• 2 years ago
Actress Nayanthara Owned Private Jet by Girikumar. நடிகை நயன்தாரா தற்போது இந்தியாவில் பெரும்பாலான மொழி படங்களில் முன்னணி நடிகையாக வலம் வந்து கொண்டிருக்கும் நிலையில் தற்போது சொந்தமான தனி விமானம் ஒன்றை வாங்கியுள்ளதாக கூறப்படுகிறது. இது குறித்து சமூகவலைத்தளங்களில் சில புகைப்படங்கள் வெளியாகியுள்ளது. இதில் உள்ள பிரைவேட் ஜெட் விமானம் அவருக்கு சொந்தமானது என கூறப்படுகிறது. இனி அவர் இந்த விமானங்களில் தான் இந்தியா முழுவதும் பயணிக்க முடிவு செய்துள்ளதாக தெரிகிறது. இது குறித்த விரிவான விபரங்களை இந்த வீடியோவில் காணலாம்

#NayantharaPrivateJet #Nayanthara #JawanActress #Nayanthara #PrivateJet


00:00 Hi, hello and welcome friends, you are watching Tamil Drive Spark and it's me Giri
00:02 and in this video we are going to talk about
00:05 Aya Tamil Movie
00:07 through this movie, Nayanthara got introduced to Tamil industry
00:11 Nayanthara has been in many movies
00:15 and now she is being called as a lady superstar in South India
00:19 so we are going to talk about her small details
00:22 but we have heard that Nayanthara is using a private jet
00:27 we have seen her photos and her profile pics
00:29 but recently, there is a lot of talk about the private jet
00:34 because recently, a Bollywood movie called Jawan was released
00:40 starring Sharath
00:41 and in that movie, Nayanthara is also starring as a co-artist
00:45 so after the trailer of that movie was released
00:49 there is a lot of talk about Nayanthara's private jet
00:52 so if you see the aircraft in the photo
00:54 it is an Ocker Beechcraft 800XP
00:58 it is in the VT/VPA registration
01:01 the price of this jet is around 15-16 crores
01:05 so this private jet is used by Nayanthara and her partner Vinay Sivan
01:10 not only for professional commitments
01:13 but also for personal commitments, inter-country or inter-state travel
01:18 so this is not an actual details about whether Nayanthara owns it or rents it
01:26 but till now, everyone is saying that it is Nayanthara's private jet
01:30 but there is no legal confirmation
01:32 so we cannot say for sure
01:34 so this aircraft class is a mid-size class
01:38 so around 8 passengers can travel in this
01:40 so this is about a private jet
01:42 not only this, she is a leading lady superstar
01:46 she has given her entry in Bollywood
01:48 she has given her entry in all the successful movies in Bollywood
01:50 so she is an elite actress
01:52 so the actresses who use this private jet
01:54 Nayanthara and Priyanka Chopra use it in Bollywood
01:57 Shilpa Chetty uses it
01:58 and also Marjorie Reddick uses it
02:00 so it is not a new thing for actresses to use this private jet
02:04 next, not only this private jet, Nayanthara has many sports cars
02:09 for example, BMW 7 series
02:12 the price of that is around 1.8 crores
02:17 likewise, Mercedes GLS 350D is also available
02:20 it is around 1 crore plus
02:22 BMW 5 series is also available
02:23 so she owns many high-end premium cars
02:27 so if this is a problem in recent periods
02:31 because of Jawan movie
02:32 as I said before, Jawan movie has also acted with Shah Rukh Khan
02:35 so when it comes to their assets and lifestyle
02:38 when it comes to one article or one movie
02:41 it was also about that private jet
02:43 but that private jet is a little more of a problem now
02:47 so what do you think about Nayanthara's private jet
02:50 or what do you think about actors using it in their lifestyle
02:56 and what do you think about VT VPA
03:00 the mid-class private jet Nayanthara is using
03:03 don't forget to share with us through the comment section below
03:06 likewise, like and share this video
03:08 subscribe to Tamil DrivePak channel
03:10 it's me Giri signing off for Tamil DrivePak
03:12 meet you in another video, until then stay safe and fly safe
