• 2 years ago
Ghostbusters is an AWESOME game. Technically, it's Ghostbusters 3, as stated by Dan, Harold, Ernie and Bill.

Unfortunately this "Remastered Version" isn't exactly remastered. They removed some things, and kept a lot of bugs (as well as made some new bugs).

Here's a wiki to fix most of what they did wrong graphic wise: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Ghostbusters:_The_Video_Game_Remastered

Other than that, this game is STILL amazing, I STILL love it, I hope you do too!

Visit me on YouTube! www.youtube.com/@TheOnceMoreGaming
00:00:00 (Humming)
00:00:01 Time to play some Ghostbusters!
00:00:04 Ghostbusters, what do you want?
00:00:06 (Chuckles)
00:00:08 Alright, let's have some fun.
00:00:10 (Silence)
00:00:12 (Silence)
00:00:17 (Music)
00:00:27 (Silence)
00:00:52 You're real heroes.
00:00:56 Kind of routine. As usual, I led the charge.
00:00:59 Pfft. We're fired heroes.
00:01:01 Peck's gonna pull our license.
00:01:03 Get real, Ray. It's the holidays.
00:01:05 Nobody in this town's gonna be around to pull our license till Monday.
00:01:08 We got the whole weekend to stop this calamity and probably half a dozen others.
00:01:11 Save the city. We got a four-day weekend.
00:01:14 We have time left for ourselves.
00:01:15 Dr. Vinkman, if they start evacuating Manhattan, I won't be coming in on Monday.
00:01:20 Catastrophic exodus of the city does not count as a floating holiday.
00:01:25 I know. I looked it up.
00:01:27 (Footsteps)
00:01:48 What does this symbol mean?
00:01:50 (Footsteps)
00:01:54 Uh, guys.
00:01:56 (Footsteps)
00:02:01 Perfect fit.
00:02:03 It's not a constellation. It's a mandala.
00:02:07 I can't believe I never saw it before.
00:02:10 Kay, for one minute, pretend someone here doesn't know what a mandala is.
00:02:15 A mandala is like a spiritual labyrinth.
00:02:18 And this one looks like a spiraling system that feeds into each successive node along the line
00:02:23 until it reaches a culmination point.
00:02:25 Before he died, Shandor must have set some mechanism in place
00:02:28 similar to the antenna in Dana's building.
00:02:30 You know, I think you helped to make that clearer.
00:02:33 So this was the gizmo that's supposed to feed energy to the destructor form?
00:02:37 That's... that's right, Peter!
00:02:40 Well, Dr. Vinkman.
00:02:43 Well, I had to get one right eventually, didn't I? I mean, it's just math.
00:02:48 All right, I'm just speculating, but it's possible that...
00:02:52 ghosts are trapped in the system, funneled from node to node,
00:02:55 and they get stronger and stronger until they reach the end, and then they...
00:02:58 Look! The first portal, the library.
00:03:01 The second, the museum.
00:03:03 And the third, the Sedgwick.
00:03:05 And that means the fourth portal must be... right here.
00:03:09 The middle of the Hudson River?
00:03:11 Well, according to the mandala, yes.
00:03:14 It may need a little tweaking.
00:03:16 I don't know. Plenty of bodies in that river. Could become ghosts.
00:03:20 But what does this have to do with me? What did I do?
00:03:24 You were at the museum and the Sedgwick.
00:03:26 Maybe you were some sort of catalyst, accidentally setting things in motion.
00:03:31 You're saying this is my fault?
00:03:33 You are blameless!
00:03:34 What Egon meant to say was that you have some sort of connection to this thing,
00:03:39 and we're gonna go back to the Sedgwick and find out what.
00:03:42 Isn't that right, Brainiac?
00:03:44 That's right, Peter.
00:03:46 Alyssa, do you remember where you were going when you were at the Sedgwick?
00:03:49 I was standing outside a room. 1221.
00:03:53 Something was compelling me to go in, but I woke up just before the door opened.
00:04:02 I ran out of there as fast as I could.
00:04:04 And then some jerk tried to pick me up on the elevator.
00:04:08 Okay, you need to stay here where it's safe and where you can't set off any more cross-dimensional shockwaves hot stuff.
00:04:14 Read up on the mandala and the boys will check out the Sedgwick.
00:04:17 The boys? And what about you, Superstar?
00:04:20 I'm gonna have you drop me off near Peck's office.
00:04:23 Something tells me he's not quite what he seems.
00:04:25 Good idea. Meet us at the hotel when you're done.
00:04:29 [Sedgwick]
00:04:55 Whoa. If this place were any more dead, we'd need a coroner.
00:04:59 Egon used to be a licensed coroner.
00:05:01 No kidding.
00:05:04 It's just a hobby now.
00:05:05 Closed until further notice by the Paranormal Contracts Oversight Commission.
00:05:14 Peacock.
00:05:16 Entrance into this establishment is strictly forbidden and is punishable by fine and imprisonment.
00:05:25 What now? Hmm.
00:05:28 This notice is for the general public. It doesn't apply to us.
00:05:32 We're bonded contractors for the city.
00:05:35 Especially the Ghostbusters.
00:05:37 All right, heat 'em up. We'll melt our way in.
00:05:44 Wait. I have a better idea.
00:05:46 Good thinking.
00:05:53 [Sedgwick]
00:05:55 Hmm. This is disappointing.
00:06:02 No. Disappointing is the Jets losing in the last two minutes.
00:06:06 Not being covered in slime by Phantom Ghouls are the killers doesn't exactly make me reach for a hanky.
00:06:11 Why'd they shut down?
00:06:13 You guys didn't bang the place up that bad last time you were here.
00:06:16 If this place is a Mandala Note, a few burnt walls and broken ceilings are the last thing that anybody's--
00:06:20 And smashed furniture, broken chandeliers, destroyed paintings, shattered vases.
00:06:25 Probably some minor structural damage.
00:06:27 Thanks, Egon.
00:06:28 My point being that there's more to worry about here than some minor cosmetic issues.
00:06:33 Definitely a Mandala Note.
00:06:35 If we don't shut down Shandor's Mandala soon, most of Manhattan will become as vacant as this.
00:06:39 Not to mention also becoming a bastion of absolute mind-numbing horror for centuries to come.
00:06:44 Hey, I definitely don't lay out two grand a month for a 600-square-foot walk-up to live in a bastion.
