Milano, Tari: risparmiati 200 mila euro e un milione di fogli con PagoPA

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Durante la Milano Digital Week nel corso dell’incontro “Open bilancio, pagamenti online, notifiche digitali: trasparenza ed efficienza al servizio dei cittadini”, organizzato dal Comune di Milano in collaborazione con PagoPA la Società incaricata dallo Stato di favorire la diffusione di servizi pubblici digitali, sono stati diffusi i dati positivi dati dall’invio tramite email, al posto della tradizionale corrispondenza postale, degli avvisi di pagamento della tassa sui rifiuti


00:00 The savings in economic and environmental terms is significant, and therefore also the public administration in Milan.
00:12 A pioneer in digital innovation, it offers citizens increasingly sustainable, easy and fast services in the discussion of taxes.
00:20 An example is the Atari, almost 30% of the contributors have joined the mail-in for the payment of the refund fee, allowing the municipality of Milan to save public money for shipping costs and millions of sheets of paper.
00:35 In the payment of the Atari on the digital, we have gone from 125,000 notifications of 2021 to 200,000 of 2022, which in very simple terms means more than a million sheets of paper saved, about 200,000 euros of costs saved and many hours of work of our employees.
00:52 The digital and ecological transition must be inclusive, therefore we must accompany the digitization of the citizens, who by language or age are less used to use these tools.
01:04 In fact, these tools must not be substitutes, but accompany the monotone transformation to be fair for everyone.
01:10 The results emerged during the Milan Digital Week in an event organized in collaboration with, the company in charge of the State to promote the dissemination of digital public services in a simple, clear and with a view always attentive to the needs of citizens.
01:27 School services, the use of Atari, the use of the road code sanctions, rather than the material assets, all those that certainly affect most citizens.
01:39 In particular, last year 700,000 Atari were notified, therefore one for each contributor who had downloaded and has a very important dissemination of this app.
01:48 The first step is to release all together Send, our new solution for the digital notification of legal assets.
01:57 The Municipality of Milan has been an experimental municipality and demonstrates how a municipality can virtuously use in a synergistic way the entire ecosystem of platforms.
