• l’année dernière


00:00:00 Bienvenue à Survivor 45 !
00:00:04 Avant sur Survivor !
00:00:09 Ce que j'ai pour avantage, c'est essentiellement fini.
00:00:11 Je vais pousser en arrière contre Bruce. Il nous instruit sur comment jouer le jeu.
00:00:15 C'est un peu contradictoire.
00:00:17 Vous avez été avantageux.
00:00:19 Jusqu'à ce que vous preniez possession de l'idol, vous ne pouvez pas voter pour un conseil tribal.
00:00:22 Votre premier pas, c'est de déciprer le message codé sur votre flageau tribal.
00:00:26 Et à l'intérieur, c'est ça.
00:00:29 Il ne faut pas un génie pour regarder ce groupe de gens et trouver le plus fort pour un lion.
00:00:33 Qui parlons-nous ?
00:00:34 Sabaya et Caleb.
00:00:35 Parce que vous nous regardez de cette façon, vous vous êtes un peu isolé.
00:00:39 Tout dans mon corps, c'est comme si je ne retournais pas à cette campagne.
00:00:44 La tribu a parlé.
00:00:47 Le premier jour de la campagne
00:00:49 Oh, mon Dieu. Rick et Hannah.
00:01:03 Oui, je suis toujours en procession.
00:01:05 Je suis fier de ce que tu as fait.
00:01:07 Oui, ce soir a été difficile, mais j'ai beaucoup de respect pour Hannah et sa décision.
00:01:12 Je savais que Hannah avait des difficultés, mais pas à ce niveau.
00:01:16 Elle m'a demandé de me renvoyer chez elle.
00:01:18 Et je vois pourquoi elle ferait ça.
00:01:20 Parce que je me sens comme un loulou-lémon en ce moment.
00:01:24 On va au-delà du ringer.
00:01:26 Je veux dire, le fait que nous n'ayons pas eu de machette et de pot depuis quelques jours,
00:01:30 et maintenant, nous ne sommes toujours pas en flotte.
00:01:32 Et la feuille est la vie en réalité ici.
00:01:36 Pour ce que ça vaut pour moi ce soir,
00:01:38 je me suis rendue compte que je parlais comme si je vous attaquais.
00:01:41 Et c'est pas ce que j'avais en tête.
00:01:43 C'est difficile pour moi de faire des entrées avec des gens.
00:01:47 Ça ne te donne pas forcément le droit de nous tirer à la tête.
00:01:51 J'étais un peu offensée, je ne vais pas mentir.
00:01:53 On nous a constamment frappés.
00:01:55 On avait des liens secrets.
00:01:58 Tu l'as appelé le numéro un, et Sean le numéro trois.
00:02:01 Je me sens comme si je suis un peu éclatée ici,
00:02:04 parce que vous êtes venus pour moi.
00:02:06 C'est vraiment comme ça que je me sens.
00:02:07 Parce que tu vois déjà toi-même dans un certain sens,
00:02:11 et ça fait du mal pour nous de vous connaître,
00:02:14 parce que tu es tellement adhérente à être quelqu'un qui n'est pas comme toi.
00:02:18 Mon jeu a explosé ce soir, c'est sûr.
00:02:21 C'est difficile de savoir où commencer.
00:02:25 Je savais que mon nom était sur le bloc.
00:02:28 Mon processus de pensée était,
00:02:29 "Ok, nous allons pointer à Sabaya, Caleb et Sean."
00:02:32 J'ai été vraiment proche.
00:02:34 Je n'ai pas attendu que Sabaya réagisse de la même manière qu'elle l'a fait.
00:02:37 Elle l'a pris extrêmement personnellement.
00:02:39 Est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose que je peux te dire en particulier
00:02:40 pour lequel je peux m'excuser, pour que tu te sentes mieux?
00:02:42 Je ne peux pas t'aider comme je me sens,
00:02:44 comme tu ne peux pas t'aider, comment tu dis les choses.
00:02:46 Mais est-ce que tu comprends que je savais que c'était "fais ou meurs" pour moi?
00:02:49 J'avais une choix à faire, et je voulais rester dans ce jeu.
00:02:53 Excuse-moi de vouloir faire quelque chose pour améliorer cette situation.
00:02:57 Si c'est comme ça que tu te sens, c'est bien.
00:02:59 Comme je te l'ai dit, tu te sens comme tu te sens, je me sens comme je me sens.
00:03:02 Hannah s'est arrêtée, et nous sommes coincés avec Emily.
00:03:05 Oh mon Dieu.
00:03:06 Je ne sens pas qu'elle soit aussi consciente de soi-même et de comment elle se trouve.
00:03:12 Est-ce que tu penses qu'elle veut être seule?
00:03:14 Probablement.
00:03:15 Je crois que je l'ai entendu.
00:03:16 Je sens qu'elle nous blâme, mais qu'elle ne veut pas changer son comportement du tout.
00:03:20 Je suis en train de m'amuser avec lui.
00:03:22 Emily, ça compte ce que tu dis aux gens.
00:03:24 Je ne me soucie pas si tu le veux ou pas.
00:03:26 Ça compte.
00:03:27 Le tact est une chose.
00:03:28 Si Emily veut être Emily, il n'y a pas de moyen pour que je puisse travailler avec elle.
00:03:32 Comme tu peux le voir, à Travel, elle ne s'amuse pas vraiment avec le groupe.
00:03:36 Je ne savais pas qu'elle était si sensible.
00:03:38 Évidemment, elle est de la mauvaise nouvelle, et je sais que c'est vrai.
00:03:43 Tu n'as rien à lui prendre!
00:03:45 Bye!
00:03:49 Bye!
00:03:51 [Musique]
00:03:54 [Musique]
00:03:57 [Musique]
00:03:59 [Musique]
00:04:03 [Musique]
00:04:07 [Musique]
00:04:11 [Musique]
00:04:15 [Musique]
00:04:19 [Musique]
00:04:25 [Musique]
00:04:27 [Musique]
00:04:32 [Musique]
00:04:37 [Musique]
00:04:41 [Musique]
00:04:50 [Musique]
00:04:52 [Musique]
00:04:58 Tout va bien pour Rifa.
00:05:01 Nous sommes une tribu qui gagne.
00:05:03 Je me sens comme un enfant dans un magasin de candé.
00:05:05 Ce sont les îles de Fiji.
00:05:07 C'est incroyable, c'est un endroit pour être.
00:05:09 Je veux avoir du plaisir pour ma sœur, pour mon esprit, mon esprit, mon physique.
00:05:14 Je suis poussé et je m'amuse de tout.
00:05:17 Il y a quelque chose de vraiment bizarre, Austin,
00:05:20 c'est que je peux frapper des choses vraiment dur avec cette main et je ne le ressens pas vraiment.
00:05:24 J'ai frappé des arbres quand j'étais enfant, c'était une pratique.
00:05:28 On est directement dans un espace animé.
00:05:30 Ça va?
00:05:37 Oh, oui.
00:05:38 Je comprends que nous avons une très bonne histoire,
00:05:40 mais à un moment donné, nous allons perdre une challenge d'immunité.
00:05:43 Je veux juste une avantage si désespérément.
00:05:46 Et je crois vraiment qu'il y a un code caché dans cette flèche.
00:05:50 La première phrase, si nous prenons ce modèle pour être vrai,
00:05:54 c'est une seule lettre, qui ne peut être que hypothétiquement A.
00:05:58 Ça fait sens, c'est exactement ce que le survivant ferait,
00:06:01 c'est mettre une langue sur la flèche que nous devons coder.
00:06:04 Si nous pouvons juste déterminer quelles lettres forment les mots,
00:06:08 nous pouvons peut-être en faire un enregistrement de la cipher.
00:06:10 J'ai toujours maintenu que les puzzles visuels sont mon spécialité,
00:06:14 mais je pourrais juste être complètement à l'envers de ça.
00:06:16 Mais c'est le genre de jeu où tu te sens à l'envers de choses.
00:06:19 Il y a deux lignes, et puis il y a encore deux lignes,
00:06:22 mais ensuite les lignes deviennent bizarre.
00:06:24 Mais ça donne des mots.
00:06:26 C'est pour ça que je ne pense pas qu'il y a quelque chose ici qui est à l'envers.
00:06:30 Nous sommes tous des fans de Super.
00:06:31 Nous sommes très intelligents, très perceptifs.
00:06:34 Tout le monde regarde ces symboles bizarres,
00:06:36 en essayant de comprendre comment les dégager.
00:06:38 Et au bout d'un moment, un jour ou deux,
00:06:40 j'ai trouvé une avantage de prévention.
