• 2 years ago
David Bennett, 84, has spent more than a decade and £6,000 of his life-savings trawling flea markets and antique fairs for pocket-sized lower limbs.


00:00 I mean these bone ones, these carved ones, the prisoner of war ones, they really stand
00:09 out from some that are just nicely shaped.
00:13 It all started in 2009 when I had my collection of sugar tongs.
00:21 I felt it had come to as far as it could go.
00:23 It was getting expensive, there wasn't much variety.
00:27 And I'd sold them, and I had some money when I went to an antique fair in Birmingham.
00:32 And I saw a pair of legs on a stall holder at the store and I asked her about them.
00:39 And she said, "Well they both come from the same family so I'd like to sell the two together."
00:43 And I negotiated a deal.
00:45 And so I'd already got the first two.
00:47 And when you look at them really carefully you can see whether it's a leg or a foot.
01:00 There's a foot there, there's a shoe.
01:02 Very small step so it'll be male.
01:05 Can't tell left or right.
01:06 And I thought, well this may be something that'll go further.
01:10 Well it did very quickly because my wife said, "Well I've got a nail file in the shape of
01:15 the leg, you can have it as well."
01:17 And that's how it all started.
01:19 Will breathe, be breathed out through there, through there and out the top.
01:24 And it's just an opium pipe.
01:28 When you come across, that's going to be well over 100 years old.
01:32 All these, 170 I have at the moment, I bought one last weekend.
01:37 They are all legs which are functional.
01:41 They do something, be it a bottle opener, be it a nail file, be it a pipe tamper.
01:47 The 18th century, could be older than that.
01:50 Not very valuable but just unique and absolutely appropriate in this collection.
01:56 I did recently do, over the period of two years, a fortnightly blog about some of these
02:03 legs and I covered every one of them.
02:04 A bit about the history.
02:08 Good heel on that one.
02:10 You can't see left or right foot, neither of those.
02:12 You can't see any difference.
02:13 Again, a throwaway, a giveaway.
02:14 But the point is what you put inside an emblem.
02:19 I started because it was something, I wanted to collect something different.
02:26 I'd collected stamps, I'd collected train numbers, I'd collected sugar dumps.
02:30 But I want something different.
02:32 And so when I got these two together and then my wife added the third, I thought, there
02:37 is a future for this.
02:40 When I'm looking for them, really all I'm looking for is something that I haven't seen
02:46 before.
02:47 That's what I want to add to the collection.
02:50 It doesn't matter what style it is.
02:53 There are no duplicates.
02:54 The wand would be dipped into the perfume behind the ear, wherever.
02:55 That's the concept.
02:56 I just find it so amusing.
02:57 I saw it on a stand at an antique fair in Dublin.
03:07 There's no particular thing.
03:08 I don't have a fetish for legs or anything like that.
03:12 It's just nobody else does it.
03:14 It's nice to be unique.
