رئيسة البنك الأوروبي لإعادة الإعمار لـ CNBC عربية: نستثمر في الضفة الغربية بفلسطين من خلال الشراكة مع القطاع الخاص

  • last year


00:00 The current global crisis is reflected in the renewal of economic conditions, and there
00:07 is an increase in inflation, which has led to the renewal of monetary policy and the
00:13 renewal of financial policy.
00:15 I have seen that a number of countries have difficulty in accessing money and currency,
00:21 and this is the role of international financial institutions.
00:25 This is important for financing the time that is needed for investments, and for the short
00:32 term, and also to deal with the climate crisis and financing the green transition.
00:39 So I think that we should help countries to face the challenges in the short and long term.
00:46 As for the European Bank for Development and Development and the green economy, we are
00:53 investing at the moment, and this is more than any previous year, and we have half of
00:59 the funding in the green sector and in the public sector, but also in the private sector,
01:06 we work with companies and in the private sector, in factories, and we work with families
01:13 to provide success and effectiveness, and this is also our priority.
01:18 Since we are here in Morocco, are there any negotiations with the Moroccan government
01:25 to help the country after the earthquake?
01:28 I will not say that they are negotiations, but we think together, and we had a meeting
01:34 with the Minister of Finance to discuss what should be done to help.
01:39 We do not provide humanitarian aid because we are a development bank, but we work on
01:45 specific projects, and for example, to support small and medium-sized companies and small
01:51 businesses in the country, and to work with financial institutions, and this is to make
01:57 access to credit for these small companies, and we look at what we can do to build infrastructure
02:04 at the local and municipal level, and at the regional level, and this is to help the country
02:11 to recover from the damage, but we have sympathy for the country for this great damage.
02:18 What are the main sectors that you are interested in investing in Morocco?
02:25 We do a lot of work with the private sector, green investments, and this is one of its
02:32 main ambitions for the renewable energy, and we support this type of projects.
02:38 We also work with financial institutions, and this is to support programs for small
02:44 and medium-sized companies, but we also target women and women in business, and we work
02:51 in the water sector, and the water and sewage sector, and the projects for water management
02:58 and water management.
03:00 So, in general, this is a big part of our activities with the private sector, and we
03:07 also work with the local municipalities, and last year we invested in Agadir and Agadir
03:13 funds, which was the first company to issue funds.
03:17 So, there are many activities.
03:19 The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is working with the West Bank
03:25 in Gaza, and also in light of the current war.
03:28 What is the role of the bank to facilitate aid to the West Bank?
03:33 First of all, I want to express my sadness for all the lives that were lost, and also
03:40 the terrorist attacks in Hamas at the beginning of the holiday and the end of the week.
03:47 We invest in the West Bank through the private sector, and we have a private sector there,
03:54 and we are looking for a way to help the West Bank.
03:58 We are also looking for a way to help the West Bank, and we are also looking for a way
04:05 to help the West Bank, and we are also looking for a way to help the West Bank, and we are
04:12 also looking for a way to help the West Bank, and we are also looking for a way to help
04:19 the West Bank, and we are also looking for a way to help the West Bank, and we are also
04:25 looking for a way to help the West Bank, and we are also looking for a way to help the
04:30 West Bank, and we are also looking for a way to help the West Bank, and we are also looking
04:35 for a way to help the West Bank, and we are also looking for a way to help the West Bank,
04:40 and we are also looking for a way to help the West Bank, and we are also looking for a
04:45 way to help the West Bank, and we are also looking for a way to help the West Bank, and
04:50 we are also looking for a way to help the West Bank, and we are also looking for a way
04:54 Thank you for this interview. Thank you.