00:06:42 Et j'ai ce message ici,
00:06:44 que je peux utiliser pour décoller le message sur le flacon.
00:06:47 Enfin, je suis seul au camp,
00:06:50 et dans ma tête, je sais que j'ai peut-être 15, 20, 30 secondes, peut-être.
00:06:55 Donc je suis arrivé, j'ai pris ce code,
00:06:57 je suis parti, mon esprit était en train de courir,
00:06:59 mon adrénaline était en train de pumper.
00:07:01 J'ai mis le symbole et je me suis fait tourner,
00:07:03 en essayant de trouver quelque chose que je pouvais le matcher.
00:07:06 Pas de chance.
00:07:08 Jusqu'à ce que je réalise que le réglage était ce qui était important.
00:07:11 Et une fois que j'ai pu le trouver,
00:07:13 je suis 99% sûr que ça dit
00:07:15 "Dégagez dans le paume-tree tombé X".
00:07:18 Maintenant, je dois trouver un paume-tree tombé,
00:07:21 je dois trouver un X,
00:07:22 ou je dois trouver des paumes-trees tombées dans le forme d'un X.
00:07:25 Trouver ce symbole est devenu tellement plus difficile
00:07:28 que je ne pensais que ce serait.
00:07:29 Et en ce moment, je n'ai pas de vote,
00:07:31 ce qui est effrayant.
00:07:34 [Musique]
00:07:37 [Musique]
00:07:40 Bruce, tu veux que je te fasse un coup?
00:07:42 Clint, j'en ai besoin, je suis prêt.
00:07:44 Je vais te faire un coup.
00:07:46 Damn Bruce.
00:07:47 Bien joué.
00:07:49 Oh mon Dieu.
00:07:51 Il est tellement fort.
00:07:52 C'est un paume-tree.
00:07:55 Oui, mon gars.
00:07:56 On a une machette et un pot, et Clint.
00:07:59 Ça fait notre vie beaucoup plus facile.
00:08:01 En fait, on a pu faire allumer le feu immédiatement.
00:08:04 Bruce est en train de tuer ce truc.
00:08:05 On l'appelle "Oncle Bruce" parce que tu sais, il s'en occupe.
00:08:08 [Cris]
00:08:11 Mais plus important, Bruce est génial.
00:08:14 [Cris]
00:08:15 Il est toujours en train de faire des blagues,
00:08:18 il fait toujours un visage, des sons drôles.
00:08:21 [Bruits de bouche]
00:08:24 Ça me rappelle beaucoup de gens de Boston.
00:08:28 C'est ce qui me fait penser à Bruce.
00:08:30 [Bruit de bouche]
00:08:31 Le plan de "Oncle Bruce"
00:08:34 semble être en train de se faire très bien.
00:08:37 Je mets sur ce visage souriant, je rigole,
00:08:40 mais on a des choses à faire.
00:08:43 Ils travaillent à la paix d'un oiseau.
00:08:46 Dans le dos de ma tête, je suis comme...
00:08:48 [Cris]
00:08:49 Je sens que tu vas m'envoyer en enfant.
00:08:51 Oui, il a son visage d'enfant.
00:08:53 Il a son visage d'enfant.
00:08:55 Je veux dire, "Va en faire,
00:08:57 et une fois que c'est fait, fais ce que tu veux."
00:08:59 Mais je ne peux pas faire ça à eux.
00:09:02 Fais-je ça à mes enfants?
00:09:04 J'y vais.
00:09:05 On peut avoir le pot. Mets-le là.
00:09:08 -Ici? -Oui, c'est bien.
00:09:11 Chaque 5 minutes, Bruce t'explique quelque chose.
00:09:15 Il te dit comment faire quelque chose.
00:09:17 Je naviguais par les étoiles,
00:09:19 et je sais qu'il est à 12 h.
00:09:21 Il me dit de ne pas appeler "papa", mais tu fais comme ça.
00:09:24 Je vais te demander de me concentrer sur une chose.
00:09:27 Mais le groupe est fâché de lui.
00:09:30 Il mange tout.
00:09:32 C'est comme si ça nourrissait son esprit.
00:09:35 Je peux le voir heureux.
00:09:37 Je vais te montrer.
00:09:39 Il y a tellement de vidéos sur Internet.
00:09:42 Tu es un tête de bâle.
00:09:44 Et puis Bruce est devenu un peu de célèbre
00:09:48 après qu'il ait été écrit.
00:09:50 Il te le rappelle.
00:09:53 Et le plus dégueulasse que les gens peuvent faire,
00:09:56 c'est de lui donner un nom.
00:09:58 Caine est du Canada.
00:10:00 C'est le plus cool.
00:10:02 Il est un thème. Il essaie de le jouer.
00:10:05 Et personne ne le voit.
00:10:07 Je me dis "qu'est-ce qui se passe?"
00:10:09 Tout le monde est blindé ici?
00:10:11 Il doit y avoir quelque chose
00:10:20 caché dans ce camp.
00:10:22 Je suis en train de mourir.
00:10:24 Je ne peux pas rester ici.
00:10:26 Je dois faire quelque chose pour me sentir mieux.
00:10:29 Je dois faire ce que je peux sans être suspicieuse.
00:10:32 Emily est probablement en train de chercher.
00:10:35 Vous devez aller avec elle.
00:10:37 Vous pouvez aller chercher en paire ou en équipe.
00:10:41 C'est pour avoir un oeil sur elle.
00:10:44 Emily est en train de chercher.
00:10:46 On va aller la trouver.
00:10:48 Emily est désespérée.
00:10:55 Elle cherche l'idol.
00:10:57 Elle est la première ennemie publique.
00:11:00 On se laissait chercher pour Emily.
00:11:06 Mais je voudrais vraiment trouver l'idol.
00:11:09 Je sais comment trouver l'idol.
00:11:11 Je vois les gens trouver l'idol.
00:11:13 Je sais la stratégie.
00:11:15 Je ne voulais pas que Emily le trouve.
00:11:17 Emily!
00:11:21 - Juste un peu de temps avec vous.
00:11:23 On a tous agi.
00:11:25 C'est nous et vous.
00:11:27 C'était notre façon d'être avec vous.
00:11:30 - Je peux lire entre les lignes.
00:11:32 Vous ne voulez pas que je trouve l'idol indépendamment.
00:11:35 Si je devais me déguiser, je ferais ça seule.
00:11:38 - OK.
00:11:40 - C'est pas mal.
00:11:42 - C'était clair de dire que je devais parler avec les autres.
00:11:47 Ça aurait mis un mauvais goût dans la bouche des tribus.
00:11:50 Mais je crois qu'elles en ont déjà.
00:11:52 Je n'ai pas de doute.
00:11:54 - Je vais suivre cette voie.
00:11:56 - OK.
00:11:58 - On cherche tous les idols.
00:12:00 Je préfère chercher seul.
00:12:02 Mais le problème, c'est que tout le monde me laisse seule.
00:12:05 Je fais tout pour me séparer.
00:12:07 Si le reste des tribus le trouve,
00:12:10 je suis 100 % votée pour aller au council.
00:12:14 - On va voir.
00:12:16 On doit se faire mieux.
00:12:18 - Je voudrais savoir où c'est.
00:12:20 - Attends.
00:12:22 - Attends.
00:12:24 - Attends.
00:12:26 - Ah!
00:12:28 - OK, OK.
00:12:30 - OK, OK.
00:12:32 - OK.
00:12:34 - OK.
00:12:36 - OK.
00:12:38 - OK.
00:12:40 - OK.
00:12:42 - OK.
00:12:44 - Je ne veux pas l'ouvrir.
00:12:46 - C'est le "beware" de l'avantage.
00:12:48 Si vous avez le "beware" et que vous ne complétez pas la tâche...
00:12:52 - Tu veux l'ouvrir?
00:12:54 - Je ne veux pas l'ouvrir.
00:12:56 - Je vais l'ouvrir.
00:12:58 - Mon vote est intégral dans ce jeu.
00:13:00 Je ne voulais pas le risquer.
00:13:02 Donner cet avantage à Sabaya nous solidifie.
00:13:04 On est liés.
00:13:06 - C'est le clou de la location du "idol".
00:13:08 Retirez-le.
00:13:10 Retirez-le, ça vous permettra de compléter une série de tâches
00:13:14 jusqu'à ce que vous ayez pris possession du "idol".
00:13:17 - Je vais voter pour le Conseil des Tribus.
00:13:19 - Mon Dieu.
00:13:21 - Ta première tâche.
00:13:23 - Prends ce mot et mets-le sur le map de ton camp de tribe.
00:13:27 Le trou va vous donner votre prochain clou.
