• 2 years ago
The Blind Movie Podcast Ep 1
00:00 This is Miss Kay. The Robertson family is telling it all in our new movie, The Blind.
00:07 It's in theaters September the 28th. This is The Blind Movie podcast. Here's episode one.
00:15 [Music]
00:23 >> Hey, friends, thanks so much for listening to this podcast. I'm Sadie. I'm Willie's daughter,
00:28 and I'm so excited and maybe a little nervous to get to interview my whole Robertson family.
00:33 I know y'all are so excited to hear from everybody. And we're going to talk about The Blind,
00:37 and we actually all got to see it together last night. So to just kick start this podcast,
00:43 let's just rapid fire everyone to share your first thoughts of the movie.
00:48 You don't have to go into great detail. Just want to hear from everybody.
00:51 What was your initial reaction? Pitbull Phil, you got to kick us off.
00:54 >> Everybody is worth being saved. Sometimes they get to thinking, I'm so sorry and low down.
01:01 I'm not even worthy to be saved. God wants everybody to understand through the Apostle Paul's writing,
01:07 my life, don't ever give up on yourself. Give your life to God. You'll be surprised that you are worth saving
01:16 or he wouldn't have sent Jesus to die for us. >> Amen. That's so good.
01:20 You definitely see that throughout the whole movie. And it's so hopeful.
01:24 >> I must have thought he was worth saving, right? >> That's right. >> By waiting. >> That's right.
01:28 >> Thank you. >> You can write it down later. >> Thank you. >> That's right.
01:32 >> Thank you. Write it down later. Make a note of that, Kay. >> Note it. >> Note it.
01:38 >> So there were a lot of tears in the movie, but some of these tears we didn't see were Uncle Si,
01:43 because you showed up looking pretty spiffy last night. We had some bling bling, some sunglasses on.
01:48 So you had a little bit of a poker face on, but what were your thoughts of the movie last night?
01:52 >> It was powerful. >> Yeah. >> Okay. When people first asked me about it,
01:57 I said, well, I kind of choked up and I said, look, that's my brother you're talking about.
02:03 I said, how would you like to show the world in living color everything you've done wrong?
02:12 It was embarrassing. >> But we've all been there. That's why I tell you, hey, you're not by yourself.
02:18 >> Yeah. >> Okay. Because when you was beating the ground and screaming in the movie,
02:25 I remember exactly when that happened to me. I had got to my lowest point in life.
02:32 And just what do you do? Who do you turn to? Well, you turn to Jesus.
02:42 And by the grace of God, okay, he fixes everything.
02:48 >> There's a scene in the movie where the three of y'all are on a date because Uncle Si was the third wheel.
02:53 And here we are, how many years later? And we got Uncle Si right beside the two of you.
02:57 And so it's just sweet to see y'all's bond throughout all these years. >> Actually introduces me now as his sister.
03:06 Not his sister-in-law. Don't you? >> Yeah, she is my sister. >> That's true. I love it.
03:11 >> Okay. At the age of 14. >> That's so sweet. Y'all's bond is so sweet.
03:15 But I just think it really is so cool that it stayed through all these years.
03:19 And here y'all are still preaching the same message, Jesus Christ. So that's super powerful.
03:24 >> Look, I've been with them in the beginning. Phil come in one Friday and said, "Hey, I got a date tonight."
03:30 And the first word out of Mama's mouth was, "Hey, you're taking Si with you."
03:35 >> So it was your mama. >> So, "Hey, how would you like first date? Hey, fifth wheel."
03:44 >> Okay, now let's kick it to the kids for a second. And don't worry, I'm coming to you, the star of the show, in a minute.
03:49 But what was it like for y'all to watch that played out? Because some of y'all remember that time.
03:55 And some of you, Dad, you were really little in the movie. Jet wasn't quite there yet.
03:58 Phyllis, it was a completely different story, which we'll get to that later.
04:02 But what was that like? Just initial reaction, seeing it on the big screen last night.
04:06 Were there tears from y'all just a little bit? >> I think there was definitely some kind of pathogen in the room
04:12 because it just kept watering my eyes the entire time.
04:16 Yeah, living it, Sadie, was so many of those scenes I remember so well.
04:22 We were running out of the house in the rain to get in that Volkswagen.
04:27 When you remember that, that's an imprinting on your life.
04:31 And so, obviously, those scenes were powerful to me.
04:33 But do you know, as a little things for me, the church setting us up in a place to live.
04:38 I've spent most of my life in ministry. And to know that they were there to give us an opportunity, not be insurance.
04:45 So we were little kids. I mean, the three of us were little.
04:48 And you're unsure. You're homeless all of a sudden.
