• 2 years ago
I love this game!

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Retro Gaming - PC DOS - AD&D - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - 2nd Edition - Ravenloft - Stone Prophet - Let's Play
00:00 Welcome back ghouls and goblins.
00:15 Well if you recall last episode we killed the evil troll king and well I love hanging
00:28 out with my troll buddy.
00:30 I need a mage.
00:33 I need a mage bad and I also want my damn sphinx dude.
00:45 So I'm going to try and finish mapping out the desert.
00:58 You know I may pause the game to map out the desert because it wastes so much time because
01:07 it's so big and I'm 90% certain you guys don't want to watch it.
01:14 Although you know maybe somebody watches this for the game music and game sounds.
01:23 Kind of like white noise to help them go to sleep.
01:25 So maybe I'm wrong.
01:27 But let's see what happens this adventurous episode.
01:32 Let's have some fun.
01:43 Actually let me see what.
02:13 What I've got here.
02:14 I'm not sure.
02:21 I'm not sure.
02:45 Now I could use the teleport key but no.
03:00 Because I actually need to keep searching the desert.
03:03 But if you were to use a teleport key.
03:04 In fact let me show you how they work.
03:09 Let's see teleport to Farah.
03:12 Oh god that's right.
03:23 See you basically use it next to an obelisk here.
03:38 That's how they work.
03:40 So let's see here.
03:45 Oh there's something there I haven't seen here.
04:06 (bells ringing)
04:09 (bells ringing)
04:12 (bells ringing)
04:14 (bells ringing)
04:18 (bells ringing)
04:21 (bells ringing)
04:23 (bells ringing)
04:26 (bells ringing)
04:30 (bells ringing)
04:34 (bells ringing)
04:38 (bells ringing)
04:42 (bells ringing)
04:46 (bells ringing)
04:51 (bells ringing)
04:54 (bells ringing)
04:59 - Oh, and for the record, I screwed up.
05:03 (laughs)
05:04 I always get confused when I play this game.
05:08 Every time I play this game,
05:09 I think I have to collect water skins
05:11 in order to kill trolls,
05:12 because trolls are weak to water, right?
05:16 Well, to my knowledge, there is no spell that
05:21 that summons water to use on trolls.
05:24 (laughs)
05:25 I think maybe Ice Knife,
05:27 it works,
05:31 but the whole problem is,
05:35 like, it emphasizes water, not ice.
05:41 (laughs)
05:42 And so I always, when I start this game,
05:45 I always think, "Oh, I better save the water,
05:49 "the water skins."
05:51 And the first time I played this game,
05:54 I was so confused,
05:55 because I couldn't kill the trolls with water,
06:00 and I was so upset,
06:02 until I realized, you just can't.
06:05 (laughs)
06:07 You know?
06:08 (trolls screaming)
06:10 It was kind of funny,
06:11 so I collected all these water skins,
06:13 and I was dying of thirst and everything.
06:16 (trolls screaming)
06:19 And I just made the game harder for myself.
06:23 Anyway.
06:29 Um.
06:30 Oh, I gotta fill that side out.
06:52 (water dripping)
06:55 Where the hell is the Sphinx dude?
07:03 Um.
07:04 Huh.
07:09 Let me look at the walkthrough.
07:14 (water dripping)
07:17 (trolls screaming)
07:28 (water dripping)
07:31 (water dripping)
07:34 (water dripping)
07:37 Let's see here.
08:04 Uh, blue robe.
08:06 Scroll of heal.
08:10 Create water.
08:13 Hmm.
08:21 (water dripping)
08:24 I mean, I think...
08:39 (trolls screaming)
08:40 I think I like, uh, Strad's Possession a little bit more.
08:46 In some respects, but in other respects,
08:50 you get to, like, party with a Sphinx,
08:53 and you get to party with a troll in this game,
08:58 and that's really fun.
09:00 You know?
09:02 Um.
