وسط كل ما يحدث.. هل الذهب هو الحل؟

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00:00 Imagine that your wife, your fiance, or your future partner is celebrating her birthday
00:06 and you are planning to buy her gold
00:09 but you don't know what you want to buy
00:12 is it a bracelet, a ring, a chain, or maybe a gold coin or a gold necklace
00:19 Of course, you have multiple choices and you are in a dilemma
00:25 Today, I will try to help you decide what is the best gift for your wife
00:31 and we will answer many questions related to gold
00:35 like saving gold, investing in gold, and many questions about gold
00:42 The gift of the partner and smart investment is the title of our episode for today
00:49 [Intro]
01:00 Before talking about the gift, let's talk about gold
01:05 Why gold? Why do we buy gold?
01:09 Let's go back to 1966 when the first Toyota Corolla was released
01:20 You will ask me, what is the difference between Toyota and Corolla in gold?
01:25 Stay with me
01:26 The first price of the first Toyota car was about $1300 in Japan in 1966
01:33 At that time, the price of a half of gold was about $35.5
01:39 So, if you wanted to buy a Toyota Corolla in gold, you would need about 37 ha
01:49 Today, if you want to go to the dealer and buy the same car but the model 2023
01:56 The price of the car is about $20,000
02:03 But if I want to convert it to gold, I only need about 10.5 ounces of gold to buy this car
02:15 The car doubled its value about 15 times in dollars and it actually doubled its value in gold
02:27 This is the gift of gold today when it is said that it is really worth it
02:34 The second reason why we buy gold is that many Arab countries have been subjected to a recession
02:46 We saw this in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and many other countries
02:54 If a part of the savings was in gold, regardless of the type of gold, it would have benefited greatly from the recession of the value of the currency
03:07 Or at least it could have maintained the value of the money that was saved in gold
03:14 Of course, we do not forget that gold is priced in any currency today
03:18 Like most goods, it is priced in dollars
03:21 When you review the value of your currency in your country, you know that you have a dollar price
03:29 Some people have theories that the dollar may have reached its end
03:37 I will follow this theory with you and tell you that it is possible in the coming years to see a currency that is facing the US dollar
03:46 As we hear today in the news and those who follow CNBC Arabic and other channels know that we have countries like Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa and of course other countries and China
04:02 Of course, all these countries are trying to create a currency for them, but even if they can do that
04:09 And we have a competitive currency for the dollar today, of course, this currency needs to be supported
04:16 How does it need to be supported? Gold is the basis, so they need to buy gold to be able to support a currency that faces the dollar
04:24 And this also raises the demand for gold and therefore raises its value in an additional way
04:30 Another factor that also supports the purchase of gold is the ease of handling it
04:34 If you have any gold, you can go to the merchant and at the same time he can buy this gold from you
04:42 Of course, the price varies according to the price of gold, depending on the supply and demand, depending on whether we have a high or low price
04:50 But in general, gold is considered one of the most basic and is affordable to handle
04:55 And therefore, if you want to convert gold to cash, you have no problem with this
04:59 Do I convert all my savings to gold or invest all my investments in gold?