00:13:29 - Heureusement, Brandon est là...
00:13:31 "Sabaya, je ne veux pas l'ouvrir."
00:13:33 Et je suis là...
00:13:35 "Oui, mon pote, met-le sur le map,
00:13:37 car je veux jouer."
00:13:39 Donne-moi ce "beware" de l'avantage.
00:13:41 - Prends ce mot et mets-le sur le map
00:13:45 de ton camp de tribe.
00:13:47 Il y a un arbre là-bas.
00:13:51 Donc, si tu lignes les corners...
00:13:54 Comme ça,
00:13:57 ça s'aligne parfaitement
00:13:59 avec cet arbre là-bas.
00:14:01 - Viens, mon pote.
00:14:10 - J'étais en mode.
00:14:12 Je savais exactement où je voulais aller.
00:14:14 Mais c'était presque comme un appel.
00:14:16 - C'est celui-là. Il doit être là.
00:14:18 Comment on va monter dans ce arbre?
00:14:21 - Comment allons-nous?
00:14:24 - Tu es à l'arrière, mon pote.
00:14:26 - Tu me donnes un petit tableau.
00:14:28 - Un, deux, trois.
00:14:30 - C'est le "stoleosis" de la zone.
00:14:32 - Je vais me l'enlever.
00:14:34 - Non, rien d'autre.
00:14:36 - OK. Je regarde haut et bas.
00:14:38 Quelque chose qui se déplace.
00:14:40 Quelque chose qui ne se passe pas bien.
00:14:42 - C'est fou.
00:14:44 - Mais ça semble être un scavenger-up.
00:14:46 - On est passé trop longtemps.
00:14:48 - Je vais devoir demander à Sean ce qu'il pense.
00:14:51 - Le prochain pas, c'est de dire à Sean et à Caleb.
00:14:54 Parce que si je l'ai,
00:14:56 ils doivent le savoir.
00:14:58 - C'est le "node".
00:15:00 - Je n'ai pas de bateau.
00:15:02 - Tu enlèves encore plus.
00:15:04 - Je sais que ça va dépasser
00:15:06 notre alliance.
00:15:08 - Je pense que c'est celui-là.
00:15:10 - C'est le "node".
00:15:12 - Tu vas bien?
00:15:14 - Oui.
00:15:16 - Je sens l'esprit de l'idée.
00:15:18 Je commence à avoir ce sentiment.
00:15:20 On a tout parcouru la trèsse.
00:15:22 On ne l'avait pas trouvé.
00:15:24 - C'est fou, Jeff.
00:15:26 On a vérifié partout.
00:15:28 - On peut juste y aller demain.
00:15:30 - Je dois avoir mon vote.
00:15:32 Je dois y penser.
00:15:34 Et on reviendra plus tard.
00:15:36 C'est dans cette trèsse.
00:15:38 C'est ici.
00:15:40 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:15:42 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:15:44 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:15:46 - Tu sais ce qui m'amuse le plus
00:15:48 en tant que jeune fille?
00:15:50 Mon grand doigt est plus long
00:15:52 que mon petit doigt.
00:15:54 - Ce sont les points d'épaisseur.
00:15:56 - Mes doigts sont beaux,
00:15:58 mais mon gros doigt est plus long
00:16:00 que mes autres doigts.
00:16:02 C'est comme ça, non?
00:16:04 Mais ce doigt est comme ça.
00:16:06 Je trouve que c'est pire
00:16:08 avec le sac.
00:16:10 - Je sais pas.
00:16:12 - Oh mon Dieu!
00:16:14 - Zut!
00:16:16 - C'est vraiment long?
00:16:18 (rires)
00:16:20 - Vous savez quoi, les gars?
00:16:22 - C'est un bon poids.
00:16:24 - Je peux vous pousser?
00:16:26 - Fais-le, fais-le.
00:16:28 (rires)
00:16:30 - Tout le monde rit maintenant,
00:16:32 mais ils rient plus tard
00:16:34 quand je gagne en fonction
00:16:36 de la balance.
00:16:38 - Oh mon Dieu!
00:16:40 - C'est un bon poids.
00:16:42 - C'est un bon poids.
00:16:44 - C'est un bon poids.
00:16:46 - C'est un bon poids.
00:16:48 - C'est un bon poids.
00:16:50 - C'est un bon poids.
00:16:52 - C'est un bon poids.
00:16:54 - C'est un bon poids.
00:16:56 - C'est un bon poids.
00:16:58 - C'est un bon poids.
00:17:00 - C'est un bon poids.
00:17:02 - C'est un bon poids.
00:17:04 - C'est un bon poids.
00:17:06 - C'est un bon poids.
00:17:08 - C'est un bon poids.
00:17:10 - Je suis un peu en train de m'y mettre.
00:17:12 - J'étais super paranoïde les deux dernières jours.
00:17:14 - C'est tout ce que j'étais.
00:17:16 - Oui.
00:17:18 - D est mon allié le plus proche.
00:17:20 Je pense qu'elle va jouer un jeu de loyauté.
00:17:22 Mais je dois avoir d'autres alliances.
00:17:24 - Tu sais quoi, Drew?
00:17:26 Tu dis que tu essaies de travailler dur
00:17:28 pour écouter les gens.
00:17:30 - Oui.
00:17:32 - Je sens que tu le fais.
00:17:34 - Je le fais vraiment.
00:17:36 - Je sens que tu es engagé dans ça.
00:17:38 Je dois faire qu'il pense qu'il peut
00:17:40 passer un autre jour parce que je suis là.
00:17:42 - Je serai 100 % avec toi.
00:17:44 - C'est ce que je dis.
00:17:46 - Je suis trop en train de manger.
00:17:48 - Je sais.
00:17:50 Je te sens en loi.
00:17:52 Je veux que tu sois en loi.
00:17:54 - Je peux te faire un bisou.
00:17:56 - Je vais travailler.
00:17:58 - Oui, OK.
00:18:00 - Tu te sens pas bien?
00:18:02 - Je suis bien.
00:18:04 - Un peu.
00:18:06 - Je peux pleurer, Julie.
00:18:08 J'ai été si nerveuse.
00:18:10 - Julie veut aller avec les 4
00:18:12 que j'avais déjà plané.
00:18:14 Moi-même, Austin, Dee et Julie.
00:18:16 - Je te crois 100 %.
00:18:18 - J'en suis tellement content.
00:18:20 - Bien joué.
00:18:22 - Je suis tellement content.
00:18:24 C'est la grande équipe.
00:18:26 J'ai beaucoup d'allies, ce qui est bien.
00:18:28 - Les 4, 100 %.
00:18:30 - Tu te sens bien avec les 4 ?
00:18:32 - 100 %.
00:18:34 - C'est la partie qui veut être le roi,
00:18:36 qui veut dominer la tribu.
00:18:38 Je dois le calmer.
00:18:40 Mais j'ai envie de voir
00:18:42 un moment où mon royaume
00:18:44 va s'étendre sur toute la plage.
00:18:46 Je marche maintenant
00:18:48 et je fais mes alliances
00:18:50 pour amener ce royaume à sa fruition.
00:18:52 ...
00:18:54 ...
00:19:10 ...
00:19:24 ...
00:19:38 ...
00:19:52 ...
00:20:06 ...
00:20:32 ...
00:21:00 - I was being defensive, and I apologize.
00:21:02 - I was being defensive. - Yeah.
00:21:03 - I apologize for being defensive.
00:21:05 - You can't brute force things in life,
00:21:07 and I tried to brute force this game.
00:21:09 Now I'm taking some of these lessons to heart, right?
00:21:12 Learning to be more calm, learning to be less aggressive.
00:21:15 I just want you to know how upset I am about your hair.
00:21:17 I can't wait for you to eventually see it.
00:21:20 It is stunning.
00:21:22 But it's hard, you know, for a tiger to change its stripes,
00:21:25 in some sense, and so I need to--
00:21:27 I need to try more than I ever have.
00:21:29 What I don't want to do is, like, be inserting myself
00:21:30 into conversations and further kind of irritating people,
00:21:33 but I also don't want to be like,
00:21:34 "Oh, Emily's not even, like, trying to talk with us."
00:21:36 It feels like a weird situation where I don't even know,
00:21:38 like, what the right thing to do is kind of.
00:21:40 - Right. - I worry about playing too hard.
00:21:43 I feel like so much of the issues that I've had here
00:21:45 has been attitude, and that's so hard to change,
00:21:49 because attitude is so ingrained in who you are,
00:21:52 and I've always been this anxious, nervous pessimist,
00:21:55 this--this--it sounds good to me,
00:21:58 it sounds good to say "go-getter,"
00:21:59 and I mean that in the worst way possible,
00:22:01 this go-getter that can't know when to just kind of stop.
