"I chose have braces in my 30s over Turkey teeth - I don't regret my decision despite trolls"

  • last year
A man with buck teeth had braces fitted in his 30s - despite mean comments from online trolls.

Scott Lowe, now 32, said since getting the £2700 orthodontal braces he has been abused online.

The window cleaner has taken pride in keeping his own teeth and chose to pay for braces two years ago instead.

Scott, from Seacombe, Merseyside, said: "My teeth have always looked terrible!

"They looked like a burst piano. I could eat an apple through a letterbox.

"I think braces are better than getting Turkey teeth. These are my teeth."

Scott, who is also a content creator, often gets comments from trolls saying: "Braces at your big age, mad""

Scott explained: "I get a lot of trolls commenting on them.

"Every video I make there is always someone to mention my braces."

The dad-of-one is now used to the comments and doesn't let the abuse affect him.

Scott said: "It doesn’t bother me in the slightest if my videos make people happy even if it's making a troll happy then that makes me happy."

Scott has had braces for two and half years and hopes to get them removed in December.

He said: "It all depends on how your teeth take to them and if you follow the guidance giving to you by the orthodontist.

"There’s a couple of gaps between my teeth that there just closing up then that's it ! I reckon around Christmas.''

Scott started posting videos online six years ago when his niece Ava was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

He said: "People used to come up to my sister and ask how Ava and although that is nice it was overwhelming for her and one day I just made a little comedy video and it went viral!!

"All of a sudden it took the attention off my sister and instead of people asking how she is they would say your brother is a lunatic - so it just spiralled from there really."


00:00 Braces at your big age? Mad. Why is it mad mate? Because I want to sort my teeth out.
00:06 I think it's better than getting turkey teeth. These are my teeth. Anyway, peace out.
00:13 Cheers mate. I appreciate that. People just need to get over the fact that I have got
00:18 braces at my age and that you can get them at any age. If you want to get your teeth
00:22 right then get braces.