04:51 And so the idea of finding security someplace, that's what touched me, I think, watching the film.
04:56 It just teared me up. >> That's cool.
04:59 >> Yeah, I was the same way. I guess it's hard to, you know, you have these moments when you're a kid.
05:06 And they were difficult. But you tuck them away. You deal with it.
05:12 You get through it thinking you'll never have to deal with that again.
05:18 So it was a little rough to watch some of those memories.
05:23 Because, you know, from a kid's perspective, Al and I were pretty much, you know, it was a scary time in our lives.
05:30 >> We were in survival mode. >> Yeah.
05:32 >> Yeah, we were.
05:34 Yeah, there was a couple scenes that brought back, you know, scary memories or whatever.
05:40 But the most unrealistic thing in the movie, I thought, was, and most people probably didn't notice this,
05:47 but Al and I were running around in the yard. And it looked like we were equal speed.
05:56 No.
05:58 >> I mean, it was like a rabbit and a turtle.
06:02 >> I thought the same thing, Jace, except that me beating the crap out of you.
06:08 I was like, if it had been real, it would have been me doing something terrible to you.
06:13 So it was like we were just frolicking, which I thought was just, I thought was far too, like, peaceful.
06:19 >> That's where I was going with this, is the only true weapon I had at that age was my speed.
06:25 I ran from my dad. I ran from Al. I just ran.
06:30 >> A lot of running. He was a running man.
06:34 >> I will say I appreciate my parents willing to go along with this and being that vulnerable, because it really wasn't about me.
06:44 And we had some good memories, too. It was just, you know, you knew there was something wrong here.
06:49 And we just we needed some help.
06:53 >> I did want to say that having the Christmas Eve and Christmas morning scene was very powerful to me because,
07:01 and the film doesn't have a chance to depict this fully, but Christmas was the only time dad was sort of around more than he was, even in the worst times.
07:10 And so having that depicted and him taking us hunting, that was really touching to me because Christmas was very special.
07:17 And dad was always with us. A lot of times he wouldn't even go hunting, you know, to be there with us.
07:22 And so that that touched me a lot. >> I agree. >> Christmas mornings were big.
07:26 >> I thought the same thing. I always remember, you know, being around in Christmas and I remember the first time, you know, he took us duck hunting.
07:33 Which I was like, well, something's different. You know, it was just it was really a profound moment.
07:39 >> That's awesome. Well, it's cool that you said that about, you know, the most unrealistic thing and the most real thing,
07:44 because when we watched it for the first time, we watched a rough cut at the house of my mom and dad.
07:49 And we were like, was that real? Was that real? You know, and I was so surprised to learn so many of the things that were real.
07:54 And most of our questions about was that real were some of the sweet moments, like when you had your flute or the whistle or whatever it was.
08:03 We were like, is that really how it happened? Yeah. And so I didn't even know that.
08:08 So that was really cool to see some of those things that, you know, we've heard some of the harder stories we've heard.
08:13 But seeing those sweet little moments was really, really cool.
08:16 That little whistle scene comes from one time I was somewhere I don't forgot.
08:23 And a little kid walked by tooting on a little toy horse.
08:28 Because you're a kid. Don't give away the movie. Don't give away the movie. We're teasing.
08:33 Yeah. Yeah. But I looked over there and I said, that sound, we bring it out in the movie.
08:38 They brought it out in the movie. I said, that little horn sounds like a pintail.
08:44 And I named a duck. I said, it sound like a duck. So I went over and looked at it and took it away from them and look.
08:51 So I made took that little thing and looked around on it and fooled with it and made some changes in it.
08:58 But I came up with the first whistle duck call that I had.
09:03 And it sounded like a widgeon, a teal and a pintail, little bitty whistle.
09:10 And we moved, sold millions of those.
09:15 Wow.
09:16 Just because I heard that little kid walk by and he was toot, peep, peep, peep, peep.
09:22 That little kid. That little kid was naming jokes.
09:27 It gave me an idea.
09:29 It's all a fog. It's all a fog.
09:32 That was so cool because I did not know that that's how it started.
09:36 And then, you know, you see the end whenever they roll out some of the things that have happened since then.
09:41 And I don't want to give everything away, but I think it's pretty obvious that we're doing this.
09:45 You know, obviously, Duck Dynasty happened and a lot of duck calls were sold.
09:48 And it says seven million duck calls have been sold. And you just saw this little scene with the whistle.
09:54 So that was really cool.
09:56 I just happened to hear a little kid tapping on a little toy.
10:01 Nobody ever saw Pintail but me and old Jace back there, you know, because Jace was the one that hunted with me the most.
10:09 But we all had duck hunts, you know.
10:12 Yeah.
10:13 And duck calls became, you know, part of duck hunting.
