Eastenders 09 28 23 l Eastenders September 28 2023

  • last year
Eastenders 09 28 23 l Eastenders September 28 2023
00:00 [Music]
00:26 [Music]
00:30 Thought I'd call the estate agents today.
00:32 Start getting a lease on the pawnbroker's sort.
00:34 Oh, and I found the listing for the bar in Marbella.
00:39 If he gets the asking price, we will be quits.
00:43 I will get it.
00:45 George always gets what he wants.
00:47 And how about you?
00:50 Did you get what you wanted last night?
00:54 When you went back for your fun.
00:56 Yeah.
00:58 There you are.
01:05 Cheers, Stace.
01:06 You know, I still can't believe you had the nerve to stand there and threaten me with the police.
01:09 Well, you were bashing his door in.
01:10 Yeah, bash his head in.
01:12 Sending you a friend request from Bradley.
01:14 Yeah, he sent one to Ava, and all from her dead sister.
01:17 What's wrong, then?
01:18 Are we really just going to sit here and wait for this stalking protection on go?
01:21 Well, the hearing's only next week. What other choice have I got?
01:23 I just want five minutes with the bloke in the locked room.
01:25 That's all I'm asking for.
01:26 I sure feel I know someone that'd dump him in the river.
01:28 Yeah, I'd obviously.
01:29 Yeah, I'll try.
01:30 You know what winds me up the most, though, is that he's allowed to go into that school and teach our kids.
01:36 Yeah, you're right.
01:38 I need to deal with this properly.
01:41 I mean, 20%, 30%, but why do you have to offer them half?
01:48 It's done now.
01:49 You get her back.
01:51 Yeah, but everyone knows we had a lot to drink last night.
01:53 No one expects you to stick to your word.
01:55 You've done the right thing.
01:56 Thank you.
01:57 Good old Dad.
01:58 Yeah, let me tell you something.
01:59 That woman came in here last night on a wing and a prayer, and she left on the wings of a dove.
02:03 Yeah, because she still knows how to press his buttons.
02:05 Is there something you want to say?
02:07 Yeah, go on. Spit it out, darling.
02:08 Oh, forget it.
02:13 He started to accuse Martin of harassment.
02:19 Well, look, if he carries on behaving like that, he'll shout and scream. He's got to be careful.
02:22 Well, what about all the things Theo's done? Doesn't that count for nothing?
02:26 Look, I know this is frustrating. Trust me.
02:29 But he's a winner of the World Pudding SPO.
02:31 Oh, really? You think a bit of paper's going to stop him? He is in our schools, Jack. He's teaching our kids.
02:37 Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there.
02:39 Did she just... Did you just do that on purpose?
02:41 It's a nice face.
02:42 But you know, for your information, you can find someone attractive without being obsessed with them.
02:47 And I've never, ever purred over you.
02:49 Oh, Bernie. Bernie, any messages that you've had, they weren't from me.
02:57 Yeah, of course you'd say that now, wouldn't you?
02:59 How am I supposed to live my life like this? No one is taking me seriously.
03:05 We are. I am. It's just the police have a certain procedure.
03:09 It's going to be different over at the school.
03:12 Really? Because I spoke to Mr Morden and he said it's a private matter.
03:16 And until the SPO's in place, then he can't do anything either.
03:19 Well, that can't be right.
03:20 Yes, I know. Theo is unhinged and no one is listening to me.
03:24 Right, we need to think bigger. We need parent power.
03:30 Morning.
03:38 And you can wipe that look off your face.
03:41 You wipe the memory of last night.
03:44 Don't flatter yourself. It was a mistake.
03:47 And it wouldn't have happened if you only played stupid mind games.
03:50 Mind games? You've sat about ten feet from my front door and I'm the one playing mind games.
03:56 All I want is my money.
03:59 Morning.
04:05 Now, the key to a good pie in my shop is the liquor.
04:12 You all right, love?
04:13 Liquor? As in, like, alcohol?
04:16 You're such an idiot. It's the sauce.
04:19 Don't call him an idiot. Yes, it is the pasty sauce. You use the water that your stew deals in.
04:24 Oh, we're doing that, are we? The whole jellied eels malarkey?
04:28 Yeah, of course we are. Yeah, actually, that's a great name. Jellied eels.
04:33 Oh, please. I can hear Phil Mitchell laughing at us already.
04:36 Well, you got a better idea?
04:37 Oh, I'm sorry. Look, why don't we all go over to the Vic for a drink, celebrate our new venture?
04:42 Really?
04:44 Oh, last night was difficult for me, Ian.
04:46 You know, there's a lot of history for me to deal with with George.