00:22:04 - You all right? - Yeah, no, I'm so...
00:22:07 sorry.
00:22:08 It's an emotional day for me for some reason.
00:22:10 - No worries. - Wow, the tide's really gone out.
00:22:13 ♪ ♪
00:22:15 I'm so sorry. I don't know why I'm getting emotional.
00:22:17 I feel like all these emotions are just bubbling up.
00:22:20 But I have to remind myself that just being here,
00:22:22 you know, it's something to be proud of,
00:22:23 and it's really nice to think about that, you know,
00:22:27 this game isn't over for me.
00:22:29 Every day that I'm here, I'm, you know,
00:22:31 learning a bit more.
00:22:33 - Are you seeing smoke or am I just delusional?
00:22:35 - Is that a boat?
00:22:37 ♪ ♪
00:22:38 - Boat! - What?
00:22:40 - We got a boat!
00:22:42 - Do we think it's for us? - No.
00:22:44 - I think they're delivering food.
00:22:45 - Yeah, it's-- - I thought--
00:22:46 - What would it be for us? - It's for us.
00:22:49 - Guys, there's a boat!
00:22:50 - Yay!
00:22:52 - Look at this. She's got us a bottle for us.
00:22:55 - Thank you.
00:22:57 All right, let's go on around, children.
00:22:59 - Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
00:23:01 - One person must get on this boat.
00:23:04 We will return to camp this afternoon.
00:23:07 - Lock, papers, scissors, shoot.
00:23:09 - Okay. - Let's go!
00:23:11 - Whoo!
00:23:13 - We are all in consensus that I'll take this one.
00:23:16 - Yeah. - It'll be good.
00:23:17 I'll get back, I'll share whatever we got.
00:23:19 - I do feel like you just don't want me to go that badly.
00:23:21 And I totally get it.
00:23:23 But, yeah, I mean, like, obviously,
00:23:25 I'm in a bad position right now, so...
00:23:27 - All right, I'm putting on my shoes.
00:23:28 - All right. - All right.
00:23:30 - It felt like they were trying to prevent me
00:23:32 from getting any advantages,
00:23:33 the same motivation as hunting for the idol together.
00:23:36 - Bye, Brandon. We love you.
00:23:38 - This is another example of an opportunity
00:23:41 to change my circumstances.
00:23:42 This is a thing out of my grip.
00:23:44 ♪ ♪
00:23:46 - Do you two want to rock, paper, scissors for it?
00:23:48 - Okay.
00:23:49 - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
00:23:51 - Oh, first team!
00:23:53 - Let's go, baby.
00:23:54 - Bruce, my nemesis.
00:23:55 He gets to go on this journey.
00:23:57 I'm pissed.
00:23:58 He doesn't need access to anything
00:24:00 that would give him any more power than he already has.
00:24:03 - Ha-ha! - Yeah!
00:24:05 - My tribe is eating out of Bruce's hand
00:24:08 everything he does.
00:24:10 And he does a lot of stupid, annoying stuff.
00:24:12 - Brando, what's this?
00:24:13 - Oh, the robot? Yeah!
00:24:16 - I guess I see through it.
00:24:17 It seems really stupid to me.
00:24:19 I'm just like, "I don't know. Who is this guy?"
00:24:22 - Where'd he go? Oh!
00:24:24 There he is. Oh!
00:24:26 Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
00:24:27 ♪ ♪
00:24:35 ♪ ♪
00:24:42 ♪ ♪
00:24:47 - What's going on, everybody?
00:24:48 - What's up, fellas?
00:24:49 - What's up?
00:24:50 - Brandon, right?
00:24:52 - What's up, brother Drew?
00:24:53 - How we doing?
00:24:54 - Good to see you.
00:24:55 - Nice to see you on TV.
00:24:56 - Never, never in the flat.
00:24:57 - Ah-ha-ha!
00:24:58 I'm wondering what we're here for today.
00:25:00 - Yeah.
00:25:01 - I want my survival experience
00:25:02 to have a footprint.
00:25:03 And going on the journey
00:25:05 is the first step in putting myself out there.
00:25:07 - What do we have here?
00:25:08 - This is a networking opportunity.
00:25:10 Maybe that's the Ivy League or enemy.
00:25:12 But this is a great time to make some connections
00:25:14 that could, you know, print me some cash in the future.
00:25:16 - Survivor is a game centered around relationships.
00:25:19 Use this time to get to know each other.
00:25:21 You never know where it will lead.
00:25:23 When you're finished, you must each pick a different path.
00:25:25 Good luck.
00:25:26 - All right.
00:25:27 The man of the hour.
00:25:28 Bruce, how's it going with the camp?
00:25:29 - I'm older than you guys.
00:25:30 So the way that I look at it,
00:25:31 let's get some stuff together.
00:25:33 Um, you know, so it's not moving at the speed
00:25:35 that I want it to,
00:25:36 but the cohesion that we have is pretty good.
00:25:38 - All right.
00:25:39 Well, how about your camp?
00:25:40 - Well, I think I started off on a bad foot.
00:25:43 And Emily's just been kind of the person who's--
00:25:45 You know, Emily came at you immediately, right?
00:25:47 - Yeah.
00:25:48 - On the barge, you know?
00:25:49 - Bad taste, I thought.
00:25:51 - Yeah. - A little bit.
00:25:51 - Yeah.
00:25:52 And it's--that is kind of her personality.
00:25:54 - Brandon and Bruce,
00:25:55 you had the two sides of the spectrum.
00:25:57 Brandon was very forthcoming.
00:25:59 He told us the entirety of the tribal dynamic.
00:26:01 Bruce is playing it close to the chest.
00:26:04 Said he was not giving me anything.
00:26:06 Probably does not want to work with us.
00:26:08 Bad gameplay by Bruce.
00:26:09 In my opinion, very bad gameplay.
00:26:11 - I like both of you tremendously.
00:26:13 Yeah, so we'll see-- we'll see--
00:26:14 we'll see what goes around.
00:26:15 - Let's pick a path, everybody.
00:26:17 - Good luck, everybody.
00:26:18 - Yes, sir. - Good luck, guys.
00:26:20 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:26:24 - "Survivor" is all about highs and lows.
00:26:27 And as a superfan,
00:26:28 I thought I was gonna thrive out here.
00:26:30 But after nearly passing away on the barge day one,
00:26:33 I feel like I have performance anxiety.
00:26:35 If I want to succeed in this,
00:26:37 I can't spend this whole time anxious.
00:26:39 And the journey for me,
00:26:40 it's just a chance to see
00:26:41 if I can let go of all of it.
00:26:43 This could be an absolute game-changer for me.
00:26:46 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:26:47 - Oh, that sucks.
00:26:49 God.
00:26:50 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:26:52 - It's an opportunity to gain power, right?
00:26:54 I'm playing an individual game.
00:26:55 As much as I'm gung-ho about the Lulu tribe,
00:26:58 I gotta stay here past the time
00:26:59 where my expiration date might be up.
00:27:01 I am geeking out at this thing.
00:27:03 I've always wanted to pull that thing.
00:27:05 - I am the worst at puzzles.
00:27:07 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:27:08 - Today, you have a chance to earn an advantage,
00:27:10 but only if you are willing to risk your vote.
00:27:12 - In this bag, there are several pairs of tiles
00:27:15 with matching patterns in the front
00:27:17 and numbers on the back.
00:27:18 - There are also three tiles that have no matching patterns.
00:27:21 - You must first match all the pairs,
00:27:23 then use the numbers on the back
00:27:24 of the three remaining tiles to solve a combination.
00:27:27 You will have three minutes to finish.
00:27:29 If you are successful,
00:27:30 your advantage will be released.
00:27:32 - If you fail, finishing the time,
00:27:34 you cannot vote at your next tribal council.
00:27:37 - Decide now if you want to play.
00:27:39 - I hate puzzles. Hate 'em.
00:27:42 But it's nice to have an advantage
00:27:45 with everything going on
00:27:46 and people recognizing who I am.
00:27:48 - I have potentially a solid four
00:27:50 going into my first tribal council.
00:27:52 So it might be wiser to hang on to my vote
00:27:54 to build confidence.
00:27:55 - I am at a challenge that I don't have to move
00:27:58 or lift anything or swim.
00:28:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:28:02 - Um...
00:28:04 I'm gonna--I'm gonna protect my vote.
00:28:06 - I put too much work in to risk my vote.
00:28:09 - The risks of doing this are huge.
00:28:11 On the other hand,
00:28:12 I know that the game is just getting started,
00:28:14 so it might be important to get an advantage.
