Nathalie Péchalat battue et émue : énorme coup dur pour la femme de Jean Dujardin

  • last year
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Nathalie Péchalat battue et émue : énorme coup dur pour la femme de Jean Dujardin


00:00 [Typing]
00:02 [Popping]
00:04 [Typing]
00:06 [Typing]
00:08 Nathalie Péchala does not fill
00:10 [Music]
00:12 After only two years
00:14 at the presidency of the Federation
00:16 of Ice Sports
00:18 the wife of Jean Dujardin will have to
00:20 leave his post
00:22 [Music]
00:24 C.S. Tiguena El Nouri
00:26 who will regain his place
00:28 with 52.8%
00:30 of the votes this Saturday 25 June
00:32 [Music]
00:34 C.S. Tilaon
00:36 Inter-sideral for the whole
00:38 of Ice Sports
00:40 we come back to another value system
00:42 to another functioning
00:44 to other methods that are not mine
00:46 reacted the former Ice Dance Champion
00:48 to some media present
00:50 as reported by Le Monde
00:52 [Music]
00:54 For a few days
00:56 Nathalie Péchala assured
00:58 that her competitor was guided by
01:00 Didier Gayaguet, the former president
01:02 of the FFSG who resigned after
01:04 being accused of covering
01:06 a coach put to trial for sexual
01:08 assault
01:10 [Music]
01:12 C.S. Tiloui who led the campaign
01:14 and who made his program
01:16 reacted Nathalie Péchala
01:18 to RMC Sports
01:20 [Music]
01:22 I can not tell you the opposite
01:24 [Music]
01:26 After, what place will he have
01:28 in the brown shadow
01:30 on the front of the scene
01:32 I do not know
01:34 [Music]
01:36 Even if it is only a ghost
01:38 C.S. T. a inter-sideral shame
01:40 for Ice Sports
01:42 [Music]
01:44 Barely elected, Gwenaëlle Nouri
01:46 has evoked her suspicions
01:48 [Music]
01:50 Didier Gayaguet has been consulted
01:52 I do not hide it because for me
01:54 it remains a passionate Ice Sports
01:56 It remains someone who knows
01:58 the wheels of this federation
02:00 she explained in front of the voting clubs
02:02 [Music]
02:04 I want to surround myself
02:06 with competent people who know
02:08 this federal machine and Didier
02:10 is one of them
02:12 [Music]
02:14 Now, he is a consultant like all the others
02:16 [Music]
02:18 Touched and moved by his defeat
02:20 the wife of Jean Dujardin
02:22 estimates that this election
02:24 is a hell of a comeback
02:26 [Music]
02:28 Nathalie Péchala, the troubles
02:30 I had for two years
02:32 we will stop there
02:34 what we did in two years
02:36 will be swept away
02:38 [Music]
02:40 I am disappointed because
02:42 it was days, evenings
02:44 work weekends
02:46 [Music]
02:48 it was intense
02:50 to add the one who will have been
02:52 the first woman elected to the presidency
02:54 of the FFSG
02:56 with our brothers
02:58 [Music]
03:00 Rehabilitate Ice Sports
03:02 with the institutional
03:04 private partners
03:06 [Music]
03:08 We go back to zero
03:10 really shocked by his defeat
03:12 Nathalie Péchala does not know yet
03:14 what her future will be
03:16 [Music]
03:18 There are limits to everything
03:20 I will take a step back and go back
03:22 in my previous life
03:24 [Music]
03:26 I will keep a link with Ice Sports
03:28 because it is part of my DNA
03:30 but not directly with the Federation
03:32 this is not the goal of the game
03:34 she assured in the columns of RMC Sport
03:36 [Music]
03:38 There will be no use for it
03:40 we are in democracy
03:42 I accept the result
03:44 I don't want to throw myself in there.
03:50 Shit, I've had it for two years, let's stop there.
03:56 I'm done.