00:06:50 Let's get to work.
00:06:53 [Footsteps]
00:07:21 [Footsteps]
00:07:24 [Door slams]
00:07:25 [Footsteps]
00:07:33 [Glass shatters]
00:07:35 [Footsteps]
00:07:42 It's an ambush! Get 'em hot!
00:07:45 Wait a minute, wait. I don't think they're a threat.
00:07:47 They may only be residual hauntings.
00:07:49 I think Ray's right. They haven't crossed entirely into this dimension.
00:07:53 They're just psychokinetic echoes. Ghosts of ghosts. Completely harmless.
00:07:57 Great. I was hoping to meet a friendly ghost someday, but I'll settle for harmless right now.
00:08:03 I'm getting a strong valence spike higher up in the building.
00:08:06 Alyssa said she was called to the 12th floor. Let's start there.
00:08:09 [Music]
00:08:15 [Music fades]
00:08:19 Possessed bell-bottom jeans, circa 1970.
00:08:25 Rumored to have been haunted during a seance on the Merry Pranksters tour bus,
00:08:31 these jeans have long been a staple of the psychedelic supernatural underground.
00:08:38 Spotted backstage at Woodstock. Caught on grainy 16mm film in the candlelit background of a
00:08:46 Haight-Ashbury-Lovin. Photographed riding behind a member of a notorious biker gang fleeing...
00:08:55 Altamont.
00:08:57 The walking pants have been around whenever weirdness or tragedy strikes the hipster scene.
00:09:05 The walking pants are the hippie equivalent to the girl on the road ghost story.
00:09:10 Prior to their resurfacing this year, they haven't been seen since 1981.
00:09:15 Return to Hotel Sedgwick.
00:09:19 [Music]
00:09:33 [Music fades]
00:09:37 This way.
00:09:57 [Music]
00:10:01 [Music fades]
00:10:06 [Music]
00:10:32 [Music fades]
00:10:36 [Music fades]
00:10:40 Nothing.
00:10:42 They'd have shut down the power when they closed.
00:10:47 Can we take the stairs?
00:10:48 Well, we can try climbing, but the last time we were here a level 3 animator took out the bottom of the staircase.
00:10:53 Yeah, that's right. Forgot you weren't here last time, Winston. So, no stairs, no elevators.
00:10:58 Did you hear something? Over there! Come on!
00:11:07 I think we're dealing with a level 5 anchored ambusher. Be careful.
00:11:11 It went into the stairwell. We've got it cornered.
00:11:14 Help!
00:11:15 This is just how a level 5 anchored ambusher lures you in.
00:11:18 The manager? What are you doing here?
00:11:25 Ghosts. Monsters. Everywhere.
00:11:30 There was another voice. A woman screamed. Are you alone in here?
00:11:34 I just said ghosts and monsters everywhere. Does that sound like I'm alone?
00:11:39 You meant people.
00:11:42 Then yes. I think so.
00:11:45 [Scream]
00:11:46 Well, I guess that explains it.
00:11:48 Sir, there's no need to fear. These are just shadows, echoes of actual ghosts. They can't hurt you.
00:11:53 Come with us, sir. We can lead you to safety.
00:11:55 [Rain]
00:11:58 [Rattling]
00:12:08 [Laughter]
00:12:23 Broccoli Queen Autobiography, circa 1973.
00:12:28 As related in her book, Confessions of a Broccoli Queen,
00:12:33 the beautiful Sydney Chalmers came to the big city with big dreams and a modeling contract,
00:12:41 and was selected Broccoli Queen of the Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1967.
00:12:48 Little did she know that would be the pinnacle of her career.
00:12:53 She went to Hollywood to make movies, but only appeared in a string of low-grade exploitation films.
00:12:59 A life of ongoing wild parties and desperation led her to pen a sexy and scathing tell-all of the beauty industry.
00:13:10 Sydney died in a tragic and somewhat suspect hot tub accident the day the book hit the stands.
00:13:18 She never knew that she had finally found the success she craved,
00:13:22 as the book entered bestseller lists and remained there for over two years.
00:13:27 Not really cursed, but it's really a good airplane read.
00:13:34 Return to Hotel Cedric.
00:13:38 [Silence]
00:13:40 [Sound of water, glass breaking]
00:13:46 [Sound of water, glass breaking]
00:13:49 [Sound of water, glass breaking]
00:13:52 [Sound of water, glass breaking]
00:14:02 [Music]
00:14:20 My God!
00:14:21 Someone you know?
00:14:22 I don't know.
00:14:24 Most of the old staff knows the story of the Spider Witch,
00:14:27 a professional widow who did unimaginable things in a room on the 12th floor back in the 1920s.
00:14:34 [Sound of water, glass breaking]
00:14:38 What are you still doing here?
00:14:40 Why didn't you evacuate with everyone else?
00:14:42 I came back last night to retrieve some payroll records, but the hotel won't let me out.
00:14:46 The door's shut on me, and the phones are down too.
00:14:49 That means we're trapped now too, and we have to hope that Peter figures out we're missing.
00:14:54 There goes a weekend.
00:14:56 Not necessarily.
00:14:57 The 12th floor is apparently the core of this node.
00:15:00 If we can get the power back on, we can take the elevators.
00:15:02 If the elevators don't eat us.
00:15:04 Yes, if the elevators don't eat us.
00:15:07 Where are the circuit breakers for this place?
00:15:09 We don't have a lot of time.
00:15:11 Breakers? In my office.
00:15:13 But the city came and turned off most of our power after the electrical fire on the third floor.
00:15:17 There's no way to turn it back on from here.
00:15:18 That's inconvenient.
00:15:20 We've got to find some way to get the elevators moving.
00:15:23 There's a backup generator in the utility room, off the kitchen.
00:15:26 It's for emergency blackouts.
00:15:27 Perfect. Let's give it a try. To the kitchen.
00:15:31 It really feels like there was a cutscene that's missing from that.
00:15:35 But I can't tell if it was just the way it was edited, or if there actually is a cutscene missing.
00:15:41 Like I said, I don't have my Xbox set up for me to detect it.
00:15:46 Or, you know, not detect it, but for me to verify.
00:15:50 I may be wrong.
00:15:52 Maybe I am wrong.
00:15:54 Watch out!
00:15:56 Webbed fiend. Class 5 webbed fiend.
