• 2 years ago
If John Kramer ever tells you that he wants to play a game, he's probably not talking about Mario Kart. From a human-sized blender to a recycling machine turned deadly, these are some of the most painful traps from the long-running "Saw" franchise.
00:00 If John Kramer ever tells you that he wants to play a game, he's probably not talking
00:04 about Mario Kart.
00:06 From a human-sized blender to a recycling machine turned deadly, these are some of the
00:10 most painful traps from the long-running Saw franchise.
00:14 Amanda Young was one of Jigsaw's apprentices, meant to carry on John Kramer's work after
00:18 his death.
00:19 Before that, though, she was just another player of his twisted game who found her head
00:22 stuck inside the reverse bear trap.
00:25 This bulky contraption is exactly what its name suggests.
00:28 Instead of clamping down, it's built to open with such force that it tears the wearer's
00:32 jaw apart.
00:34 Like many of Jigsaw's traps, all the wearer needs to do to escape is find the key and
00:38 unlock the device, but it's the location of the key that proves problematic.
00:42 This time, it's been placed in the stomach of Amanda's cellmate, fellow drug addict and
00:46 dealer, Donnie.
00:47 At first, it looks like he's already dead, but even after Amanda realizes that he's merely
00:51 been sedated, she doesn't stop.
00:53 She digs the key out and unlocks herself with seconds to spare.
00:57 Instead of self-mutilation, this particular game requires the player to become a killer,
01:02 something likely to weigh on their conscience for the rest of their life.
01:05 For Amanda, though, it's only just the beginning of her career in torture.
01:09 Taking part in one of Jigsaw's twisted games is bad enough as it is, but at least he has
01:13 the courtesy to allow his victims to suffer in relative privacy, usually.
01:17 The first big set piece of Saw 3D The Final Chapter is a massive, clear box placed in
01:22 a busy shopping center.
01:24 Inside the cruel display, Brad and Ryan are forced to fight to the death for Dina, the
01:27 woman who's been dating both of them and manipulating them into committing crimes for her.
01:31 They have 60 seconds to tear each other apart before poor Dina is dropped onto the circular
01:36 saw between them.
01:37 After the game begins, Dina starts encouraging Brad, but when Ryan gains the upper hand,
01:41 she shifts her loyalties to him.
01:43 Realizing they're being manipulated once again, the men decide to let the clock run out instead.
01:47 "What are you doing, you f---ing asshole?"
01:50 "I think we're breaking up with you, Dina!"
01:53 Just as terrifying as the trap itself is the fact that Jigsaw convinces the men to kill
01:57 their ex by playing to their alpha male insecurities.
02:00 At least the public nature of this twisted game means that neither Brad nor Ryan will
02:03 ever find a date in this town again.
02:06 Traps in Saw are usually known for being sharp and bloody, but the pig pulper, as seen in
02:10 Saw 3, sets itself apart by being just plain gross.
02:14 Drowning is terrifying enough, but drowning in a tub of liquefied, rancid pig carcasses
02:18 really takes things up a notch.
02:20 The worst part, however, is that there's nothing its victim can do to save himself except beg
02:24 for help.
02:25 Strapped to the bottom of the vat is Judge Haldon, who gave a light sentence to the man
02:29 who killed 8-year-old Dylan Denlon, and it's up to Jeff, Dylan's father, to choose whether
02:33 or not to spare him.
02:35 Jeff doesn't have to mutilate himself to save the judge.
02:37 No, this trial is an emotional one.
02:40 The grieving dad must incinerate his late son's possessions in order to get the key.
02:44 Ultimately, Jeff is able to let go, and he saves Haldon from a putrid death.
02:48 The pig pulper is a truly disgusting twist on a classic Saw formula.
02:53 The Iron Maiden head is a bit like a reverse, reverse bear trap, but it's not quite a straight-up
02:57 bear trap like you'd find in the woods.
02:59 Like the full-body medieval torture device that gave the heavy metal bandit's name, it's
03:03 a chamber with spikes pointing inward designed to impale its victim when closed.
03:07 In the interest of convenience, Jigsaw's version only works from the neck up.
03:11 But that's still more than enough to end the life of whichever unfortunate soul wakes up
03:14 to find it installed on them.
