Jessica Thivenin a été critiquée pour être trop maigre, la vérité derrière ❗❗

  • last year


00:00 Jessica Thivenin, the candidate has been strongly criticized for her physique, judged to be too thin.
00:06 Very upright, she pushes a big blow on her social networks.Judged to be very thin, she receives a lot of criticism.
00:25 Like all influencers, Jessica Thivenin must have received a lot of criticism on her physique.
00:30 Recently, a netizen called her because she answered the questions of netizens with a picture of her in a swimsuit.
00:50 "I had to answer with a half-naked photo," he asked. But the young woman did not hesitate to display it by answering "Yes and if you are not happy, well."
01:00 "It's not like every day, I show my * and after yes, I'm still in swimsuit, it was madam."
01:16 Recently, another netizen attacked Jessica Thivenin on a subject that often comes up, it is surgery.
01:28 Indeed, many netizens were shocked by her physical transformation after these many interventions in the adventurous apprentices.
01:43 "Your shapes do not go with your body. We can see that everything is wrong, it's a shame. If you were a little more fleshless it would be more charming."
01:57 "There, it looks like you're sick. " he wrote the attack on his thinness.
02:10 Jessica Thivenin is angry. Then, Jessica Thivenin entered into a black anger.
02:22 And the one who expressed herself on her plans to grow up, their family with Thibaut Garcia made a quick point.
02:35 "I feel very good. It's crazy this kind of comment, I read them a thousand times a day. So no, I'm not anorexic, I eat very well. I'm not bulimic either."
02:59 "I do not vomit. " After having recalled that she was not anorexic and that she was not endangering her health, Jessica Thivenin invited her subscribers to get involved in their affairs.
03:17 "You are anorexic, you are too thin, you are too much, but leave me. I feel good in my body, in my head and that's the main thing. If you do not want to be thin like me, do not be. As long as everyone is well in his body. "
03:33 "Close the quotation marks " concluded the one who revealed the worst flaw of her husband.
03:44 "I have a very good relationship with my husband. He is a very good person. He is a very good person. I love him very much. I love him very much."
03:54 "I do not have a problem with my husband. I have a very good relationship with my husband. We are very close. I do not have a problem with my husband. I love him very much."
04:10 "I do not have a problem with my husband. I love him very much. I love him very much."
04:16 "I do not have a problem with my husband. I love him very much."
04:24 "I do not have a problem with my husband. I love him very much."
04:36 "I do not have a problem with my husband. I love him very much."
04:40 "I do not have a problem with my husband. I love him very much."
04:48 "I do not have a problem with my husband. I love him very much."
04:56 "I do not have a problem with my husband. I love him very much."
05:04 (upbeat music)