04:50 You know, we need to go over there, mark the moment. This is huge for us.
04:53 Yeah, but we've got a lot to do here.
04:55 Oh, please, Ian. I want the girls to know I'm here to stay.
04:59 I don't want people to see that I'm back in business with the man that I love.
05:03 What do you think?
05:06 (SIGHS)
05:07 Denzel put his photo all over social media.
05:12 The police are doing their bit as well.
05:15 The restaurant might be the distraction you need today.
05:18 No, I'm going to drive the streets again.
05:20 Search the chicken shops, the parks.
05:23 It's his birthday tomorrow. I've got to find him before then.
05:26 Of course. You make me feel like you're doing what you can.
05:30 Your father can cover the restaurant.
05:35 What's up?
05:47 Ravi.
05:49 Plain the victim. He gets right under my skin.
05:53 Look, I should have told you, but he stormed into the salon yesterday.
05:59 Basically blaming me for a nugget going missing.
06:03 Do you want me to have a word?
06:04 No, no, that's just going to drag me back into the middle of it all.
06:07 (SIGHS)
06:10 The man's dangerous.
06:11 All right.
06:13 You best just keep out of it.
06:16 Yeah.
06:19 Yeah.
06:20 - Oh, say things like that. - Sorry?
06:30 - Have you got a...? - There you go.
06:33 - Hi! - We are officially getting together.
06:36 No more turning back now.
06:37 Well, actually, I can.
06:39 Miss Chow said I can leave a little emergency backpack under the bed ready to go
06:44 in case we have a row.
06:45 Oh, that's a good idea.
06:47 I'm joking.
06:49 So am I.
06:52 Oh, Bernie. Oh, Whitney. Oh, actually, everybody.
06:56 Stacey needs your support at the community centre at two o'clock.
07:01 If you could just spread the word.
07:03 No, you're all right, thanks.
07:05 It's important.
07:07 It's a community event type, talk type thingamajig.
07:12 It's about Stacey's stalker.
07:15 - Stacey's got a stalker? - Yes.
07:18 And it's been awful and he's now sending horrible messages pretending to be her.
07:23 Oh.
07:24 So, if you could be there at two o'clock, thank you.
07:29 Thank you.
07:30 Nan, hey. We're having a drink to celebrate the new business.
07:41 You should join us.
07:43 Thanks, love.
07:45 I'm working, you know, and this is your moment. Go on, enjoy.
07:50 Enjoy.
07:51 George!
07:55 She can't stay away from this place.
07:58 You know, if you stop being such a cow, this could actually be a good thing.
08:01 And how do you work that out?
08:03 If they start getting along, we can start getting along.
08:07 Perfectly chilled.
08:13 Didn't think it'd be long before he came over.
08:15 Well, he has, has it?
08:17 We'll pay half. Seems to be that's how things work around here.
08:20 Of course it's on the house.
08:22 We're happy for you.
08:24 We're glad our little donation can help you get out of the rut that you're in.
08:29 Call it what you like, but if it helps me move on from one of the darkest periods of my life, then I'm happy.
08:35 What, you're not going to support Stacey?
08:46 I'd love to, Kim, but unfortunately I can't, because you've put me and clients back to back without telling me about it.
08:52 Oh, don't be blaming me.
08:53 You're too busy moaning about living with Yolandi to focus on your job.
08:57 Listen, that woman needs to start respecting the hierarchy, you know?
09:01 You can't just move in and act like you run the place.
09:04 I mean, let me tell you, you see, I, I, I, um, any, any news?
09:08 Lot of traction online, apparently.
09:10 Not exciting, sir.
09:11 Poor kid's running scared.
09:13 Yeah, that's because his dad's a violent, dangerous thug.
09:16 All right, Dee, easy.
09:20 What are you talking about, Denise?
09:22 Well, we all know what he can be like.
09:26 Just watch what you say around dens, all right?
09:28 Honestly, you can see how upset he is.
09:30 I know, and I'm, I'm sorry, and I'm sure that Nugget's going to be okay.
09:34 Oh, I am. Because I sure as ain't.
09:38 Look, Nugget is angry and hurt about his dad, and he's going to be home soon.
09:44 Yeah, but if Ravi is that bad, then why would Nugget come back?
09:48 He will, he will, mate.
09:50 Just be positive, all right? Come on.
09:53 How many people are going to be here?
10:05 Oh, it'll be fine. Just be honest.
10:08 Come on, come on. In you come.
10:10 So, take a seat, and we'll have a little bit of a chat.
10:14 Is there going to be a photo-in-the-room?
10:15 No, of course not.