05:05 Of course not, this is not the subject of our episode today
05:09 But in general, there are some investors today, most of them like Warren Buffett, who are interested in investing in gold
05:17 He sees that there is no benefit from it, there is no return from it
05:22 But as we know today, if we look at gold over the past few years, we have seen an increase in its price
05:30 So, having some of these gold savings, especially in countries that may suffer from a decline in their currency value
05:39 I think this is the main thing today in the financial system
05:42 But if I look at the performance of gold in the last ten years, it was not very strong
05:47 I think that within ten years we saw an annual growth of about 2.5% or 3% in price per annum
05:56 While if I look at the US stocks over the past ten years, the S&P 500 rose by more than 12% per annum
06:06 So, investing in stocks was much better than investing in gold
06:11 But if I compare it with other markets, the markets that have been good for ten years, the performance was not good
06:17 With a growth rate of about 3% close to the price of gold or higher than the price of gold
06:24 So, if I go back in history, more than 20 years ago, gold rose by about 8% annually
06:34 As an indicator over the past 20 years, which is actually close to the performance of US stocks
06:40 But those who invest in gold today do not only look at the comparison between gold and stocks as a tool
06:48 But gold of course plays a role as a diversifier or makes us differentiate the wallet by having gold in the wallet
06:58 We go back to the gift and let's start with the jewelry
07:03 Today, as we know, gold as a metal is a soft and soft metal
07:10 So, when jewelry is made, gold is usually mixed with other metals such as silver, zinc, copper and some additional metals
07:26 So that they can shape gold and design it and make it
07:30 That's why we know that there are gold standards in the coins
07:35 And pure gold is 24 coins
07:41 So, today you go to buy pure gold, do not put any other metal in it
07:45 You are talking about 24 coins, but most of the days the work is less than 24 coins
07:52 About 14, 18 or 22 coins
07:57 So, if we are buying gold, 22 coins and even 22 is considered a small amount of jewelry
08:07 But you are talking about 91.6% pure gold and the rest of the metals such as silver, copper or even zinc
08:20 If we are talking about 18 coins, 75% of it is gold and the rest are metals
08:27 If we are talking about 14 coins, we are talking about 58.3% gold and the rest are metals
08:37 I remember once I went to a jeweler and he told me that he brought new gold from the 26 coins standard
08:47 I don't know if any of you have been exposed to this situation
08:50 But this gold does not exist on the planet earth, maybe he brought it from Mars or Saturn
08:56 So, be careful of this type of mining
08:59 So, when we are buying gold, we are talking about jewelry
09:04 You are paying the value of this gold, but there are many additions to it
09:09 The first addition is the cost of manufacturing and design
09:14 There is the margin that the seller adds to the distribution
09:20 Because he is buying it at a certain price and then he gets it to you when you buy it for this gift
09:28 There is the tax that is added to the price of gold, jewelry and jewelry
09:35 It goes from 3-5% to 20% in some countries
09:40 There are many types of taxes
09:44 If we are talking about a famous brand, the name of this brand may be 3 or 4 times higher than the price of gold you are buying
09:56 Just because it has the name of the brand
10:00 All these costs today are possible to lose if you decide to sell this gold
10:09 So, yes, buying jewelry has a real value in dollars
10:17 It has a moral value and an emotional value
10:21 But as an investment, it is not one of the best tools that one can invest in jewelry
10:29 But if your life partner does not mean gold dollars or gold coins
10:38 It only means that you are adorned with jewelry
10:41 So, God bless you and buy these jewelry
10:44 And this is what brings us to the topic of gold coins and gold coins
10:50 Today, in our Arab society, we are known to give away some gold coins when you have a newborn
10:58 Or as a gift for marriage
11:02 The gold coin is widely distributed
11:07 Of course, most gold coins come from 24 coins
11:11 There are 22, 21 and less than that
11:14 But pure gold is 24 coins
11:19 Now, as for the gold coin or gold coin
11:23 Of course, there are some differences between the coin and the gold coin
11:29 The gold coin, of course, has a busy manufacturer, it has designs
11:35 And all these are additional costs
11:38 So, when you buy a gold coin today
11:41 You know that you are paying about 3% or 5% and sometimes you get to 10%
11:47 This is an additional amount for the design you are buying
11:52 Depending on where the manufacturer is, in which country, in which company
11:55 This increases the premium on the price of the gold coin
