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George and Gwen Kellerman live in the small, quiet town of Twin Oaks, Ohio with their two young children and pet dog. George has a strong sense of what is right and wrong, especially as it applies to himself and Gwen, but he still looks to her for validation. Working for a plastics company, George believes he is a shoo-in for the company's Vice-President of Sales, New York Division job, a position located in New York City. George is looking forward to their future life in New York City, with all the amenities and benefits living in the big city has to offer. For George's 9 am interview, George and Gwen plan on taking a flight that lands in New York at 8 pm the evening before, which gives them time for dinner at New York's finest restaurant, The Four Seasons, and a comfortable night's stay at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel before the interview. But nothing on this trip goes according to plan. In fact, what can go wrong, does. Because of circumstances, it even looks as if George may miss his interview. As the fifteen hours preceding the planned interview progress, George and Gwen have to decide if they are going to let New York get the better of them or if they are going to get the better of New York.
00:01:30No man will know.
00:01:34No man will know.
00:01:40No man will know.
00:01:44No man will know.
00:01:48No man will know.
00:01:52Come on!
00:01:53I'm on my way, George.
00:01:54I'm on the polar.
00:01:55I'm on my way.
00:01:57Come on.
00:01:58Hurry up.
00:02:00Oh, I forgot my purse.
00:02:04Where are you going?
00:02:06To say goodbye to Daddy.
00:02:07Come on!
00:02:18Oh, now, everything's fine.
00:02:19All right.
00:02:20Goodbye, dear.
00:02:21Goodbye, dear.
00:02:22Good boy.
00:02:23Good boy.
00:02:24Come on.
00:02:26Good boy.
00:02:28Now, don't keep rushing me.
00:02:40Goodbye, dear.
00:02:48Now, why you had to rush me out of the house like that, George?
00:02:51We have an hour before the plane leaves.
00:02:53Well, we've got to give ourselves plenty of time.
00:02:54We'll be at a flat on the way to the airport.
00:02:56Oh, we're married 14 years.
00:02:57We never had a flat.
00:02:58And I get my eyes on backwards.
00:03:00Hey, Gwen.
00:03:01Feel my chest.
00:03:02What's the matter?
00:03:03You're not having a heart attack, are you?
00:03:04No, I just want to make sure we got the tickets.
00:03:06Feel my chest.
00:03:08That feels like tickets to me.
00:03:10I wish that you would calm down, George.
00:03:12You're getting me very nervous.
00:03:13I think I glued my eye together.
00:03:15It certainly is sticky, especially this one.
00:03:19You're very excited about this, aren't you, George?
00:03:23The New York Jack?
00:03:24Do you know how many fellows are in the executive bathroom right now...
00:03:27...crying into paper towels because they picked me?
00:03:29Every one of them.
00:03:30I mean, vice president in charge of sales, New York division.
00:03:33I'll say I'm excited.
00:03:34Feel the other side of my chest.
00:03:35See if my wallet's there.
00:03:36Oh, yes.
00:03:37That feels like your wallet.
00:03:39Well, you deserve it, George.
00:03:41Nobody worked harder for it or wanted it more than you have.
00:03:45It's what you want, too, though, huh?
00:03:47The New York job?
00:03:48Yeah, the job, the move to New York, the whole new way of life.
00:03:51That's what you want, too, isn't it?
00:03:53I want anything you want, George.
00:03:55Well, then say I did the right thing, huh?
00:03:57Say that we'll be happier in New York than we've ever been in our whole lives.
00:04:00Yes, you did the right thing.
00:04:01We'll be happy in New York.
00:04:04Happier in New York.
00:04:05Happier than we've ever been in our lives.
00:04:08Happier than we've ever been in our lives.
00:04:10Happier than we've ever been in our lives.
00:04:12Happier than we've ever been in our lives.
00:04:42Happier than we've ever been in our lives.
00:04:45Happier than we've ever been in our lives.
00:05:04It'll be great for the kids.
00:05:05You know, one thing you don't have to worry about in New York is the schools, huh?
00:05:08I wasn't worried about the schools.
00:05:09but maybe the best private schools in the world in New York.
00:05:11And even if we don't get them in,
00:05:12I hear that the public schools are even better
00:05:13than the private schools.
00:05:14New Yorker, please.
00:05:15The first thing you gotta do, find us an apartment.
00:05:20Oh, and don't worry about the rents being too high
00:05:22because I'll be making more money.
00:05:23And we won't have the expense of a car
00:05:24because we really don't need a car in the city, all right?
00:05:26I wasn't worried about the highway.
00:05:28We'll try to find a place near the park, huh?
00:05:30So we have a place to run the dog.
00:05:31I know you, you're worried about the dog.
00:05:33But everybody has dogs in New York
00:05:35and there's millions of places you can run them
00:05:36as long as you keep them on a lease,
00:05:37so I wouldn't worry about the dog.
00:05:40And don't eat on the plane.
00:05:43Because we got an 8.30 reservation
00:05:43at the Four Seasons restaurants,
00:05:45which may be, huh?
00:05:46Oh, yes, Mr. and Mrs. George Kellerman, flight 406.
00:05:49Four Seasons restaurant may be the greatest restaurant
00:05:52in the whole country,
00:05:52so the last thing I'd worry about in New York is eating.
00:05:54I wasn't worried about eating.
00:05:55Oh, we have an 8.30 appointment.
00:05:57My wife is worried about the weather.
00:05:58We gonna land on time?
00:06:00Our last reading in New York, 68 degrees and clear.
00:06:03Ah, you hear that?
00:06:03It's beautiful in New York.
00:06:05I wasn't worried about the weather.
00:06:06All right, Mr. Kellerman,
00:06:08you and your wife are confirmed on flight 406,
00:06:09boarding now gate three.
00:06:11Thank you.
00:06:11Are these your bags?
00:06:12Uh, yeah.
00:06:13Oh, I'm just gonna carry this one.
00:06:14It's not heavy, and I can manage it.
00:06:15Well, wait a minute.
00:06:16Let the airline carry it, huh?
00:06:17No, no, let the airline do it.
00:06:18It's their job.
00:06:19Don't worry about the luggage.
00:06:20I wasn't worried about the luggage.
00:06:21Come on, thank you.
00:06:23Thank you.
00:06:39Are you excited?
00:06:40Yes, George.
00:06:41You don't look it.
00:06:42You don't look excited.
00:06:43Yes, well, I'm very excited, George.
00:06:45Say yes.
00:06:52Have a good flight.
