Eastenders 09 26 23 l Eastenders September 26 2023

  • last year
Eastenders 09 26 23 l Eastenders September 26 2023
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:29 (speaking in foreign language)
00:30 - It's me, again.
00:32 I,
00:35 I know you're going through hell and
00:39 I know I've done enough damage.
00:42 But I,
00:45 I just wanna know you're safe.
00:51 Okay?
00:54 So please, Defender,
00:55 when you get this message,
00:58 can you call me?
00:59 (phone ringing)
01:03 - What?
01:04 Listen, I don't care about stock deliveries right now.
01:07 I need to get this line free today.
01:09 Yeah?
01:10 Don't call me again.
01:11 - Tell me you've heard from Nugget.
01:15 - I was hoping the last line opened
01:16 to hear his keys in the door.
01:17 Denise Miranda.
01:19 - If you had dealt with her slander in the first place,
01:21 none of this would have happened.
01:22 I can't have my grandson on the streets for another night.
01:29 - We're calling the police.
01:30 - You know how the police have targeted us, our family.
01:34 Listen, I can still find him--
01:36 - He could be anywhere, Ravi, with anyone.
01:38 Now you call them.
01:40 - All right, will.
01:41 - I know things got a little bit heated
01:47 between you and Nish last night.
01:48 - Don't even go there.
01:50 - Yeah, but he just found out his grandson had gone missing.
01:52 - Oh, and that makes it okay, does it?
01:54 - Well, you're gonna say things that are heating the moment
01:55 when you're upset, morning.
01:57 - So you're trying to test that theory now?
01:59 - Well, business is business.
02:00 - No.
02:01 - And money is money.
02:02 It doesn't matter where it's come from.
02:03 - I am not taking anything from that man.
02:06 - Right.
02:10 - Oh, by the way, I'm glad you slept with Nish's wife.
02:16 - Weird way to get approval from your mum.
02:18 - That man deserves every bit of misery that comes his way.
02:22 - No, no, you can't tell Nish.
02:23 - Of course I wouldn't.
02:26 - Oh, so that's it?
02:27 You're done with the business?
02:29 - This is me you're talking to.
02:31 - Yeah, but it's just what you just said to Dad.
02:34 - Money is money.
02:36 It doesn't matter where it comes from.
02:38 - So how long will it take to complete the paperwork?
02:44 Okay.
02:46 No, no regrets.
02:49 Glad to get rid of the place.
02:50 Yeah, cheers.
02:52 - All good?
02:54 - So good.
02:56 I know this is a big deal for you two as well.
02:59 - It's fine.
03:01 I'm over Marbella, so.
03:02 - And you?
03:04 - I just don't understand why we can't tell Mum.
03:07 - She had nine years to stake a claim on that bar.
03:13 - And you gorgeous girls.
03:14 - And she weren't interested.
03:16 And telling her now would just stir up
03:18 a whole heap of trouble.
03:20 Understood?
03:20 Okay.
03:23 (footsteps)
03:25 - Hey.
03:29 You look okay over here.
03:32 - We're just waiting a few more minutes
03:34 to see if he turns up.
03:36 - Oh, you're waiting for Nugget?
03:37 - Yeah.
03:38 Tried to DM him, Discord him, you know.
03:41 We've even tagged him in the group chat loads, but.
03:43 - Well, he ain't even reading it.
03:46 It's pointless.
03:47 - Hey, you're checking in on a mate.
03:49 There's nothing pointless about it.
03:51 - I just hope he's okay.
03:53 - You know what?
03:54 He will be.
03:55 Watch, we'll see him strolling in,
03:56 giving us all grief for blowing up his phone soon.
03:58 - Hmm.
03:59 He's lucky to have mates like you.
04:02 - No.
04:02 If I was a proper mate, yeah, he'd still be here.
04:06 I knew he was messed up about his dad and everything.
04:09 I should've just cut class and stayed with him, but I didn't.
04:10 - Hey, hey, Tinsel.
04:12 None of this is your fault.