09:03 Yeah, so, I mean, I love both games.
09:11 I think this one has a little bit of a balance issue.
09:18 (water dripping)
09:21 Oh, cool.
09:23 Free water.
09:24 I keep forgetting about this one.
09:27 And, you know, you could argue that it, uh,
09:46 some aspects of the game are trivialized
09:49 by bringing characters over from Strad's Possession,
09:52 but they designed it that way, you know?
09:55 It's not like I'm hacking the game and forcing it.
09:58 And it really is...
10:01 It's more fun to think that you can carry your characters over.
10:07 Uh, you know, it really is.
10:13 And, you know, it's like playing a tabletop game.
10:17 I just wish that Dungeons & Dragons games did this more often.
10:22 You know?
10:24 Um.
10:25 Like, uh, one thing that always depressed me about Planescape,
10:36 uh, Torment,
10:38 is that your character...
10:40 (screaming)
10:44 The ending is your character saves people's lives,
10:48 but then he's destined to serve forever
10:53 as a thrall of a demon until his mind is destroyed.
10:58 Oh!
11:01 The character gained a level.
11:03 And it's really kind of sad
11:09 in that respect, but, um...
11:12 I mean, I don't know.
11:22 Uh, like...
11:25 There isn't a way out of it.
11:31 There isn't, like, a way for the character to
11:34 find salvation.
11:37 (screaming)
11:40 Um, or not just salvation, but escape.
11:44 You know?
11:47 It would have been cool to have a sequel deal with that, you know?
11:52 But, um...
11:54 I don't know.
11:57 I'm saying "you know" and I don't know a lot.
12:00 (laughs)
12:02 Um...
12:04 Um...
12:06 I really, really want to make a roleplaying game.
12:11 Uh, I've got a great story, I think.
12:18 And...
12:23 (screeching)
12:27 I think it would be enjoyable, but I don't have the artwork.
12:33 Oh!
12:35 Wait.
12:37 (whistles)
12:39 I really love Dungeon Hack.
12:49 Um, I tried to get into the Grimrock.
12:52 That's what it's called. Grimrock.
12:54 So last episode I said, like, Grimoire.
12:57 But it's, like, Legends of Grimrock or something like that.
13:01 Um...
13:03 Oh, what's there?
13:07 I guess nothing.
13:09 There we go. If I go southwest, I'll probably get it.
13:18 Right, so, um...
13:20 I couldn't get into it for some reason.
13:23 Like, something was off about the difficulty.
13:29 Um...
13:31 Of course, you know, I enjoy more casual roleplaying.
13:36 Although I'm a... I love to Dungeon Master Ravenloft.
13:39 Uh, but even then I think Ravenloft can have a very casual approach.
13:45 You know?
13:47 In fact, it's advised that Ravenloft have a casual approach.
13:53 At least by me.
13:55 Because if you go in, guns blazing, you're dead.
14:01 You know?
14:03 You're not gonna survive.
14:05 Unless you copy characters over.
14:08 (laughs)
14:10 But, um...
14:12 I've had level 10 characters fall to very, very minor level monsters.
14:20 I mean, then again, I'm...
14:24 I'm ruthless if people challenge me.
14:27 If somebody thinks they can rule lawyer me, I'll just crush 'em.
14:34 Right?
14:35 Alright, so let's talk about this.
14:38 Because I'm better at rule lawyering than anybody else.
14:42 Alright, so, Tubbs, he says...
14:45 "If music calms the mortal spirit, might it ease this troubled soul as well?
14:50 Let us try a gentle trap.
14:52 Perhaps the lute can weave a spell, one to hold the spirit near to us.
14:57 We might yet charm this elusive ghost and learn her secrets."
15:03 Alright, okay, so that's what the lute is for.
15:07 So, I must have... I definitely missed a...
15:10 conversation earlier, dialogue earlier, when I didn't have the lute.
15:18 So, let's see here.
15:22 She's gone.