00:06:52Thank you.
00:06:53Thank you.
00:07:07Thank you.
00:07:23Coffee or tea with your dinner?
00:07:24No coffee, tea, no dinner, thank you.
00:07:27And nothing at all?
00:07:33Maybe we should have a sandwich.
00:07:35You didn't have any lunch.
00:07:36It's 8.30 tonight, we're going to sit down
00:07:37to one of the great meals in eating history.
00:07:39I'm not going to spoil it with some stale chicken
00:07:41from a previous flight.
00:07:42You know, airline food.
00:07:43Will you stop worrying about my stomach?
00:07:45Justin wants you to be hungry.
00:07:46And I got two bottles of my ulcer medicine
00:07:48packed in the suitcase, if that's what you were just thinking.
00:07:50I wasn't thinking about it.
00:07:51Then relax.
00:07:52OK, I'll try.
00:07:59The captain has turned on the no-smoking sign.
00:08:01Please extinguish all cigarettes.
00:08:03Would you back to your seatbelts, please?
00:08:06Your seats are in the upright position
00:08:08in preparation for landing at New York's Kennedy Airport.
00:08:11Put your chair in an upright position, please.
00:08:13Oh, excuse me.
00:08:14Five minutes early, isn't that fantastic?
00:08:16It's very big, isn't it?
00:08:17Of course it's big, that's why they call it New York.
00:08:21Hey, come here.
00:08:22You're missing the whole skyline.
00:08:26All right.
00:08:27Is that a beautiful city, or is that a beautiful city?
00:08:29Oh, that's a beautiful city.
00:08:32Would you all please fasten your seatbelts?
00:08:36Would you fasten your seatbelts, please?
00:08:38Hey, listen, Mrs. Kellerman, did I tell you the plan?
00:08:41What is the plan, Mr. Kellerman?
00:08:42Oh, uh, tonight's fun-filled agenda
00:08:44prepared during my last nine lunch hours.
00:08:46Uh, 7.05, arrive Kennedy Airport.
00:08:497.45, check into our lavish, all-paid-for,
00:08:52deluxe suite at the world-famous Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
00:08:588.30, flaming dinner at the star-studded,
00:09:01all-expensive Cab Four Seasons restaurant.
00:09:05Followed by a midnight dance in the Empire Room.
00:09:08Followed by a swift elevator ride
00:09:10up to our perfumed, scented bedroom.
00:09:13Followed by one of the great love makers
00:09:15that any out-of-town woman ever encountered.
00:09:18No more.
00:09:19You have an interview at 9 o'clock in the morning.
00:09:21Oh, shoo it, now shoo it.
00:09:24George, it's not possible.
00:09:27It's not possible that they'll turn you down, is it?
00:09:30I mean, not get the job.
00:09:31What? I've already been approved.
00:09:33The interview tomorrow is just a formality.
00:09:35Stop worrying, huh?
00:09:37Ladies and gentlemen, this is Captain Endicott.
00:09:39This is it, this is it. I can smell the meal from here.
00:09:41We just received information from Kennedy Approach
00:09:45that we run into a traffic problem here.
00:09:47Fifteen aircraft ahead of us in a holding pattern.
00:09:50So if you'll just sit back and relax,
00:09:52we'll just circle over the New York area
00:09:54until we get the go-ahead.
00:09:56I would guess about 20 to 30 minutes. Thank you.
00:09:59What does he mean he guesses? Shouldn't he know?
00:10:01He's a pilot, he shouldn't guess.
00:10:03Well, wait a minute. Miss? Oh, miss?
00:10:06We still have plenty of time, George.
00:10:07Miss Stewart, is there any chance
00:10:09that it'll be more than 30 minutes?
00:10:10We have an 8.30 dinner reservation.
00:10:12My wife is worried that we'll be late.
00:10:14Well, I don't guess it'll be more than 20 or 30 minutes.
00:10:16That's what the pilot guessed.
00:10:18His guess is better than mine.
00:10:19Last call for coffee.
00:10:21George, you think I could have a cup of coffee?
00:10:22Is this unusual? I mean, does this happen very often?
00:10:25Miss Kennedy? Almost every night this time.
00:10:27It's called the stacking hour. Oh.
00:10:29Excuse me. Thank you.
00:10:33Well, they should have told us at the airport.
00:10:35It's not her fault, George.
00:10:36They should let you know before you take off.
00:10:38An hour and 20 minutes flying, 30 minutes stacking.
00:10:40Then I would have known it's gonna be
00:10:41an hour and 50 minutes flying and stacking.
00:10:43You're gonna have trouble with your stomach, George.
00:10:44I see it coming.
00:10:56Okay, it's over 30 minutes, almost 35 minutes.
00:10:59Hope he's a better pilot than a guesser.
00:11:01Miss? Miss?
00:11:03Feels like we're going down.
00:11:05Can you see the airport?
00:11:06No, I don't see anything. It got very foggy.
00:11:08It's not fog. It's thick clouds.
00:11:10They fly through this all the time. There's nothing wrong.
00:11:12Yes, sir?
00:11:13Is there anything wrong?
00:11:14I mean, it's over 35 minutes now.
00:11:16I imagine we've run into some bad weather.
00:11:18You don't have to imagine. Just look out the window.
00:11:20See, we have an 8.30 dinner reservation.
00:11:22I'm probably telling the pilot it's foggy outside.
00:11:24Too busy circling to notice.
00:11:28You should have eaten something, George.
00:11:30I'm all right. My seat belt's too tight.
00:11:36Ladies and gentlemen, this is Captain Indycarb again.
00:11:39Seems we've run into a little fog system here,
00:11:41not previously reported.
00:11:43County reports it's ceiling under 100 feet,
00:11:45which is below normal for landing.
00:11:48So we'll just have to wait and see.
00:11:50Normal for landing.
00:11:51So we'll just have to sit it out up here a little longer.
00:11:54You hear that? We're gonna sit.
00:11:56We held, we circled, now we're gonna sit.
00:11:58Miss, where's Miss? Oh, I miss.
00:12:01Might as well relax.
00:12:02Last time this happened, we circled two and a half hours.
00:12:06You mean this has happened to you before?
00:12:08Either it's traffic or fog or snow
00:12:10or a labor dispute at the control tower.
00:12:12I figure just circling, I'm two years older than I should be.
00:12:18You hear that? At 8.30 tonight,
00:12:19we'll be circling over the Four Seasons restaurant.
00:12:21Oh, it's not important, George. We can eat later in the room.