04:14 If anyone's to blame, it's not you.
04:16 (truck engine rumbling)
04:19 - Police are outside.
04:29 - You better hope they can help us find him for your sake.
04:34 - You think I don't already?
04:36 Hey, the thought of him being out there on his own.
04:38 We should've called the police the second he went missing.
04:41 - Wait, if you weren't too concerned
04:43 about hiding what you did to him, V.
04:45 - Hi.
04:46 - Mum, Ravi, this is PC Nash.
04:51 - Got a few questions about your son.
04:54 - Yeah.
04:56 - Well, if you ask me,
04:59 the whole Panisar family's troubled.
05:01 - And from the way Denny's talk about Ravi,
05:03 it's not like the poor boy's better off
05:05 on the street with a father like that.
05:07 - Look, Ravi's no saint,
05:09 but it ain't easy being a parent, is it?
05:12 He's probably devastated.
05:13 - I'm getting dragged through the room
05:14 and I won't be opening, will it?
05:16 - This has become a habit of yours, isn't it?
05:20 You should be at school.
05:22 - At least I'm still in the country.
05:23 - Look, I'm sorry, all right?
05:26 We should've been straight with you from the start
05:28 about your dad's disappearing act.
05:30 And he should've been at your match yesterday.
05:32 And I don't blame you for wanting to chuck it all in
05:33 after that, but he will be back.
05:35 - What if he isn't?
05:37 What if it's that last time
05:38 and I don't see him again for years?
05:42 - Didn't even say goodbye.
05:43 - Tommy, your dad can be a faultless,
05:47 stupid, useless lump of a man,
05:49 but he will be back
05:51 because I know how much he loves you.
05:52 Heard that one before.
05:55 - You imported this?
06:00 - With what?
06:03 - I thought the business was dead
06:04 without the panaceas.
06:05 - Well, I'm just trying to keep me options open.
06:09 Why are you looking so guilty?
06:12 - Not.
06:13 - Peter, where's your mother?
06:16 - She was looking for another way to raise the cash.
06:22 - What, another investor?
06:25 - Who?
06:27 - Hello, Phil.
06:36 Oh, just a little something
06:39 to wish you well on your marriage.
06:41 - A beal bearing gifts.
06:44 (chuckles)
06:45 Why do I feel worried?
06:47 - You should feel excited.
06:48 - Yeah, what's that?
06:50 - I'm about to offer you a golden opportunity.
06:52 - Oh.
06:53 You need money?
06:56 - Just a little bit.
06:58 - You called a cab yet?
07:03 - Not yet.
07:04 Thanks.
07:07 It's results day.
07:08 I always like results day back in school.
07:10 It was like the opposite of school disco days,
07:13 when everyone would be having fun while I felt terrible.
07:15 Then on results day, the tables turned.
07:18 - Well, let's hope we get a passing grade, eh?
07:20 - So, what are you on about, eh?
07:22 Well, it's a bit private.
07:24 I mean, it's literally about my private.
07:26 Then again, they do say it takes a village, don't they?
07:29 I mean, you're the one with experience on your side
07:30 when it comes to this.
07:31 I mean, even your children are having children.
07:33 - We've got an appointment at the IVF clinic.
07:35 - Well, at least we will do if I get a cab.
07:36 Excuse me.
07:40 - So, you are going ahead for the IVF, then?
07:42 - Yeah, I'm gonna try.
07:44 Now, before you say anything, I know it's expensive,
07:46 and I know there are no guarantees,
07:47 but it's a chance, right?
07:49 I mean, it's worked for plenty of women older than me.
07:52 - Life finds a way, right?
07:54 - Is that Jurassic Park joke because of my age?
07:58 - What are you talking about?
07:59 - I'll tell you what, when I get there,
08:00 I'll get them to freeze my eggs in amber, shall I?
08:02 - Sonia, we're the same age, yeah?
08:05 I was just trying to say good luck.
08:07 - Oh, thank you.
08:09 - Hopefully, you won't need it.