00:28:17 - I absolutely am gonna play.
00:28:19 I'm gonna not play. Of course I'm gonna play.
00:28:21 If I can't do this, I need to get on a boat
00:28:23 and I gotta go back to New Jersey.
00:28:25 This is--this is my shot to win something.
00:28:27 I'm thinking I'm gonna play.
00:28:28 You know, there's really no other option.
00:28:30 You're out here on Survivor.
00:28:31 Time to get things a little spicy.
00:28:33 Game time, baby. Let's do it.
00:28:36 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:28:38 The challenge is a puzzle.
00:28:40 So you have in a bag,
00:28:42 there are pairs of matching tiles.
00:28:44 I've got to match them all up.
00:28:46 And the patterns are complicated,
00:28:48 and there are three that won't match.
00:28:50 And they have numbers on the back of them.
00:28:52 You put them in the little Survivor lockbox,
00:28:54 and if I do that all correctly,
00:28:56 you get your advantage.
00:28:57 You got an H.
00:28:58 You got an H.
00:28:59 Pair. We're good.
00:29:01 Pair, pair, pair.
00:29:02 We got it. These guys, pair.
00:29:04 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:29:09 These guys, pair. Love it.
00:29:11 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:29:15 That's it.
00:29:16 Okay, we got 22, 54, 62.
00:29:19 I'm shaking. Let's do it.
00:29:20 Let's do this.
00:29:21 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:29:25 Okay.
00:29:27 That's not right.
00:29:28 So let's do 22.
00:29:29 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:29:32 Okay, let's do 54.
00:29:35 I've been waiting a long time to do this.
00:29:37 And we're still gonna wait. Okay.
00:29:39 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:29:45 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:29:47 Oh, my God. This is embarrassing.
00:29:49 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:29:53 I've got to choke it.
00:29:54 Let's just calm down.
00:29:56 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:30:01 Oh, my God.
00:30:02 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:30:05 Oh, yes!
00:30:07 Come on!
00:30:08 Let's go!
00:30:10 Oh!
00:30:12 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:30:13 I'm gonna vomit.
00:30:14 Oh, my God.
00:30:15 How?
00:30:16 How is this happening?
00:30:18 This is a comedy of errors.
00:30:20 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:30:22 Oh, my God.
00:30:24 Did I screw up a tile?
00:30:26 That's the same.
00:30:27 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:30:30 My matching was bad.
00:30:31 I was not good at matching.
00:30:33 Oh, my God.
00:30:34 I thought I had low points,
00:30:35 but this is the challenge that was made for me.
00:30:37 A matching game that you would give a kid in daycare
00:30:40 to keep them occupied for 20 minutes.
00:30:42 I get to go back to camp with no vote, so that's good.
00:30:45 I didn't want the beware advantage
00:30:47 because I didn't want to not have a vote.
00:30:48 Now I don't have a vote.
00:30:49 Great.
00:30:50 Luckily, we lose the immunity challenge coming up.
00:30:52 I feel good going to the next tribal council.
00:30:54 I know that Emily is going to leave once we get there,
00:30:56 but this is my low point.
00:30:58 Okay.
00:31:01 Congratulations.
00:31:02 This is an advantage that offers safety without power.
00:31:05 It allows you to leave tribal council
00:31:06 just before the votes are cast and return to camp.
00:31:09 You will not cast a vote,
00:31:10 but more importantly, you cannot be voted out.
00:31:12 The last time this can be played
00:31:13 is when there are ten people left in the game.
00:31:15 I'm so happy.
00:31:16 I could have fallen to my knees.
00:31:18 It's safety without power in a match.
00:31:20 It is a get-out-of-jail-free card.
00:31:21 I have power in the game.
00:31:23 You know, a guy like me is very ambitious,
00:31:25 and he's always looking for more.
00:31:27 I am the survivor itch,
00:31:28 and the only thing that's going to scratch it
00:31:30 is more firepower, more ammunition.
00:31:34 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:31:39 (cris de joie)
00:31:42 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:31:47 (paroles inaudibles)
00:31:50 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:31:53 - Alligator.
00:31:54 - Um...
00:31:56 So we get there, we walk up a mountain,
00:31:58 and we get to the gate where we can risk the vote.
00:32:02 And play the game, which I did.
00:32:04 And--and I--I had three minutes to do it.
00:32:07 I didn't do it.
00:32:08 So I have no vote.
00:32:09 - Oh. - Okay.
00:32:10 So, shoot.
00:32:12 In the first immunity challenge,
00:32:14 Brandon really struggled with the puzzle.
00:32:17 Now he goes to this journey.
00:32:20 Was unsuccessful.
00:32:22 You told us you're the puzzle guy,
00:32:24 and so it makes you wonder, like, where are your strengths?
00:32:27 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:32:30 - Hello?
00:32:31 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:32:33 Huh.
00:32:34 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:32:35 Hello?
00:32:36 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:32:43 (cris de joie)
00:32:44 Hello?
00:32:45 (cris de joie)
00:32:48 Oh, my God.
00:32:49 My tribe mates, they all run right out
00:32:51 from behind the shelter,
00:32:52 and they all start rubbing my head.
00:32:54 I don't know why that is a thing,
00:32:56 but they are all rubbing my head.
00:32:57 All right, do you want the best bits first,
00:32:59 or just, like, the adults going over?
00:33:00 It's such a warm welcome that I know
00:33:03 the right route is to tell a truth,
00:33:05 to tell the full truth.
00:33:07 All right, so here's the story.
00:33:09 Walked up this long beach,
00:33:11 and on the island is, like, a puzzle.
00:33:13 If I solve the puzzle in three minutes,
00:33:14 I'll get, like, an advantage.
00:33:15 And I-I did well.
00:33:16 I solved it.
00:33:17 Um, so...
00:33:18 (cheering)
00:33:19 The advantage is a safety without power.
00:33:21 It allows you to leave tribal council
00:33:23 just before the votes are cast and returned to camp.
00:33:25 You will not cast a vote, but more importantly,
00:33:27 you cannot be voted out.
00:33:28 So Drew comes back and straight up shows us the note
00:33:31 saying, "I have a safety without power."
00:33:33 I feel that he's really trying to play a loyal game.
00:33:35 Real utility is gonna happen if you come and merge.
00:33:38 So my hope is that if one of us is, like, in real danger...
00:33:41 You give it to him.
00:33:42 Yeah, we can just give this to the revote member
00:33:44 who is in trouble.
00:33:45 Drew came very clean about his journey,
00:33:48 and I feel like he is someone who wants to truly play
00:33:51 with somebody like me.
00:33:52 Yo.
00:33:53 Yeah?
00:33:54 I found a beware advantage.
00:33:55 You're kidding.
00:33:56 No.
00:33:57 Okay.
00:33:58 I found it.
00:33:59 I was gathering wood right by the beach over there.
00:34:01 Austin shared his beware advantage with me.
00:34:03 There are, like, explosions in my head.
00:34:05 There are fireworks. I'm so excited.
00:34:06 It's spelled out.
00:34:07 "Dig at the fallen palm tree X."
00:34:10 The best partnerships in Survivor
00:34:12 are ones that complement one another.
00:34:14 He has the physicality, he has the good looks,
00:34:16 he has the charm, and I have the brains.
00:34:19 I came into this game saying I wanted, like, a JT to my Steven,
00:34:22 you know?
00:34:23 And you're the guy, so I'm willing to go all the way.
00:34:25 Austin right now is my ride or die.
00:34:27 I am committed to him to the moon and back.
00:34:30 [horn honking]
00:34:32 [laughing]
00:34:35 Oh, God.
00:34:36 I knew I was gonna suffocate myself.
00:34:38 Oh, my God.
00:34:39 It doesn't stress that much.
00:34:41 Oh, yours looks pretty good.
00:34:42 Oh.
00:34:43 Should I just do it?
00:34:44 Just put a stake on it?
00:34:45 Yeah, I'm going for it.
00:34:46 Yeah, oh, my God!
00:34:47 [laughing]
00:34:50 I don't know how you would do this on a regular basis.
00:34:52 It's not easy.
00:34:53 [laughing]
00:34:54 [screaming]
00:34:56 [laughing]
00:34:59 Coming into this game, I was really worried
00:35:01 that as a 22-year-old young scrawny Asian guy,
00:35:03 no one would really want to work with me.
00:35:05 But being out here and being out of my comfort zone
00:35:08 is what makes it exciting.
00:35:09 And I'm kind of killing it right now.
00:35:11 [laughing]
00:35:12 Bradley, you're killing me.
00:35:13 You got it, you got it.
00:35:14 Hilarious.