15:25 There she is. Oh!
15:36 Oh!
15:38 Oh!
15:39 Oh!
15:41 Oh!
15:42 (upbeat music)
15:44 (upbeat music)
15:47 (upbeat music)
15:50 (upbeat music)
15:52 (upbeat music)
15:56 (upbeat music)
15:59 (upbeat music)
16:03 (upbeat music)
16:06 (upbeat music)
16:10 (upbeat music)
16:14 (upbeat music)
16:18 (upbeat music)
16:21 (upbeat music)
16:25 (upbeat music)
16:29 (upbeat music)
16:33 (upbeat music)
16:37 (upbeat music)
16:41 (upbeat music)
16:46 (upbeat music)
16:49 (upbeat music)
17:03 ♪ Where souls, where dreams, the sands to keep ♪
17:08 ♪ Are dead, speak of my breathless son ♪
17:12 ♪ Shrouded in dark and endless sleep ♪
17:16 ♪ In vaults lost near the rising sun ♪
17:20 ♪ Sweet sounds my child play ♪
17:24 ♪ Before the ancient Pharaoh came ♪
17:28 ♪ In innocence and ages past ♪
17:32 ♪ When all life's great rotted rain ♪
17:40 ♪ One thought light, one heart denied ♪
17:44 ♪ Our Pharaoh's will grown grim and cold ♪
17:48 ♪ Thief of life he tried to steal ♪
17:52 ♪ Endless life from the God's hold ♪
17:56 ♪ So many died, so few survived ♪
18:00 ♪ In lands lost to the mummy king ♪
18:04 ♪ My son and others lost their lives ♪
18:08 ♪ In sorrow no voices sing ♪
18:12 (upbeat music)
18:15 ♪ Tekine my son in darkness lies ♪
18:19 ♪ In vaults lost near the rising sun ♪
18:23 ♪ Low beneath the giant's eyes ♪
18:27 ♪ Tekine's music forever done ♪
18:31 ♪ Age after age the statue stands ♪
18:35 ♪ On moving bounds as with shame ♪
18:39 ♪ There above our restless son ♪
18:43 ♪ Awaiting my sweet son's name ♪
18:47 (dramatic music)
18:54 (gentle music)
18:59 (dramatic music)
19:03 (gentle music)
19:06 (gentle music)
19:09 (dramatic music)
19:13 (dramatic music)
19:16 (gentle music)
19:38 (dramatic music)
19:41 (gentle music)
19:45 (dramatic music)
19:49 (dramatic music)
19:53 (gentle music)
19:59 (gentle music)
20:02 (gentle music)
20:05 (gentle music)
20:08 - I believe she's telling us more than the fate of her son.
20:11 Hmm, vaults to the east and a giant or statue of some kind
20:15 awaiting her son's name.
20:17 What can it all mean?
20:19 It was a giant game hint.
20:22 That was a really cool song.
20:25 I just wanna say something here.
20:27 This was the power of DOS, okay?
20:35 This was like before or maybe right around the time that
20:40 I think the PS1 may have come out after this game.
20:45 The idea of hearing words in a video game.
20:51 I mean, years and years of people trying to make it happen.
20:57 Like, um, Sinistar, right?
21:03 And to have your, you know,
21:06 or something about Wolfenstein where they yell,
21:09 "Yarvul, achum!"
21:11 Short clips.
21:13 ♪ Sega ♪
21:17 Which was a third of the cart for Sonic the Hedgehog, right?
21:22 To have a full musical number,
21:29 just to have voice acting in this game.
21:33 I mean, that's pretty badass.
21:38 Just...
21:41 And it was pretty good, too, you know?
21:44 They put a lot of effort into it.
21:46 That's why I love this game.
21:49 I really do.
21:51 And a lot of AAA games, you have a lot of very creative people
21:55 and the producers are very creative.
21:58 And the people and the producers,
22:00 the head producers of the AAA games are pains in the ass.
