• 2 years ago
Punkt dla Ciebie w Pleszewie. Nowa miejscówka dla młodzieży już otwarta. Tutaj mogą porozmawiać o swojej przyszłości


00:00 The project "Compact Youth" was born from the previous one, which was also intended for people up to 30 years of age.
00:08 We as an organization are open to young people, this is one of our main goals, the indicators of our activities.
00:14 As you can see, this is a place that already has its own style and I think it will stay that way,
00:20 that we will attract young people in the field of social and professional activism.
00:24 We plan to actively involve young people up to 30 years of age in a comprehensive way,
00:30 so we include, I will give you an example, an elderly person, training,
00:35 if a person needs it, they will receive a grant for a business.
00:40 If they want to go to work, in the meantime, our professional advisors, tutors,
00:44 talk to employees from our market and associate these two sides.
00:49 The final effect is either a job or an economic activity, entering the job market.
00:54 This is one thing the project is based on.
00:56 The second thing is that we go to the schools of the Middle Pleszewski County,
00:59 and actually last year we went, this year we invite them to join us,
01:03 not because we don't want to, but because we want to tame this youth with the job market,
01:09 with the topic of the job market, we want to tame them with the office, not only ours,
01:13 but in general with the cooperation of the whole bureaucracy, which is still there.
01:18 We focus on e-government, on e-government, we go deeper and deeper into the portal pracagow.pl
01:24 and we will talk about all this to the youth.
01:27 Is this the first such point in Poland?
01:29 No, no, no, with such assumptions, I think so.
01:32 However, this is a point that was created as part of the family charity.
01:38 In Poland, 60 projects have been implemented,
01:43 while ours is a complex, dealing with this topic from beginning to end.
01:49 I am extremely happy that the Pleszew County Office of Labour has joined the project
01:56 announced by the Ministry of Family and Social Policy and fully funded by the Ministry,
02:02 because, above all, when we look at the situation on the job market today, it is comfortable.
02:08 So we have historically the lowest unemployment, from the last census it turns out that it is 5.0,
02:14 and for 33 years the lowest number of unemployed people, despite the completed seasonal work.
02:23 But for us, it is also a challenge to prepare the younger generation to enter the job market.
02:29 Today the situation is different, young people, taking on professional activity,
02:34 usually do not work in one place, but learn all their lives.
02:38 And this career path should be prepared for skillful planning,
02:44 so as not to experience failures, but to set goals and strive for their implementation.
02:50 And such points, this pilot, which on the national scale, over 70 million PLN was intended for this purpose,
02:57 in Wielkopolska 14 projects, including one in Pleszew, is to serve this purpose.
03:02 It is carried out by public employment services, i.e. the city offices,
03:07 together with partners, i.e. entrepreneurs, but also the social assistance center,
03:13 and also other non-governmental organizations that deal with both the issue of young people and the market.
03:19 And this is how we achieve the synergy effect, that young people, both those after primary school,
03:24 looking for a further career, how to plan it, but also people after studies,
03:31 and this project includes people up to 30 years of age,
03:34 can find professional support in a place that is guaranteed by the points of care for young people.
03:41 Congratulations and I keep my fingers crossed, because after this pilot,
03:44 when we finish, and they will last from 1.5 to 2 years,
03:49 the conclusions will be drawn during this pilot,
03:52 and we will want to introduce specific changes, also legislative,
03:56 that will support the preparation for learning throughout life.
04:01 (audience laughing)
