• 2 years ago
An ugly loss to the Bucs reveals a lot about the Saints. After a rewatch, here's some of the biggest plays that stood out from the game.
00:00 All right, you're gonna see excellent play calling from the start
00:03 You got Rashid Shaheed going in motion Jimmy Graham and Lin Bowden jr. Up top blocking for you
00:08 Excellent blocking by Jimmy Graham
00:10 This is the type of play that I think gives us hope that this offense can find a groove and find its find its niche
00:18 I guess if you will, but it's just been so inconsistent
00:21 But you're gonna see here the Bucks bite on a play fake in the middle to Camaro using Shaheed motion
00:27 Getting this defense to kind of second guess got to see more of these
00:31 This is the maddening stuff
00:34 You only need a few yards line of scrimmage up first down right there near the 40 you're going deep
00:40 This was a problem all game. This is something we pointed out last week against Green Bay. I don't know
00:46 I get it. You want to take the shots? You got kind of two down thinking maybe here, but man
00:52 All right a second and short gadget play. I get it
00:55 I understand it, but this fails utterly
00:58 Pete loses his block. I mean you lose so many yards here
01:03 When it's a second and short that is just maddening. You're gonna watch it again watch the breakdown
01:10 Pete loses his guy
01:13 Then Mountain Junior can't get Levante David big loss. So on the third down play you're gonna see
01:20 Can't get Devin white there the design roll to the right. Take some hill slips
01:25 Could have got maybe a few extra yards, but you know footing was a huge issue in this game for the Saints team
01:31 I don't know why
01:33 But you'll see Devin white get free hill slips well short of the sticks
01:38 So following a false start penalty by the Bucs you have a chance to kind of get off the field here and look they had
01:44 Problems with Jordan love scrambling last week now they have problems Baker Mayfield. They only rushed three here
01:49 Gets juked a little bit easy conversion, you know, you got to be able to stop those types of things defensively
01:55 Especially rushing three, but you know Saints defense has done what they can
01:59 I mean, you're gonna have some breakdowns here and there but for this one, you're just gonna see Mayfield just do his thing
02:05 He looked good. You got to credit him. He looked really good during the game and
02:09 That's the credit to the Bucs
02:12 Seems like I talk about Malcolm Roach each week and that's because he's making good plays
02:16 Watch here where he works off this block on 70
02:19 Causes an intentional grounding on Mayfield as he gets there, you know Saints ends
02:24 They didn't have a sack and the only one they got was from the interior, but Malcolm Roach, man
02:28 He's been playing at a really high level. I love this rotation with him and Brisee
02:32 Watch him again work past 70
02:35 Pursuit
02:38 Intentional grounding. That's how you do it folks
02:40 Look, it goes without saying Adam Prentice had a really tough game
02:44 But car does a really nice job getting away from the pressure the de Villa. He's got wide open
02:49 Green if he makes this catch
02:52 Mean nice job by car doing some ad lib. He did a lot of gun early, but man
02:58 You just got to catch him
03:02 It was a little off but I was tough
03:04 Jonathan Abram may have got the start for Jordan out of it
03:08 Lonnie Johnson jr. Played a lot in this game to especially dime watch him read Mayfield on this play
03:12 Oh good read almost getting the pick here. Look I thought he's played really well with his team
03:18 You'll see the pressure and then Johnson jr. Just narrowly missing that pick
03:22 This could have been a big one
03:25 This is one of the many reasons you're glad to have Alvin Kamara back
03:30 You're gonna see the triplets up top Michael Thomas with a really nice block
03:33 Chris Alave - a last-second block there to help spring Alvin Kamara
03:37 But you know look this is the design of what you can have as you see him just kind of shift across
03:42 quick little swing pass out
03:45 Throws enough nice job by Alave at the end
03:49 Another good play by Isaac Edom. I mean just a nice little trick play that the Bucks tried to have and closes on the receiver
03:58 It's enough to force a pass breakup. I mean he's in for Paulson and Ibo
04:04 This is what you want to see out of him. Just a good effort
04:08 Godwin
04:10 On the roll Lonnie Johnson jr. Was there too, but nice job for another week for Adam
04:15 Another one of those plays by Baker Mayfield
04:18 You're gonna see the Saints are gonna end up rushing three here despite their look and
04:23 Coverage is actually pretty good downfield you see everybody there counting somebody but Mayfield just takes off a nice block on Marshawn
04:32 Latimer right there, and it's easy first down conversion
