Pendang MP's 'anak papa' remark cut me deep, says Speaker

  • last year
Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Johari Abdul says he was deeply hurt by the "anak papa" (father's son) remark by a Perikatan Nasional MP as it implied that he gave preferential treatment to his son, Sungai Petani MP, Dr Mohammed Taufiq Johari’s motion for a debate.




00:00 [Alif S. Sengapetani] Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
00:05 Before I invite the Honorable President to give his speech, I would like to correct a few things that happened before we stopped earlier,
00:17 namely the issue that was brought up and discussed earlier regarding the issue of allowing the
00:27 Minister of Agriculture to bring the issue to the House.
00:30 I noticed that Arau was not here, but because this is live, I think it is only fair to say that Arau has introduced a motion under Article 81.
00:46 Article 81, Arau has introduced a motion on 10 October, Wednesday, at 3.45pm, and the second on Wednesday, 11 October at 5.34pm.
01:04 But the motion that Arau brought up is not the issue of paddy, but the motion that Arau brought up is the issue of abuse of power by the right-wing public in the political campaign,
01:17 and the second is the issue of the lack of workers in the field of hair salon and the hair salon sector.
01:26 So, it is not in line with the issue of paddy that was brought up.
01:32 So, I think what Arau brought up is that I am not fair, I did not give him a chance to speak out.
01:43 So, I received a lot of criticism from the media that I was not fair to Arau,
01:49 and I gave him a chance to speak out, and it was even worse when he said that I was a son of a father.
01:56 So, I hope you will help me.
01:59 You want to play a game? Play a game among you. Don't get the Speaker involved.
02:03 Once you get the Speaker involved, it will be difficult.
02:07 So, you play politics? Play. I don't mind.
02:10 But don't get the Speaker involved, because I have all the evidence.
02:14 You might have your say, but I have my way.
02:17 Wait a minute. That's why I said that I was not appointed by any party.
02:26 I was elected under the institution.
02:29 So, because I was elected, which other parliament has elected me?
02:35 If you don't like me, put a motion. Put a motion, that's all. Get me out here.
02:40 But as long as I'm here, when there are rules, listen.
02:46 Because I don't play games. I don't play games here.
02:49 I don't play any political game. I allow you to play political games.
02:53 But when the Speaker stops, because we have a big agenda that we want to continue,
02:58 you go out and make statements that the Speaker...
03:03 You know, it's not good. It's not good.
03:06 Because if you want me to follow by the book, sure.
03:08 But we become tense. The Speaker and the parliament members become tense.
03:12 Do you want that to be?
03:14 We follow by the book now.
03:16 Every time we follow by the book. It's not good.
03:18 I don't want to do that.
03:20 So, please. If I give you a space, go ahead. But don't attack the Speaker.
03:25 No point. You will score nothing. You will gain nothing by attacking the Speaker.
03:30 No point.
03:31 I'll go last. Then I'll continue.
03:33 I'm sorry. I just want to continue what was said by the honoured speaker earlier.
03:38 The statement that the honoured speaker made, repeated,
03:42 when he was directed to leave the parliament,
03:45 that statement was repeated several times.
03:48 And the honoured speaker laughed at it.
03:51 I know. I know. Insinuation. I understand.
03:54 I'm enough. Okay. I understand.
03:57 I'm enough to feel it. Today I'm enough to feel it.
03:59 Because that insinuation. That insinuation cut me deep.
04:03 Because that's why I think... I think...
04:06 I'm enough. I'm enough.
04:08 I ask that the two hours suspension is not enough.
04:12 He must be taught a lesson so that he doesn't do that.
04:15 The honoured speaker has made a decision.
04:17 Mr. Dan, please. You talk.
04:18 The honoured speaker has made a decision.
04:20 Okay. I shall stop here.
04:22 The honoured speaker has made a decision. He has been directed to leave.
04:25 For the time being, he can return to the T.
04:27 That is the prerogative of the honoured speaker.
04:29 But I beg you.
04:31 Please, do not fight with the speaker. Do not.
04:34 No point.
04:36 Because you will not gain anything.
04:39 Fight with the speaker.
04:40 I try to do my job.
04:43 To solve the people's problem.
04:45 If you want to fight between two parties, then fight.
04:48 I don't care.
04:49 But once I come in, I ask for help. That's enough.
04:52 That's enough.
04:53 Okay. Let's continue.
04:54 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
04:55 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
04:56 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
04:57 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
04:58 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
04:59 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
05:00 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
05:01 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
05:02 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
05:03 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
05:04 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
05:05 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
05:06 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
05:07 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
05:08 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
05:09 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
05:10 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
05:11 Mr. Yonatan, can I have a little bit of...
