this evil place learns the name Unctapod. It is said that long past the priests of Ra rebelled against him. His tyranny brought a curse upon the land. Power in his mad grasping for it may be the cause. Why, Harakir is a great man.
07:40 Damn it! That thing keeps happening! I'm going to speed back to that thing as soon as this is done to get that recorded.
07:50 Continue to speak that name and I shall lose all interest in this conversation. Yes, I know. There is a tomb, marvelous to behold. Carved into cliffs, far to the northwest. Pharaoh's Rest, they call it. I've been there.
08:11 The entrance stands without guard but only a fool would step within. The citizens of Muhar tell of curses, of evils the like of which might strip a man down to his still beating heart. They speak of stone golems ready to crush the offenders as surely as Unctapod crushed Sedmet. I have seen the signs. It is true.
08:37 Alright, let me start this conversation over. If I go too far, I won't be able to get that sound bite.
08:49 You shall. You need. My path. I know. Intruder. Anyone spending more than a night in this evil place learns the name Unctapod. It is said that long past the priests of Ra rebelled against him. His tyranny brought a curse upon the land. Power in his mad grasping for it may be the cause. Why, Harakir is a great man.
09:16 Wow, it keeps canceling. I'm going to try it again.
09:28 You shall. You need. My path. I know. Intruder. Anyone spending more than a night in this evil place learns the name Unctapod. It is said that long past the priests of Ra rebelled against him. His tyranny brought a curse upon the land. Power in his mad grasping for it may be the cause. Why, Harakir itself was drawn away from its world and set here in this timeless realm.
09:56 Alright, got it. Third time's the charm.
10:01 Continue to speak that name and I shall lose all interest in this conversation.
10:06 Yes, I know. There is a tomb, marvelous to behold. Carved into cliffs, far to the northwest. Pharaoh's Rest, they call it. I've been there. The entrance stands without guard, but only a fool would step within.
10:24 The citizens of Muhar tell of curses, of evils the like of which might strip a man down to his still beating heart. They speak of stone golems ready to crush the offenders as surely as Unctapod crushed Sedmet. I have seen the signs. It is true.
10:41 The name Sedmet is another mystery to us. An enemy of Unctapod?
10:52 Hmm.
10:55 If you know naught of Sedmet, then you know naught of Unctapod's touch of death. Whoever Unctapod touches, dies. By this touch they transform. The cursed children of Unctapod lie in mummy's wraps. Sedmet was one such, unique only in myth.
11:13 He conspired with Isu, a priestess of Set. Together they sought to rule. Conspiracies follow tyrants like hungry dogs, do they not? I have seen the undead Isu wandering about the temple of Set. Of Sedmet, he is generally believed destroyed.
11:41 Did it cut out? Let me restart this real quick.
11:46 You, you, my, my, interest, anyone? Continue.
12:00 Hmm.
12:03 If you know naught of Sedmet, then you know naught of Unctapod's touch of death.
12:08 Nope, he finished.
12:11 Mr. Tubbs, what is Isu's part in this?
12:16 She awoke Sedmet from his mummy's sleep, enslaved him by some sorcerous means. I see in your eyes the thought. Should we seek help from Isu, Rekhotep? Do not. She seeks the power of Unctapod, to replace his tyranny with her own. Trust not so foul a woman.
12:36 Okay, uh, there's a...
12:41 Join us and don't join us. Uh, I'm gonna say don't join us, and I'm gonna say, then I'm gonna say join us. And that's how I'll do it.
12:49 Uh, the join us is...
12:53 Your knowledge of Harakir is impressive, but I fear you would prove too headstrong to join with us. Still, I wish you luck in your efforts to escape these dread sounds. You know, I might actually have him to go into the, uh, well, I might do that.
13:10 You shall return, when you do seek me out in this same general area. Should you survive and return, you will have earned even more of my respect. You will also be the wiser and not hesitate to accept my aid.