08:11 See you later.
08:13 - I just assumed he was staying with a mate.
08:19 You know, he's done that before.
08:21 - Still, most parents would contact us the same night
08:23 if their child didn't come home.
08:25 Unless you know something you don't.
08:28 - No, I wish I did.
08:31 Now, go ahead, search my flat, search the restaurant.
08:34 I've got nothing to hide.
08:35 Just do whatever you gotta do, but bring my son back.
08:38 - We'll search the premises,
08:39 and then we'll follow up with family, friends.
08:42 Have you spoken to his mother?
08:43 - We're not in contact.
08:44 She hasn't been in his life since he was born.
08:49 - There must be more we can do.
08:50 - Look, I know this can't be easy,
08:53 but with Nugget's age and how long he's been gone,
08:55 we are treating his case as extremely high risk.
08:58 I promise, we'll do everything we can.
09:02 - Me and Ravi will show you over to the flat now, okay?
09:05 - Okay.
09:06 - How much of Denise's conversation
09:23 do you think Nugget heard?
09:25 - Who knows?
09:26 - I should have done more.
09:30 I let her family name get dragged into the dirt,
09:33 and look what happens.
09:34 (phone ringing)
09:37 - Hello?
09:46 The Vindiput?
09:48 No, no, no, no, no, no, you're not in trouble.
09:51 You're not.
09:52 It's all right.
09:53 I just, just tell me that you're okay, yeah?
09:57 - So, Ian, too scared to show his face, is he?
10:02 - Ian's doing what Ian does best,
10:04 talking to suppliers, getting the lease sorted,
10:06 finalising the business plans.
10:08 - And you're chasing money?
10:10 - Pie and mash, I thought would be right up your street.
10:12 - You've got some front in you.
10:14 - Don't ask, don't get.
10:16 - And that's how you wormed your way out of the nick, is it?
10:20 - I'll do whatever it takes to survive.
10:22 - You don't exactly scream trustworthy, does it?
10:25 Grasping on your soul, mate?
10:27 - I didn't owe her anything.
10:29 - Then why would I be any different?
10:32 - This is a straight down the line business arrangement.
10:35 - Yeah, you have your old man's shop,
10:40 and you run away with his kids,
10:42 and you marry another geezer under a fake name,
10:45 and then you leave him high and dry.
10:48 - Would you like me to list your indiscretions, Phil?
10:50 - Yeah, but the difference is I ain't in your kitchen
10:52 begging for money.
10:53 - I am not begging.
10:54 - All I'm saying is it wouldn't take much
10:56 for you to stab me in the back, would it?
10:59 I've spent the last 25 years running away from things.
11:03 I just wanna settle down,
11:05 surrounded with my kids, and rebuild my life.
11:08 Sure you can get that.
11:10 At least I'm sticking with the same bloke.
11:13 Last time I was here,
11:14 you were knocking around with Kathy,
11:16 then Sharon, I think now, Kat.
11:18 Everybody deserves a second chance.
11:22 - And this is just a second, is it?
11:24 - It's a good investment.
11:28 - Yeah, but I'm in business with George,
11:30 and you could call that a conflict of interest.
11:32 - Does he even need to know?
11:33 - It's too messy.
11:34 I don't need that asshole in my life.
11:36 - Phil, I want you as an investor.
11:38 I don't wanna see you in an apron, peed in spuds.
11:41 Though I think I'd pay to see that.
11:43 - Silent partner, eh?
11:46 - My lips are sealed.
11:49 - You've come running to win?
11:54 - Oh, you're having a laugh, ain't you?
11:55 You ain't even told him.
11:56 - We don't need his money.
11:58 - Can we just talk about this?
11:59 - No, no, no, we can't.
12:00 - Phil.
12:00 - No, you ain't changed, have you?
12:01 Still running around behind his back,
12:03 plotting and planning.
12:04 Well, he might be mug enough to believe your promises,
12:08 but I ain't.
12:09 - The police said they won't be long.
