• last year
Snow Manの渡辺翔太が4日に、11日放送スタートのカンテレ・フジテレビ系連続ドラマ『ウソ婚』(火曜午後11時)の制作発表に登壇した。 本作は、女性にモテまくるドSの設計事務所社長の主人公・夏目匠(なつめ・たくみ=菊池風磨)とお人よしがゆえに家と職を同時に失った派遣社員・千堂八重(せんどう・やえ=長濱ねる)によるオトナなラブコメディー。  ドラマのレギュラー出演が久しぶりだと話す渡辺は「制作発表とか緊張しちゃうので……。トリンドルさんが小さく折ってくれました」とポケットからカンペを取り出し、自身が演じる役柄について読み上げた。


00:00 Snowman's Watanabe Shota is a pain in the ass, but he's not lying about Kiss My FT 2000.
00:07 Watanabe Shota's "Snowman" was announced on the 4th at 11 p.m. on the 11th,
00:14 in the production announcement of the series of Kantele Fuji TV series "Usokon Kayo".
00:19 The main character of the design office president of the woman-loving Doe,
00:24 Kikuchi Fuma, who lost his job and house at the same time because of the same person,
00:30 is an adult love comedy by Sendohachi, Sendoya, and Nagahama Nel.
00:36 Watanabe, who says that it's been a long time since he appeared in a regular drama,
00:40 is nervous about the production announcement,
00:43 so he took out a pen from his pocket and read out about the role he plays.
00:50 It was almost the first time that he was involved in a job with Kikuchi,
00:55 even in private, so there were some ticklish parts.
00:59 When he saw Fuma, he said, "Oh, I think it's like this."
