Kiev en panique : Moscou s'attaque aux satellites américains en Ukraine

  • last year
Les tensions géopolitiques s'intensifient dans l'espace alors que les satellites utilisés pour soutenir l'Ukraine pourraient devenir des cibles légitimes pour les frappes russes. Le ministère des Affaires étrangères russe a averti que l'aide occidentale à l'Ukraine dépassait l'utilisation pacifique des technologies spatiales, exposant ainsi les infrastructures orbitales à des risques de représailles. Cette déclaration soulève des inquiétudes quant à la sécurité des installations spatiales et met en évidence l'importance de préserver l'espace à des fins pacifiques et scientifiques.
En réponse, la Russie a soumis des projets de résolutions à l'ONU, appelant au refus d'utiliser les infrastructures spatiales civiles à des fins non déclarées. Parallèlement, l'Ukraine cherche une alternative au Starlink d'Elon Musk, qui a fourni des services de communication aux forces armées ukrainiennes, après que Musk ait révélé avoir refusé d'aider une attaque de drones ukrainiens contre la Crimée. La situation reste tendue, mettant en évidence l'importance de l'évaluation des conséquences géopolitiques des développements spatiaux et de la recherche de solutions pour préserver la coopération pacifique dans l'espace.
#Satellites #Ukraine #FrappesRusses #russieukraine #ukrainerussie #russie #arméerusse #ebenemediatv #mgm #TensionsGéopolitiques #TechnologiesSpatiales #InfrastructuresOrbitales #SécuritéSpatiale #RésolutionsONU #Starlink #Alternative #CoopérationPacifique #AideOccidentale #AffairesÉtrangères #RisquesDeReprésailles #PréserverLEspace #RechercheScientifique #AttaqueDeDrones #Crimée #ÉtatsUnis #ForcesArmées
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00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Eben Media TV and also share the video.
00:13 Do not forget to like and leave your point of view in comment.
00:17 Washington continues to reiterate its support for Ukraine despite the dire results of its
00:22 counteroffensive.
00:23 However, Moscow clearly indicated its firm will to achieve its objectives, warning
00:29 that it would attack the satellites and space infrastructure American involved in Ukraine.
00:34 A recent statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia raises concerns
00:38 as to the security of the orbital facilities used to help Ukraine.
00:43 According to Vladimir Ermakov, Director of the Ministry in charge of non-proliferation
00:47 and disarmament control, the satellites Western space used to support the
00:51 Ukrainian forces will become legitimate military targets for Russian strikes.
00:55 Ermakov warned that the United States and their allies do not fully realize that their
01:00 assistance in Ukraine exceeds the peaceful use of space technologies.
01:04 According to him, these activities are actually indirect participation in armed conflicts.
01:10 He stressed that Western space infrastructure, although related to
01:15 quasi-civil installations, could logically become targets of retaliation.
01:19 It is important to mention that the financing of commercial satellite imagery services
01:24 was included in a program of US military assistance to Ukraine worth
01:29 $ 1.2 billion.
01:31 These satellite images would have been used by Kiev to launch missile attacks on the
01:35 Russian city of Sebastopol, in Crimea, last month.
01:38 Russia's warning raises questions about the risks incurred by space activities
01:44 and socio-economic processes on Earth.
01:46 Ermakov insists on the need to preserve space for peaceful purposes and scientific research.
01:52 In this light, Russia has submitted resolution projects on space technology
01:58 and the promotion of peace to the First Commission of the United Nations General Assembly.
02:02 The reaction to this statement was not expected on the Ukrainian side.
02:07 Kiev is already looking for an alternative to Elon Musk's Starlink, which has provided
02:11 communications services to Ukrainian armed forces throughout the conflict with Russia.
02:16 According to sources, Elon Musk had recently revealed that he had countered an attack
02:20 by Ukrainian drones against Crimea last year by refusing the use of Starlink to
02:25 guide the drones.
02:26 A Ukrainian commander has stated that the United States and Ukraine were working on
02:30 several satellite communications projects, but the details of these initiatives are
02:34 kept secret from the State.
02:36 The tension in space continues as geopolitical issues extend beyond
02:41 Earth.
02:42 Space satellites, formerly considered as tools for technological progress and
02:46 global communication, are becoming key elements of modern armed conflicts.