00:12:25In the meantime, do you think that I could have a cup of coffee?
00:12:38Yes, sir, may I help you?
00:12:39My wife would like a cup of coffee, please.
00:12:41I'm awfully sorry, sir. The coffee's gone.
00:12:44Well, if you remember, we haven't eaten anything.
00:12:46Is it possible to make some more?
00:12:47We're not allowed to have the burners on during landing.
00:12:50Yes, but we're not landing. We're circling.
00:12:52We are circling prior to landing.
00:12:55Yes, but if we keep circling and circling,
00:12:58that's not circling, that's flying.
00:13:00Is it possible to make coffee during flying?
00:13:02Ladies and gentlemen, this is Captain Indycott again.
00:13:04We're starting to encounter a little turbulence.
00:13:06Will you please take your seats and keep your seatbelts fastened?
00:13:09Just have a Coke or a glass of milk.
00:13:11I'm awfully sorry, sir. It's a federal regulation.
00:13:14We are not permitted to serve beverages during takeoff or landing.
00:13:17Would you like a glass of water?
00:13:20Isn't water a beverage?
00:13:22Sir, if you would like to discuss this with a senior stewardess.
00:13:25No, I'd like to discuss it with the Federal Aviation Authority,
00:13:28which I plan to do as soon as we're through sitting and holding and circling.
00:13:33Sir, would you take your seat?
00:13:35And observe the no smoking sign?
00:13:38Yeah, I observed it.
00:13:44You know what time it is?
00:14:03It's not important, George.
00:14:05Twenty to nine.
00:14:09That means by the time I get into New York,
00:14:11I'll leave the room and go to a restaurant. It'll be 11, 11.30.
00:14:14I eat that late. I'm usually up all night.
00:14:16You're anticipating, George, you won't be up all night?
00:14:19Maybe we'll be sitting up here. This thing could be the Flying Dutchman.
00:14:22Spend the rest of our lives circling over New York.
00:14:25Ladies and gentlemen, this is Captain Indycott again.
00:14:28I don't want to hear this.
00:14:29I'm sorry to report that ground control sees no easing up in the weather conditions here,
00:14:33and here's a candy we'll be closed for the night.
00:14:36The same applies to Newark, LaGuardia and Philadelphia.
00:14:40Looks like we're going to have to proceed to Boston.
00:14:43You may smoke again if you like. Thank you.
00:14:46We're going to Boston.
00:14:49I have to be in New York at nine o'clock in the morning, and tonight I'm going to Boston.
00:15:06All right.
00:15:08Excuse me. Here's the stuff.
00:15:13You pick up the bag.
00:15:15I'll go see if there's another flight going out,
00:15:18and I'll meet you in front of the mailboxes as soon as you're through.
00:15:21George, shouldn't we eat something first?
00:15:23We can eat later.
00:15:24I'm not hungry.
00:15:25I'm not hungry.
00:15:26I'm not hungry.
00:15:27I'm not hungry.
00:15:28I'm not hungry.
00:15:29I'm not hungry.
00:15:30I'm not hungry.
00:15:31I'm not hungry.
00:15:32I'm not hungry.
00:15:33Shouldn't we eat something first?
00:15:34We can eat later.
00:15:35There's no time now.
00:15:36I've got to get to New York.
00:15:37I'll meet you in front of the mailboxes.
00:15:39All right.
00:15:45Sorry, Kennedy.
00:15:46It's closed for the night.
00:15:47There are no flights going into New York.
00:15:49Operation should resume at 7 a.m.
00:15:51We cannot make any guarantees.
00:15:53What about trains?
00:15:54Are any trains going tonight?
00:15:55You'll have to check South Station for that.
00:15:58Mr. Howard Steele.
00:15:59Please report to the United Flight Information Counter.
00:16:07American Airlines asks you to get flight number 3 nonstop to Los Angeles,
00:16:12departing at gate 6.
00:16:14Teleport, please.
00:16:15Last train to New York, 1020.
00:16:17It's in at 2 a.m., right?
00:16:21Last train to New York from South Station in 20 minutes.
00:16:23It's in at 2 a.m.
00:16:24Forget it.
00:16:25They'll never make it.
00:16:26I've got to make it.
00:16:28Miss Hazel Marshall.
00:16:29Please report to the United Flight Information Counter.
00:16:41Gwen, come on.
00:16:42The train's leaving in 20 minutes.
00:16:43Where are the bags?
00:16:44They can't find them.
00:16:45I hope they've got a dining car because we're going to have to beat them.
00:16:47They can't find what?
00:16:48The bags.
00:16:49They can't find the bags.
00:16:50What do you mean they can't find our bags?
00:16:51I can't say it simpler than that, George.
00:16:53They can't find the bags.
00:16:54They lost our luggage.
00:16:56Why don't you not shout at me?
00:16:57They lost our luggage.
00:16:59They didn't lose it.
00:17:00They just can't find it.
00:17:01They'll find it.
00:17:02Well, suppose they don't find it.
00:17:03Well, then it's lost.
00:17:04I just said that.
00:17:06Come on.
00:17:07We've got 20 minutes to find our lost luggage.
00:17:10Passengers arriving on flight 347 may now place their luggage at the United Baggage Area.
00:17:15Excuse me.
00:17:16Excuse me.
00:17:19Ah, excuse me.
00:17:20Excuse me.
00:17:21You don't understand.
00:17:22I've only got 20 minutes to catch a train.
00:17:24You people seem to have lost my bags.
00:17:25A large brown one and a small gray one.
00:17:27Yeah, well, you don't have to describe them, dear.
00:17:29We've got the claim checks.
00:17:30What do they look like?
00:17:31A large brown one and a small gray one.
00:17:32Could you hurry, please?
00:17:33We've only got 20 minutes.
00:17:34You don't see them here?
00:17:35Well, of course we don't see them here.
00:17:36Why would we ask you if we saw them here?
00:17:38All right, Mr. Earp.
00:17:39It's not going to help to get excited.
00:17:40Yeah, well, it's not going to hurt it.
00:17:41Look, what's the difference if I get excited as long as I get my bag?
00:17:44This man is trying to help, George.
00:17:45He's helping me not get excited.
00:17:47He's not helping me get my bag.
00:17:48Well, we're going to miss the train.
00:17:49Can I see your claim checks?
00:17:50It's a large brown one and a small gray one.
00:17:52You should have carried a little one.
00:17:53It's two bags.
00:17:54That's right.
00:17:55Two bags, both lost.