10:16 I literally just bought you a wee lunch.
10:17 It's like a mealtime event. I was expecting a few nibbly bits.
10:20 Sit down.
10:21 Your mum explained.
10:24 You sure you want to do this?
10:26 I don't have any other choice now, do I?
10:34 Hey. You all right?
10:36 Darkest period of her life.
10:39 Look, I know what she meant.
10:44 It's dad, the lies, witness protection. It's not us.
10:49 You still think she's genuine?
10:51 100%.
10:52 What's that supposed to mean?
10:55 She is playing games with all of us.
10:59 Like what? Come on, you're so sure. What games is she playing?
11:03 She's just out for herself.
11:05 So it's all about money, is it?
11:07 Yeah. Money. Dad.
11:11 You don't know what you're talking about.
11:13 I do. I don't know if she was given a choice, her happiness or her kids.
11:17 I know which one she'd choose.
11:18 She'd choose us.
11:20 You are living in a dream world.
11:30 I'm not going to apologise for doing cam work.
11:34 I did what I had to do for my family.
11:37 And if that means that some of you judge me or think that I deserve it,
11:41 then there's nothing I can do about that.
11:43 What's the experience judging you?
11:45 No one's judged me.
11:47 Thank you.
11:49 But what this comes down to, really, is simple.
11:55 It's our kids.
11:58 And this man became obsessed with me online, which is one thing.
12:03 But he lied about it.
12:06 And he started tutoring my daughter to get close to me.
12:10 He sent me anonymous, disgusting messages.
12:14 He posted lingerie, he broke into my house, he tore up all my clothes.
12:20 And whilst my daughter was giving birth in the living room, he trapped me in the kitchen.
12:27 And even after all this come out and his stalking was exposed, he still carried on.
12:33 He, um...
12:35 He moved into the flat next door, and now he is pretending to be me on social media.
12:42 He's just not stopping.
12:46 Maybe I did deserve it.
12:49 Maybe I did bring it all on myself.
12:54 But this man...
12:57 This sick, twisted, obsessive man is teaching our kids.
13:05 And I don't just want to punish him for what he's done to me.
13:09 That is not what this is about.
13:11 No, I genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, think that he is dangerous.
13:19 And it is only a matter of time before he causes someone else some serious damage.
13:24 But if you're happy for him to keep teaching your kids, then that's fair enough.
13:31 But if you're not, then I'm asking you to phone Mr. Morden today.
13:37 And tell him that we want Theo Hawthorne out of that school.
13:43 (Applause)
13:51 Still not sure about these jelly deals.
13:53 What do you reckon? We could sell pie and mash in here.
13:56 Hang on, that's not fair.
13:58 All through in love and war, darling.
14:00 Hey, we could sell craft beer. A pie and mash microbrewery.
14:04 Yeah, no, you see, that is the mind of a true entrepreneur, you see.
14:08 We're going to be raking it in.
14:10 And that's why that calls for another bottle.
14:12 Well, money hasn't even hit your account yet.
14:16 Bear up, there's no problems with the sale.
14:18 Yeah, a lot could still go wrong.
14:21 Oh, maybe we should get the agreement in writing then.
14:23 You doubting my George?
14:25 He's a lot more trustworthy than that one.
14:27 Do you want to watch your mouth?
14:29 Yeah, mind your manners.
14:30 Hey, don't take that time with Lainey.
14:31 You're threatening me.
14:32 He's telling you to have some respect for me.
14:34 Oh my God, this is so pathetic.
14:36 Stay out of this, Gina.
14:37 Yeah, they're mugging you both off, honestly.
14:40 You're stood there defending her, talking about trust.
14:43 This whole thing is a massive con and it always is with her.
14:45 Hold on a minute, Gina. What are you talking about?
14:47 I thought we were getting on.
14:48 You really opened up to me the other day.
14:50 That's what makes it so much worse.
14:52 What does?
14:53 You're just going to stand there acting all innocent, aren't you?
14:56 I haven't done anything wrong, I swear.
14:59 And what about when you came back after closing?
15:05 Here you are, celebrating your new life with him.
15:07 And last night, you were snogging Dad.
15:09 And don't you try and deny it because I saw you.
15:14 These two are toxic.
15:17 Take it from me, stay away from her.
15:20 Oh, it didn't take you long, did it?
15:22 Same old Cindy, pulling the same old stunts.
15:26 Is that the truth?
15:29 It sounds so much worse than it is.
15:31 I swear, G has got this all wrong.
15:37 For starters, she kissed me.
15:44 Oh, and Gina forgot to mention it, did she?