00:35:15 [laughing]
00:35:17 Putting on my own buff as a top,
00:35:18 I don't think it's the most common thing
00:35:20 for guys and survivors to do.
00:35:22 But, you know, honestly, I feel really comfortable
00:35:24 in that situation.
00:35:25 Because I've never been someone who, you know,
00:35:27 bros out with the big guys.
00:35:28 I really like the idea of working with you.
00:35:30 Yeah.
00:35:31 And I just wanted to say that.
00:35:32 Well, that's a good thing to hear.
00:35:33 No, and I--
00:35:34 No, we love you.
00:35:35 I wanted to, like, pull you aside and just say that to you.
00:35:37 You always say, like, oh, the weakest woman goes home first.
00:35:39 And I really did not want that to happen.
00:35:41 I would love to work with Brando.
00:35:43 And right now, the girls are three strong,
00:35:45 and you're not going to break us up.
00:35:46 So I think he sees the numbers.
00:35:48 He's a smart dude.
00:35:49 He knows percentages.
00:35:50 So better join us than be against us.
00:35:53 Je veux faire ce jeu avec des gens que j'admire et que je crois.
00:35:56 La seule chose que nous pouvons avoir, c'est de croire en les.
00:35:59 - C'est ça. - Je ne sais pas.
00:36:00 Donc, Jake et Bruce sont à la table.
00:36:02 Oui, je suis sûr qu'ils parlent en ce moment.
00:36:04 - Oui. - Je peux te dire que je pense
00:36:05 que ça va tomber.
00:36:06 Oui, je pense qu'ils veulent la fille.
00:36:08 Tu as tout de même dit que ils allaient chercher les gars.
00:36:13 Je pensais 100% que c'était moi.
00:36:15 Je pense qu'ils vont venir me chercher d'abord.
00:36:17 Tu es très sociable.
00:36:18 Tu as un charisme de 25, c'est fou.
00:36:21 Je sais que je suis un objectif.
00:36:23 100%.
00:36:24 J'avais une très bonne idée que ça allait arriver.
00:36:27 Bruce doit se protéger.
00:36:29 Sois un joueur social et parle à autant de gens que possible
00:36:32 sur ce chemin.
00:36:33 Si tu ne te souviens pas,
00:36:34 fais attention à ton communication.
00:36:36 - Je t'ai compris. - Je vais faire la même chose.
00:36:38 Brando, on a eu des bonnes conversations.
00:36:40 On est des bons amis. Je l'aime à la moitié.
00:36:43 Je veux me battre contre quelqu'un qui a ce que je manque,
00:36:46 qui a ces gros muscles, qui a tout.
00:36:48 Tu veux les faire sortir ?
00:36:49 Tu as 22 ans, je suis 46.
00:36:52 Tu es mon coach, maintenant.
00:36:54 - Tu es d'accord ? - 100%.
00:36:57 Je vais garder chaque option ouverte.
00:36:59 J'ai une forte alliance avec les filles.
00:37:02 Mais Bruce essaie de me pousser.
00:37:06 Je suis dans un bon endroit.
00:37:08 Brando est sur le bord.
00:37:10 Je me sens bien.
00:37:12 Jake est sur le bord.
00:37:13 Kelly et moi, on a eu le coup d'envoi dès le début.
00:37:16 Je pense que c'est bon.
00:37:18 C'est un peu comme...
00:37:20 On est tous ensemble.
00:37:22 On peut dire que...
00:37:24 On est les plus grands.
00:37:26 Je veux pas voter.
00:37:28 - Je t'entends. - Qui ?
00:37:30 En tant que travailleuse, je déteste ça.
00:37:33 Mais il y a des défis et des forces.
00:37:36 Je vais prendre ton chaussure.
00:37:39 Une des forces qui m'a aidée,
00:37:42 c'est que je peux faire de la bête avec les gars.
00:37:46 - Je me sens mieux. - Ouais.
00:37:48 Me and Brando are in the middle.
00:37:50 There's Bruce and Jake on one side.
00:37:52 Kendra and Ketora on the other.
00:37:54 I have gone back and forth.
00:37:56 - Which way I want to go. - I want us to be solid.
00:37:59 - I think we're in a good spot. - OK.
00:38:01 So if we lose the next immunity challenge,
00:38:04 I'm gonna have a lot of fun.
00:38:06 I don't want the hammer to come down on me.
00:38:09 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:38:12 [musique]
00:38:22 - Come on, Anne!
00:38:23 [musique]
00:38:40 - Bello et Reba, vous regardez votre première fois
00:38:43 la nouvelle famille Lulu.
00:38:44 Hannah a voté pour la première fois
00:38:46 au conseil tribal.
00:38:47 [musique]
00:38:51 - C'est parti pour la challenge d'immunité d'aujourd'hui.
00:38:54 [applaudissements]
00:38:57 - Tout d'abord, il faut récupérer les idoles.
00:38:59 - C'est un voyage de terrain.
00:39:02 Il vient de revenir.
00:39:03 [musique]
00:39:05 - C'est parti.
00:39:06 Encore une fois, l'immunité est à la place.
00:39:10 - C'est parti.
00:39:11 - Pour la challenge d'aujourd'hui,
00:39:12 un joueur par fois va monter au sommet
00:39:14 de la toileuse et va s'échapper,
00:39:18 battre un terreau pour dévoiler sa clé.
00:39:21 Il doit ensuite naviguer à un rythme de balance flottant
00:39:25 et s'échapper jusqu'au bout.
00:39:26 Puis la prochaine personne va le faire.
00:39:28 Une fois que vous avez récupéré toutes les trois clés,
00:39:31 deux autres joueurs vont utiliser ces clés
00:39:33 pour débloquer vos pièces de puzzle
00:39:35 et résoudre un puzzle de corail.
00:39:37 [musique]
00:39:41 - Les deux premières tribes pour finir.
00:39:43 Gagnez l'immunité.
00:39:44 En sécurité de la vote.
00:39:45 En plus, vous jouez pour un réel reste.
00:39:47 Vous savez ce que vous jouez pour?
00:39:49 [cris et applaudissements]
00:39:52 Tout ce dont vous avez besoin.
00:39:55 Un énorme set de vêtements.
00:39:58 [cris et applaudissements]
00:40:00 La deuxième tribe pour finir.
00:40:02 Plus petit, mais efficace.
00:40:03 Masque, snorkel, fenêtres et un sling hawaien.
00:40:06 [cris et applaudissements]
00:40:08 La dernière tribe pour finir,
00:40:10 autrement connue comme "les perdants".
00:40:12 Le conseil tribal, où quelqu'un sera la deuxième personne
00:40:15 qui sera votée sur Survivor 45
00:40:16 et qui sera la penalité pour perdre.
00:40:18 Je prends votre flingue, Lulu.
00:40:19 Vous jouez encore pour obtenir votre flingue
00:40:22 pour la première fois.
00:40:23 - Ouais.
00:40:24 - Bien, sit-out.
00:40:25 Bella, Reba, vous êtes en sit-out.
00:40:27 Nouvelle règle.
00:40:28 Il s'agissait que la sit-out
00:40:30 se réservait après un conseil tribal.
00:40:33 Donc, voici la nouvelle règle.
00:40:34 Vous ne pouvez pas s'asseoir pour des challenges de dos-à-dos.
00:40:37 Donc, qui s'asseoit pour cette challenge
00:40:39 sera le prochain.
00:40:40 Ça semble bien? - Oui.
00:40:42 - Bien. Bella, qui sera la sit-out?
00:40:44 - Moi.
00:40:45 - Keturah sera la sit-out pour Bella.
00:40:47 Et Reba?
00:40:48 - Sifu.
00:40:49 - Sifu sera la sit-out.
00:40:50 On va se mettre sur le banc.
00:40:51 On va se mettre en stratégie.
00:40:53 On va y aller!
00:40:54 [cris et applaudissements]
00:40:55 [musique de suspense]
00:40:58 [musique de suspense]
00:41:03 All right!
00:41:04 Here we go!
00:41:06 For immunity and reward!
00:41:09 Survivors ready?
00:41:11 [musique de suspense]
00:41:13 Go!
00:41:14 [cris et applaudissements]
00:41:16 It's Dee in the water for Reba.
00:41:19 Emily in the water for Lulu.
00:41:22 Jake for Bella.
00:41:24 You've got to climb to the top of the tower,
00:41:27 get a club,
00:41:28 and then smash a plate releasing your key.
00:41:32 Here goes Dee!
00:41:33 Here goes Jake!
00:41:35 [cris et applaudissements]
00:41:37 Here goes Emily!
00:41:39 That's how you do it on Survivor!
00:41:41 Go!
