পুরোটাই নাটক, ওঁরা দেখা করতেই চাননি, দিল্লিতে তামাশা করতে এসেছিল তৃণমূল: সাধ্বী নিরঞ্জন জ্য়োতি

  • last year
পুরোটাই নাটক, ওঁরা দেখা করতেই চাননি, দিল্লিতে তামাশা করতে এসেছিল তৃণমূল: সাধ্বী নিরঞ্জন জ্য়োতি


00:00 I was told that there will be 10 people, then 15 people, then the public will come together.
00:07 I said no, because there will be a mess in West Bengal.
00:10 I feel that the government has been formed in West Bengal by a lie.
00:16 They didn't want to meet me.
00:18 They asked how many people will be there.
00:22 I said 5 people will come.
00:24 I didn't decide who will come.
00:27 Then they said 10 people will come.
00:30 I said 10 people will come.
00:32 Then my friend sat in my room and said that he wants to meet me alone.
00:37 I said if you want to meet me alone, then come some other time.
00:40 Today is your daily date, which has come with the issue of Mandega.
00:45 How will I talk if you don't sit?
00:48 Then they said that we will come with the public.
00:51 I said that the government has to talk.
00:54 The government has to keep the pointer.
00:57 They will keep it from your side or from my side.
00:59 Then they said that the entire parliament will come.
01:02 Not even half an hour later, but from 6.30 to 8.30.
01:06 This drama of theirs continued.
01:08 First 10 people will come, then 15 people will come, then the public will come together.
01:14 I said no.
01:15 If the government is accused, then we will sit and talk.
01:19 I will meet the public later.
01:21 I said that whoever is your worker, I will meet them later.
01:28 But if you have come with the issue of Mandega, then I am ready to talk.
01:35 Because there has been a collapse in West Bengal.
01:37 The people of Mamata Benarji came, I feel that they have become the government in West Bengal by the force of a lie.
01:47 Mamata Benarji of West Bengal had said that the communists are goons.
01:53 If I come, I will finish the goons.
01:56 But today the same goons are killing the workers of other parties in West Bengal.
02:02 I want to say today that the way corruption happened in Mandega,
02:08 Not once, but in 2019, 2020, 2021, a letter was written.
02:13 In December 2022, they filed a case against the Gram Panchayat and the Gram Secretary.
02:19 This is not the way.
02:21 Such a big corruption has happened.
02:23 Do a case on this officer, file a complaint, put him in jail.
02:26 Then one of their MPs came.
02:28 I said why did you not come?
02:30 When the time for a delegate is taken, then the entire delegate should be met.
02:33 I did not come alone.
02:34 If you want to meet alone, then come anytime.
02:36 When they said that we will meet the entire MP at 8 o'clock,
02:39 Then I said that the entire MP should come.
02:42 When I told the entire MPs,
02:44 Then they said that first the public should meet.
02:46 I said that there is no problem with the public.
02:48 If the government raises the issue, then the government will talk.
02:54 I will meet the public later.
02:56 When I said that I will meet the public later,
02:58 I said that I will meet you first.
02:59 They said that we will not meet.
03:00 This is not the way.
03:01 Why should I lie?
03:02 I sat there for two and a half hours.
03:04 Although I had to finish them in half an hour.
03:07 And I had to come back in the evening holding the flag.
03:11 But I sat there till 8.30.
03:13 I have seen people lying to me.
03:19 They said that they will meet the delegate.
03:21 Then why alone?
03:23 If you want to meet alone, then come anytime.
03:25 I did not say no alone.
03:27 But I did not want to meet on that day.
03:29 That day I thought that your delegate will come and talk to the MP.
03:33 Because they have the stain of fraud.
03:37 They did not come to talk.
03:39 They came to create a scene in Delhi.
03:41 And the way corruption has happened,
03:44 if the corruption is investigated in the right month,
03:47 and the officials of the government accept it,
03:49 and the investigation is done in the right month,
03:51 then they will be trapped by Mr. Vinayak.
03:53 That is why people of Mamata Vinayak are standing in fear.