10:15 So that kept us busy.
10:18 You know, that's the livelihood we chose.
10:20 Jep, was anything in the movie that surprised you?
10:23 You know, I know you weren't quite born yet and you've heard a lot of the stories, but watching it, was there anything that kind of took you back?
10:30 Dad smoking? I didn't know he smoked.
10:34 Did you smoke?
10:35 Did you smoke?
10:36 That was a little bit of, they stressed it a little bit.
10:39 I've never smoked a legitimate cigarette.
10:47 He smoked.
10:49 There was smoking going on.
10:57 You couldn't get what I was smoking in it.
10:59 It was not a regulation cigarette.
11:02 I claim that whatever you're smoking must really change a person's behavior.
11:09 That's all I'm going to say about that.
11:11 It's called skunk weed.
11:14 Okay.
11:19 I will say something about that.
11:25 When we were up in the summers, you know, Tech got us a job and we went to Lincoln, Nebraska for him to work in the pipeline to just help us out for the year.
11:35 You know, the Louisiana Tech, since he played football, they didn't want him working during the year.
11:40 So they would help us get a job in the summer.
11:43 And I remember when we were in Lincoln, Nebraska and he come in and I kept saying, outside the door, I said, "What is that funny smell? There's the funny smell. What is that?"
11:55 And Phil said, "That's them two old people. I smelled it when I came in."
11:59 And I was the one that she was smelling.
12:02 I know.
12:03 And I said, "I think that smells like them marijuana cigarettes or whatever that is."
12:10 And Phil said, "Them old people, they were doing it."
12:13 I'm telling you, I saw a liar.
12:18 He was doing it.
12:20 And blame it now on two 80-year-old people.
12:23 That was terrible.
12:24 That scene did not make the movie.
12:26 So that's a bonus for everyone listening.
12:28 When you're not following Jesus, you lie a lot.
12:32 That's a good bonus feature for everybody.
12:36 It just came to my mind.
12:37 Those poor two old people, they got blamed for that.
12:41 Phil Robertson here.
12:46 You're listening to the Blind Movie Podcast.
12:49 And I want you to come out and see "The Blind" in theaters starting September 28.
12:56 When you see it, you'll know that redemption isn't out of reach for anyone.
13:01 Get your tickets today at theblindmovie.com.
13:08 [Music]
13:13 So Phil, as I mentioned, your story is a lot different.
13:17 And I think that it was so cool last night seeing you sit beside Pebble Hill
13:20 because it shows that beautiful things can come out of really hard times too.
13:24 And you're such a redemption to a hard time sitting there with your kids and your grandkids.
13:30 And it was just really, really sweet to have you there and have you here
13:34 because you are a sister and you're a family.
13:37 And so what was it like for you to watch?
13:39 I know you texted me this morning and said we were talking last night.
13:43 What can I ask you?
13:44 What do you want to share?
13:46 And you said, ask me where I was during that time.
13:48 And so where were you during that time?
13:50 So when the movie opens, it says 1985.
13:53 And I immediately was like, where was I in 1985?
13:56 I was 10 and living in a camper, actually, interestingly enough.
14:03 And I had no idea that I had a Christian dad.
14:06 And he had no idea.
14:08 And Miss Kay, they had no idea.
14:09 They had a 10-year-old daughter 45 minutes away.
14:13 That's where I was.
14:14 So close.
14:15 Wow.
14:16 Wow.
14:17 That's wild.
14:18 Well, I prayed for a daughter, even though she's a day late.
14:22 But you know what?
14:23 We got her.
14:24 God's on time, right?
14:25 I couldn't--
14:26 Hey, Mom, you had Jeb.
14:28 Well, I tried to make a girl out of him, but it didn't work.
14:32 We're glad that that didn't work.
14:34 Well, he was sweet.
14:35 He was sweet, boys, that are back in the back behind me.
14:40 Thank you.
14:41 He always hugs me, even now.
14:43 I will say, me watching the movie,
14:45 it's a weird perspective because I thought,
14:48 I am really lucky to be alive.
14:51 I feel like I'm like a true--
14:54 like God's grace is me.
14:57 I am like--
14:59 I shouldn't be here.
15:00 That's what I am.
15:01 That's true.
15:02 And honestly, I kind of felt that way, too,
15:04 watching the movie because it was just wild to see,
15:07 if your life hadn't changed, y'all's life
15:09 didn't change as a family, you probably
15:11 wouldn't have met Mom.
15:13 So many things wouldn't have happened.
15:15 And that was really cool, sitting there
15:17 in a room full of generations.
15:18 I mean, Mama K, I asked you that after the movie.