00:41:42 It's Jake who's going to do the balance beam first.
00:41:45 Here comes Dee for Reba.
00:41:48 It's a three-tier balance beam
00:41:51 floating in the ocean.
00:41:53 Nothing easy about that.
00:41:55 Jake is in. He's going to start again.
00:41:58 Here comes Dee.
00:42:00 Here comes Emily giving it a go.
00:42:03 Emily very fast.
00:42:06 Emily, you're good!
00:42:08 It's Lulu on the lead.
00:42:10 Dee, you're good! Jake, you're good!
00:42:12 [cris et applaudissements]
00:42:14 Give it everything you have!
00:42:16 You're first, man. Keep going.
00:42:18 Jake is up.
00:42:19 You've got to get that in the balance beam.
00:42:21 Go, Bella!
00:42:23 Here goes Bruce!
00:42:25 [cris et applaudissements]
00:42:27 Bruce has the second key for Bella.
00:42:29 Go, Reba!
00:42:31 Here goes Jay with a big leap.
00:42:34 She's got it! Just barely, but she's got it!
00:42:37 You got it! You got it!
00:42:39 Go, Lulu!
00:42:41 [cris et applaudissements]
00:42:44 Shot connected!
00:42:46 Both with the plate and with his face!
00:42:49 Here goes Bruce.
00:42:51 Making it look easy.
00:42:53 Jay doing a nice job.
00:42:55 Jay's in the water for Reba.
00:42:57 Shot's a cross!
00:42:59 And another face plant for Sean.
00:43:02 You got to get that buoy in the basket.
00:43:05 Go, Reba!
00:43:07 There goes Austin.
00:43:09 [cris et applaudissements]
00:43:11 And he obliterates the tile.
00:43:14 Come on, baby. You got it.
00:43:16 Go, Lulu!
00:43:18 Caleb up in the air.
00:43:20 He's got a key. Here comes Bruce.
00:43:22 Go, Bella!
00:43:24 [cris et applaudissements]
00:43:26 Kendra smashes it. She's got a key.
00:43:29 Here goes Austin on the beam.
00:43:31 Austin across the beam faster than anybody.
00:43:36 Caleb now on the beam.
00:43:38 And he's a cross.
00:43:40 You're good, Reba. Start working on the puzzle.
00:43:43 Kendra struggling on the beam for Bella.
00:43:47 Oh! Wow!
00:43:49 Kendra with a big fall.
00:43:51 You got it, Kendra! You got it!
00:43:53 You're good, Lulu!
00:43:55 Start working on the puzzle.
00:43:57 Lulu's made up a lot of time.
00:43:59 It is now Bella in dead last.
00:44:02 I know how to do this.
00:44:04 [cris et applaudissements]
00:44:06 It is Drew and Julie on the puzzle for Reba.
00:44:09 Brandon and Sabaya on the puzzle for Lulu.
00:44:12 And here comes Kendra.
00:44:15 You're good, Bella. Start working on the puzzle.
00:44:18 It's going to be Brandon and Kelly on the puzzle for Bella.
00:44:22 [cris et applaudissements]
00:44:25 Oh, my God, that's a lot of pieces.
00:44:28 Brand new survivor puzzle.
00:44:30 Nobody knows this one.
00:44:32 Put yourself in the puzzle role.
00:44:35 It comes with a lot of pressure.
00:44:37 And if you lose, it's on you.
00:44:40 [cris et applaudissements]
00:44:42 It is Reba in the lead.
00:44:45 [cris et applaudissements]
00:44:48 Bella making a lot of progress.
00:44:50 And another piece by Brando.
00:44:53 We're now very tight between Bella and Reba.
00:44:56 A familiar story with Lulu,
00:44:58 where they've been the entire season, dead last.
00:45:01 Look at the lines, follow the lines.
00:45:03 - I'm with you. - No, no, Brandon.
00:45:05 I think we'll be facing towards the tree.
00:45:07 No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:45:09 [cris et applaudissements]
00:45:11 Still very close, and we're looking for 2 tribes.
00:45:14 Drew with another piece for Reba.
00:45:17 Step a minute, Drew. Bella with a 2-piece lead at this point.
00:45:20 It is that close.
00:45:22 You need to be like, hey, it's this.
00:45:24 I'm looking, I'm looking.
00:45:26 Lulu, almost time to start thinking about
00:45:28 who's going home tonight.
00:45:30 I can't look for you and me, okay?
00:45:32 Instead of just trying out random stuff.
00:45:35 Yes! Huge reward on the line.
00:45:38 You want that massive fishing gear.
00:45:40 Bella with another piece.
00:45:42 I'm just grasping at stuff.
00:45:44 No, help me. Ain't no grasping.
00:45:46 Lulu out of it.
00:45:48 Put it in the deep freeze for Lulu.
00:45:50 Bella down to 4 pieces.
00:45:53 Reba down to 5 pieces left.
00:45:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:45:58 This is gonna be very close when you have it.
00:46:00 Step back.
00:46:02 Reba making a run for it with another piece.
00:46:06 We're down to 2 pieces for Bella.
00:46:09 Now 1.
00:46:11 3 pieces for Reba.
00:46:13 Now 2. It's coming down to the last piece.
00:46:16 Time freeze.
00:46:18 Step back.
00:46:20 Reba holds it out.
00:46:23 Reba's got it. Huge fishing reward.
00:46:26 Bella wins immunity and a small fishing reward.
00:46:29 Let go!
00:46:31 Wow! What a comeback.
00:46:33 What a match.
00:46:35 That was a challenge. Wow!
00:46:37 Whoo!
00:46:39 And a familiar result.
00:46:41 Lulu in dead last.
00:46:43 Made no progress for most of that challenge.
00:46:46 Back to tribal council
00:46:48 where somebody will be the second person
00:46:50 voted out of Survivor 45.
00:46:52 You gotta be kidding me, man.
00:46:54 A very tight, for 2 of you, challenge.
00:46:59 Reba, you pulled it out. Immunity is yours.
00:47:02 Whoo!
00:47:04 Nobody going home from Reba.
00:47:06 Bella, you pulled it out of--
00:47:08 Yeah!
00:47:10 Nobody going home from Bella.
00:47:12 Fishing kits will be waiting for you back at camp.
00:47:15 Reba, yours is huge.
00:47:17 Bella, yours is small, but we'll get the job done.
00:47:20 All right, congratulations. Swim out and join another night off.
00:47:23 Everybody stays in the tribe.
00:47:25 Thanks, Dad! You earned it.
00:47:27 Let go!
00:47:29 Lulu, another loss. You're winless.
00:47:39 You still will not have your flint.
00:47:42 And tonight, you lose another tribe member.
00:47:44 All right, swim out. See you tonight at tribal council.
00:47:47 This tribe is so bad.
00:47:49 We're like the cavaliers when LeBron left the first time.
00:47:51 We suck. We can't win anything.
00:47:53 This tribe is falling apart.
00:47:55 Emotionally, physically, everything.
00:47:58 ♪ ♪ ♪
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00:54:47 - All right, welcome back to Tribal Council.
00:54:50 So, Sabaya, what I'm most curious about
00:54:53 is what happened last tribal
00:54:56 in what was clearly a heated tribal
00:54:58 that then took a left turn
00:55:00 as Hannah pleaded to go home and you let her.
00:55:02 - Right. I thought that all that heat
00:55:04 was gonna get resolved with a snub, you know.
00:55:06 - So let me just interrupt.
00:55:07 Does that mean that it was Emily going home?
00:55:10 Because the heat was between you two.
00:55:12 - Either it meant it was her or it was gonna be a snuff
00:55:15 to kind of shut her up a little bit, you know?
00:55:18 - So, Brandon, what do you read into that?
00:55:20 Because somebody was going home.
00:55:22 - Yeah, I knew Emily and I were on the bottom.
00:55:24 I went in not wanting it to be me.
00:55:25 I was gonna do what I thought that most people were gonna do.
00:55:28 So I was voting Emily.
00:55:29 - So, Sean, give me the tribe dynamic here.
00:55:31 - You know, coming back from the challenge today,
00:55:35 both Emily and Brandon said, "Sobhia, Caleb, Sean,
00:55:39 why don't you three of you go off and talk?"
00:55:42 So that's where the alliance right now stands.
00:55:45 - So are all five of you in agreement
00:55:48 that it's Emily or Brandon tonight?
00:55:52 - Yeah. - Yeah.
00:55:53 - Okay. So we rarely have this where it's so clearly
00:55:57 between two people.
00:55:58 Brandon, let's start with you.
00:55:59 What case do you make to remind everybody
00:56:01 what qualities you bring to the tribe?