15:46 It was nothing romantic, cos I don't have any feelings for her.
15:50 What, so you just smooched her face off for nothing?
15:54 I just wanted to prove that everything she was saying was a lie.
15:58 Don't give me that.
16:00 You just wanted to prove she still had feelings for you.
16:03 This is just one big ego boost.
16:05 No.
16:06 You're only happy if women are falling at your feet.
16:08 I was playing her.
16:09 Yeah, and now you're playing me.
16:11 And everyone's going to think you're still in love with her.
16:15 I'm sorry.
16:17 I'm so, so sorry.
16:20 I'm not in love with her, not one bit.
16:22 But Anna was telling me how she'd changed
16:25 and she was this really lovely person by letting Bobby back into her life
16:28 and then Cindy was flaunting it in my face and I just...
16:30 I just wanted to test her.
16:32 What, by snogging her face off?
16:34 It wasn't even a proper kiss.
16:36 You know what?
16:37 Why don't I test some people?
16:40 I've still got my doubts about Jack Brennan,
16:44 Mitch, Rocky...
16:47 Come on, do me a favour.
16:48 Line 'em up, George.
16:49 All right. It was stupid.
16:51 I let her on, she leaned in for a kiss,
16:53 I laughed in her face and sent the pack in.
16:55 And if Gina had hung around, she would have seen that.
16:58 And do you know what?
17:01 It felt good humiliating her like that.
17:04 I'm sorry, but it did.
17:06 She's put me and the girls through a whole world of pain.
17:09 And it was worth it, just for that moment,
17:12 to see her get a taste of her own medicine,
17:14 to see that look on her face.
17:16 Was it worth it?
17:17 Yeah. Yes, it was.
17:21 But was it worth upsetting you?
17:23 Upsetting Gina and Anna?
17:26 Absolutely not.
17:28 I love you, Lainey, and our family.
17:33 And I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
17:37 I'm sorry.
17:40 I'm sorry.
17:42 I'm sorry.
17:44 I'm sorry.
17:46 I'm sorry.
17:50 It meant nothing?
17:51 Nothing.
17:54 Nothing.
17:57 Then I'm going to need you to prove it.
18:02 Yeah. OK, then. Yeah, I see.
18:12 Thank you, Mr Morden. I'll talk to you soon.
18:18 He's launching an investigation into Theo.
18:20 Stace, that's amazing. Well done.
18:22 Thank you.
18:24 How was your day?
18:28 You shouldn't have done that.
18:31 Well, the truth's out now, Theo.
18:33 Everyone, and I mean everyone,
18:35 knows exactly what kind of a creep you really are.
18:38 I could lose my job.
18:40 Well, pack your bags and clear off.
18:42 Because you're done, Randy.
18:45 Right, there you go.
18:54 Get it packed and make it quick. Put me out of my misery.
18:57 Ian, it wasn't even a kiss.
18:59 Well, you don't need me anymore.
19:00 I mean, you've got what you wanted.
19:02 You've got your relationship back with Peter.
19:03 I mean, you've got your money from Loverboy.
19:05 So drop the act and get out.
19:07 It's not an act.
19:08 Last night, I was in a pub with a guy.
19:11 It's not an act.
19:12 Last night, you were kissing him.
19:15 OK, well, what's next?
19:17 You're going to be sleeping together?
19:18 I don't want any part of it, OK?
19:21 I was a mug for ever forgiving you.
19:24 No, you weren't, because this isn't what you think it is.
19:26 All right, then what is it?
19:29 Come on, tell me.
19:31 How did it happen?
19:33 Right, so you went back to get your phone, yeah?
19:39 I lied about the phone.
19:40 I know.
19:42 It was in your bag.
19:44 So why didn't you say that you knew?
19:47 Because I was trying to work out what sort of game you were playing.
19:50 Like, now I know you...
19:51 I bet you've been playing me since the moment you walked back into my life.
19:57 No. No.
19:59 No, Ian, you saved me. You know that.
20:04 You know you did.
20:06 You saw how broken I was, and you took it in your heart to forgive me,
20:10 because our love is that strong. It is.
20:13 It's always been you.
20:14 George is nothing compared to you.
20:17 So why did you kiss him, then?
20:21 I was playing him.
20:27 I laid on the guilt trip, and it worked.
20:32 He agreed to give us the money.
20:35 That's when I knew he still had feelings for me.
20:39 All right.
20:42 So why did you go back over there, then?
20:46 To see the girls.
20:47 I wanted to check on them to see if they were OK.
20:49 I didn't want them to think I'd just come back for the money.
20:52 He was there, and I thanked him for being so reasonable, and...