15:22 You were emotional and just sharing how impactful that was,
15:25 how that was a really hard 10 years,
15:26 but it was all worth it to sit here.
15:28 And you're sitting in that room with your kids,
15:31 your grandkids, I'm holding your great grandkid,
15:34 and just the generations that love Jesus.
15:37 There are some really powerful moments
15:39 that Miss K had in the movie, but all
15:41 of the really powerful moments that stood out to me
15:43 were ones I've already heard you say.
15:46 It was, my grandma told me that there's
15:48 going to be a time you're going to have
15:50 to fight for your marriage.
15:51 I've heard you say that since I was little.
15:53 I try to say it all the time.
15:55 And now I'm married.
15:56 I think people fight for their marriage like they should.
15:59 Yeah, and you showed an example of what that looks like.
16:02 I wanted to ask, there's some audience members today.
16:04 We have all the wives and husbands and Aunt Anne here.
16:09 And I just want to ask the women,
16:11 you all have heard Mama K say that forever.
16:14 You all have been married for a long time.
16:16 All of you guys has that word that she said
16:19 and that example saved you all and you all's marriage at times.
16:23 I guess Al and I have been married the longest,
16:26 39 years this year.
16:29 And we had the hard times in our marriage too.
16:33 And the one person in this family who came to nurture me
16:39 and to help me through that hard time
16:42 and to show me what a wife was and to show me what a mom was,
16:46 was Miss K. She taught me how to cook.
16:49 She taught me everything.
16:51 And so sure, I mean, to fight for your marriage,
16:55 I know what that means.
16:57 And she lived it out in front of me.
16:59 That's awesome. That's so good.
17:01 We've been married for 31 years. Is that right, babe?
17:04 I get it wrong all the time. I know, I'm bad. I'm bad about it.
17:07 But we've been married for a long time.
17:09 So I don't think anybody who's been married for that long
17:12 has not experienced times when you have to fight for your marriage.
17:15 And hearing that from K from early on,
17:18 and just seeing her example of that.
17:21 And I always say what happened in that moment is so powerful
17:25 because Phil truly repented and K truly forgave him.
17:29 And that's what it takes in a marriage.
17:32 It takes that over and over again within a relationship,
17:35 times of repentance and times of forgiveness for a marriage to last.
17:39 And you just see that so beautifully displayed in their life.
17:42 And it impacted us for sure in our marriage.
17:45 Well, I am grateful too that the redemptive story that Phil had
17:50 because I'm married to the baby of the family.
17:53 And he's also, man, we've been married 22 years.
17:56 And I am obviously, K and I are really close.
18:00 She's one of my closest friends.
18:02 And definitely those words struck hard throughout.
18:06 I feel like we say the first year is hard,
18:08 but I was like the first seven years was hard is what I said.
18:11 But always it always came back to I know how much Jeff loves God
18:16 and puts and follows Jesus and the same for me.
18:20 And so, you know, if you're always looking to him, it's going to be OK.
18:24 It's going to work out.
18:25 And definitely you have to have grace and forgiveness always.
18:28 The most powerful moment to me in the movie was when Phil was baptized.
18:33 And I know you say, oh, well, because that's the pinnacle of the movie.
18:36 The way the movie set that up was so realistic because that had to happen
18:42 in the way that it happened for it to be real and not just symbolic of something.
18:49 It was real.
18:50 And that dead man is not coming back again.
18:53 And he left him in the river that day.
18:56 That is why everyone is sitting right here,
18:59 not just for the fact that we're all alive and are married to each other
19:03 and have communication and relationship,
19:05 but because that we are actually here because of Jesus Christ.
19:09 And the legacy that Phil started on that day when he left that old man in the river.
19:15 That is why we're all here.
19:16 That is why we're teaching our children about Jesus.
19:19 He started that legacy.
19:20 And it's it's an honor to be a part of that.
19:24 Right. I had told Phil I'd come in from on leave and I had told him he was telling me about his buddies.
19:32 They all showed up and said, hey, let's go get drunk.
19:36 And his most powerful statement he's ever made was when he told Al Bolan and him,
19:42 he said, hey, the man you're looking for is dead and buried.
19:48 I buried him and he's gone.
19:52 And Missy just said it.
19:55 That's when his life changed.
19:59 OK, can he own what he done?
20:02 Yeah, because here's a man that all he thought about his whole life is God's creation.
20:08 That's where he's lived.
20:10 That's where he went to every time he was in trouble.
20:13 That's where he went to.
20:15 That's the most powerful thing about it.
20:17 He didn't know the creator.
20:20 But he he loves what was created.
20:24 You know, and then guess what?
20:26 Bam. Then he meets the creator and it changes his entire life and changes all of us.
20:34 Yeah. With it.