12:19 You know what, forget this.
12:25 - Billy, leave it.
12:25 - Nuggets out there because of our lies.
12:27 - You wanna tell the police that?
12:28 'Cause if you start kicking off on her,
12:29 they're gonna have some questions.
12:31 - It's okay.
12:41 Once I've said about Nugget, he needs to be beside you.
12:43 - He's just called me.
12:45 - What?
12:46 When?
12:47 - Just 10 minutes ago.
12:48 He wouldn't tell me where he was, but he's safe.
12:49 He's safe.
12:51 He's safe.
12:52 - And does anyone else know about this?
12:55 - Not yet.
12:56 The police are over at Ravi's flat,
12:58 but he swore if I told anyone he called me,
13:03 he wouldn't contact me again.
13:06 I don't know what to do, Denise.
13:07 - Okay, but you're certain he's safe?
13:09 - Yeah.
13:10 - Well, then you don't breathe a word
13:14 about that phone call.
13:15 - Nisha's worried sick.
13:18 And Ravi isn't the only one this hurts.
13:22 - Nisha's gonna be all right.
13:24 You need to put Nugget first.
13:26 - Ravi is a man without a conscience.
13:30 He doesn't care if he hurts Chelsea or us or Kieran.
13:35 You don't owe him nothing.
13:37 So Nugget clearly trusts you.
13:41 Just give him time.
13:44 He's gonna reach out again.
13:45 And in the meantime,
13:50 if Ravi gets a taste of how he's made the rest of us suffer,
13:55 he'll be the first to know.
13:57 - I'm not sure he'll be the first.
13:59 - I'm sure he'll be the first.
14:02 - I'm sure he'll be the first.
14:04 - I'm sure he'll be the first.
14:07 - I'm sure he'll be the first.
14:09 - I'm sure he'll be the first.
14:11 - I'm sure he'll be the first.
14:14 - I'm sure he'll be the first.
14:16 - I'm sure he'll be the first.
14:19 - I'm sure he'll be the first.
14:21 - I'm sure he'll be the first.
14:24 - So he'd be manually doing the actual inseminating bit.
14:29 And that's all above board, is it?
14:30 - It's a microscopic ejection.
14:32 - Microscopic, all right.
14:34 - If you'd like to speak to our embryologist,
14:38 I'm sure she'd be happy to discuss the procedure.
14:41 - Oh, it's a she, of course she is.
14:44 It's silly to assume.
14:45 Ain't gonna be brilliant, though.
14:46 Brilliant.
14:48 - What if the problem isn't him?
14:50 I don't want any false hope, Doctor.
14:53 - I know the risks of being a mother at 38.
14:55 You know, if my eggs aren't viable.
14:56 - Your blood test do suggest some decline
14:59 in your ovarian reserve.
15:00 It's nothing uncommon for women of your age,
15:02 but it does impact likelihood of success.
15:06 Your chance of a live birth on your first cycle
15:09 is only around 19%.
15:12 - But the rates on your website are almost double.
15:14 - They are, before the age of 35.
15:17 You need to treat this as a process.
15:21 It could take up to six cycles
15:23 to give yourselves the best odds.
15:26 - The best odds are?
15:27 - They go up in your second and third cycle.
15:31 But even at most, your chance will be around 40%.
15:35 And each cycle costs upwards of 5,000 pounds.
15:39 - Thank you for your honesty.
15:41 - We'll make it work.
15:44 - What if we've left it too late?
15:46 - Look, never has a time machine,
15:48 but as long as there's a chance,
15:49 I don't want to look back and know I didn't take it
15:51 because of money.
15:52 - It's money we don't have.
15:54 - But there are always efficiencies.
15:55 - What, 15 grand's worth of efficiencies?
15:57 - Please leave it with me.
15:59 I promise I'll find the money.
16:01 - All right.
16:03 I'll try.
16:05 - She messaged you?
16:11 - I wouldn't know.
16:12 Locked on everything.
16:13 - Do you not wanna hear her side of the story?