13:34 You have returned, my friend, and all the wiser for your recent journey, I suppose. Will you admit error? Confess foolishness? It is time I join with you, that together we may set out on a quest proper.
13:55 Oh, I should have read the other option before. Ah, that's alright. Uh, Mr. Tubbs, we confess our mistake in not asking sooner. Join us in the trail, a man of your experience and knowledge will be of use. Oh, wait, I did read that before. I mean, the first one. Yeah.
14:14 At last. It seemed it would be forever before the question came. Now we must waste no more time. From somewhere in the days ahead, our freedom calls to us. That, or death. Let us hurry to see which it is.
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17:32 Just doing some quick mapping and I'm gonna grab the troll, I think, just to make the well a lot easier, quicker.
17:41 [Troll Screaming]
17:52 [Troll Screaming]
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33:19 I read my responses to the trolls.
33:22 So I'm just going to click through.
33:25 And then I'm going to get them.
33:27 And then I'm going to end the episode.
33:29 No hurt eyes.
33:32 What the earth!
33:37 Nagra hate little man.
33:47 Water bad.
33:49 Ankra like you.
33:54 Yes.
33:55 Ankra follow.
33:57 Yes.
33:58 Ankra good.
34:06 Swear not eat little man.
34:09 Ankra stay.
34:11 Till you mash and bury.
34:15 [Music]
34:18 Good enough swearing for me.
34:23 Come along then Ankraag.
34:25 And perhaps we shall expend some of our resources to heal you as well.
34:28 Water damage seems worse than the rest for you.
34:31 You must not be able to regenerate from it.
34:34 Alright.
34:38 And I'm going to do something that I haven't been doing.
34:42 On these restarts.
34:45 I'm going to save again.
34:48 See you redo two.
34:51 Alright.
34:54 Yeah.
34:57 And I think I'm going to rest.
35:00 Let's see here. Rest.
35:02 Ah Christ.
35:05 [Music]
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35:43 I just noticed I did not have my spells memorized.
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37:28 Alright everybody. That's it for this episode.
37:41 I was actually playing for about an hour and a half before I started recording again.
37:47 It's been about two hours of just recouping where I left off where I died.
37:56 So my plan is definitely going to...
38:01 When I fire this thing back up I'm going to go in to the trolls.
38:06 The burial ground. I'm going to get all of the special things.
38:13 I'm going to clear the map again. I'm going to look at my old map.
38:16 I'm going to print it out and I'm going to follow it so I know exactly where to go and what to do.
38:21 I'm going to get the undead paladin.
38:23 Which means I'm going to kick the ranger out.
38:26 And so next time you see me I'll have the undead paladin.
38:30 And that's when we're going to go in to the well.
38:36 We're going to get the head thing so I can speak with the old woman.
38:43 And then she's going to tell me to go and get something to speak to a cat.
38:50 Somehow I'm going to get things done.
38:56 I'm going to get a scroll and I'm going to kill a mummy and I'm going to make the undead paladin very happy.
39:02 And she won't disappear.
39:04 So my plan is complete the troll thing and then I'll start recording again.
39:12 So when you next see the recording you'll see me visiting with the undead paladin.
39:18 And swapping the paladin for, you know, swapping the ranger cleric elf guy we picked up for the paladin.
39:31 I enjoy this game.
39:33 I just, the only thing I don't like about some role playing games is the ability to permanently lose a quest.
39:44 Modern RPGs, I like it when they let you redo quests or at least give you a warning that you've got a timer.
39:54 And you could say, oh well he warned you to hurry to find his wife and the wife said, oh I need you to hurry to find my husband.
40:00 The thing is that could also just be flavor text because I mean look at the little girl.
40:05 She is not a timed quest.
40:07 Hurry go find my little girl.
40:09 You actually have to go through like three dungeons in order to get to the little girl.
40:13 So she's not a timed quest.
40:16 So in these old games you weren't necessarily told when you had a timed quest.