20:36 OK, that's the powerful part about it.
20:39 It's good. Is this man has changed a whole bunch of people.
20:44 Yeah. Because of Jesus Christ.
20:46 Well, that was really cool.
20:47 Just sitting there even in the theater thinking how one man's life,
20:51 one man's repentance and change through Jesus Christ can affect so many people.
20:55 And I'm not even talking about the millions that this movie will affect.
20:58 But I was just thinking about the room, like the family.
21:01 And that was so powerful. And I love how, Missy, you said it wasn't just a symbolic moment.
21:05 That was a true I'm buried and I'm raising again to a new person.
21:09 A new creation.
21:10 And you felt that in that moment where Bill Smith was talking to you and he said,
21:14 you know, you said, what do I have to do?
21:16 And he said, you have to die. And you said, I'm ready.
21:18 And it was like you felt that I'm truly ready to die, but not die.
21:23 Like I'm ready to die to this old self and become a new person.
21:27 One of those guys that was in the little group that pursued me after I was converted.
21:34 I hid. I got out on the river and I got away from everybody.
21:40 So I needed it. So he's right.
21:45 So fishing, hunting started making started making a living at it.
21:50 But a strange thing after that meeting where I said, I'm not going with you boys anywhere.
21:57 I said, I'm not going to ride around with you. I'm done with all of you.
22:02 The Phil Robertson you're looking for, he gone. This is a new one.
22:06 He died, you know, was buried. So he's gone.
22:09 And they all start looking at each other like, you know, he's nuts.
22:12 It scared him.
22:13 Well, 12 years later, after that, let's go get drunk. No, I'm not going with y'all anywhere.
22:20 Twelve years later, the phone rang and Big Al, who was in the movie,
22:26 told me that a doctor had just informed him that he had an aneurysm near his heart,
22:33 a balloon artery that could explode at any moment.
22:38 I said, I'll be up in a little bit. I hung the phone up.
22:41 I told Miss Kay, I said, Big Al's ready.
22:45 So I drove 80 miles to Arkansas.
22:49 We went. He said, tell me the whole story.
22:52 What happened to you? Because I could die at any moment.
22:57 I shared Jesus with him. I baptized him.
23:01 And about three or four months later, he fell dead.
23:06 And they asked me to come do his funeral.
23:10 And I said, well, I've never done a funeral. I don't even have a suit.
23:14 Most of these funeral people dressed up kind of sleepy like.
23:19 I said, I don't have this stuff. And they said, he said, if he died, he wanted you.
23:26 Wow.
23:27 Hey, Jack, this is Uncle Si.
23:36 Y'all are listening to the Blind Movie Podcast.
23:39 Watch The Blind Movie in theaters starting September 28th.
23:44 Remember, if God can save my brother Phil, there's hope for all of us.
23:49 Get your tickets today at theblindmovie.com.
23:53 Well, I think it's wild to think about just who's going to be walking into the movie theater.
24:03 You know, you think about a church.
24:06 So many of y'all preach, all of y'all preached at a church, taught at a church.
24:10 And you think about who's walking into this room.
24:12 You know, someone's walking into this room with a marriage that's broken.
24:15 Someone's walking into this room who's thinking about suicide.
24:18 Someone's walking in this room who's thinking about, you know,
24:21 they don't think that their life can turn. They don't think their life can change.
24:24 They're just got news from a doctor.
24:26 The guy was a self. He would tell you quick that he was an atheist.
24:31 Yeah, you're an atheist.
24:32 He was an atheist up to the last two or three months of his life.
24:36 Yeah.
24:37 Changed his mind.
24:38 God saved me.
24:45 Yeah.
24:46 God didn't cut it thin.
24:49 But it shows you he never gives up on someone.
24:56 That's right.
24:57 Yep.
24:58 And he didn't either.
24:59 Yeah, and so many of those people just like him are going to walk into that theater
25:03 and they're going to hear the truth of the gospel.
25:05 I wasn't watching him too close.
25:07 He was an atheist who got drunk a lot.
25:10 But everybody needs to realize the world is there.
25:16 They're watching us, whether we watch them or not.
25:20 They're watching us.
25:22 That's why you never rule it out.
25:25 They'll turn.
25:26 Some of them cut it thin.
25:28 That's right.
25:29 Dad, you said at a church service that I just heard you speak at, you said,
25:34 you know, watching the movie, it was so close to going one way or the other.
25:38 Like, it was either going to have this redemption story or it was just going to go downhill.
25:42 And you just mentioned for some people, you know, they do turn right then, right there,
25:47 and their lives change.
25:48 And then some people, they don't.
25:50 And then their life goes a different way.
25:51 For people listening to this podcast, and people are going to walk into this movie,
25:54 they're at that pivotal moment in their life.