00:16:00 Type corporeal. Dispose of.
00:16:03 I'm not sure what I'm doing.
00:16:05 I'm not sure what I'm doing.
00:16:07 I'm not sure what I'm doing.
00:16:09 I'm not sure what I'm doing.
00:16:11 I'm not sure what I'm doing.
00:16:13 I'm not sure what I'm doing.
00:16:15 I'm not sure what I'm doing.
00:16:17 I'm not sure what I'm doing.
00:16:19 I'm not sure what I'm doing.
00:16:21 I'm not sure what I'm doing.
00:16:23 I'm not sure what I'm doing.
00:16:25 Corporeal. Disperse of.
00:16:27 Attack melee ranged rush.
00:16:30 Weakness shock blast.
00:16:32 Special ambusher.
00:16:34 Outwardly humanoid in appearance, webbed fiends can draw upon PKE...
00:16:39 No, I'm not saying that.
00:16:41 PKE in order to alter their appearance.
00:16:46 To present a terrifying visage that can cause those with weaker wills to flee.
00:16:52 As though they are trapped between two worlds, webbed fiends quickly transition between the ghost world and the physical world.
00:17:01 Just don't be there when they do.
00:17:04 [Evil laugh]
00:17:06 Alright.
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00:24:51 Alright, Ghostbusters drinking game achievement unlocked.
00:24:55 That means, uh, boy, they changed the names of the achievements on Steam.
00:25:00 Uh, "Scared Spitless" is what the actual achievement was on, uh, Xbox 360,
00:25:07 but apparently they call it a drinking game now.
00:25:09 So, it looks like I got all of the fountains.
00:25:13 Uh, one second, let me...
00:25:15 Alright, let's see, um...
00:25:18 Holy shit.
00:25:28 [laughs]
00:25:29 I have over 600,000 damage, dollars in damage done, uh,
00:25:34 so that means there's no way I'm going to get that, um...
00:25:37 nice shooting text achievement.
00:25:42 You have to beat the game with under $100,000 in property damage.
00:25:47 So, um, I'll probably have to go through and replay this on casual difficulty.
00:25:53 [laughs]
00:25:54 That's all good.
00:25:55 I love playing this game anyway, I'll be happy to play it.
00:25:57 So, I need to get $3,000,000 in damage...
00:26:01 in order to, uh, get the Destructor.
00:26:06 So, I might as well go for the Destructor.
00:26:08 Um...
00:26:09 "Airborne Coffins are in front. Use a Proton Pack to avenge Mother Nature."
00:26:16 Oh, yeah, that's right, I gotta, I gotta nail those.
00:26:19 Um...
00:26:20 [silence]
00:26:28 Coat Room? Boy, I don't even know what that one is.
00:26:31 [laughs]
00:26:35 Um...
00:26:37 Yeah, I mean, I could do a lot of those in this one.
00:26:46 Um, I wanted to do less than $100,000 in damage, but...
00:26:50 I remember that one was really difficult, and I think you have to do it on casual,
00:26:54 and just let the Ghostbusters, the other Ghostbusters do the damage for you,
00:26:58 and you just don't collect anything, which would be a very boring game.
00:27:02 But, you know, I mean, I could go ahead and record that one, uh, as a separate achievement, separate recording.
00:27:09 Anyway, so, uh, yeah, okay, let's get back to the game.
00:27:12 [silence]
00:27:19 [ding]
00:27:47 Absolutely beautiful.
00:27:49 [silence]
00:27:59 [silence]
00:28:09 [silence]
00:28:19 [silence]
00:28:24 [silence]
00:28:28 [silence]
00:28:38 [silence]
00:28:48 [silence]
00:28:50 [ding]
00:28:51 [silence]
00:28:57 [ding]
00:28:58 [reading text]
00:29:12 [reading text]
00:29:33 [reading text]
00:29:47 [ding]
00:29:50 [reading text]
00:30:07 [silence]
00:30:10 [ding]
00:30:11 [reading text]
00:30:38 [reading text]
00:31:05 [reading text]
00:31:23 [ding]
00:31:27 [reading text]
00:31:48 [ding]
00:31:49 [reading text]
00:32:15 [ding]
00:32:16 [reading text]
00:32:37 [ding]
00:32:38 [reading text]
00:33:06 [ding]
00:33:07 [reading text]
00:33:29 [ding]
00:33:30 [reading text]
00:33:49 [GUNFIRE]
00:33:52 [GUNFIRE]
00:33:57 [GUNFIRE]
00:34:01 [GROANING]
00:34:20 [ALARM BEEPING]
00:34:23 [GUNFIRE]
00:34:52 [GUNFIRE]
00:34:55 [ALARM BEEPING]
00:35:04 [GROANING]
00:35:21 [GUNFIRE]
00:35:25 Caught a piece of that one.
00:35:26 Thank god you're here.
00:35:35 Everything checks out here.
00:35:37 It's about time.
00:35:38 Looks like the Psycho-Masks are about 190 feet above our heads.
00:35:45 13th floor.
00:35:47 This hotel has no 13th floor.
00:35:49 None of the grand old hotels do.
00:35:52 Man's got a strong argument.
00:35:54 We'll split the difference.
00:35:55 Egon, you and the Tenderfoot go to the 12th floor.
00:35:58 Winston and I will check out the 14th.
00:36:01 Sir, if you'll please come with us.
00:36:03 Fine, but stay in contact.
00:36:05 This place is extraordinarily dangerous.
00:36:07 [ALARM BEEPING]
00:36:35 Swiss death clock.
00:36:37 Circa 1821, the infamous Swiss death clock
00:36:41 was constructed by Herschel Gluckhe.
00:36:45 Genius, but demented watchmaker, it
00:36:48 is intended to show the exact time of death of anyone
00:36:52 that comes near it.
00:36:54 When placed in the firehouse in close proximity
00:36:58 to so many past life entities, the clock's hand
00:37:02 spins out-- the clock's hands spin out of control.
00:37:08 Peter uses it as a desk fan.
00:37:11 Level returned to Hotel Cedric.
00:37:13 That's exactly what Peter would do.
00:37:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:37:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:37:32 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:37:39 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:37:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:37:51 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:37:57 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:38:00 [END PLAYBACK]
00:38:02 Achievement unlocked.
00:38:04 I've quit better jobs than this.
