Roland Castro : Mort du grand architecte français, il laisse derrière lui 5 enfants

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Roland Castro : Mort du grand architecte français, il laisse derrière lui 5 enfants

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00:00 Architect and left-wing activist, May 1968, Roland Castro died on Thursday, March 9, 2023
00:15 at the age of 82.
00:17 Throughout his career, he wanted to remodel the cities of the big cities, popular neighborhoods
00:24 and the big concrete complexes he hated, to regain the pleasure of living.
00:31 Co-founder of the Banlieue 89 collective, this small man, with smiling green eyes, known
00:38 for his bragging, became known by associating his vision of the habitat with a political
00:42 fight.
00:43 He estimated that buildings were successful when he sent the inhabitant a good image of
00:50 himself.
00:51 He was owed the renovation of the city of Caravelle in Villeneuve-la-Garenne and the cities of
00:58 Haute-Decenne.
00:59 In addition to housing, Roland Castro also signed the city of the Cinea Band in Angoulême
01:07 or the City of Saint-Denis Labor Exchange.
01:11 Opposed to the functionalism of his predecessor Le Corbusier, apostle of social ties through
01:17 housing, he fought against urban apartheid and wanted to convince that the suburbs
01:22 are not a hoax to exclude society.
01:24 Roland Castro's buildings often presented themselves as grafts to existing constructions.
01:32 He added asymmetrical lines, aligning wood with concrete, and favoring white, decorated
01:41 with plant facades.
01:42 Born on October 16, 1940 in Limoges de Parens-Juifs, he lived his first years in the clandestinity.
01:52 Refugee with his parents and his sister in the back country Limousin, in Saint-Léonard-de-Nobla,
02:01 he is hidden in the honor of the first maquis of the resistance, led by communists.
02:05 These four years will mark the decades of commitment of the architect, who considered
02:13 to have to pay a debt of existence to France.
02:16 Architecture, suburbs, causes have never been lacking, everything was a pretext to settle
02:24 this debt, he said to the rockers.
02:27 Entered the Beaux-Arts de Paris in 1958, he is a suitcase carrier for the FN Algerian
02:36 account, before joining the Union of Communist Students, of which he was expelled in 1965
02:42 for criticizing the Stalinist line.
02:44 He ended up embracing Maoism and the revolutionary struggle, banner under which he will militate
02:53 in May 68, of which he becomes one of the figures.
02:55 The revolution in the suburbs of Siesty in 1983 that he manages to give a political dimension
03:05 to his urbanistic ideals by co-founding Banlieue 89 with his friend urbanist Michel Cantal-Dupart.
03:11 Their mantra, make the revolution in the suburbs, by bringing together mayors and architects
03:18 around projects that must give a new face to buildings refreshed and to conditions
03:23 of housing that are degrading.
03:24 The initiative goes back to François Mitterrand, who, at the invitation of Roland Castro, visits
03:32 the city of 4000 in the Courneuve.
03:36 Realizing the oppression in which these residents live, the president entrusts an inter-ministerial
03:43 mission to the architect.
03:44 More than 200 projects are submitted to Banlieue 89.
03:52 But the operation is confronted with the government's financial frivolity and the collective disappears
03:59 in 1991.
04:00 A tall, colored character, who volunteered in striped costume, he met Jean-Paul Sartre,
04:10 Jacques Lacan, with whom he followed a psychoanalysis of that time, met Fidel Castro, without
04:16 family ties, and Che Guevara on a trip to Cuba in 1961.
04:21 Both Mitterrandian, both in support of the PCF and Robert E.U., Roland Castro had created
04:29 his own party, the Movement for Utopia Coutrette.
04:34 Label under which he launched himself in the presidential election of 2007 but without
04:40 collecting the necessary sponsorships.
04:41 During the presidential campaign of 2017, he had supported the candidacy of Emmanuel
04:50 Macron and even beat the pavement to the Courneuve to try to convince the inhabitants of the
04:54 cities to vote for his favorite.
04:56 After the election, the head of state had charged him with a report on the "Grand Paris",
05:03 submitted in 2018, but which remained a dead letter.
05:06 He defended there, in particular, a 30-year-old dream project, the Central Park of the Courneuve.
05:16 Author of several books, including an autobiography "La Fabrique du Rêve" (2010), Roland Castro
05:24 was the father of five children, from several marriages.
05:27 He was also the father of two children, one of whom was born in the same year.
05:46 He was also the father of two children, one of whom was born in the same year.
06:14 He was also the father of two children, one of whom was born in the same year.