16:15 - No, not at all.
16:17 - Keep an eye out for him, yeah?
16:20 - Why would I wanna lift a finger to help your family?
16:22 Gina.
16:23 - Well, he's a 14-year-old kid.
16:24 - Well, it's probably better off away from you lot, though.
16:26 - Do you wanna shut your mouth?
16:28 - Are you gonna make me?
16:30 - Vinnie, no, leave it, yeah?
16:32 Leave it.
16:32 Hey, walk away.
16:34 - Whatever.
16:36 - Oi, you think I can't fight my own battles?
16:41 - You need to tell him.
16:42 - Yeah, I had it covered.
16:43 I don't need some mummy's boy
16:45 with a hero complex waiting in.
16:47 - I was just trying to help you.
16:51 (scoffs)
16:53 - Pathetic.
16:54 - You knew I'd say no to Phil Mitchell,
17:00 but you went behind my back.
17:01 - There was no point in upsetting you
17:03 if he was gonna turn us down.
17:04 - Oh, right, so you did know it'd upset me, then?
17:06 - I knew it was complicated.
17:08 - Right, but you went ahead regardless.
17:10 - Money's money, you said.
17:12 - All right, let's go back to Nish, then, shall we?
17:14 I will stick back together the contract
17:16 that you ripped up and threw in his face.
17:17 - That is different.
17:19 - Oh, what, because he said a few nasty things about you?
17:21 - He trampled over the memory of our dead children.
17:24 - And that man has trampled all over me
17:26 for most of my adult life.
17:27 - Oh, get over it, Ian, he's a different person now.
17:29 - People don't change.
17:30 - That is low.
17:33 - I wasn't talking about you.
17:37 - Yeah, right.
17:38 - No, I wasn't.
17:39 - I am over discussing this.
17:42 Phil was the last hope of us getting a business
17:43 off the ground, and you blew it.
17:45 (footsteps thudding)
17:48 - Hi, love, what's happened?
17:55 - It's Gina.
17:57 - Anything?
18:02 - It's a waste of time, he's still out there somewhere.
18:03 - Look, we're pulling the CCTV from the tube station
18:06 and buses along this route
18:07 and widening the street search.
18:09 Still, our best resource at the moment is information.
18:13 Has anything new come to light your end?
18:16 - New, like what?
18:17 - Any contact from Davinda?
18:19 - No.
18:20 - Well, keep talking to your neighbors
18:24 in case they remember anything that might help.
18:26 There might have been an incident
18:27 that triggered him into leaving.
18:29 Could have been something that seemed
18:33 quite small at the time.
18:35 Trouble at school, or an argument.
18:39 - There was an argument the day before he left.
18:43 I caught him getting drunk, you know, skipping school.
18:47 - Any other self-destructive behavior?
18:51 - Self-destructive?
18:53 Whoa, what are you on about?
18:54 Self-destructive, what's he on about?
18:56 Self-destructive? - Ravi.
18:57 - How bad is this, Constable?
18:59 - Look, there's no easy way to ask this.
19:04 Has Nugget ever expressed a desire to hurt himself?
19:08 - Race, we're really doing this, you and me.
19:13 We're gonna make a little human being together.
19:17 And even if the odds are against us, I'm glad I waited.
19:21 I wouldn't want to have done this with anyone but you.
19:23 - I feel the same way.
19:25 I mean, you know, we did try, Debbie and me.
19:30 But with you, it just feels right.
19:33 - I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
19:37 (siren wailing)
19:40 - Look, we should get on.
19:40 - Yeah, I'm just gonna go to the loo.
19:42 I'm busting.
19:43 - Gina, can I talk to you about Peter?
19:56 He actually sent his mom to do his dirty work.
19:59 He'd be mortified if he knew I was here.
20:00 - But the thought of being a complete embarrassment
20:02 to your kids, it didn't stop you coming home.
20:03 - That's funny.
20:04 - Gina, what's happened?
20:05 - Nothing.
20:06 - He said you nearly bit Vinny's head off.
