Przy Szkole Podstawowej w Wąpielsku powstanie hala sportowa

  • last year


00:00 We are in the place where the sports hall at the school in Wąpielsko is to be built.
00:06 A long-awaited investment by the school community, by the residents.
00:11 The school does not have a sports facility at the moment, an exercise room.
00:16 There is only a small room that does not meet the requirements.
00:20 There is also no school where you can hold meetings, appeals, this type of needs are very large in this school.
00:29 At the moment, we meet the expectations that the residents have long been reporting.
00:37 We submitted a request to the Polish Council and received a financing of PLN 6,600,000 for the construction of a sports hall at this school,
00:46 plus our own share, so nearly PLN 7,000,000 will be allocated to the construction of a sports hall in Wąpielsko.
00:53 A sports hall of this type, so modern, is as much needed, and has long been needed in our municipality.
01:02 This is great information for us all, for the school, for the students, for the residents of the municipality, that such an initiative will be created.
01:12 Thanks to this, our training base will grow so much and we will be able to do so many cool things.
01:18 Our children are training, unfortunately, in such a small room, which is 9 meters long,
01:24 and now we will simply have a full-size hall where we will be able to carry out all our tasks fully.
01:31 you