00:38:06 So apparently cleaning out the coat room
00:38:09 is just cleaning the coat room, and I just cleaned it.
00:38:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:38:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:38:33 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:38:36 [BELL RINGING]
00:38:41 [END PLAYBACK]
00:38:42 Well, let's see what's on the 12th floor.
00:38:47 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:38:53 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:38:58 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:39:01 [END PLAYBACK]
00:39:02 - Hey, God, what were you saying earlier about the mandala?
00:39:05 - You mean, why do we keep seeing new ghosts?
00:39:07 - Yeah.
00:39:08 - OK.
00:39:09 Think of the mandala as a city bus line.
00:39:12 At the bus station, ghosts or waiting passengers
00:39:14 are drawn into the system here and trapped.
00:39:17 This concentrates their PK energy,
00:39:19 which is then eventually forced through to the next node,
00:39:22 or station, and so on until it all
00:39:24 ends at a final terminus.
00:39:26 At each successive bus station, the station manager
00:39:28 absorbs some of the energy.
00:39:30 This makes the station manager, or node guardian,
00:39:33 stronger so that it can keep the ghosts in line
00:39:35 and destroy anyone who comes to the station
00:39:37 to interfere with the flow.
00:39:39 These nodes, or bus stations, gather the power
00:39:42 used to feed a central point, thus creating a much bigger
00:39:45 threat to our world.
00:39:47 Does that make more sense now?
00:39:50 - TTTC, Totally Trapped Transit Company.
00:39:53 - Yeah, you were going strong right up
00:39:55 until the passengers got trapped inside the bus station.
00:39:58 When is my performance review again?
00:40:00 I deserve more stock options.
00:40:04 - I say, young man, you are full of surprises.
00:40:08 After you, my friend.
00:40:10 - Well, that was terrifying.
00:40:13 Be extremely careful.
00:40:14 This is likely to be a point of dangerous concentration.
00:40:17 Odd.
00:40:22 It's coming from everywhere and nowhere.
00:40:24 Impossible to get a significant fix.
00:40:27 Ray, come in.
00:40:27 Are you there?
00:40:28 - He gone.
00:40:29 What happened?
00:40:30 We lost you for a minute there.
00:40:32 - We had a close contact.
00:40:33 - I've got some more information on the Spider Witch ghost.
00:40:36 The manager says authorities never found her, but--
00:40:39 - The bodies were hung from the ceiling.
00:40:41 They were drained of blood and dragged around.
00:40:43 - He says the victims were found in a pretty bad state.
00:40:46 - The walls were painted in blood.
00:40:48 Furniture was half-chewed and crushed
00:40:50 and piled in a corner like a giant nest.
00:40:53 - She seems to have vandalized the room badly, too.
00:40:55 - Hmm.
00:40:56 I don't want to be hung from a ceiling and drained of blood.
00:40:59 - I'll tell you this much.
00:41:00 I do not want to be found in a bad state or vandalized.
00:41:04 - I think that sentiment is unanimous.
00:41:06 - Let's keep moving.
00:41:13 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:41:16 - Take a scan.
00:41:29 See what you find.
00:41:30 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:41:32 [LAUGHTER]
00:41:34 - Red, come in.
00:41:35 - Yeah.
00:41:36 What's up?
00:41:37 - What was the Spider Witch's room number?
00:41:39 - 1221.
00:41:40 After her spree, it was locked up.
00:41:42 Until about five years ago when we remodeled.
00:41:44 - Hear that?
00:41:45 Room 1221.
00:41:47 I think that-- hey!
00:41:49 - Let's keep moving.
00:41:49 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:42:20 - Come on.
00:42:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:42:24 [STATIC]
00:42:28 [STATIC]
00:42:31 [STATIC]
00:42:34 [STATIC]
00:42:38 [STATIC]
00:42:41 [STATIC]
00:42:44 [STATIC]
00:42:48 [STATIC]
00:42:50 [HEART BEATING]
00:42:59 - Phantom Flush Toilet.
00:43:01 Circa 1906.
00:43:04 Presented to His Majesty Edward VII
00:43:07 as a diplomatic gift from the Moroccan ambassador.
00:43:11 This stunning specimen of engineering and craftsmanship
00:43:16 has been the harbinger of disaster and death
00:43:18 since its initial casting.
00:43:21 Unbeknownst to the ambassador, a Turkish drowning demon
00:43:25 was bound to the magnificent throne
00:43:27 as a fiendish assassination ploy.
00:43:30 An insolent under butler became the seat's first British victim
00:43:35 when said servant tried to use it before Edward had a chance.
00:43:39 The under butler was dragged to his horrible watery doom,
00:43:43 and the toilet was quickly removed from the royal palace
00:43:47 and thrown in the rubbish.
00:43:49 It has since passed through many hands and households,
00:43:52 spawning terror and tragedy in each.
00:43:56 Even in this day and age, it is difficult to imagine
00:43:59 that such a work of beauty is so incredibly deadly.
00:44:03 I can tell that's a real work of beauty.
00:44:06 Bloodstains all over.
00:44:08 Return to Hotel Sedgwick.
00:44:09 - Let's keep moving.
00:44:16 (water bubbling)
00:44:19 - And if I remember correctly, you can't get that artifact
00:44:41 until after you trigger that one event.
00:44:45 Then you have to go back in order to get the artifact
00:44:47 because that's when your PKE meter boosts to blue.
00:44:51 So yeah, these, it's funny, it's been almost 10 years
00:44:56 since I last played this game.
00:45:01 Almost 10 years, if not 10 years.
00:45:05 And yeah, not quite 10 years.
00:45:11 And I remember these artifacts, these specific artifacts,
00:45:16 because they were a real pain in the butt
00:45:17 to get the first time around.
00:45:18 Another reason why I'm doing these Let's Plays,
00:45:21 it's basically a walkthrough
00:45:23 on how to get the most achievements possible.
00:45:25 If you follow what I'm doing,
00:45:27 you're gonna get almost all of them,
00:45:28 and then the rest are just easy cleanup.
00:45:30 (bells jingling)
00:45:34 (footsteps thudding)
00:45:38 (footsteps thudding)
00:45:41 Are you ready?
00:45:50 (character grunting)
00:46:03 Excellent.
00:46:06 (static crackling)
00:46:09 Spider Crawler, category, Class 6 Vermin Entity.
