Can antibiotics kill?

  • last year
#healthnews #antibiotics #bakhabarsavera
00:00 We are talking about health, there is another important issue,
00:03 about which people have very little awareness.
00:06 And when you are told about the medicines,
00:09 which medicine to use,
00:11 when you start self-medication on your own,
00:14 without knowing what the harm can be, which is very harmful.
00:17 In our country, any kind of infection,
00:20 any disease, people find a solution on their own.
00:24 They say, using antibiotics will be very effective.
00:27 We will be fine in a day or two.
00:30 Who will be sick for a week or two?
00:33 And the second thing is that,
00:36 in our country, any medicine,
00:39 is available over the counter.
00:42 This is a big problem.
00:45 If you are not required,
00:48 we will give you a different version.
00:51 But, every medicine for antibiotics,
00:54 is not necessary to be given to society.
00:57 And its generation is also so advanced.
01:00 And at one time, your body becomes immune
01:03 against the antibiotics.
01:06 So, let's talk to Associate Professor of Medicine,
01:09 Dr. Syed Tahseen Akhtar.
01:12 Tell me,
01:15 I wanted to know the difference,
01:18 we have already known about the difference between virus and bacteria.
01:21 If there is a viral disease,
01:24 it goes on its own.
01:27 If there is a bacterial disease,
01:30 it can be treated.
01:33 But, my first question is,
01:36 what is the difference between infection and disease?
01:39 Infection is of any organism,
01:42 whether it is viral, protozoal or bacterial.
01:45 Any organisms like this,
01:48 can be treated with different diseases.
01:51 Like heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease,
01:54 any diseases of any organ.
01:57 Brain related diseases,
02:00 organ related diseases,
02:03 diabetes is a syndrome,
02:06 which involves many organs.
02:09 It is a syndrome.
02:12 And then there are disorders as well.
02:15 Many people will be confused with these terms.
02:18 They will not understand.
02:21 Simply, understand that Allah has made everything in balance.
02:24 When that balance is out,
02:27 then disorder occurs.
02:30 Doctor, tell me,
02:33 people have started using antibiotics on their own.
02:36 Especially, if the throat is bad,
02:39 I don't want to take names,
02:42 but people suggest to take 3 tablets.
02:45 3 days, if not, then 5 days.
02:48 It has become famous due to COVID.
02:51 It was short.
02:54 Maximum short.
02:57 The most important thing is,
03:00 there was a tablet,
03:03 called Ethrosin.
03:06 People used to take it.
03:09 In UK, pneumonia is still treated with Ethrosin.
03:12 And in our country,
03:15 no infection can be treated with Ethrosin.
03:18 Why? Is it contagious?
03:21 There is such a resistance,
03:24 that bacteria have become so strong,
03:27 that they cannot be killed with that antibiotic.
03:30 Sir, I will give you another example.
03:33 If you have a stomachache,
03:36 and you don't take antibiotics,
03:39 then you are a painkiller.
03:42 Yes, I have taken Flagel,
03:45 and Metronidazole.
03:48 I am surprised,
03:51 that antibiotics have a course,
03:54 that if you take it for pain,
03:57 then it is enough.
04:00 How much damage does antibiotics do?
04:03 It causes a special type of diarrhea,
04:06 which can cause death.
04:09 In USA,
04:12 250,000 people die from that type of diarrhea,
04:15 and 14,000 die.
04:18 Data is not available in Pakistan.
04:21 So, antibiotics are called Cross-stadium Diffusil Diarrhea.
04:24 It is a special type of anaerobic bacteria.
04:27 And anaphylactic.
04:30 You must have heard that people die from wrong injections.
04:33 It is not a wrong injection.
04:36 It is an anaphylaxis.
04:39 If we don't treat it immediately,
04:42 then it leads to death.
04:45 Third, there is a hypersensitivity reaction,
04:48 and immune-mediated reaction,
04:51 which causes burning of the body.
04:54 Antibiotic is taken with a single dose.
04:57 It is called Stephen Johnson syndrome.
05:00 And then,
05:03 there is a simple type of reaction,
05:06 which causes the formation of seeds.
05:09 So, if a doctor suggests,
05:12 is it okay?
05:15 When a doctor suggests,
05:18 he will know which organism is a bacterial.
05:21 He will investigate it first.
05:24 And then, he will do a blood CP.
05:27 And then,
05:30 he will do a complete blood count.
05:33 And then,
05:36 he will know whether it is a viral or bacterial.
05:39 Sir, tell me one thing.
05:42 I went to a doctor.
05:45 He suggested me an antibiotic,
05:48 which is a second generation and is widely used.
05:51 And I was shocked.
05:54 He said, "It will reach you there."
05:57 So, you are starting from now.
06:00 Is this the right approach?
06:03 No, no.
06:06 The right approach is to do a blood culture first.
06:09 Or, you can take swab from there and send it.
06:12 But, listen to me.
06:15 We normally go to a physician for treatment.
06:18 We pay the doctor's fees.
06:21 How much is the diagnostic done by a doctor?
06:24 It is not done by a doctor.
06:27 You have to do some initial tests for bacterial infection.
06:30 CBC is one of them.
06:33 We know that white cells increase.
06:36 If white cells do not increase, neutrophils start increasing.
06:39 So, you are suggesting people not to take antibiotics.
06:42 Take it on the doctor's suggestion.
06:45 It can cause death.
06:48 Another problem is that it directly damages the organs.
06:51 The antibiotic that we are not taking,
06:54 which is very famous in COVID,
06:57 can cause death due to heart disease.
07:00 If it is given to a person
07:03 who has a problem in his rhythm.
07:06 And if it is given to him.
07:09 Do you give it to small children,
07:12 toddlers, infants?
07:15 Do you give it to them?
07:18 How dangerous is it for them?
07:21 When we see the face in the mirror,
07:24 we see our own.
07:27 Doctors are also part of this society.
07:30 They also work in a systematic way.
07:33 No one is doing it.
07:36 One last thing.
07:39 Do you take history of a person?
07:42 We ask this question.
07:45 You must have heard a lot.
07:48 Doctors ask you if you have a drug allergy.
07:51 In the old days, there was a medicine called Septron.
07:54 It can cause a very strong reaction.
07:57 We ask you if you have a drug allergy.
08:00 We take history.
08:03 There is no way to take history.
08:06 We ask you to take history of a patient.
08:09 We don't do that.
08:12 Because of that, we have all the problems.
08:15 Thank you so much Dr. Tahseen.
08:18 It is very important to spread awareness.
08:21 Do not take any medication.
08:24 Go to a doctor.
08:27 If one doctor is not satisfied,
08:30 go to another doctor.