03:16 "Think of it like a venus fly trap."
03:19 That's what happens to police informant Michael Marks in the opening scene of Saw II.
03:23 As punishment for a lifetime of watching others and profiting from it, he must dig behind
03:27 his own eyeball for the key to his salvation.
03:30 Marks was evidently not a religious person, or he might have remembered the scripture
03:34 about how "if thine eye offends thee, pluck it out."
03:37 Unable to take the pain of said plucking, he loses his head instead.
03:41 Recycling glass is good for the planet.
03:43 Turning it into shrapnel to be fired repeatedly into someone's back is bad for the body.
03:47 It's also the copycat Jigsaw's idea of irony and spiral, to punish a corrupt cop who accused
03:52 his more honest partner of stabbing him in the back.
03:55 As with most Saw traps that involve one helpless victim and one potential savior, the goal
03:59 here is forgiveness.
04:01 Can Ezekiel Banks overcome his mistrust of ex-compadre Dunleavy and save his life?
04:06 A reasonably decent cop, Banks decides to make the save.
04:08 But not being a particularly smart cop, he neglects a painfully obvious clue.
04:13 "You can keep him locked up, and throw away the key.
04:17 The decision is yours."
04:18 "Throw away the key?
04:19 What the f---?"
04:20 The key is in the trash can, but Banks doesn't make the connection until it's too late.
04:25 He can't get ahead of the glass, as Dunleavy literally suffers a death by a thousand cuts.
04:30 More or less.
04:32 Jigsaw and his accomplices can be softies at heart sometimes.
04:35 They just want people to get along and cooperate.
04:38 It's not their fault the ne'er-do-wells being tested always resort to violence first.
04:42 We never learn what Trevor did to deserve torment in Saw 4, but his fellow victim, Art
04:46 Blank, is a former friend of John Kramer's, a lawyer who defended several unrepentant
04:50 criminals.
04:51 If the two had only managed to communicate properly, then they could have helped each
04:54 other escape from the chain slowly pulling them toward strangulation.
04:58 That's just a little hard to do with Trevor's eyes and Art's mouth sewn shut.
05:02 Hearing unintelligible sounds, the blinded Trevor panics and starts throwing weapons,
05:06 prompting Art to beat him to death with a hammer.
05:09 The entire time, though, the key to the trap is on the back of Trevor's shackles.
05:13 Had he not lashed out, Art could have removed it and freed them both.
05:16 Despite his survival, Art isn't able to enjoy his victory for long.
05:20 He's soon coerced by Jigsaw into setting up even more traps, and is eventually shot in
05:24 the head by the impulsive Officer Rigg.
05:27 Being smashed up against a fence by a bed of nails has got to hurt.
05:31 If every nail then injects you with acid, then that's a special kind of pain.
05:35 As far as horror movie victims go, William Easton deserves it.
05:38 He's a health insurance executive who routinely denies claims, letting people die just because
05:42 of money.
05:43 Whether or not accepting John Kramer's claim would actually have been life-saving remains
05:47 debatable.
05:48 After all, cancer's a beast, and it's tragically unpredictable.
05:51 Still, in his Jigsaw killer mode, Kramer gives Easton one chance at life.
05:55 Could he earn the forgiveness of a widow whose husband died as a direct result of his insurance-denying
06:00 coverage?
06:01 The grieving woman can't find space in her heart to forgive the rich businessman, but
06:04 she can't bring herself to kill him, either.
06:06 So her teenage son does it for her.
06:08 In a victory for HMO haters everywhere, the insurance executive is denied mercy in one
06:13 of the most over-the-top death scenes of the entire series.
06:17 Jigsaw likes to refer to his traps as "games," but they're more like creative torture devices.
06:22 The spiral sawblade blender from Jigsaw, however, is a bit like an actual game, and that game
06:26 is Operation.
06:28 This visually striking trap requires a steady hand and has a simple objective.
06:32 Pull the brake on the bottom to shut off the device before it slices you into mincemeat.
06:36 The engine powering the contraption once belonged to a defective motorcycle that was sold to
06:40 Jigsaw's nephew, and it ended up killing him.