00:46:15 Type, corporeal, dispersible.
00:46:19 Behaviors, attack, range, poison, swarm,
00:46:23 weakness, boson dart.
00:46:25 A close relative of the Venom Crawler,
00:46:27 Spider Crawlers are also physical manifestations
00:46:30 of the Vermin spirits through, though of a different order.
00:46:36 Encounters with these creatures
00:46:38 have only been reported on the Ghost Plane,
00:46:40 where they are usually the heralds
00:46:43 of other, more dangerous powers.
00:46:46 (bells jingling)
00:46:49 - Spirit Guide now.
00:46:51 Hey, I'm on your side.
00:46:53 We're not alone in here.
00:46:57 (eerie music)
00:47:00 (footsteps thudding)
00:47:03 (eerie music)
00:47:05 (static crackling)
00:47:08 (electricity crackling)
00:47:17 (eerie music)
00:47:26 (electricity crackling)
00:47:31 (static crackling)
00:47:34 - Not trouble.
00:47:41 Almost there.
00:47:45 - These spirits, they love me.
00:47:47 They make me strong.
00:47:50 - This floor is undergoing significant metamorphosis.
00:47:56 Ghost World is aggressively encroaching on ours.
00:47:59 It's not even utilizing a portal.
00:48:00 This is very bad.
00:48:01 (static crackling)
00:48:04 - My ankles, goodness.
00:48:12 We hardly know each other.
00:48:13 What?
00:48:14 What are you?
00:48:18 No, help!
00:48:19 No, please.
00:48:23 (screaming)
00:48:26 (eerie music)
00:48:28 - It's the Ghost World crossing through,
00:48:37 happening sooner than we expected.
00:48:39 It looks like this is where the node is focused.
00:48:42 We could use some help.
00:48:43 Ray, are you there?
00:48:45 Come in, Ray.
00:48:46 Looks like it's up to us.
00:48:49 Let's find 1221 and finish this.
00:48:51 (static crackling)
00:48:56 (eerie music)
00:48:58 See what's here.
00:49:07 (static crackling)
00:49:12 (eerie music)
00:49:24 (static crackling)
00:49:26 - The unruly beard of V. Belasco.
00:49:33 Circa 1933, Russian demonologist,
00:49:39 demonologist Vladimir Belasco,
00:49:43 performed exorcisms throughout central Russia
00:49:46 in the '20s and early '30s.
00:49:49 He never noticed that one of the very minor sub-demons
00:49:52 he cast out had escaped into his beard,
00:49:56 a massive and wild nest that stirred envy in most men.
00:50:01 Upon his death, the possessed beard left Belasco's face
00:50:06 and stowed aboard a freighter to the Americas.
00:50:10 The beard has a tendency to affix itself
00:50:14 to the chins of unknowing victims
00:50:17 while they speak to mock them.
00:50:21 But rarely does any harm.
00:50:23 So if it rarely does any real harm,
00:50:30 then it's just, you know, a shitty beard, I guess.
00:50:35 Level, return to Hotel Sedgwick.
00:50:38 I mean, you know what, why doesn't the demon
00:50:42 like decide to do something good for a change?
00:50:45 Like, I mean, he can't do any real harm,
00:50:48 and he mocks people.
00:50:49 Why doesn't he like visit a cancer war
00:50:51 and see all these bald kids and decide,
00:50:53 you know what, I'm just gonna be nice to these bald kids.
00:50:55 I mean, these kids, they don't need any harm.
00:50:58 They don't mean any harm.
00:50:58 They don't need to feel terrible.
00:51:01 I mean, and only, you know, just being on the kid's face
00:51:05 and make the kid so happy,
00:51:08 geez, you know, I'm convinced that some demons out there,
00:51:11 like if they actually encountered, you know,
00:51:13 someone that didn't deserve being treated terribly
00:51:16 and they looked at the person
00:51:18 and they could actually help them,
00:51:19 some of them might actually, you know,
00:51:20 realize that they could help them.
00:51:23 Maybe not all, but you know, some of them might.
00:51:27 Geez.
00:51:29 (bells jingling)
00:51:33 (eerie music)
00:51:36 (water splashing)
00:51:44 (eerie music)
00:51:47 Why am I getting damaged by my own boson darts?
00:52:08 Didn't I get the upgrade?
00:52:11 (clock ticking)
00:52:40 So I guess that's another bug.
00:52:41 The upgrade for damage immunity does not actually work.
00:52:45 (bells jingling)
00:52:51 (eerie music)
00:52:53 (darts zapping)
00:53:09 Let's keep moving.
00:53:10 (darts zapping)
00:53:38 (eerie music)
00:53:40 (darts zapping)
00:53:43 1220, 1222, no 1221, where is it?
00:53:56 1221 has to be here.
00:53:58 Never trust the naked eye in this work.
00:54:05 I'm sure it's here, even if we can't see it.
00:54:07 (darts zapping)
00:54:09 (darts zapping)
00:54:36 Remember, just because we can't see it
00:54:38 doesn't mean it isn't here.
00:54:40 (darts zapping)
00:54:42 (darts zapping)
00:54:57 (eerie music)
00:55:00 Good thinking, it was here all along.
00:55:12 Well, this looks inviting.
00:55:27 (darts zapping)
00:55:29 I don't like the look of this,
00:55:48 but we've run out of options.
00:55:50 (eerie music)
00:55:53 (darts zapping)
00:55:56 Don't be afraid.
00:55:57 (eerie music)
00:56:08 (darts zapping)
00:56:21 (eerie music)
00:56:24 (darts zapping)
00:56:27 (eerie music)
00:56:32 (darts zapping)
00:56:35 We aren't alone.
00:56:57 (eerie music)
00:56:59 Which ones are these?
00:57:13 These are not mine.
00:57:15 (darts zapping)
00:57:22 (eerie music)
00:57:25 Everyone here is mine.
00:57:30 The quiet man, the angry man,
00:57:34 the hollowed man, the misguided man.
00:57:37 Yes.
00:57:39 Now you are here, and that means you are mine.
00:57:45 (darts zapping)
00:57:49 (eerie music)
00:57:52 (darts zapping)
00:58:05 (eerie music)
00:58:07 (darts zapping)
00:58:10 (eerie music)
00:58:12 (darts zapping)
00:58:15 (eerie music)
00:58:24 (darts zapping)
00:58:26 (eerie music)
00:58:50 (darts zapping)
00:58:52 You won't be so bad.