20:10 - It's Peter I had a problem with.
20:12 These stupid, arrogant blokes.
20:15 - Yeah, but trust me, I do know a thing or two about him.
20:16 - Oh yeah, not the number of that hitman you hired.
20:19 - Has someone hurt you?
20:21 I know what you think of me,
20:26 and I'm not expecting you to confide in me.
20:29 But believe me, I love you unconditionally,
20:31 whatever it is.
20:33 I promise you there is no judgment here.
20:36 - It's a couple of months old.
20:49 - That's fine.
20:50 I'll get the missing persons report filed now.
20:53 If you hear from him, let us know.
20:57 - Thank you.
20:59 (door opens)
21:02 (door closes)
21:09 - I can't do this.
21:10 I need to find him.
21:11 - I'll come with you.
21:12 - No, I'll bring him back myself.
21:13 - We'll cover more ground with both of you.
21:14 - I don't need anyone's help.
21:15 (door opens)
21:22 - There was this guy that I really liked in Marbella.
21:24 And when I left, it was kind of like on this promise.
21:27 What's he done?
21:29 - I can't really blame him because I moved away.
21:31 - What's he done?
21:32 - He got with this girl who used to work at the bar.
21:35 - And what did he tell you?
21:39 - Well, that's the worst bit.
21:40 'Cause we've been messaging.
21:42 Now full on messaging.
21:44 And he said he was gonna visit me
21:45 and I'll rock up in Marbella.
21:46 She's on his arm.
21:47 - What, and he didn't even say anything?
21:49 He just let you find out?
21:51 - We got together two days after I left
21:53 and he never said nothing.
21:55 - Spoilers.
21:57 - I just trusted him to be honest with me.
21:59 - Do you know what, I've a good mind
22:00 to go over there and have a word with him.
22:02 - Oh, I shouldn't have had a go at Vinnie earlier.
22:07 I was just so angry at the world.
22:09 - I just hate the fact he's hurt you like this.
22:13 I wish I could take the pain away.
22:15 - I am used to being let down.
22:18 - I know you are.
22:20 But don't let me or this stop you
22:23 from trusting people in the future.
22:26 - No, I know Peter's a bit arrogant sometimes
22:28 and yeah, he's a bit of a player,
22:30 but he did lose his twin sister in the most terrible way.
22:35 And then you girls turn up out of nowhere, his sisters.
22:41 And he can be a bit overprotective sometimes,
22:45 but it's because he cares.
22:47 There's no game with him, no agenda.
22:50 He's one of the people you can trust.
22:51 - All right, thanks.
22:57 (chattering)
23:00 - It's called ICSI.
23:07 It sort of takes the pressure off me
23:10 in terms of, you know, athleticism.
23:14 You can pay people to do anything for you nowadays,
23:17 but we couldn't afford it if you weren't helping us.
23:22 And I will pay you back, I promise.
23:26 (door opening)
23:29 - I thought I'd find you in here
23:33 after you ditched me in the loose.
23:35 - Yeah, sorry, I...
23:36 - It's okay.
23:37 I know that Debbie wanted children as well.
23:40 - You feel wrong not telling her.
23:42 - I get it.
23:43 I mean, just because I've never wanted to do this before,
23:46 don't mean that you were the same.
23:48 You've been brilliant.
23:50 You know, even with me fretting about my age and my ex
23:54 and, well, whatever else I've found to worry about,
23:58 you've been so, so brilliant.
24:01 I don't want you to feel that you have to forget about her
24:05 for us to move forward.
24:06 - Thank you.
24:09 I know with Debbie here,
24:13 we might not ever be a very traditional family.
24:16 - No, but it'll be our family.
24:18 And that's all that matters.
24:21 (sighing)
24:23 - So you're up for giving Tommy a few pointers
24:27 down at the gym, you know,
24:28 take his mind off things
24:29 while his old man's got aim up.
24:30 - Yeah, say no more.
24:32 I know how it's a kid when a parent goes up sticks.
