BREAKING NEWS: Biden Delivers Remarks On 'Unconscionable' Hamas Attack On Israel

  • last year
President Biden delivers remarks on the surprise Hamas attack on Israel.
00:00 >> The President Good afternoon.
00:09 Today, the people of Israel are under attack,
00:11 orchestrated by a terrorist organization, Hamas.
00:15 In this moment of tragedy, I want to say to them
00:18 and to the world and to terrorists everywhere
00:20 that the United States stands with Israel.
00:23 We will not ever fail to have their back.
00:27 We'll make sure that they have the help their citizens need
00:30 and they can continue to defend themselves.
00:33 You know, the world's seen appalling images,
00:36 thousands of rockets in a space of hours
00:39 raining down on Israeli cities.
00:42 I got up this morning and started this at 738 o'clock,
00:45 my calls, Hamas terrorists crossing in Israel,
00:48 killing not only Israeli soldiers,
00:50 but Israeli civilians in the street, in their homes.
00:54 Innocent people murdered, wounded,
00:57 entire families taken hostage by Hamas.
00:59 Just days after Israel marked the holiest of days
01:02 in the Jewish calendar. It's unconscionable.
01:05 You know, when I spoke to Prime Minister Netanyahu this morning,
01:10 I told him the United States stands with the people of Israel
01:13 in the face of these terrorist assaults.
01:15 Israel has the right to defend itself and its people,
01:18 full stop.
01:20 There's never justification for terrorist attacks.
01:23 And my administration's support for Israel's security
01:26 is rock solid and unwavering.
01:28 Let me say this as clearly as I can.
01:31 This is not a moment for any party hostile to Israel
01:35 to exploit these attacks to seek advantage.
01:38 The world is watching.
01:40 I've also been in contact with the King of Jordan,
01:44 spoke with members of Congress,
01:46 directed my national security team
01:48 to engage with their Israeli counterparts.
01:51 Military to military, intelligence to intelligence,
01:53 diplomat to diplomat,
01:55 to make sure Israel has what it needs.
01:58 I've also directed my team to remain in constant contact
02:01 with leaders throughout the region,
02:03 including Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
02:07 Jordan, Oman, the UAE,
02:09 as well as our European partners and the Palestinian Authority.
02:12 It's also a terrible tragedy on a human level.
02:15 It's hurting innocent people.
02:18 Seeing the lives that have been broken by this,
02:21 the families torn apart, it's heartbreaking.
02:23 And Jill and I are praying for those families
02:26 who've been impacted by this violence.
02:28 We grieve with those who've lost their loved ones,
02:31 lost a piece of their soul.
02:33 We have hope for a swift recovery
02:36 for many who have been wounded.
02:38 We're going to remain in close touch with the Prime Minister.
02:41 I personally am going to remain in close contact
02:43 with Prime Minister Netanyahu
02:45 as this situation continues to develop.
02:47 And let there be no mistake,
02:49 the United States stands with the State of Israel.
02:53 Just we have, from the moment the United States
02:55 became the first nation to recognize Israel
02:58 11 minutes after its founding 75 years ago.
03:01 Thank you very much.
03:03 >> The Press: Mr. President, was there an intelligence failure
03:06 in the lead up to this attack?
03:08 >> Ms. Psaki: Mr. President, can you tell us
03:10 what we'd be asking specifically for support?
03:12 Thank you.