11:59 While the gold coin when you buy it
12:02 Especially because gold coins today are made at a low cost and in large sizes
12:09 So, today when we buy gold coins, the premium that the merchant puts on it is low
12:15 It can be about 1% or 1.5% and can reach 0.5% only
12:21 Depending on the current gold price that you see today on the screen
12:25 And on the Arabic CNBC screen
12:29 So, in terms of cost, of course, the gold coin is the best
12:35 And especially when I want to go back and I need to sell this gold coin
12:40 It is the one with the least loss
12:43 So, in terms of preserving the value, the gold coin is the best choice
12:50 After you decided to buy a gold coin for a company
12:55 You decided that why not invest in gold
12:58 And what are the different ways I can invest in gold
13:03 The same subject as a gift
13:05 The best investment as a gold coin is in pounds and gold coins
13:12 You can buy this gold coin or gold coin and put it in the safe at home
13:18 But of course, it also depends on the size you are buying
13:21 Because the larger the size, the more investment you should have in the safe that you can buy and put it at home
13:27 Of course, the advantage of this subject is that you can see this gold coin every day
13:33 You can take it and put it under the pillow
13:36 You can put it next to you and show it to your friends and relatives
13:41 Anytime you feel insecure, you can look at it and feel comfortable
13:48 There are people who prefer the gold coin to be in their possession
13:54 But of course, there are risks today
13:56 You have gold coins at home
13:58 Especially if a large amount of gold coins were stolen
14:02 If you have a huge safe and it is difficult to steal it
14:06 Of course, you can put this gold coin in the bank
14:10 And there are safes in the bank that are put for you
14:13 But you have to pay for it annually at a certain cost
14:20 You can calculate later if this subject is suitable for you or not
14:25 Another way to buy gold can be through the bank
14:29 The bank also has gold certificates
14:33 You buy these certificates and the bank puts gold in the same amount you bought it in the safe
14:40 It also has costs, buying and selling costs
14:44 Of course, the interest rates are low
14:47 You also have the cost of storage and insurance
14:52 You can get between 1% and 2% annual costs if you want to buy and sell
15:00 It also has a certain commission
15:03 In general, it is also a safe investment
15:07 Closer to buying gold
15:09 And you can even get it back when you ask for the gold you bought with the bank certificates
15:17 But today if I want to see the least expensive way to invest in gold
15:26 It can be an investment in ETFs
15:30 ETFs are international index funds
15:34 Today I have an investment fund in gold
15:38 For example, Spider Gold
15:41 Which is the oldest investment fund in gold
15:43 It started in 2004
15:46 And today we are talking about a fund of about $ 55 billion
15:53 It is perhaps the highest number today with the rise in gold prices
15:57 So you can buy in this fund
16:00 You are just buying these certificates
16:02 You are actually buying this gold that is available today
16:07 According to the value you are buying
16:09 But it will not be in your safe
16:11 It will be kept in places in London and New York
16:16 And its cost does not exceed half a percent annually
16:20 As an annual cost
16:22 So it is less than the cost of storage
16:25 If it is in the bank or through other ways
16:29 Especially if you need to spend a lot of gold
16:33 It may be one of the best ways
16:36 Unless you have a theory that you do not invest in gold
16:42 Except for the eye gold
16:44 I want to keep it in front of my eyes
16:46 Or maybe we have a conspiracy
16:48 And these financial documents do not have a receipt
16:51 But I told you that this fund has existed since 2004
16:54 And I do not remember at any time
16:57 The investor has suffered from any problems in selling or buying these index funds
17:03 And the last way one can have an investment
17:07 It may not be gold directly
17:10 But companies that are mining gold
17:14 Or mining companies
17:16 They can buy these companies through one of the ETFs
17:21 The Intermediate ETF
17:23 And he has a discovery on mining companies
17:26 But usually the performance of these companies is very close to the performance of gold prices
17:32 Some who want to invest in gold directly
17:36 And have a direct discovery on gold
17:39 It is better to stay away from mining companies
17:43 And only invest in gold
17:45 If it is through the investment fund in gold
17:48 Or it is a transfer certificate
17:50 Or even through the eye gold
17:53 But there are some people who prefer to invest in these companies
17:56 Especially because it has good distribution
18:00 And its price is very closely related to the movement of gold prices
18:06 The gift of smart partnership and investment was the title of our episode for today
18:11 With me I am Hussain Al-Sayed
18:13 [Music]