00:17:56A large brown one and a small gray one.
00:17:58And you didn't see them come out?
00:17:59I wasn't here.
00:18:00My wife didn't see them come out.
00:18:01I didn't see them come out.
00:18:02I don't see them either.
00:18:03Well, I can see you don't see them.
00:18:05Is there somebody else that I can talk to?
00:18:06Try lost and found.
00:18:07Well, not yet.
00:18:08We just found out they were lost.
00:18:09Will you let me handle this?
00:18:10How could we?
00:18:11We just found out they were lost.
00:18:12All I can suggest is lost and found.
00:18:14Well, then what are you doing looking at my claim checks?
00:18:16Why didn't you just say try lost and found
00:18:18instead of reading my claim checks?
00:18:19He's trying to help you.
00:18:20He wasn't helping.
00:18:21He was just reading them.
00:18:22What's your name?
00:18:25Well, if you don't find them, I'm suing you people
00:18:26for losing my bags, missing the train.
00:18:28What kind of a way is this to run an errand?
00:18:31And you say you didn't see the bags come out?
00:18:33Can I read your claim checks again?
00:18:34I got 12 minutes to catch a train.
00:18:35There's no cause for alarm, Mr., uh...
00:18:38What's the difference what my name is?
00:18:39We're just going to waste time discussing my name.
00:18:42George Kellerman.
00:18:43All right, and there's 10 seconds
00:18:44to go on discussing my name.
00:18:45Now, in 11 minutes,
00:18:46the most important train of my life
00:18:48is going to pull out of South Station.
00:18:49We're standing here talking about my name.
00:18:51Well, let me say first of all, Mr. Kellerman,
00:18:52that T.I.A. certainly assumes
00:18:54all responsibility for lost luggage.
00:18:55I don't want your responsibility.
00:18:57I just want my clean shirts.
00:18:58I got a business meeting at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
00:19:00Yes, my husband has an important business meeting
00:19:02at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
00:19:03I just said that, Gwen.
00:19:04What are you wasting time telling him what I just said?
00:19:06Well, we'd be glad to put you up
00:19:07in a hotel in Boston tonight,
00:19:08and you can make our 7 a.m. flight
00:19:10to New York in the morning.
00:19:11Oh, that's not a bad idea.
00:19:12Wait, suppose New York is still fogged in?
00:19:14Well, we can't guarantee the weather, of course.
00:19:15You can't guarantee a large gray suitcase
00:19:17and a small brown one.
00:19:18It's a large brown one and a small gray one.
00:19:20And what's the difference
00:19:21what color they are if they're lost?
00:19:22Oh, I see no reason to assume it won't show up.
00:19:24I saw no reason to assume
00:19:26I wouldn't be in New York tonight,
00:19:27and I'm in Boston looking for baggage
00:19:29that you assume isn't lost.
00:19:30Is something wrong?
00:19:32Yes, my husband has an ulcer,
00:19:33and his medicine is in the assumed...
00:19:35Come on.
00:19:36We'll be at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
00:19:37I don't get my baggage by tomorrow morning.
00:19:39Tomorrow afternoon,
00:19:40your lawyers are going to hear from my lawyers.
00:19:42You got my name right?
00:19:43Yes, sir.
00:19:44Kellerman. Frank Kellerman.
00:19:46George! George Kellerman!
00:19:48You see, first you waste my time
00:19:49trying to get my name right,
00:19:50and then you get my name wrong.
00:19:52George! George!
00:19:54First they lose my baggage,
00:19:55then they're going to send it
00:19:56to some not-named Frank Kellerman.
00:19:58You're going to hear from me
00:19:59if I don't hear from you.
00:20:05Attention, please.
00:20:07Last call.
00:20:08Braddock International Airways.
00:20:10Flight 543.
00:20:18South Station. Step on it.
00:20:19We got ten minutes to catch a train.
00:20:21South Station's 15 minutes from here.
00:20:23Can't you make it in ten?
00:20:24How can I make it in ten minutes
00:20:25if it's a 15-minute drive?
00:20:27You want to go to South Station?
00:20:28I'll take you to South Station,
00:20:29but you're not going to make it in ten minutes.
00:20:31I don't want to get killed missing a train.
00:20:32Is it necessary to take two minutes
00:20:34telling me you can't make it in ten minutes?
00:20:35Just get me to South Station.
00:20:36You can talk all you want after I'm on the train.
00:20:40I don't believe it.
00:20:41I don't believe it.
00:20:54Don't worry, we'll make it.
00:20:56I'm not worried.
00:20:57I am.
00:21:05I tell you, 15 minutes.
00:21:07You having a bag?
00:21:08No, no bag.
00:21:09We missed the 10-20 to New York.
00:21:10We held it up five minutes.
00:21:11If you hurry, you can make it.
00:21:12Yeah, you see?
00:21:13How much is that?
00:21:15That's a $20 bill.
00:21:16Yeah, I know.
00:21:17Can I have my change, please?
00:21:18I can't break a $20 bill.
00:21:19I just got on duty.
00:21:20Don't you have a five?
00:21:21If I had a five, why would I give you the change?
00:21:23You got a $5 bill?
00:21:24In all grace you keep.
00:21:25A $20 bill is all I got.
00:21:26Well, you'll have to change it inside.
00:21:27I'll wait for you.
00:21:28I got a train pulling out now.
00:21:30What about my $1.75?
00:21:31Give me your name and address
00:21:32and I'll mail you the money.
00:21:33I'll keep the $20.
00:21:34I'll mail you the change.
00:21:36George Kellerman, 1174 Willow Tree Lane,
00:21:39Twin Oaks, Ohio.
00:21:40And keep a quarter tip, huh?
00:21:41Now, you got it?
00:21:42I got it.
00:21:43You said keep a quarter tip.
00:21:44No, no, you got the address.
00:21:45The address.
00:21:46I got it, George.
00:21:47Come on.
00:21:53Attention, please.
00:21:55On your left-hand side,
00:21:57there's a car pulling out of the train.
00:21:59Excuse me!
00:22:01Excuse me!
00:22:02Hold that train!
00:22:03Hold that train!
00:22:06Hold that train!
00:22:31Is this the 1020 to New York?
00:22:58I didn't see that train. Did you see that train?
00:23:01I didn't see anything. I was running.
00:23:05There goes the New York job.
00:23:07Oh, George, you can call them in the morning and explain what happened on it. Understand?
00:23:12That I lost my luggage? That I got on an empty train?