00:59:05 You're going to be tiny.
00:59:09 (laughing)
00:59:20 (darts zapping)
00:59:22 Night in shining proton pack time.
00:59:44 (darts zapping)
00:59:46 (eerie music)
00:59:49 Don't be shy.
00:59:56 I don't like shy.
00:59:59 (darts zapping)
01:00:02 (eerie music)
01:00:05 Come and fight me if you can.
01:00:20 (darts zapping)
01:00:23 (eerie music)
01:00:26 See if you can pick up a signal.
01:00:38 (darts zapping)
01:00:40 Heads up!
01:00:46 (darts zapping)
01:00:52 (eerie music)
01:00:54 This is actually a really hard one to scan for.
01:00:57 I got lucky.
01:00:59 This is also one of, like,
01:01:01 I believe the second hardest boss in this game.
01:01:05 As it lore, it is a really hard boss.
01:01:07 The final boss is actually the hardest boss in the game,
01:01:11 as far as I'm concerned.
01:01:14 Spider Witch, Class VI Elevated Remnant,
01:01:17 Type Deity, Supreme Being.
01:01:19 (buzzer buzzing)
01:01:20 Attack, behaviors, attack, melee, range,
01:01:23 weakness, proton stream.
01:01:25 This anonymous woman,
01:01:26 the authorities never discovered her identity,
01:01:29 spent several years in the '20s
01:01:31 living in the Hotel Sedgwick.
01:01:33 There, for purposes only known to herself and/or master,
01:01:36 Evo Shandor, she lured men into her rooms
01:01:40 and then murdered them,
01:01:43 though it's uncertain if they were killed before
01:01:45 or after they were hung from the ceiling
01:01:47 and drained of their blood.
01:01:49 As a reward for her efforts as a member of his inner circle,
01:01:53 after his death,
01:01:54 Shandor used his substantial powers to elevate her,
01:01:58 creating the Spider Witch,
01:02:00 now a terrifying spider-human fusion.
01:02:03 She and her insect-like minions
01:02:05 protect Shandor's interests in the strange,
01:02:08 twisted plane that exists immediately
01:02:10 between our world and the ghost world.
01:02:13 (bell ringing)
01:02:19 (growling)
01:02:21 (hissing)
01:02:23 (growling)
01:02:25 (growling)
01:02:27 (growling)
01:02:29 (hissing)
01:02:31 (growling)
01:02:33 (laughing)
01:02:35 (growling)
01:02:37 (laughing)
01:02:39 (growling)
01:02:41 (laughing)
01:02:43 To the right!
01:02:45 (growling)
01:02:47 (laughing)
01:02:49 (growling)
01:02:51 (laughing)
01:02:53 (growling)
01:02:55 (laughing)
01:02:57 (growling)
01:02:59 (laughing)
01:03:01 (growling)
01:03:03 (laughing)
01:03:05 (laughing)
01:03:07 It's growing stronger.
01:03:09 Don't let it power up.
01:03:11 (laughing)
01:03:13 (growling)
01:03:15 (hissing)
01:03:17 (growling)
01:03:19 (growling)
01:03:21 Blast it!
01:03:23 (growling)
01:03:25 (laughing)
01:03:27 (growling)
01:03:29 (growling)
01:03:31 (growling)
01:03:33 (laughing)
01:03:35 (hissing)
01:03:37 (growling)
01:03:39 (laughing)
01:03:41 (growling)
01:03:43 (growling)
01:03:45 (hissing)
01:03:47 (growling)
01:03:49 (hissing)
01:03:51 (growling)
01:03:53 (laughing)
01:03:55 (growling)
01:03:57 (hissing)
01:03:59 (growling)
01:04:01 (hissing)
01:04:03 (growling)
01:04:05 (hissing)
01:04:07 (growling)
01:04:09 (hissing)
01:04:11 (growling)
01:04:13 (laughing)
01:04:15 (hissing)
01:04:17 (growling)
01:04:19 (hissing)
01:04:21 (growling)
01:04:23 (hissing)
01:04:25 (growling)
01:04:27 (hissing)
01:04:29 Don't let it recharge.
01:04:31 (growling)
01:04:33 (hissing)
01:04:35 (laughing)
01:04:37 (growling)
01:04:39 (hissing)
01:04:41 (growling)
01:04:43 (hissing)
01:04:45 (growling)
01:04:47 (hissing)
01:04:49 (growling)
01:04:51 Let's give a scan.
01:04:53 (hissing)
01:04:55 (growling)
01:04:57 (hissing)
01:04:59 (growling)
01:05:01 (hissing)
01:05:03 (growling)
01:05:05 (hissing)
01:05:07 (growling)
01:05:09 (hissing)
01:05:11 (growling)
01:05:13 (hissing)
01:05:15 (growling)
01:05:17 (hissing)
01:05:19 (growling)
01:05:21 (hissing)
01:05:23 (growling)
01:05:25 (hissing)
01:05:27 Need some help here.
01:05:29 (growling)
01:05:31 (hissing)
01:05:33 (growling)
01:05:35 Oh, I thought that was a pathway. That's my own stupid fault.
01:05:37 I also wasn't sure if I got all those spider fiends, but I did.
01:05:39 I also wasn't sure if I got all those spider fiends, but I did.
01:05:41 (click)
01:05:43 (crackling)
01:05:45 (hissing)
01:05:47 (hissing)
01:05:49 (hissing)
01:05:51 We aren't alone.
01:05:53 (hissing)
01:05:55 (hissing)
01:05:57 (growling)
01:05:59 (hissing)
01:06:01 (growling)
01:06:03 (hissing)
01:06:05 (hissing)
01:06:07 (growling)
01:06:09 (hissing)
01:06:11 (growling)
01:06:13 (hissing)
01:06:15 (growling)
01:06:17 (hissing)
01:06:19 (growling)
01:06:21 (hissing)
01:06:23 (growling)
01:06:25 (hissing)
01:06:27 (growling)
01:06:29 (hissing)
01:06:31 (growling)
01:06:33 (hissing)
01:06:35 (growling)
01:06:37 (hissing)
01:06:39 (growling)
01:06:41 (hissing)
01:06:43 (hissing)
01:06:45 Okay, this professional mode
01:06:47 is way easier
01:06:49 than the professional mode on the Xbox
01:06:51 320.