24:35 - Yeah.
24:36 Whatever I do for your time, then.
24:38 - You really want your Tommy to take lessons off of him.
24:41 You know he's got no left hand.
24:42 (laughing)
24:43 - He's got a good head, George.
24:44 - Who needs a left hand when you've got one
24:46 right as strong as mine?
24:47 - Oh, have you really believed that?
24:48 You have been hit in the head too many times.
24:50 - You've cheered up.
24:51 - Yeah, I'm over it.
24:53 My up is in my up, the stay's in my up, see?
24:56 - Yeah.
24:57 - I heard you two talking.
25:04 It was really nice what you said to her.
25:07 - Yeah, well, despite what everyone's been saying to you,
25:09 I really do care, you know.
25:10 It's a shame that starting up a business
25:13 isn't as easy as cheering your daughter up.
25:15 - Wait, um.
25:19 Is there something you need to know?
25:21 - I had a word with George about giving Tommy
25:24 some boxing lessons, you know, take his mind off things.
25:26 So you still giving him the silent treatment?
25:30 - It's better than the screaming, row treatment.
25:32 I'll murder Alfie, put him through this
25:34 for a stupid holiday.
25:35 - He'll turn up.
25:38 I've a bad smell.
25:39 - So what do I do in the meantime?
25:40 Say his name three times in front of a mirror
25:42 and just hope he turns up?
25:44 What if Tommy's right?
25:45 What if I'm saying, you know, it's gonna be okay,
25:46 and he just doesn't come back?
25:48 - Listen, we'll be there for him, won't we?
25:51 Whatever happens, we'll be there.
25:53 - Yeah.
25:54 - The police asked to see the group chat,
25:57 but there was nothing.
25:58 - Hands up.
26:00 I need you to tell me about Puggy.
26:05 Look, please, mate.
26:07 - We don't know anything.
26:09 - You two basically joined at the hip.
26:10 He must've told you something.
26:12 Look, he's not in trouble, yeah?
26:13 But you do need to tell me if he's messaged you.
26:18 - Okay.
26:19 So what's it gonna take?
26:21 - Money.
26:22 - Money?
26:22 Look, I've got money.
26:24 Look, I know you like trainers, yeah?
26:25 So you can buy yourself a new pair.
26:28 I just, I just want to talk.
26:29 - Ravi, I don't know anything.
26:30 I don't--
26:31 - Please, just tell me what you want to know anything!
26:35 This isn't my fault!
26:37 It's yours!
26:38 I'm just going round and round in my head
26:42 every single day about how I could've been
26:44 a better mate to him.
26:46 (keys clacking)
26:48 When you're the one he wanted to get away from!
26:51 You're the one who let him down!
26:55 It's your fault he's gone, man!
26:59 It's all your fault!
27:00 - The mouths of babes, eh?
27:11 - If anything happened to him, Sukhi,
27:15 I swear your life would not be worth living.
27:17 - Maybe not.
27:19 But take it from someone who's lost a son,
27:22 you're gonna be hurting for the rest of your life.
27:27 (Ravi screams)
27:36 (train whistling)
27:44 (TV playing)
27:46 - I hope you're not expecting an apology.
27:50 - Have you been sat here sulking all afternoon?
27:53 - What if I have?
27:54 - You need to pull yourself together and start fighting.
27:58 - What are you talking about?
28:00 - Well, a little birdie just told me
28:02 that George has had an offer on the bar in Marbella.
28:05 - Lucky them.
28:07 - Ian, I owned that bar with George.
28:10 I started that bar.
28:12 Half the money is mine.
28:14 And I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get my share.
28:17 (upbeat music)
28:23 (upbeat music continues)
28:27 (upbeat music continues)
28:30 (upbeat music continues)
28:34 (upbeat music continues)
28:37 (upbeat music continues)
28:40 (upbeat music continues)
28:44 (upbeat music continues)
28:48 (upbeat music continues)
28:51 (upbeat music continues)
28:55 [Music]