04:36 You know that I think is just the hard part and again like I said earlier you're gonna give up some of those but
04:43 With the offense struggling the way it is you're gonna have to play pretty much perfect on defense
04:50 And it's been don't break, but that one hurt
04:52 Look, I don't have to tell you about Brian Brzee, but man look at this play just
04:57 absolutely
05:00 Gashing for the runner right there. Just watch him again. He's just incredible
05:05 I really think he's so underrated but look at that you can't play it much better than that
05:10 Saints really got a good one there
05:13 Now this one is on the Saints defense you had two good run stops now. You see this is the third down
05:18 You missed tackle here miss tackle here, and it gets inside the three-yard line
05:24 Those are the type of plays that are really gonna hurt you and I get it again this defense has played
05:30 really well
05:32 but
05:33 That is one where you could have gotten a field goal
05:36 Instead of the touchdown slip in here another slip miss tackle. Thank goodness to Mario Davis makes a tackle
05:44 Third down call I mean this is one of the car sacks first one, but there's not much you can do on this one
05:51 I mean the coverage is is really good downfield might add something in the flats late, but
05:55 Damage was already done. You keep Alvin Kamara in there. There's a
06:00 Chip pick a blitz nice job, but at some point you just can't block anybody anymore, but nobody's open
06:06 It's not much you can do there. All right. Let's watch a tale of two plays nice job by Isaac Adam getting the pick
06:13 Packers did this a lot on him last week
06:15 And I thought you had him played a really good game. You know it was
06:20 a little bit interesting that they later said that you know the momentum carried in the end zone and
06:26 Didn't give him a touchback and of course you see what happens the next play
06:31 You're in tight
06:35 Need some space
06:37 Prentice I mean it's a good call in a dive, but you gotta hold on to the football
06:42 I mean, that's just football one-on-one. You know if you're gonna trust somebody like that
06:49 To do something. I mean you got Miller there, too
06:51 Just pushing forward maybe go down
06:57 But you just lose the football. That's that is a tough one
07:01 After the defense did what you needed to do
07:04 Here's your byproduct what happens you just got a fade route down at the bottom with the Adam
07:09 Outstanding catch just a perfectly executed one. I mean it doesn't get any better than that
07:16 Again
07:18 It's just disheartening because your defense does everything they need to
07:21 To give you the ball back, and then this what happens
07:24 It's a big swing first defensive drive actually was pretty good here Rizzi gets the first sack only sack of the day
07:30 Just getting to him. It's not stopping turning
07:34 Again he's looked really really good. I mean every bit of a first rounder that you want just watch him get the push
07:43 Just that pocket collapse, and it's a sack big play when they needed it
07:49 Interesting decision by Darren Rizzi to make him kick it again, but it paid off right you saw Rashid Shaheed's punt return last week
07:57 Bucks punted again get some really good return yards. It was a booming punt. He slipped, but look at this return. I mean
08:05 He's just so exciting when he gets the ball in his hands again. He's one step away from breaking it most all the time
08:13 You're just gonna watch it again
08:15 Again a heck of a punt
08:18 Reminiscent of what you saw Blake Gilligan and again the slipping. I just don't understand that it's a good blocking
08:24 No holds just a good return to help set up the offense
08:27 All right after the face mask penalty on Derek Carr extended drive. It's not a
08:33 Good shovel pass here. I mean Shaq Barrett man and Antoine Winfield jr.. He's something special he is
08:41 Just about as good as they get
08:43 But you're gonna watch it again a massive loss
08:47 It puts you in the second and super long. Yeah, you just can't can't do that offensively
08:53 Tough day for Chris Alave you know we're gonna watch these back-to-back plays cars got him he puts his hand up
08:59 Just a little under thrown. I mean that that's probably more on car there
09:04 But you look statistically speaking one catch for four yards. That's the lowest out what he's ever had
09:11 I don't know if that's even like even go back collegiately, but just there. Yeah, you just see it
09:18 I mean, and he's gonna get dialed up on the next play
09:21 Going deep for him. This is third down so a second and long now. It's third long
09:27 Got the look
09:30 If that ball's thrown maybe in stride, I think it's six, but again, that's that's a tough one. I mean you have it there
09:40 Just watch it again. I mean the protections good. He knows where he's wanting to go with it. It's a pretty ball oh
09:47 There's Antoine Winfield jr.. Again
09:50 Are we gonna see some good back-to-back Alvin Kamara runs?
