Herpes zoster, Gabutti (Siti): "Vaccino ricombinante adiuvato indicato anche per maggiorenni ad aumentato rischio"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Il vaccino ricombinante adiuvato contro l’herpes zoster ha un’indicazione anche per i soggetti ad aumentato rischio a partire dai diciott’anni di età”. Queste le parole del professor Giovanni Gabutti, coordinatore del Gruppo di lavoro «Vaccini e Politiche Vaccinali” della Società italiana di igiene, medicina preventiva e sanità pubblica (Siti), a margine del simposio Gsk ‘Il caso Zoster: la vaccinazione come parte integrante della cura del paziente fragile’, svoltosi nell’ambito della Conferenza nazionale di Sanità pubblica straordinaria organizzata dalla Siti a Cernobbio dal 12 al 14 ottobre.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 The vaccine schedule that is included in the National Vaccine Prevention Plan
00:08 specifically reports the herpes zoster, with an indication for the 65-year-old cohort
00:16 and with a recommendation for the use of vaccination in subjects
00:22 who have an increased risk of herpes zoster or related pathologies,
00:28 including immunocompromised subjects, those affected by some pathologies,
00:34 such as mellitus diabetes, chronic obstructive bronchopneumatology, bronchial asthma,
00:40 cardiovascular pathologies, and specifically gives an indication
00:45 for the preferential use of the vaccine combined with the vaccine for some severely immunocompromised subjects.
00:52 The aim is to have an increase in vaccination coverage.
00:57 Among other things, the vaccine we are talking about, the herpes zoster,
01:01 has an indication for subjects with increased risk from the age of 18.
01:06 This means that we have the possibility of intervening immediately
01:11 against a pathology that can be particularly serious and with significant consequences.