22:05 You know, a lot of them are.
22:08 Not all of them.
22:09 A lot of them.
22:10 There are still some amazing producers out there.
22:12 There really are.
22:14 I mean, um,
22:15 really, really amazing people.
22:18 But then you wind up with really bad decisions being made
22:23 by people who just got out of college who don't have a concept.
22:27 You know, they got hired because
22:29 a professor said they were good
22:32 instead of them actually producing work that showed they were good.
22:36 Know what I mean?
22:37 So, um,
22:39 a giant statue of some kind to the east.
22:44 Yep.
22:53 I really want to write my, um, story
22:57 for my role-playing game soon.
23:07 I sure love this game.
23:22 [roar]
23:24 Anyway, oh!
23:26 I better equip the sword.
23:30 [roar]
23:32 [roar]
23:37 [swoosh]
24:05 Oh yes, finally!
24:07 My man,
24:12 the Sphinx.
24:14 I keep calling him a Sphinx.
24:16 I know they've actually got some sort of special name.
24:18 I can't remember what they're called, but I love this guy.
24:21 [silence]
24:49 There we go. That's a good screenshot right there.
24:52 [silence]
24:55 [music]
24:58 [music]
25:01 [music]
25:03 [music]
25:05 [music]
25:11 [music]
25:27 [music]
25:29 That's right, having the troll in the party gives you some cool dialogue too.
25:41 I love that.
25:43 So I guess it's good that I did it out of order.
25:46 There's so much dialogue in this game.
25:48 I mean, I'd love it if somebody hacked the files
25:51 and just had the script of all the dialogue
25:54 just published somewhere.
25:57 [music]
25:59 So, uh, Mr. Tubbs,
26:01 all in all, your appearance is surprise enough.
26:04 What, uh, who are you?
26:07 An Abbey?
26:09 You look as though Harakir's claimed your time for many years.
26:13 How have you survived?
26:15 I'll do Mr. Tubbs first.
26:17 [laughs]
26:22 Who is Raktur?
26:24 What is Wemmik?
26:27 Is this your first encounter with one of us?
26:30 If so, how sad you have not joined us in battle.
26:35 Pride, clan, and nation, the Wemmik stand strong.
26:40 Long ago, I roamed far from my pride
26:44 to seek my prey in the high mountains.
26:47 Then the mists came.
26:49 The land warped and turned about me,
26:52 becoming somewhere else beneath my feet.
26:55 The where is here.
26:58 Here is Harakir.
27:01 [music]
27:03 [music]
27:05 [music]
27:08 [music]
27:11 [music]
27:13 [music]
27:18 [music]
27:22 [music]
27:27 [music]
27:37 Oh, I guess Abbey's response disappeared.
27:42 Alright, so Mr. Tubbs.
27:45 Um...
27:47 Oh, he's using Mr. Tubbs' Now Speaking Abbey's line. Okay.
27:51 Without help from the villagers.
27:57 In Muhar, the frightened huddled in whatever shadows they might find.
28:02 They wanted not my company.
28:04 I wanted not theirs.
28:07 Villagers, blah.
28:09 They do not even make worthy prey.
28:12 How have I survived?
28:14 By cunning and skill.
28:16 But you know this, for they are your tools as well.
28:21 You're sent to separate you from the villagers
28:24 as wolves send apart from sheep.
28:27 [music]
28:29 [music]
28:31 [music]
28:33 Mr. Tubbs, pardon the asking, but you appear wounded.
28:38 How did this come about?
28:40 Grrrr.
28:43 Mistake not wounds for weakness.
28:46 Each scar I have earned, symbols of courage worn into my flesh.
28:51 Of these, the most recent came in a battle with desert trolls.
28:57 I confess, the beasts neared to overwhelm me.
29:01 I would not have escaped without the help of one of their own number.
29:06 Explain I cannot, but one of the trolls attacked his own fellows.