09:54 You know this is following the the missed opportunity with Alave defensively
09:59 Buck stayed out there on fourth down and try to get the Saints to jump
10:03 But they didn't and you know Kamara has two pretty good back-to-back runs. I mean this is a drive
10:10 Ended in a field goal, and it was powered a lot by Alvin Kamara on this drive again. Just getting the tough yards
10:17 Just bouncing off some of that first contact, and you will watch a second run
10:21 Again, it's just Kamara doing the things he needs to nice push nice blocking. It's not a lot, but again
10:30 It's positive plays these are the type of building blocks. I think the Saints offense can have going forward get the plays that work
10:39 All
10:41 Right following a nice little hookup to Michael Thomas another good Alvin Kamara run
10:45 Again when you can get him going good things happen. He just bounces off a contact
10:50 He just does so many good things for you again. This was a better drive for the Saints offense
10:56 But you know I pointed out that this this offense had 11 drives and six of them had five yards less
11:05 So following the field goal drive not one of the best plays this flips the field
11:09 Just nice little play action you see Chris Godwin get away from Alante Taylor
11:13 Take it across midfield
11:16 Just those types of plays are really what hurts a lot and again you look at
11:21 Offense if they can manage to get a touchdown
11:24 It helps, but you know defensively
11:28 This is a one that hurt
11:33 It's a good job by Michael Thomas their card has a nice job stepping out in the pocket
11:37 But just look at Michael Thomas just staying with their car
11:39 Being able to convert
11:42 Thomas had a quietly good game. I think he's been quietly good all season haven't seen the elite Michael Thomas yet
11:50 I think it's coming, but they got to unlock this offense first. Can you see it feel it steps up?
11:55 Thomas stays with them good first down conversion
12:00 This is what they call insult to injury you're gonna see Chris Godwin. Just break free well route
12:05 Nobody picks him up Saints get called for flag here. It's off to the races
12:09 That's kind of where this game kind of ended after Godwin converted that one you know Saints had got a field goal
12:16 defensively a stop would have made it a little bit better for him, but
12:21 Again, just a great route
12:25 It's Chris Godwin you know they didn't have Mike Evans in the second half, but Chris Godwin something special
12:30 Now this play is gonna epitomize the struggles with the defensive line Mayfield has all day here. I mean just count it
12:39 And he scrambles finds the open receiver. They looked at it further
12:44 They gave it a touchdown at first, but man. Let's just count it. I mean the time it takes for him
12:51 You have one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand four one thousand five one thousand six one thousand seven one thousand eight
12:58 One thousand I mean good grief that that just cannot happen this pass rush has got to find themselves
13:04 Just an ugly sequence following the touchdown by the Bucs three straight incompletions. This is fourth down bit of a
13:11 just works
13:14 Just works Ryan Ramchick and forces a fumble
13:20 Watch this again. It's fourth down
13:22 Just plows over him
13:27 That's not gonna cut it I
13:31 Think this was one of the most puzzling things here you bring in Jameis Winston
13:35 Maybe you're just trying to push the ball down the field, but first play he's in
13:38 First play is a pick trying to hit Chris Alave there
13:43 easy interception
13:47 Again, maybe it's just car you're done
13:50 type thing but
13:52 Just having Winston come in first play first play is a pick. It's not a good look sloppy day on offense
13:59 This offense is struggled
14:01 Victory formation for the Bucs this has nothing to do with the Saints, but watch Tompkins 83. This is insane
14:08 Good grief
