Sostenibilità, Mazzoncini (A2A): “Valore economico distribuito sul territorio è di quasi 1 miliardo e mezzo”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Gli investimenti continuano a crescere soprattutto nella direzione della transizione ecologica. L’apporto che dà A2A a Milano in termini di valore distribuito è molto importante così come per l’azienda è importante lavorare su questo territorio” Lo ha detto l’amministratore delegato di A2A, Renato Mazzoncini, a margine della presentazione della settima edizione del Bilancio di Sostenibilità Territoriale di Milano, che rendiconta le prestazioni ambientali, economiche e sociali del Gruppo A2A sul territorio nel 2022 e i suoi piani di attività previsti per i prossimi anni, presentata dallo stesso Mazzoncini alla presenza dell’Assessore al Bilancio e Patrimonio Immobiliare del Comune di Milano Emmanuel Conte.


00:00 What is the role of the European Union in the transition?
00:04 We need to define the model and the socio-economic context.
00:08 Last year we were commenting on a brief war, which was not a big one.
00:13 It has led to a military and energy tension.
00:21 This year we are experiencing another shock, the one of interest rates and inflation,
00:25 which is a link between those who have to make the transition and the public and the private sector.
00:33 It is like Plato's metaphor of the two horses running in unison.
00:39 The public and the private sector have to be coordinated towards an ecological transition model.
00:44 What does it mean to have the participation of a major society like the European Union?
00:49 It means writing a governance that puts the society in a position to generate value for the shareholders
00:56 by producing well-being and an ecological transition,
00:59 and on the other hand, it means co-operating with the objectives we have set for ourselves.
01:02 In our programming documents, the Milan municipality has a plan for the air and climate,
01:05 with 49 well-defined objectives.
01:08 It has a plan for the governance of the territory, which deals with how to manage the public land,
01:12 and a plan for sustainable mobility.
01:14 What has been done, and what continues to be done, is to find a governance that puts the public and the private sector
01:19 in their respective roles for this goal.
01:21 Once again, we are thinking about a differentiated collection.
01:24 In the mid-15s we were talking about about 50% on Milan,
01:28 this year we are closing at 62%, and in the air and climate plan we have the goal of 70%.
01:33 Or, the regeneration of the matter.
01:35 Today, all the matter produced is not discharged, it becomes energy or something else.
01:40 It means circular economy, so it gives a plan of governance and coordination
01:45 between the public and the private sector, with detailed objectives that are, in fact, our ecological transition.