00:23:15You think they're going to give a person like that a job of responsibility?
00:23:18You're not to blame because the plane had to land in Boston.
00:23:21I could have caught an earlier plane, couldn't I?
00:23:23Well, yes, you could have caught an earlier plane.
00:23:25Earlier plane. You see? You see?
00:23:26It was my job and my responsibility to be in that office at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
00:23:30Oh, George.
00:23:31You're right. I don't deserve the New York job.
00:23:34George, is there time for me to go to the ladies' room?
00:23:38Well, where are we going? We're here in Boston for the night.
00:23:41We missed the train. Dear old Boston.
00:23:45I don't suppose there's another train to New York tonight.
00:23:48No, but you can catch that one in Longview.
00:23:51It's the next station. They stop 10 minutes to pick up mail and the Boston papers.
00:23:55If you get a cab, take it down there in 25 minutes, you'll make it.
00:23:58Why didn't you tell me this before my wife left?
00:24:00Didn't know she was leaving.
00:24:15Excuse me. Where's the ladies' room?
00:24:17You mean the men's room.
00:24:18No, I don't want the men's room. I want the ladies' room.
00:24:20Over there.
00:24:21Oh, thank you.
00:24:26We can still make the train.
00:24:30Let's go to the ladies' room.
00:24:35Miss. Miss.
00:24:37My wife is in there. She just went in.
00:24:39Could you get her out, please, and just make it quickly?
00:24:41Because it's a matter of life and death.
00:24:49Oh, George. I couldn't find the ladies' room. There it is.
00:24:52Well, never mind. We can make the train.
00:24:55He didn't want to come with me.
00:24:57I beg your pardon. Take her back in.
00:24:59Run, Gwen! Run!
00:25:14You'll make it, huh?
00:25:15Oh, can you get us to Longview in 20 minutes?
00:25:18No, for another quarter tip.
00:25:20All right.
00:25:28Just made it. You'd better rush.
00:25:33How much is that?
00:25:34$4.50, but I still can't break the 20.
00:25:36All right. That's $2 from the 4 plus $4.50 is $6.50,
00:25:39plus a dollar tip of $7.50. That's $12.50.
00:25:41You still got to mail me. You got the address?
00:25:43Twin Oaks, Ohio. 1174 Caterman Lane.
00:25:46No, I'm Caterman!
00:25:47Willow Tree Lane. 1174 Willow Tree Lane.
00:25:50He hasn't got it. All he's got is 5.20.
00:25:52He's got it.
00:25:53He's got it.
00:25:54He's got it.
00:25:55He hasn't got it. All he's got is 5.20.
00:25:58All right, I'm getting that $12.50. You're going to hear from me.
00:26:01Bonnie, Paulie, check 391 Clancy Street,
00:26:05Boston, Massachusetts, 6.02124.
00:26:16He say Benny or Bernie?
00:26:18I don't know.
00:26:26Uh, excuse me. Are there any seats in this train? Huh?
00:26:31Oh. Well, don't you have anything in the parlor car or compartment or anything?
00:26:35I'll pay for it.
00:26:36This train runs empty six nights a week,
00:26:39except when the New York airport is bogged in.
00:26:41Then they fly him up to Boston, and we could use four more cars.
00:26:45Well, why don't you put on four more seats?
00:26:47I'll pay for it.
00:26:48I'll pay for it.
00:26:49I'll pay for it.
00:26:50I'll pay for it.
00:26:51I'll pay for it.
00:26:52I'll pay for it.
00:26:53I'll pay for it.
00:26:54Well, why don't you put on four more cars?
00:26:56Ain't got four more cars. Nobody takes the train anymore.
00:26:59Everybody ends up in a hurry.
00:27:01You expect us to stand all the way to New York?
00:27:03Not unless you give me $11 each.
00:27:07Is there a dining car?
00:27:08Just sandwiches and drinks. Next car forward.
00:27:21Uh, two, please.
00:27:22Just two?
00:27:23Yes, just two. Me and my wife.
00:27:24End of the line. Please, next car.
00:27:27Why does he say just two? We've got to get in line.
00:27:40Pardon me.
00:27:46Pardon me.
00:27:50Excuse me, please.
00:27:53Excuse me.
00:28:05Uh, are you the end of the line for the dining car?
00:28:08No, looks like you are.
00:28:20It's fine, fine. Just a little pain.
00:28:22It hurts.
00:28:23I know what you're thinking. I should have had the stale chicken on the plate.
00:28:26I wasn't thinking that.
00:28:40You can take those two right there.
00:28:48Know how long we were in line?
00:28:50Two hours.
00:28:51Two hours. That's how long.
00:28:54Chicken sandwich and coke.
00:28:55Can we see a menu, please?
00:28:57We've just got sandwiches and drinks.
00:28:59Hey, two chicken sandwiches, please.
00:29:01Sorry, no chicken.
00:29:02Isn't that chicken?
00:29:03Yeah, that's chicken.
00:29:04And when he eats that, that's the end of the chicken.
00:29:07They're out of chicken, George.
00:29:09Got ham or cheese?
00:29:10No ham.
00:29:11Just cheese.
00:29:12No cheese.
00:29:13What do you have?
00:29:14Peanut butter on white bread.
00:29:16What else you got?
00:29:17More peanut butter on white bread.
00:29:18Ran out of everything a few minutes ago, ma'am.
00:29:21But don't you have anything else?
00:29:22My husband isn't allowed to eat peanut butter or white bread.
00:29:27I got saltine crackers and green olives.
00:29:29That's all, ma'am.
00:29:30We didn't expect 350 people tonight.
00:29:32No, ma'am.
00:29:33All right.
00:29:34Bring my wife the peanut butter sandwich.
00:29:36I'm gonna have the crackers and olives.
00:29:38And one coffee and one milk.
00:29:41Sorry, ma'am.
00:29:42No coffee, no milk.
00:29:43No milk.
00:29:44I got tonic water and clam juice, but they ain't cold.
00:29:47Do you want the clam juice?
00:29:50With crackers and olives?
00:29:52Never mind the drinks.
00:29:53Yes, ma'am.
00:29:54Is that separate checks?
00:29:56No, I'll pay the whole thing.
00:29:57Yes, sir.
00:30:01I was gonna take you to dinner at one of the best restaurants in the world.
00:30:05Here you are eating peanut butter on white bread with nothing to drink.
00:30:08If you ever get your mouth open again, I wouldn't blame you if you never talked to me.
00:30:11Oh, my God.
00:30:13What's wrong?