00:56:04 - So, Jeff, this is something I'm certainly not used to.
00:56:07 Like, this is my first team, right?
00:56:08 I don't play sports.
00:56:09 I'm not used to losing because I'm not used to playing, right?
00:56:12 I came back from the challenge very defeated.
00:56:14 This is my second puzzle that I did not do.
00:56:16 And the puzzle at the journey, I lost that one too.
00:56:18 So maybe the puzzles aren't my thing.
00:56:20 But it's a situation where--
00:56:21 - But you told us that they were.
00:56:23 And that's really my caveat.
00:56:25 We just really, as a tribe, need him to be like,
00:56:28 "This is what I can do," and it be true.
00:56:30 - I do maintain that the puzzles that I do
00:56:33 were just bad dang it.
00:56:34 But I am loyal to you guys.
00:56:35 You know, Emily has had issues with these people.
00:56:38 And these people know that I'm Lulu strong.
00:56:40 - Caleb, Brandon's saying, "I'm loyal. I'm with you."
00:56:43 That also is a valuable quality in this game.
00:56:46 - Yeah. You know, his ability to be vulnerable,
00:56:49 to bring people in, to tell a story,
00:56:51 it is really valuable.
00:56:52 Emily, you know, was trying to play all 26 days
00:56:55 as a survivor in the first, you know, week.
00:56:57 But, you know, what does an open mind
00:56:59 at least look like?
00:57:00 Maybe it would be taking a chance with Emily?
00:57:02 Or it would be knowing we already have that with Brandon.
00:57:05 - Now, I will say, to Emily's credit,
00:57:07 after our last tribal council,
00:57:08 a few of us gave her some feedback,
00:57:10 and Emily's taken that to heart.
00:57:12 And she's shown a good faith effort
00:57:15 to be the sweet Emily that we know she is.
00:57:18 - So, Brandon, what do you do now in this moment
00:57:21 when you're hearing the three who seem to be in charge
00:57:24 saying that they are weighing, and it's not a slam dunk?
00:57:27 - It's a gigantic decision,
00:57:29 but there's gonna be a challenge
00:57:30 that I know that I will be able to compete physically.
00:57:33 I've gotten unlucky.
00:57:34 - It's interesting to me that you just pitched yourself
00:57:37 physically again. - Yeah.
00:57:38 - And this is not to liken my story to yours,
00:57:41 but when I was a kid in junior high,
00:57:44 tried out for the basketball team,
00:57:46 didn't have a left-handed layup,
00:57:48 I didn't make the team.
00:57:49 But you know what they asked me to be?
00:57:52 The water boy.
00:57:53 Because I was fun to be around, and I wanted them to win.
00:57:56 And what I felt like these three just said is,
00:57:59 "You're the water boy.
00:58:00 "You're not gonna help us in the challenges,
00:58:03 but you've got a secret weapon.
00:58:05 You're likable."
00:58:06 - I will happily be this team's water boy.
00:58:08 I'm more than happy to do that.
00:58:11 - So, Emily, what case do you make
00:58:13 in terms of, "I can do better"?
00:58:15 - It's more like learning from my mistakes,
00:58:17 and a lot of that is learning to tone down
00:58:20 the more harsh qualities
00:58:21 for people that I'm living with 24/7
00:58:24 and rebuilding trust.
00:58:25 You know, one of the things that I did to rebuild trust
00:58:27 was I gave Sabaya my shot in the dark tonight.
00:58:29 And Sabaya was very kind and said,
00:58:30 "I'll give it back to you after tribal."
00:58:32 Now, that could be because you're not coming back to camp
00:58:35 after tribal, so it doesn't really matter.
00:58:37 Or that could also be Sabaya saying,
00:58:39 "Look, Emily, I trust you too."
00:58:41 - So, Emily, if this is it, what's it been about?
00:58:45 - Well, it's certainly not gone the way I expected,
00:58:47 and I can tell you right now that I've learned
00:58:49 a lot about myself.
00:58:50 I can tell you right now that I think
00:58:51 I've made friends for life.
00:58:52 I never thought I'd say that after spending
00:58:54 five days with strangers,
00:58:55 you know, I was told coming into this
00:58:57 that I can be a little bit aggressive.
00:58:59 But all of those things in my everyday life
00:59:01 I think are very muted.
00:59:02 I live a very normal life, believe it or not.
00:59:04 I have friends, believe it or not.
00:59:06 I mean, and so coming into this scenario
00:59:08 and seeing all of these things on hyperdrive
00:59:10 and then potentially re-watching them on TV,
00:59:12 I think that is going to be a somewhat traumatic experience.
00:59:16 - You know, it's interesting what you just said,
00:59:18 that I have friends, believe it or not.
00:59:20 I wouldn't doubt you have friends.
00:59:21 What I think is interesting about survivors
00:59:24 is that they aren't your friends.
00:59:26 Our friends don't always tell us the truth.
00:59:29 But out here, people will tell you.
00:59:31 And if you take that, you can shift
00:59:33 how you interact with the world.
00:59:35 That's what I feel like is happening tonight.
00:59:37 All right, Brandon, if this is it for you,
00:59:40 what's it been about?
00:59:41 - My journey started in September of 2008.
00:59:44 You know, my sixth-grade teacher mentioned Survivor.
00:59:46 I didn't think she liked me, so I watched it
00:59:48 'cause I'm a kiss-ass, 'cause I wanted her to like me,
00:59:50 so I could talk about it with her.
00:59:51 And every day since that night,
00:59:53 I wanted to be here.
00:59:54 I pictured myself here.
00:59:55 This is everything that I'm not.
00:59:57 I don't like the outside.
00:59:58 I hate the beach.
00:59:59 These challenges are so out of my realm,
01:00:02 and if this is it,
01:00:03 I hope I learn why I needed to come here.
01:00:05 And I think that it's not for this game.
01:00:07 It's outside of it.
01:00:08 I'm so anxious, Jeff.
01:00:09 I'm wildly anxious.
01:00:11 My whole five days here have been ruled
01:00:13 by my anxiety and my neuroses and worrying.
01:00:16 But being on the beach with these guys,
01:00:18 with these buffs, it's incredible, man.
01:00:20 This is the most fun five days I've ever had.
01:00:22 This is what I waited for,
01:00:24 and if this is how it ends,
01:00:25 I would have waited 40 more years
01:00:26 to do Survivor 45 with these guys.
01:00:29 No doubt.
01:00:30 Well, the two of you remind me tonight
01:00:32 that Survivor is always a unique experience
01:00:37 for every single person who plays.
01:00:39 Sadly, that adventure is going to come to an end
01:00:42 for one of you,
01:00:43 'cause it is time to vote.
01:00:45 Caleb, you're up.
01:00:47 ♪ ♪ ♪
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01:01:34 I got to have my votes.
01:01:36 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:01:41 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:01:46 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:01:47 If anybody has an advantage or an idol
01:01:50 and you want to play it,
01:01:51 now would be the time to do so.
01:01:54 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:01:56 Okay, I'll read the votes.
01:01:58 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:02:02 First vote.
01:02:04 Brandon.
01:02:06 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:02:11 Second person voted out of Survivor 45.
01:02:15 Brandon, that's two, that's enough.
01:02:17 I need to burn me a torch.
01:02:19 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:02:22 All right, I want hugs. Come on, hug.
01:02:24 Please, of course.
01:02:25 I love you, buddy.
01:02:26 Before I get out of here,
01:02:27 I just want to thank you for giving me the opportunity
01:02:29 to meet amazing people,
01:02:31 play this game,
01:02:32 and live my dream.
01:02:34 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:02:37 Brandon, the charge is spoken.
01:02:39 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:02:41 Oh, this is cool. It's really cool.
01:02:43 [laughter]
01:02:44 You should get out of here.
01:02:46 We love you.
01:02:47 Bye, Brandon.
01:02:48 Bye, Brandon.
01:02:49 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:02:54 Grab your torches, set back to camp.
01:02:56 Good night.
01:02:57 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:03:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:03:03 ♪ ♪ ♪
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01:03:09 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:03:13 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:03:15 I'm sticky.
01:03:16 It felt like a boyfriend was cheating on me
01:03:18 and I caught him cheating.
01:03:19 It's game on.
01:03:20 Next time on Survivor.
01:03:22 It's got to be okay.
01:03:23 My jaw just dropped.
01:03:25 I'm shocked.
01:03:26 The winning tribe earns a camp raid.
01:03:29 I will lose my life.
01:03:31 Jake.
01:03:32 [crash]
01:03:33 Oh, my God.
01:03:35 [sirène de police]
01:03:37 [sirène de police]
01:04:00 [Musique]
