Philippine bomb threat 'likely a hoax' - police

  • last year
An anonymous bomb threat that prompted the Philippines to put all its commercial airports on heightened security alert is "most likely a hoax", the aviation police chief said on Friday (October 6). - REUTERS
00:00 Passengers in the Philippine capital faced increased security Friday after an anonymous
00:05 warning that planes flying out of Manila to several tourist destinations could explode.
00:11 But that threat, sent via email on Wednesday, is now said to have been most likely a hoax.
00:17 That's according to the chief of the country's aviation security group. Authorities ordered
00:21 42 airports across the country to step up security after receiving the warning.
00:28 Despite the alert, the country's main international airport in Manila and its two biggest airlines
00:33 were operating as normal. No delays were expected and passengers Reuters spoke to did not seem
00:39 to be overly worried.
00:40 "It doesn't concern me. I think mostly these threats are empty. They're not genuine people.
00:47 Someone's just upset. It's a very simple way of causing a lot of trouble."
00:51 "These threats are normal."
00:56 "I'm scared but confident because our present government is handling things better."
01:07 Authorities said extra police and canine patrols have been deployed at Manila terminals as
01:12 part of enhanced security measures at airports. A source at Philippines Airlines described
01:18 the situation as "business as usual".