25:56 It's going to go one way or the other.
25:58 People are listening to this podcast, and they're at that pivotal moment in their life.
26:01 Can you just speak to the person for a minute who feels like their life can't change,
26:06 who just feels stuck in that on their knees moment, hitting the ground moment?
26:11 Phil's story reminds me of why I try not to give up on anyone,
26:16 because you never know, you know, what God could have in store.
26:19 I don't think you could have ever spotted, you know, you've got a couple in Junction City, Arkansas.
26:25 There's no money.
26:26 There's no--we don't know the right people.
26:29 You know, it just looked like there's no way something great could come out of this situation.
26:34 And you fast forward, you know, almost 50 years,
26:40 and then look at the dramatic, you know, things that God can use people.
26:45 And so that's why you just never know, you know.
26:47 Somebody could look so far out there, and you think, "That person's never going to turn around.
26:52 They're never going to amount to anything."
26:53 And so I think that's a reminder of that.
26:55 I think this family is all together, I mean, mostly because of Kay, honestly.
27:00 I mean, because Kay did--not just that she took Phil back, because she had every reason--
27:06 I mean, I think during the movie you're like, "Why did--why would you stay?"
27:09 You know, I think even Si says that in the movie, which is like, "You don't deserve this."
27:13 And so the fact that she did that--because I think Phil could have become a new man.
27:19 God could have worked in powerful ways, but we wouldn't all be probably sitting here in this--
27:25 there would be no Duck Commander.
27:27 There would be not--not as we know that, which if there was no Duck Commander,
27:30 there'd be no Duck Dynasty.
27:32 If there was no Duck Dynasty, there wouldn't be a podcast.
27:35 So in fact, everywhere we speak or everywhere we touch through a podcast,
27:39 through a movie, through television, everything goes back to the faith
27:45 and to people changing their lives, every part of that.
27:48 So it just keeps yielding.
27:49 Every new person that hears--if there's a person here that's hearing this,
27:53 you can go back to the reason why.
27:55 Also, when I watched the movie, what struck me was I was thinking about
27:59 how beautiful are the feet of the people who bring the good news.
28:01 And it was another two people.
28:03 It wasn't just these two people, but it was Aunt Jan and Bill Smith,
28:08 who took--because Kay couldn't do it at the time.
28:10 No one could--no one could get the gospel exactly what needed to be said.
28:15 And it was--and they looked so awkward in the movie,
28:18 especially in those environments.
28:20 And I think we're thinking, "Oh, we don't want to look awkward.
28:22 We want to kind of blend in with the world." But they didn't.
28:24 They went into those environments.
28:26 They looked awkward.
28:27 They were laughed at.
28:28 And the gospel came through.
28:30 So I think we can find ourselves somewhere in that movie.
28:33 You can find yourself and, you know, are you the person who needs to go somewhere
28:38 to talk to someone like Bill?
28:39 Are you the person who cares about a family person who does not give up on them?
28:43 Are you a person like Kay who needs to forgive someone to realize the greater purpose of this?
28:49 Are you someone like his children who really didn't deserve this,
28:53 and we have to get over it and say, "Despite that, we're going to make great things happen because of God"?
28:58 Or are you someone like Phil who's just gotten so far away from God
29:03 that you literally just need to repent, change, turn around, get away from people,
29:08 move, whatever it takes to pull yourself out?
29:12 So wherever you find yourself in that movie and in that family,
29:16 which is why "Duck Blind" resonated because I think a lot of people found something of themselves in the TV shows.
29:22 Like, "Oh, I have an uncle like that," or "My parents are children."
29:25 Somebody you know.
29:26 I mean, everybody knows somebody.
29:28 Exactly.
29:29 So you can find yourself in there, and I think you realize if God can do this with these people,
29:35 then God can do that in anyone's life.
29:37 That's good.
29:38 Obviously, you know the movie centered around the duck blind, but beyond that, the double meaning,
29:43 you were blind, but now you can see.
29:46 And for all of us, we've had that story with Jesus.
29:48 We've all been blinded by the world, and now we can see through Jesus Christ.
29:52 And there is truly hope for every single person listening, every single person watching the movie,
29:57 every single person who is in whatever situation that you're in in your life right now.
30:02 And I'm so excited for people to see this movie for so many reasons.
30:06 I think people are going to love it.
30:08 If they're fans of Duck Dynasty, you're going to see a dinner table scene.
30:12 You're going to laugh with Uncle Si as a kid who's still saying, "Hey, Jack," at, what, seven years old.
30:18 You're going to laugh, but you're also probably going to cry.