06:42 As punishment for knowingly selling the faulty machine, Mitch must descend into the red cone
06:46 of death.
06:47 Mitch thinks he and his fellow captive are able to sabotage the machine, but he underestimates
06:51 Jigsaw's engineering capabilities.
06:53 He lets down his guard, believing that the game's over because the blade stopped.
06:57 And then it starts again, turning him into a Mitch smoothie.
07:00 The terror here isn't just in the pain of being sliced open, but in the fact that it
07:04 feels like a rigged carnival game.
07:05 In Jigsaw, it's used on two separate victims, and neither survives.
07:10 Whether you're assembling a Lego set or doing a complicated math problem, an early mistake
07:14 can ruin everything else down the line.
07:16 That's what happens in Saw V, but with significantly higher stakes.
07:20 Five people started out in Jigsaw's gauntlet of torture, but that number has been reduced
07:23 to two by the time Malek and Britt reach the final trial.
07:26 It's deceptively simple.
07:28 All they have to do is fill the device with ten pints of human blood, and they're free
07:31 to go.
07:32 Unfortunately, the average adult human contains just ten to twelve pints.
07:36 Losing more than half is usually fatal.
07:38 It's at this point that the truth is revealed.
07:40 Everyone could have survived the earlier trials if they had just been willing to cooperate.
07:43 "We were supposed to work together, so we all survived.
07:47 That's the game."
07:49 As Jigsaw guessed, though, everyone involved was too selfish to consider the possibility.
07:54 If all five had made it to the end, it would have taken just two pints from each of them,
07:58 which is just twice as much as the average blood donation.
08:01 Despite their difficult shared history, Malek and Britt beat the game by finally pooling
08:04 their efforts — and bodily fluids.
08:07 If you make your living by scamming cancer patients out of hundreds of thousands of dollars,
08:12 you probably shouldn't mess with John Kramer.
08:14 The employees of a fraudulent medical program learn this firsthand when they become his
08:18 latest batch of victims in Saw X.
08:20 One such scam artist is Mateo, a janitor who pretended to be an anesthesiologist for Kramer's
08:25 fake surgery.
08:26 Now, the surgery he's about to perform is very real, only it's going to be on himself
08:31 and without anesthetic.
08:33 With the aid of a camera, a bone saw, and some tweezers, Mateo must cut open his own
08:37 head, grab a piece of his own brain, and dissolve it in a jar of enzymes to unlock the trap
08:41 key.
08:42 Somehow, Mateo manages to saw open his skull and grab a chunk of cerebral tissue, an impressive
08:47 feat considering his extremely traumatic brain injury.
08:51 Unfortunately for him, his gray matter doesn't dissolve fast enough, and the radiator around
08:55 his head cooks him to death.
08:57 Despite Jigsaw's assurances that people have lived long and happy lives with big chunks
09:01 of their brains missing, it's not clear that any mortal could have survived this trap.
09:06 It may not be the most gruesome or flashy of the traps, but nothing beats the bathroom
09:10 occupied by Dr. Lawrence Gordon, Adam Stanheight, and a mysterious body in the original Saw.
09:15 While many of Jigsaw's victims are given time limits of mere minutes for their trials, this
09:19 one is a true endurance test.
09:21 With the action starting at 10.20 p.m. and ending at 6 a.m., Gordon and Stanheight have
09:25 an entire night to try and escape in an extremely painful way.
09:29 "He doesn't want us to cut through our chains.
09:34 He wants us to cut through our feet."
09:36 Seven hours and 40 minutes is an awfully long stretch of time to contemplate the horror
09:40 of self-amputation, but when he finally gets down to it, Dr. Gordon ultimately pulls it
09:45 off rather quickly.
09:46 To fill out the time, Kramer leaves clues to suggest ways how Dr. Gordon can kill Adam
09:50 first, and he makes it clear that the good doctor's daughter will be killed if he doesn't
09:54 comply.
09:55 There's all sorts of surprises in this seedy bathroom, and the biggest one of all arrives
09:59 at the very end.
10:01 Future traps may have increased in scope and budget, but there's nothing like the dilapidated
10:05 bathroom to really get your skin crawling.
10:07 "
10:08 (upbeat music)
10:10 [music]