40:21 At least Zork, Return to Zork, when you had a timed quest you were given a chance to redo it.
40:31 But either way, I love this game.
40:35 I love this game series.
40:37 As many times as I've died playing Stone Prophet, it is nowhere near the number of times that I have died playing Menzo, Bear, and Zan.
40:47 Menzo, I may or may not play.
40:52 I never did a full complete on that game anyway.
40:56 Just because it's so friggin' hard.
41:00 Even with maxed out scores.
41:02 I don't know anybody that's beaten that game on naturally rolled scores.
41:07 Just because the difficulty is so insane.
41:14 In fact, I'm not even sure I've ever beaten Menzo, Bear, and Zan.
41:18 I think I wound up stopping when I got lost in one of the mazes.
41:22 It's just nothing but mazes.
41:24 It's more like Dungeon Hack than it is Stone Prophet or Strat's Possession.
41:29 And even Strat's Possession had a couple of messed up maze areas that I dread going into.
41:36 But, you know, each game had it's faults.
41:42 This game doesn't tell you about the timed quest.
41:45 Ravenloft's Strat's Possession didn't tell you about screwing up the werewolf quest.
41:56 Not only that, there's a way to bug the monsters in a way where they have infinite health.
42:02 And you can't ever win, so you can softlock yourself two times over.
42:07 Maybe not totally softlock.
42:10 Softlock is where no matter what your save file, you'll never beat the game.
42:17 Some people call it hardlock, but you can sort of get around it.
42:25 You can hardlock yourself out of that one quest, the werewolf quest.
42:28 You can screw yourself in a way where you'll always have a hellhound chasing you that's invulnerable.
42:34 That one kind of sucks.
42:37 The other part in Strat's Possession that kind of sucks is dealing with vampires that just drain your level.
42:45 Which is exactly how they are in the Monster Manual.
42:49 And I never agreed with that.
42:51 Just them touching you, draining your level is stupid.
42:53 Same thing with wights.
42:55 I never liked the idea of a wight completely draining your level just from hitting you successfully.
43:00 I always thought that was insane.
43:02 Even with negative plane protection, which does sort of protect you, it still sucks.
43:11 So, Strat's Possession, I mean it had some things that sucked in it.
43:16 In the Stone Prophet, it's so easy to just hold down the button and accidentally go into the wall of fire and just get yourself killed.
43:25 That really sucks.
43:27 Screwing up on the time quest, that sucks too.
43:33 In Menzo, Beror, and Zan, it's just everywhere you turn you're getting poisoned.
43:37 You're constantly getting poisoned.
43:39 And yeah, the Temple of Set is going to have a bunch of snakes that will poison you.
43:44 And that blows.
43:46 But it's nowhere near as bad as Menzo.
43:48 You're always getting poisoned or cursed or whatever it is in Menzo.
43:52 And then, just like, everywhere you turn...
43:57 Everywhere you turn in Menzo, there's secret doors and buttons and everything.
44:04 I know the Underdark is supposed to be very similar to that.
44:11 But it turns into a slog. That's why I'm not even sure if I ever beat it.
44:16 I like a lot of it though.
44:18 Like, you get Driss Durden, you know, the black...
44:22 The Dark Elf himself, the skin is obsidian, it's black as obsidian.
44:28 Dual-wielding scimitars, and they're named in the game.
44:31 They did their research.
44:33 It's really cool. I really like it.
44:36 In a lot of ways, but...
44:38 I don't know. I might play it.
44:41 But I know that I will be frustrated in a lot of parts.
44:46 And it may not be as fun as watching, especially Strat's Possession.
44:51 Strat's Possession was a lot of fun to play and watch.
44:55 Anyway, so, I hope all of you have a wonderful day.
44:59 And thanks for listening. If you listened to the end of this video, go ahead and say "Ayo!" in the comments.
45:05 I'll give you a free copy of one of my books if you do that.
45:09 Take care. Love you all. Bye.