30:21 And if you have a friend that's going through a hard time, if you're going through a hard time,
30:25 I would walk in that theater with a heart open, with eyes open, with ears open,
30:29 ready to receive Jesus for yourself.
30:32 Because if you're going through a hard time, there is hope in Jesus Christ.
30:36 And that is the message of this movie. I love how Si said last night,
30:39 "The true story of the Robertson family is the story."
30:43 God's stories, yeah.
30:44 Yes, and I want you to share a little bit of that, because people are about to walk into a theater
30:48 and see the Robertson family story.
30:50 But mention what you mentioned in the prayer last night, and then if you'd pray over us,
30:53 that what is the true story of the Robertson family?
30:56 The true story of the Robertson family is that, okay, it all goes back to God.
31:02 Yeah.
31:03 The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, okay, their story.
31:08 Okay, God the Father loved us so much that He would send His Son, okay?
31:16 His Son, in obedience to the Father, loved us so much,
31:20 He willingly died on a cross for what I did wrong.
31:24 I had gave up on Him.
31:27 Our whole family had.
31:29 Janice Robertson, my sister, younger sister,
31:33 she saw something in Him that none of the rest of us saw.
31:37 She said, "If only someone will share Jesus with Him,
31:40 that man will bring more people to Christ than you will ever believe."
31:44 She told that in Phil's bar one night too.
31:48 To all the people, like, I'm like, "Jen, they're drunk out there."
31:50 And like Bill Smith.
31:51 Bill Smith was another, you know, I call them special people, okay?
31:58 Because without them, he wouldn't have been, he wouldn't have come,
32:01 he wouldn't have came to Jesus.
32:04 Bill Smith was the only one that would have been able to reach Him.
32:09 I'm glad he did.
32:11 No, no, I'm serious, because when he told you, he said,
32:14 "I don't know what to do.
32:17 I'm at the point I've fallen so far and way,
32:21 I don't know what to do."
32:23 And Bill said, "Hey, you got to die."
32:27 Yeah, that was the most powerful part of the movie, okay?
32:31 So it's God's story.
32:33 I think you all bring up such a good point with Jan and Pastor Smith,
32:37 because so many people are also that person in this story who are listening.
32:41 And that might be, in this case scenario, you have a friend,
32:44 and you're thinking, you know, how are we going to reach him?
32:46 And you might be buying a movie ticket.
32:48 You know, that might be, there's a moment at the end of the movie
32:50 where Pebblefield lays out the gospel, lays out what really happened to him.
32:54 And so this might be an opportunity for people like Jan,
32:58 you know, the Jans of the world, the pastors of the world,
33:01 that, you know, they might not be able to get someone into church,
33:03 but you can get someone to go to the movie with you.
33:05 So last night, we got to see some of the hard parts of y'all's life,
33:09 but now we get to see a lot of the sweet parts of y'all's life.
33:12 So Pebblefield, are there any words that you want to say to Miss Kay,
33:15 now looking at your beautiful wife years later?
33:17 You better say something sweet.
33:19 Yeah. Yeah.
33:21 Well, she's got a little sore leg.
33:28 And I noticed her memory is like mine, not as sharp as it was.
33:35 So the good news is we're still alive.
33:39 We're still alive. We're still going.
33:42 And we have the greatest thing ever waiting on us.
33:45 We'll fall asleep in one thousand one.
33:48 We open our eyes and glorification has taken place.
33:52 The promise has been made and we'll live forever.
33:56 Quite the story. Quite the story.
33:59 I believe it. I love it.
34:01 You wanted a kiss and you got a sermon. Hey, I'll take it.
34:06 What about you, my Kay?
34:08 Well, what I want to say and push today is this.
34:11 Like I said in that swing for my whole childhood with my grandma
34:16 and she was always teaching me, always teaching me, always.
34:20 And that's when she said, you're going to have to fight for your marriage.
34:23 And I said, why would I do that?
34:26 Because I'm going to pick out the perfect man.
34:28 We're going to live happily ever. And she said, that's just in a book.
34:31 That's not real. That's not real.
34:34 You're going to have problems.
34:35 And she's the one that said, you're going to have to fight for your marriage.
34:38 And I said, who am I going to have to fight for?
34:41 And then she talked to me about good and evil, about how the Satan is,
34:45 wants to destroy all marriages, which he does and all lives and all people.
34:50 And yet God is over here saying, no, no, I will save you.
34:55 But see, you have the choice between the good and the evil.
34:59 And I mean, I never dreamed even through the bad.
35:03 I was like, but let's see. She said, fight for your marriage.
35:06 So I got to do that.
35:08 And I remember one night when I just couldn't say anymore.
35:12 And he was being mean with his words, you know,
35:15 and Jason jumped on his back off the couch and said, stop being mean to my mommy.
