Miastenia grave, a Milano il media tutorial di Argenx

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Diffondere conoscenza e consapevolezza riguardo la miastenia grave, le implicazioni che la malattia neuromuscolare autoimmune rara e cronica comporta per chi ne soffre e le più innovative opzioni terapeutiche. Con questo intento Argenx ha organizzato a Milano il media tutorial “Conoscere e comunicare la miastenia grave” a cui hanno preso parte due esperti, una paziente e la Country manager di Argenx in Italia Silvia Chiroli.


00:00 Myasthenia is a neuromuscular disease, autoimmune, rare and chronic, in which autoantibodies
00:09 attack fundamental anatomical structures, such as the neuromuscular junction, responsible
00:14 for the transfer of the nervous impulse from the nerve to the muscle, determining episodes
00:18 of extreme weakness.
00:20 Although it is one of the most common and still little known rare pathologies, to spread
00:25 knowledge and awareness about this condition, Argenix organized in Milan the Media Tutorial
00:31 "Knowing and Communicating Myasthenia Serious".
00:33 One of the main complexities of the disease is diagnosis.
00:37 "Diagnosing myasthenia quickly is very important, precisely for the intrinsic characteristics
00:45 of the disease itself, there may be risks of death.
00:51 The concept is that this disease is little known and therefore often even doctors do not
00:58 know that it exists and do not think about it.
01:01 So this is the first very important step, to spread knowledge and make the disease
01:11 recognized as soon as possible.
01:13 Following the principles of precision medicine, thanks to the innovation in the field of research,
01:18 it was possible to develop specific therapies capable of blocking the activity of antibodies
01:23 that induce the disease.
01:24 The advent of these new drugs can lead to a reversal of the therapeutic paradigm,
01:31 also leading to the early use of these new drugs and avoid patients
01:38 side effects and comorbidities otherwise present with the use of common drugs
01:45 that are used in these patients.
01:49 Severe and rare autoimmune diseases are diseases that until recently have not had significant
01:54 and targeted therapeutic innovations.
01:56 For this reason, the commitment of research in the development of specific therapeutic
02:01 solutions is fundamental, as Argenix has done.
02:03 Investing in research means for these patients to be able to have targeted treatments
02:10 instead of specific treatments and therefore to be able to improve both clinical symptoms
02:16 and their quality of life.