01:06:53 And I'll tell you why I know that.
01:06:55 Because on the Xbox 320,
01:06:57 you got hit once, you were not,
01:06:59 you were dead.
01:07:01 You lost. If you got hit
01:07:03 at close range like that, you were gone.
01:07:05 Um,
01:07:07 there were also a lot more mini-minions.
01:07:09 I remember being chased all the way around.
01:07:11 So this remastered
01:07:13 actually made professional
01:07:15 a lot easier than it originally
01:07:17 was. Which is fine.
01:07:19 It's totally fine. I thought it was a little bit
01:07:21 too hard. (laughs) When I first
01:07:23 played it. But, uh, yeah.
01:07:25 So if you beat on professional,
01:07:27 on the original version, at least on the
01:07:29 Xbox 320, um,
01:07:31 or 360. Maybe it's 360.
01:07:33 It's Xbox 360. I keep saying
01:07:35 320. Uh, Xbox 360.
01:07:37 Um,
01:07:39 yeah. It was, uh,
01:07:41 it was way more difficult.
01:07:43 (laughs)
01:07:45 (hissing)
01:07:47 (growling)
01:07:49 (hissing)
01:07:51 (growling)
01:07:53 (hissing)
01:07:55 (hissing)
01:07:57 To the right!
01:07:59 (hissing)
01:08:01 (hissing)
01:08:03 (hissing)
01:08:05 (growling)
01:08:07 (hissing)
01:08:09 (growling)
01:08:11 Coming!
01:08:13 (hissing)
01:08:15 Look behind you!
01:08:17 (hissing)
01:08:19 (hissing)
01:08:21 (hissing)
01:08:23 (hissing)
01:08:25 (growling)
01:08:27 (hissing)
01:08:29 (growling)
01:08:31 (hissing)
01:08:33 (growling)
01:08:35 (hissing)
01:08:37 (growling)
01:08:39 (laughs)
01:08:41 It's growing stronger! Don't let it power up!
01:08:43 (hissing)
01:08:45 (hissing)
01:08:47 (growling)
01:08:49 Blast it!
01:08:51 (hissing)
01:08:53 (laughs)
01:08:55 (growling)
01:08:57 (hissing)
01:08:59 (laughs)
01:09:01 (hissing)
01:09:03 (laughs)
01:09:05 (hissing)
01:09:07 (hissing)
01:09:09 (growling)
01:09:11 (hissing)
01:09:13 (growling)
01:09:15 (laughs)
01:09:17 (hissing)
01:09:19 (growling)
01:09:21 (hissing)
01:09:23 (growling)
01:09:25 (hissing)
01:09:27 (growling)
01:09:29 (hissing)
01:09:31 (laughs)
01:09:33 (hissing)
01:09:35 (growling)
01:09:37 (hissing)
01:09:39 (growling)
01:09:41 (hissing)
01:09:43 (laughs)
01:09:45 (hissing)
01:09:47 (growling)
01:09:49 (hissing)
01:09:51 Don't let it recharge!
01:09:53 (hissing)
01:09:55 (hissing)
01:09:57 (hissing)
01:09:59 (growling)
01:10:01 (hissing)
01:10:03 (growling)
01:10:05 (hissing)
01:10:07 (growling)
01:10:09 (hissing)
01:10:11 (growling)
01:10:13 (hissing)
01:10:15 Whoa! Gotta move!
01:10:17 (hissing)
01:10:19 (laughs)
01:10:21 (hissing)
01:10:23 (hissing)
01:10:25 (growling)
01:10:27 (hissing)
01:10:29 (growling)
01:10:31 (hissing)
01:10:33 Okay, maybe it was the recharge that
01:10:35 hits you, that kills you in one hit.
01:10:37 No, no,
01:10:39 I remember her still killing you
01:10:41 in one hit anyway. That recharge just makes
01:10:43 her run faster.
01:10:45 (hissing)
01:10:49 I mean, maybe it does
01:10:51 up her damage, but I
01:10:53 remember Professional being a lot more difficult.
01:10:55 I had a lot harder time
01:10:57 when I played on the 360 with
01:10:59 the mini marshmallows.
01:11:01 I remember there being way more spawns.
01:11:03 Maybe
01:11:05 my memory is bad, but I remember the game just
01:11:07 being a lot more difficult ten years ago.
01:11:09 You know, with the non-remastered
01:11:11 version. I think they must have killed some spawns.
01:11:13 Like, I haven't even seen
01:11:15 her little spawns in this
01:11:17 fight except for once, and
01:11:19 she was summoning them all the time when I
01:11:21 made my first playthrough.
01:11:23 I don't know.
01:11:25 I think they did reduce the difficulty a little bit.
01:11:27 (hissing)
01:11:33 (hissing)
01:11:35 We aren't alone.
01:11:37 (hissing)
01:11:39 Which ones are these? These are not mine. Everyone here is mine. I am everything. No!
01:12:03 The scuttling ones. Yes. No more water. And that means I'm all mine.
01:12:13 [Music]
01:12:19 [Laughter]
01:12:22 [Music]
01:12:39 Night in shining proton pack time.
01:12:44 [Music]
01:12:53 Don't be shy. I don't like shy ones.
01:12:59 [Music]
01:13:07 Heads up!
01:13:10 [Music]
01:13:31 Look out! On your left!
01:13:34 [Music]
01:13:44 [Music]
01:13:52 [Laughter]
01:14:06 It's growing stronger. Don't let it power up.
01:14:09 [Music]
01:14:17 Blast it!
01:14:19 [Music]
01:14:41 To the right!
01:14:43 [Music]
01:14:48 You hit me!
01:14:50 [Music]
01:15:04 Look behind you!
01:15:06 [Music]
01:15:12 Gotta move!
01:15:26 [Laughter]
01:15:28 Don't let her reach us.
01:15:33 Keep it up kid!
01:15:35 [Laughter]
01:15:41 [Music]
01:15:56 Multiple contact!
01:15:58 [Music]
01:16:12 Here they come! Hubs on the way.
01:16:15 [Music]
01:16:29 Get out of here!
01:16:31 [Music]
01:16:43 [Applause]
01:16:48 [Music]
01:17:03 Look! The Mandala map.
