Ucraina, ambasciatore Usa a Roma: "Grati all'Italia"

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - "Siamo particolarmente grati per il sostegno che l'italia fornisce all'Ucraina, ma lavoriamo assieme anche sul cambiamento climatico, sicurezza internazionale e molti altri temi". A dirlo al Tg1 è il nuovo ambasciatore americano a Roma, Jack Markell. "Il rapporto con il governo italiano è ottimo. Si è visto nell'incontro che la premier Meloni ha avuto con il presidente Biden allo studio ovale, molto apprezzato negli Stati Uniti".


00:00 We are particularly grateful for the support that Italy provides to Ukraine,
00:04 but we work together on climate change, international security and many other issues.
00:10 62 years, former governor of Denver, a state of Biden,
00:14 Jack Marcan is the new ambassador of the United States to Italy,
00:18 a political background, pragmatic approach,
00:21 with the aim of strengthening a bond with our country,
00:24 historically solid, cemented today by a Ukrainian conflict.
00:28 The relationship with the Italian government is excellent.
00:31 We saw in the meeting that Prime Minister Meloni had with President Biden
00:35 in the Oval Office, very appreciated in the United States.
00:38 The support of Ukraine is something that unites the United States and Italy,
00:42 but lately in the United States it seems to be weakening this support,
00:46 but I am worried.
00:47 Italy and the United States share a commitment to stop Putin.
00:52 It is crucial, because if Putin had succeeded,
00:55 others would be led to act with impunity.
00:59 We cannot allow it to fail.
01:01 President Biden was very clear, as were most of the members of Congress,
01:06 including the leaders of both parties.
01:10 We will stand by Ukraine for as long as it takes.
01:15 Strong agreement also on the issue of migrants.
01:18 It is a global challenge, and therefore the effort of the Italian government
01:22 to involve the European Union and the rest of the world
01:25 is exactly the direction that the United States is working in.