00:30:14I lost my left eyelash.
00:30:20Are you sure?
00:30:21What do you mean, am I sure?
00:30:22I should know if I swallowed an olive pit or not, shouldn't I?
00:30:25An empty stomach, I could rip right through my insides.
00:30:27How could you swallow an olive pit?
00:30:29Yawning with my mouth full, that's how.
00:30:31Yes, well, if you don't eat and you don't sleep, you have to expect accidents like that.
00:30:36Come on, we'll get a cab and go to the hotel.
00:30:38I'm suing all of them.
00:30:39I don't care if I'm in court all year.
00:30:42Mr. Turner, there's a problem with your flight.
00:30:44Oh, that's the point.
00:30:45All right.
00:30:49Attention, please.
00:30:51Special train number 15...
00:30:54...leaving gate 12 for...
00:31:02...Above all...
00:31:08...Gate number 12.
00:31:09Excuse me, could you tell me where the taxi stand is?
00:31:13It's right out those doors.
00:31:15But you won't find no taxis there.
00:31:17Why not?
00:31:18They're on strike.
00:31:19A taxi strike?
00:31:20And everything's strike. They're all out.
00:31:22Taxis, subways, buses, the whole transit system.
00:31:26And the sanitation trucks, too.
00:31:28Well, how are people getting around?
00:31:30Well, there's no strike on walking.
00:31:32How far is it to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel?
00:31:35About eight blocks from here.
00:31:36I remember where it is.
00:31:38How can a big city like this have a transit strike?
00:31:41Well, it can, George. Let's just walk.
00:31:43All I've ever heard is such a thing with no buses, trains, taxis.
00:31:54Maybe it'll stop soon.
00:31:592.15, I don't think it's going to stop.
00:32:02I can't stand here all night.
00:32:04I don't get some food and some sleep.
00:32:06I'll never make that meeting tomorrow morning.
00:32:08Well, I don't mind getting a little wet, George.
00:32:11Which way do we go?
00:32:1350th and Park. That way.
00:32:32I can't go so fast, George. You know I have weak ankles.
00:32:57Well, the sooner we get there, the less wet we'll be.
00:32:59Where are we now?
00:33:0339th and Park.
00:33:07And where was Grand Central?
00:33:0942nd Street.
00:33:11And the hotel's at 50th?
00:33:14Doesn't that mean we're walking the wrong way, George?
00:33:23It's been four years since I've been here.
00:33:25They used to mark the streets better.
00:33:28What are you stopping for?
00:33:30Oh, look at that!
00:33:33That's garbage. You seen garbage before.
00:33:37No, not that much in one place.
00:33:40Well, it's a good place.
00:33:42It's a good place, but not as good as the other.
00:33:45Well, you know that.
00:33:47It's a good place, but there's a lot of garbage.
00:33:49It's a good place, but it's a bad place.
00:33:51It's a good place, but there's a lot of garbage.
00:33:53It's a good place, but there's a lot of garbage.
00:33:55There's a strike on. It's not always like this.
00:33:58Park Avenue's one of the cleanest streets in the world.
00:34:04Mom, who's gonna clean all that up?
00:34:07Will you stop worrying about everyone's garbage and come on.
00:34:15What's the matter?
00:34:17I stepped on a bottle.
00:34:19I stepped on a bottle. I broke my shoe on my shoe.
00:34:22How did you do that?
00:34:23By stepping on a bottle and breaking the heel of my shoe, George.
00:34:27Well, can you walk?
00:34:28Yeah, I can walk, but not fast. You know I have weak ankles.
00:34:54George, I don't want to complain, but my ankles are buckling.
00:34:57Clench your toes when you walk.
00:35:26Uh, excuse me?
00:35:29Uh, Mr. and Mrs. Kellerman, Twin Oaks, Ohio.
00:35:32We finally got here.
00:35:34Did you have a reservation?
00:35:36Yeah, made by the Drexel Company through the Hilton Reservation Service.
00:35:39In Twin Oaks, Ohio.
00:35:41Thank you.
00:35:42You must be pretty busy putting people up in the lobby.
00:35:44Oh, it's the least we could do.
00:35:45With this transit strike, most of them have no way to get out of here.
00:35:48You must be pretty busy putting people up in the lobby.
00:35:50Oh, it's the least we could do.
00:35:51With this transit strike, most of them have no way to get home.
00:35:54And there's not a room in the city tonight.
00:35:56Oh, that's very nice of you.
00:35:58Ah, here we are.
00:35:59George Kellerman.
00:36:00That's it.
00:36:01Yeah, I hope you got a big, nice, dry bed.
00:36:03And a drugstore open.
00:36:04I have to get an eyelash and tape for my ankles.
00:36:07Mr. Kellerman, this is for the 17th.
00:36:11This is Thursday, the 18th.
00:36:13You're not telling me you didn't hold the room for me.
00:36:15We always hold the room, except when otherwise indicated.
00:36:18Your reservation indicates hold until 10 p.m.
00:36:21It's now five minutes to three.
00:36:23We had a thousand requests if you had wired or called.
00:36:26I couldn't wire or call.
00:36:27I was circling and running.
00:36:28As I say, we always hold the room unless otherwise indicated.
00:36:32Now, as you can see for yourself,
00:36:33your reservation clearly indicates hold until 10 p.m.
00:36:38Because I thought I'd be here by 10 p.m.
00:36:40Because I thought I'd be here by 8 p.m.
00:36:42I didn't know then I was going to fly to Boston
00:36:44and then take a cattle car to New York
00:36:46and then have to walk in a hurricane from Grand Central Station.
00:36:49Will you verify that to this man, Gwen?
00:36:51I can verify that.
00:36:52Yes, and we didn't expect this transit strike.
00:36:54As I said, if you indicated, hold until arrival.
00:36:57Or if you had wired or called...
00:36:59You've already said it three times.
00:37:01Meanwhile, I'm dripping all over your lobby
00:37:03with an olive pit in my empty stomach.
00:37:05And my wife is shivering and limping with weak ankles.
00:37:07If I don't get a room, you and your hotel are fourth on my list to be sued.
00:37:11Now, I want to see some action.
00:37:12Can you wait here just a second, sir?
00:37:14Where do you think I'm going to go in the middle of a monsoon?
00:37:17My wife is in very bad shape. Tell him.
00:37:20I'm in very bad shape.
00:37:23Don't worry. I'll straighten this whole thing out.
00:37:25You've got to give us a room.
00:37:26I hope so.