01:17:09 Ray, Winston, come in. You there?
01:17:11 Egon, what happened? You alright?
01:17:13 The recruit found the 13th floor and we shut it down.
01:17:16 PKE levels are back to acceptable parameters.
01:17:19 This node of the Mandala is fully neutranized.
01:17:21 Alright. Where are you? We went back down to the 12th floor and couldn't find anything.
01:17:25 Everything seems pretty normal.
01:17:27 Looks like we're back in the Ruby Ballroom. We'll meet you at Ecto-1.
01:17:30 Egon, remind me. Why are we driving aimlessly in the fog?
01:17:40 The final node, Vekman.
01:17:42 Close it and we seal the Mandala, trapping the ghosts inside.
01:17:46 Sorry to break this to you, Egon, but I just don't see a Mandala.
01:17:51 You were saying?
01:17:55 Shandor Island. It's here.
01:17:58 [Music]
01:18:11 It's too unstable. I'm going to have to drop you guys in circle.
01:18:14 If Ecto-8 sinks, we're sunk too.
01:18:16 Ray, since you're the most excited about going to Ghost Island, why don't I just take the boat?
01:18:22 I thought I was making a nice gesture. You're giving me the suspicious look.
01:18:27 Drop that instantly. Let's get going.
01:18:30 Nobody enjoys rushing headlong towards their death more than this fellow.
01:18:35 What's the story behind this place, Egon?
01:18:40 The Shandors owned this island for generations. The castle was built in the 1860s.
01:18:44 Evo Shandor used it as a refuge, a lab, and a temple for he and other cult members to worship Gozer.
01:18:49 Okay, that's all well and good. But can someone explain to me how an entire island sinks?
01:18:56 The night the last Shandor died, there was a huge tidal surge, and the river just swallowed the island whole.
01:19:01 Shandor consecrated the island to Gozer, and the Ghost World reclaimed it.
01:19:05 [Yawns]
01:19:07 City's lucky it's in the middle of the river instead of Rockefeller Center.
01:19:11 Lucky now. But soon the Ghost World will continue to assert itself into ours, and the damage will be incalculable.
01:19:17 Hmm. Just another screwed up day at the office.
01:19:20 [Coffee being poured]
01:19:22 [Camera shutter]
01:19:25 [Camera shutter]
01:19:37 [Camera shutter]
01:19:39 [Music]
01:19:48 Alright, alright, alright, everybody. That is it for the... this recording on Hour and Twenty Minutes.
01:19:56 [Sighs] Um...
01:19:59 There's no way this game is not easier than when it first came out.
01:20:03 I have had suspicions about this for a while. I didn't want to say it.
01:20:10 'Cause, you know, a lot of times people's memories are... are bad.
01:20:14 You know, it could have been just, "Oh, well, I played it through and I got my butt kicked."
01:20:19 No, I actually played this game several times all the way through on my Xbox 360.
01:20:24 Not 320. 360. I'm sorry. Everybody was screaming at me, correcting me. I'm sorry.
01:20:31 Go ahead and smash that dislike button if you want.
01:20:35 Um...
01:20:37 So, uh...
01:20:39 It was a lot harder.
01:20:42 There's several fights that I've faced that were a lot harder.
01:20:46 And at first I thought, "Could it be that they just improved the AI and made it so that my...
01:20:51 my, uh, friends and family that are walking with me...
01:20:55 do more damage to the enemies?"
01:21:00 And... but I'm looking at this and, no, they... they reduced the spawn.
01:21:05 I don't know if it was a bug that made it harder than it should have been,
01:21:08 or maybe these developers, when they remastered the game, they decided to cut back on the difficulty.
01:21:14 Difficulty isn't everything.
01:21:17 I don't mind it being easier, honestly. I really don't.
01:21:21 And I remember I'm playing on Professional.
01:21:24 I don't think that there's a higher grade to difficulty than Professional.
01:21:28 I think that's the highest difficulty there is.
01:21:30 Um...
01:21:32 It's not bad to be easier, right?
01:21:38 You don't have to play this game on Professional in order to enjoy the game or to fully complete it.
01:21:44 You can play it on Casual and fully complete it.
01:21:47 The AI definitely does more damage to ghosts and enemies than it did before,
01:21:54 which is really good.
01:21:56 I mean, really, really good.
01:21:59 I mean, I like it when the AI is better.
01:22:04 They did cut down on the spawns.
01:22:06 It took me...
01:22:08 Two hours the first time I beat the Spider Witch to beat her.
01:22:13 Two hours of just that fight.
01:22:15 And it was really difficult because I had to avoid all of the crawlers.
01:22:21 The crawlers...
01:22:23 I was running all the way around.
01:22:25 Constantly running.
01:22:27 Doing sprints. Running. Jumping. Jumping back and forth. Running.
01:22:30 The full thing that I usually do with a Dune game,
01:22:34 I was doing with this game on Professional.
01:22:37 You saw me in this play.
01:22:39 This is supposed to be the hardest difficulty.
01:22:41 I barely even moved.
01:22:45 It was easier.
01:22:49 It really was.
01:22:52 So, I don't know what they did. They definitely made it easier.
01:22:54 Like I said, that's not a bad thing.
01:22:57 It's still difficult.
01:23:00 You know, first time through.
01:23:02 First time player.
01:23:04 You're probably going to take a while to beat the Spider Queen
01:23:07 until you get her pattern down.
01:23:09 You know? The Spider Witch.
01:23:11 It took me a while to get her pattern down.
01:23:14 I actually remembered her pattern this playthrough
01:23:17 because I played her before several times.
01:23:19 It's definitely more accessible for people who play Professional difficulty.
01:23:26 If the Professional difficulty is made that much easier,
01:23:30 then Casual must really be a walk through the park.
01:23:33 I'm going to find that out.
01:23:35 That's fine too. Having a walk through the park game.
01:23:37 That's also fine.
01:23:39 The draw of this game are the Ghostbusters.
01:23:42 Ernie Hudson, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, Annie Potts,
01:23:48 the guy who played Walter Peck.
01:23:51 That's the draw for this game.
01:23:54 It doesn't have to be a difficult game for it to be good.
01:24:00 It's not a bad game because it's not as difficult.
01:24:03 I'm enjoying it. I hope you are too.
01:24:06 Thank you for chilling with me.
01:24:08 Love you all. See ya. Bye.