35:21 Stop being mean to my mommy. Okay.
35:24 And, and, and Willie ran through like this.
35:27 And he was trying to make a light moment out of the worst moment.
35:36 Like, look at me.
35:39 You know, I'm funny now.
35:42 I know. And I mean, I just think, you know,
35:45 different kids do different things and they're trying to help.
35:49 They're really trying to help.
35:51 But see, there was Mr. Funny, your dad.
35:55 And there was Mr. Serious, Uncle Jase.
36:00 And he was trying, you know, and I thought, you know, these kids, they might,
36:05 but it will always be better.
36:07 Like my grandma said, if you fight for that marriage.
36:10 And that's why I never, never wanted to give up.
36:13 Now. Yeah, he kicked us out. That was true.
36:16 And we gotten nothing in the Volkswagen.
36:18 Willie was trying to haul stuff in there. Everybody was.
36:21 But there wasn't anything that would fit on a rainy night in a white Volkswagen,
36:27 a beige Volkswagen. And that's what we were doing.
36:29 With a hole in the floorboard.
36:31 Thank you for mentioning that.
36:32 Thank you. That's safe.
36:34 Well, you're the one that was throwing out the toys in the bottom of the car.
36:38 I want to ask too, just in seeing the movie and everything,
36:41 what did y'all think about the actors who played y'all?
36:44 Did, did you see yourself in them?
36:46 Because I thought Miss Kay, especially high school Miss Kay,
36:48 looked just like you. It was crazy.
36:50 She did. It was like looking at myself on the screen.
36:53 That really was.
36:54 Dad, you got played by John Shepard, your grandson.
36:58 That was really neat. Yeah.
37:00 Seeing my grandson play me at that age.
37:04 And there was, I think, two different lines where he said,
37:09 I'm T.T. man and I'm T.T. boy.
37:11 I think that's what he said at the dinner table.
37:13 He did. Our Rose started buzzing out laughing because you just hear him in the back go,
37:18 T.T. boy. T.T. boy. And I remember saying that at that age at the dinner table.
37:22 He knew about your bedwetting problem. Is that what he said?
37:24 Yeah, I guess so. Yeah, that was a.
37:26 Man, that was quite the insight.
37:28 That's the blind too.
37:30 Willie wets the bed over and over.
37:33 I was blind in my sleep.
37:35 People don't think that's a big deal, but when you're all in the same bed, that's huge.
37:39 That's a big deal.
37:40 We had to start leaving home before we figured out who had the problem.
37:44 Well, at least nobody complained, right?
37:47 Never, never.
37:49 But what do you think about the guy that played you?
37:52 Not much.
37:54 [Laughter]
37:58 Because it was so good.
38:00 That's a wrap.
38:02 I think he had such a visceral reaction because when that was going on, he leaned into me last night during the movie and said, I hated that dude.
38:09 So he's seeing himself at that time.
38:12 So it just did not bring back a pleasant memory, I think.
38:16 When your life is just ripped open.
38:18 Which means he did well.
38:20 Whoever does the ripping, it's hard to watch.
38:28 That's hard to watch.
38:29 I mean, most people struggle to even share their story with a friend.
38:33 And so to share your story on a screen.
38:35 I quoted a verse that the Apostle Paul said, you come to grips with it and the rest is history.
38:44 Yeah. Well, your humility in this is so powerful.
38:48 And hopefully it'll spark other people to humble themselves and be able to share their story with their friends.
38:54 Because so many people, all of us, have these stories.
38:58 And people who are listening, people who are watching.
39:01 And your story is going to impact so many.
39:03 But I hope people realize their story too is going to impact their family.
39:07 Well, they're going to say, well, if they can get out and just show the whole world their laundry.
39:11 You know what I'm talking about?
39:13 And then we can do it too.
39:15 Pebble Phil, would you pray over the people who are going to be seeing this movie?
39:18 I will.
39:20 Father, you've saved us all because of your grace and your love.
39:28 None of us and no one else on planet Earth is going to get out of here alive except through you.
39:37 I often tell the people I'm speaking to, do they have a better story?
39:44 All of your sins removed, guaranteed to be raised from the dead.
39:51 Working in our lives so that we show them what love is.
39:57 Grace, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
40:06 All gifts from your spirit that you give to us to help us along the way.
40:12 So thank you, Father, for being merciful toward us all.
40:16 We love you.
40:18 Help us love our brothers, our sisters worldwide.
40:22 Get the message out to them that there is hope beyond this life.
40:27 And there is eternal life waiting on all people, all humans.
40:32 We would look come to you.
40:34 Thank you, Father, for your work in the lives of this particular family.
40:38 In the name of Jesus, amen.
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