00:37:29Mr. Kellerman, I just spoke to Mr. Broodsey, the assistant manager.
00:37:32It's Broodsey, huh?
00:37:33Yes, he says he's awfully sorry for this misunderstanding.
00:37:36Yeah, well, that's better.
00:37:37Unfortunately, we don't have a single room available.
00:37:41I see.
00:37:44Would you please put your full name and Mr. Broodsey's name down on a piece of paper?
00:37:47I'll need it for the trial.
00:37:48This is my wife, Mrs. Kellerman.
00:37:50She's a witness to everything that went on here.
00:37:52Gwen, after he puts his name down here,
00:37:54I want you to sign it with the date and the exact time of day.
00:37:57I may be just a wet, insignificant out-of-towner,
00:38:00but you people took up with the wrong person.
00:38:04Is there a drugstore, old man?
00:38:05Not until the morning.
00:38:06There's one a few blocks from here.
00:38:08If there's anything wrong, I can send the boy.
00:38:10Don't let him send anybody. It'll weaken the case.
00:38:12I happen to have a stomach disorder that has been further aggravated by you people not giving me a room,
00:38:16and my lawyer's going to have all of this information first thing in the morning,
00:38:19along with a doctor's report about my stomach and my wife's ankles.
00:38:22I started to say, sir, we have two airline pilots in room 819.
00:38:26They're checking out at 7 a.m. You can have that room at no charge.
00:38:297 o'clock? I won't be dry until 8.
00:38:31I wouldn't settle this for less than a million dollars.
00:38:33Come on.
00:38:35Where? What are we going to do?
00:38:37Will you come on?
00:38:43What are we going to do?
00:38:44I thought you had a plan.
00:38:45Why did you say, let's get out of here?
00:38:47To prove to them I mean business.
00:38:49Just because we're from out of town doesn't mean they can shove us around.
00:38:51He's right, George. We should have wired or called.
00:38:54How can you stand there dripping all over their lobby with no heel, no luggage,
00:39:00and tell me that it's my fault that we lost the room?
00:39:02It's not your fault, George.
00:39:04I'm just suggesting that we sit in the lobby and have coffee until 7 o'clock
00:39:08and then take their room.
00:39:10What else can we do?
00:39:11Don't panic.
00:39:12I got you through all right up to here.
00:39:14Just don't panic.
00:39:15Mr. Kellerman?
00:39:21Can I see you a moment, please?
00:39:25What did I tell you? You call that bluff name over pretty fast, huh?
00:39:33This is for you.
00:39:42Mr. Kellerman, this is TIA in Boston.
00:39:44Did you find my luggage?
00:39:45Yes, sir, we did.
00:39:46Do you have your claim checks B63 and 64?
00:39:49Uh, yeah, B63 and 64.
00:39:53Where are they?
00:39:57Would you repeat that?
00:40:02Our bags are in Ohio.
00:40:05As clear as I can make out,
00:40:06they were the last ones checked through when they had the power failure,
00:40:09and the conveyor belt must have stopped before your bags were put on the plane.
00:40:12They're putting them on our Star Class flight 101,
00:40:15and they should be at your hotel before 8.
00:40:17Oh, good, I hope they enjoy the flight,
00:40:19because I won't be at my hotel at 8,
00:40:21because my hotel gave away my room,
00:40:24for which my hotel is going to be sued in court by my lawyer.
00:40:28Look, I want my bags put on a plane now,
00:40:31and I want them right here where I am,
00:40:33not where I was before you didn't get me there.
00:40:36Here. You understand?
00:40:38My wife will verify that.
00:40:40Well, then I can verify that.
00:40:43Mr. Kellerman, there are no flights taking off now.
00:40:45New York is still fogged in.
00:40:47Well, you flew me through the fog.
00:40:49How come suddenly you're worried about two leather valises?
00:40:52What's your name?
00:40:53Huh? No, no, no, no, no. Just your name.
00:40:59And your first name, Mr. Robinson?
00:41:02Clifford. All right, Mr. Clifford Robinson.
00:41:05My golf partner's brother-in-law
00:41:07happens to be with the Federal Aviation Boys in Washington, D.C.
00:41:10You'll be getting a telegram tomorrow morning
00:41:12from a sick man in New York
00:41:15whose medicine is in his luggage on a conveyor belt in Twin Oaks, Ohio.
00:41:19Thanks very much, Mr. Robinson.
00:41:21Am I going to get a room or not?
00:41:23As I said, if you had wider floors...
00:41:25What? You hear that?
00:41:27Anything happens to that woman, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.
00:41:30Hey, can I have your name, please?
00:41:33Winkler. You're going to hear from me, Winkler.
00:41:36Come on, Dwight. Come on.
00:41:39You're perfectly welcome to stay in the manager's office until 7 o'clock.
00:41:46There's got to be a hotel room somewhere in this city.
00:41:48Hey, hey.
00:41:50Don't worry. I'll straighten this whole thing out.
00:41:52They've got to give us a room.
00:41:53Got a dime?
00:41:54I told you, in the little gray suitcase.
00:41:56Save your money.
00:41:58There's not a room to be had.
00:42:00You folks from out of town?
00:42:02Ohio. Twin Oaks.
00:42:06How long do you need a room for?
00:42:09How long do you need a room for?
00:42:12Just overnight. I've got a big business meeting tomorrow. Why?
00:42:16I've got a big business meeting tomorrow. Why?
00:42:27A friend of mine runs a little hotel about two blocks from here.
00:42:31Nothing fancy, mind you, but clean.
00:42:34If you want a room, it'll cost you ten.
00:42:38Well, ten dollars? That's not expensive for a room.
00:42:40The ten is for me. The room will cost you twenty.
00:42:43Where's the hotel?
00:42:46I don't see the ten dollars.
00:42:52What is it?
00:42:53The Ashmont. 51st between Lexington and 3rd.
00:42:58Tell Dave that Murray sent you.
00:43:05Uh, wait.
00:43:08Uh, I may be from Ohio, but I was born 42 years ago.
00:43:13How do I know that there's gonna be a room, or a Dave, or a Hotel Ashmont?
00:43:17No one trusts anyone anymore.
00:43:19All right, come on. I got an umbrella. I'll take you there myself and get you the room.
00:43:24Well, no, no. You don't have to do that. Just give me the number and I'll call.
00:43:27No, no. You don't trust me, I'll take you there. It's only a block away.
00:43:32Look, if you want the ten bucks back, it's no skin off my nose.