29:12 As my knees faltered and blood ran fresh along my face,
29:17 he set among them a confusion.
29:20 It allowed my escape.
29:22 Yes, I recognize the troll who saved my life.
29:26 Why you chose honor above the company of your own kind is a mystery.
29:31 You need not explain.
29:34 Still, I thank you, and would repay the debt I owe.
29:39 [music]
29:43 Now I feel bad for kicking the young troll out of the party.
29:49 Oh, man.
29:54 Maybe I'll kick the Vistani out.
29:58 I mean, screw him, he's an asshole.
30:01 Um, it's just, I mean, like the young troll has to take over his tribe.
30:08 Oh, man, this is a tough decision.
30:14 Alright, so...
30:16 Let's figure this out. I mean, the Vistani...
30:21 [music]
30:25 The only thing I don't like about these games is the fact that you have such a limited party.
30:30 I mean, if it were me, I'd have a party of 15 people right along with me.
30:36 Robin and his married man, right?
30:40 Mr. Tubbs, you look as if you have lost everything.
30:43 However brave a face you put on it, would you come along on our adventure?
30:47 The creature of your heart is worth an army from Harakir.
30:51 Mr. Tubbs, though your heart is true, you appear too weak to accompany us.
30:56 Please remain in safety and rest.
30:58 You know, I'm going to do that one first only because I know in these games,
31:01 you can always go back and get the party member.
31:04 So let's see what he says.
31:06 Rest? Never!
31:10 My wound shall heal all the better for a day's adventure.
31:14 Still, I understand your concern.
31:18 Should you think the better of your decision, I can be found.
31:23 This remains my territory, and no desert troll shall drive me from it.
31:29 You know what?
31:37 I'm going to keep the young troll with us.
31:42 Unless I find a mage.
31:44 I would really like to find a mage.
31:46 Oh god, why would I like to find a mage?
31:48 Maybe the Wemmik.
31:50 Cast spells, I can't remember.
31:52 So let me save and get the Wemmik in the group, and it'll be the end of this episode.
31:57 [Music]
32:11 A good day to you, friend.
32:14 It has not been long since last we spoke, or so it seems.
32:19 Whatever the time, the sand has worn at both of us.
32:24 What is it you seek this time?
32:27 By the way, this guy is a really good voice actor.
32:31 Whatever our decisions in the past, would you accompany us on the quest,
32:44 "Creature of your heart is worth an army" from Harakir?
32:48 The offer is welcome.
32:52 Prey has grown difficult to find in this desolate waste,
32:56 and it would be good to turn my attention from hunger to adventure.
33:01 I curse upon you for leaving me behind.
33:06 May the sun burn your eyes and vultures pluck them out.
33:09 Word of your fate shall reach my tent, of that I am certain.
33:13 For the desert watches all.
33:21 That Vistani is a little asshole.
33:24 I hope he dies of the plague.
33:27 I don't remember dumping him off before.
33:34 You know what? Yeah, I barely remember that.
33:40 What a dick.
33:42 Welcome.
33:45 I'm not sure what to do with you.
33:48 I'm not sure what to do with you.
33:51 I'm not sure what to do with you.
33:54 I'm not sure what to do with you.
33:57 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:00 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:03 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:06 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:09 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:12 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:15 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:18 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:21 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:24 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:27 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:30 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:33 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:36 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:39 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:42 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:45 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:48 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:51 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:54 I'm not sure what to do with you.
34:57 I'm not sure what to do with you.
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35:03 I'm not sure what to do with you.
35:06 I'm not sure what to do with you.
35:09 I'm not sure what to do with you.
35:12 I'm not sure what to do with you.
35:15 I'm not sure what to do with you.
35:18 I'm not sure what to do with you.
35:21 I'm not sure what to do with you.
35:24 I'm not sure what to do with you.
35:27 I'm not sure what to do with you.
35:30 I'm not sure what to do with you.
