Sostenibilità: Lazzarini (MIDO), ‘Sostenibilità motivazione principale del mercato”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “La nostra manifestazione fieristica ha diversi progetti orientati alla sostenibilità perchè riteniamo che ormai sia una motivazione principale del mercato”. Sono le parole di Silvia Lazzarini, Customer Relations MIDO, intervistata durante l’appuntamento dedicato a chi ha scelto la strada del cambiamento nella direzione della sostenibilità, il Salone Csr, a Milano fino al 6 ottobre.


00:00 [Music]
00:08 Our fair demonstration has several projects oriented to sustainability
00:13 because we believe that it is now a main motivation of the market.
00:18 So the compartment of the eyewear shop, which is what organizes the fair,
00:26 certainly believes that sustainability is a main engine.
00:33 We are organizing a certification of the eyewear, CSE,
00:40 Certified Sustainable Eyewear,
00:44 which is a system for which the visitor and the end user can recognize
00:52 which products are actually sustainable.
00:56 This is one of the initiatives and there are obviously others.
01:00 We launched last year a project of the Empowerment Optical Women Leadership,
01:08 to promote training in women so that they can access higher positions in the world of work.
01:20 It is a highly female-occupied sector,
01:23 about 60% of the staff in the production companies is female,
01:30 however the percentage drops at the leadership level.
01:36 So this is a project that aims to encourage women to make a career,
01:42 basically it gives training tools, such as courses and initiatives in this sense.