20:58 cluttered me eyelashes a bit, and...
21:04 (SCOFFS)
21:05 He was putty in my hands.
21:08 Yeah, I'll bet he was.
21:11 I was never expecting him to lean in and kiss me like that,
21:15 and when he did, I put a stop to him.
21:17 I told him clearly that that was it.
21:20 I'd moved on.
21:21 Which I have.
21:24 We are so close to getting everything we've ever dreamed of.
21:31 Please, Ian.
21:34 You're the one I want.
21:36 I'm not saying that I do have a crush on Stacey.
21:44 I do, but if she doesn't need any more unwanted attention at the minute,
21:48 I just think she's amazing.
21:50 Yeah. Thanks, Claire.
21:52 See you, Mum. See you.
21:54 - Do you want me to write? - Yeah.
21:59 Well, I keep thinking about Stacey and that, you know?
22:03 And the stalker. I mean, I know what it's like. I've been there.
22:06 I just feel awful.
22:08 Yeah.
22:09 But remember, you got your life back, and so will she.
22:12 Well, I really hope she does.
22:14 Listen, I got a call from the foster people earlier.
22:18 I'm going to come and do a home visit next week.
22:20 Oh, right.
22:21 Are you all right?
22:28 It's a new chapter, yeah?
22:30 A whole new set of problems, isn't it?
22:33 Being parents.
22:35 Yeah. But me and you, we can deal with anything, can't we?
22:55 - Miss Tewitt, the community centre. - Oh, I know. I'm sorry.
22:58 - Kim, the booking system. - It's all right.
23:01 - Wow. - That all?
23:03 I'm a mess. I know that. Nugget's missing.
23:07 Scott, the kid's worried, and it's all cos of him.
23:09 - Yeah. - Isn't it? And what he did to that man.
23:12 Listen, why don't you get out of here so you don't have to look at his face every day?
23:16 - Mum, I don't know. - No, I mean it.
23:18 Take Raymond, jump on a plane, go on holiday.
23:22 Anything you need to do to keep your head clear.
23:25 You sure you'd be OK without your coat?
23:27 We'd miss you. We'd be fine.
23:30 - Thank you. - Yeah.
23:33 Right. If this is gonna work, we have nothing more to do with them. Do you understand me?
23:43 We don't go in that pub, we don't even look their way.
23:47 But, Ian, my daughters live over there.
23:49 If we hide away, it makes us look guilty.
23:52 - Us? - Me.
23:54 And that's humiliating for you, and I hate that.
23:57 Forget about the square. I don't care what they think.
24:00 I just don't want George and Elaine to think that they've won.
24:03 But if we stand together, side by side, stronger than ever,
24:07 we can prove to them that we won't be beaten.
24:11 Walk back into the pub?
24:14 When your back's up against the wall,
24:17 you always come out fighting.
24:19 Oh, all sorted, is it?
24:27 When you've got a man like George, desperate losers like Cindy, always try it on.
24:31 - Don't I? - Her fault, then.
24:33 Yeah, I could have put money on that.
24:35 You were right to tell the truth.
24:38 It's just the way you did it.
24:40 You could have, you know, embarrassed Elaine in front of everyone, so...
24:45 You owe her an apology.
24:47 - I'm sorry. - No, you're all right, darling.
24:50 You've got spirit. I ain't ever gonna knock you for that.
24:53 Don't you know we're just shrivel up and die?
24:59 I was just toasting our futures.
25:02 Don't see any reason to stop that.
25:04 Sorry, darling.
25:05 You're gonna have to find someone else to fund your pipe dreams.
25:08 What are you talking about?
25:10 You can swing for your money.
25:14 We agreed.
25:16 Rose Knight did own After Bar.
25:18 But Rose Knight doesn't exist.
25:21 So you, Cindy...
25:23 ain't getting a penny.
25:25 So is that what you want?
25:28 An all-out war?
25:30 Bring it on.
25:41 Have you ever thought about becoming president?
25:44 President?
25:45 Oh, Prime Minister, then. You know what I mean.
25:48 I was telling Eve...
25:51 the way you spoke to everyone today was...
25:54 quite something.
25:57 If it was me, I'd get all my words in a tangle and...
26:01 say the wrong name and probably end up getting the wrong teacher suspended.
26:09 You were brilliant.
26:11 I still don't think they'd let me in Number 10.
26:15 I'd vote for you.
26:16 Oh, thanks, Mum.
26:18 I am very proud of how you've handled all of this.
26:25 Truth's out there now, Stacey.
26:31 Everything's gonna be all right.
26:33 [footsteps]
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