00:43:37I don't have a big business meeting in the morning.
00:43:46As I said, it's nothing fancy, but it's clean.
00:43:54This is very decent of you. I'm sorry I was suspicious before.
00:43:57It's just that we've had such a terrible time.
00:43:59Now, we really do appreciate this.
00:44:01I told you what we've been through. You wouldn't believe it.
00:44:03You're the first good thing that's happened to us all day.
00:44:06Hold it.
00:44:07Huh? What's wrong?
00:44:08Put your hands up.
00:44:09Oh, my God!
00:44:10Don't make a sound.
00:44:12Oh, my God! We're being held up! It's a hold-up! We're being held up!
00:44:16That roll of bills you got in your right-hand pocket. Move, quickly!
00:44:19I knew it. I knew it. I knew it.
00:44:21George, give him the money, please. My God, my children.
00:44:24Come on, come on.
00:44:25I knew it. I could see it coming.
00:44:27I knew it. I could see it coming. I went right with him.
00:44:30You got a wallet?
00:44:31No, no wallet. Just the cash. I never carry a wallet.
00:44:33Give him your wallet, George. It's in his left pocket.
00:44:36Please don't hit him. My husband is a sick man.
00:44:38All right, start walking down the block slowly, and don't turn around.
00:44:42Yes, yes, we'll do that. We'll walk slowly, and we won't turn around.
00:44:46Will you please leave me a few dollars for a roll of something to eat?
00:44:48My wife's got a busted heel.
00:44:49Yeah, well, it's tough all over, Max. Start walking.
00:44:51Walk, George, walk!
00:44:52Don't turn around!
00:44:53At least leave me the umbrella!
00:44:55You're turning, George. He said don't turn.
00:44:58Oh, he's gone.
00:45:00Oh, hold up. We were in a hold-up. We might have been killed.
00:45:05It would have been quicker this way. We'll starve to death.
00:45:07What did you have to tell him about the wallet for?
00:45:09Would you rather be found dead in the gutter with a bullet through your head and two small children in Ohio?
00:45:14You know what I got in my pocket, huh?
00:45:16One, two, three, four cents. Four pennies. That's it.
00:45:19Two cents for you and two cents for me. You have to tell him about the wallet.
00:45:22We're alive, aren't we? I'm shaking, George. You see that? I'm shaking all over.
00:45:26I'm going to have to sit down.
00:45:28I need a cup of coffee or a drink. That's all I need.
00:45:30For what? Four cents?
00:45:32A cup of coffee in a gutter?
00:45:33Thirty-seven thousand policemen in the city of New York!
00:45:36Not one will come out in the rain!
00:45:38Excuse me.
00:45:40My wife and I are from out of town.
00:45:42We got here about an hour ago.
00:45:43One second.
00:45:44We were held up outside of the walled-
00:45:45One second, George.
00:45:48Well, they just settled a sanitation strike.
00:45:52But the milk trucks just went out.
00:45:55We were held up outside of the walled-
00:45:57You mean the children won't be able to get any milk?
00:45:59Gwen, please.
00:46:00We were just held up outside of the walled-off Astoria.
00:46:03A man had a gun. We could have been killed.
00:46:06Uh, Murray. His first name is Murray.
00:46:08No, he means our name, George.
00:46:09Kellerman. George and Gwenlyn Kellerman.
00:46:11Gwen. Gwen is just fine.
00:46:12This is for the records. He wants the official name.
00:46:14Anyhow, we were coming out of the walled-off Astoria.
00:46:16Where are you staying in New York?
00:46:18We were just wandering around in the rain. That's how we got robbed.
00:46:20Don't the hospitals even have any milk?
00:46:22Will you stop worrying about the milk?
00:46:24You came here without a hotel reservation?
00:46:26We had one, but New York was fogged in and they flew us to Boston.
00:46:29And by the time we got back here, they gave our room away.
00:46:32You should have wired or called.
00:46:34I'm not here to discuss that part.
00:46:35I'm here to discuss the part about the guy who took my wallet.
00:46:38He was taking us to the hotel ashram at, uh, 51st Street.
00:46:43There isn't any hotel there.
00:46:44And we know that.
00:46:45Then why were you going there with him?
00:46:47We didn't know it then.
00:46:48We found out about it when the man took my $110.
00:46:52All right. Sign this and see Captain Mulligan.
00:46:55Why do I have to see Captain Mulligan if I'm driving him?
00:46:57Just sign the form, George.
00:46:58I don't want to sign the form. I want my wallet.
00:47:00Where's Captain Mulligan?
00:47:01One second, mister.
00:47:02Why doesn't anyone help anybody?
00:47:04Do you want me to sign the form?
00:47:06No, I don't want you to sign the form.
00:47:08Is there any... Can you tell me where Captain Mulligan is?
00:47:10Second door to the right.
00:47:1210 a.m. in the morning.
00:47:13Tomorrow? What about tonight?
00:47:15My husband has a business appointment in the morning.
00:47:17My handbag was just stolen.
00:47:19I want to report a stolen handbag.
00:47:21Excuse me, ma'am. I'm reporting a stolen wallet.
00:47:23That's my third stolen handbag this year.
00:47:25When are you people going to do something about it?
00:47:27As soon as they take care of my wallet.
00:47:29Is there anybody aside from Captain Mulligan?
00:47:32Mister, every cop in the city is busy tonight.
00:47:34Now, what's your problem, lady?
00:47:36What happened to my bag?
00:47:37They took my bag!
00:47:38Ten feet away from the police station.
00:47:40Isn't that terrible?
00:47:42Well, what are we talking to her for? What about us?
00:47:44Time it just happened, lady.
00:47:46Five minutes ago.
00:47:47Can I have your name, Sergeant?
00:47:49I screamed and I screamed.
00:47:51Sergeant, could I have your name, please?
00:47:53Kovalevsky. Sergeant Kovalevsky.
00:47:55How am I going to buy food?
00:47:57How am I going to eat?
00:47:58I know what you're going through.
00:48:00What about what we're going through?
00:48:02Look, mister, there's not much we can do tonight.
00:48:04Where can we get in touch with you in New York?
00:48:06Right here. We got no place to go.
00:48:08He was a big man. He was about six feet tall.
00:48:11So was ours. Our crook was six feet also.
00:48:14No, he wasn't. He was shorter.
00:48:16He was, George. He was six feet.
00:48:18You got a broken heel. Everybody looks bigger to you.
00:48:21I broke my heel on garbage.
00:48:22Isn't that terrible?
00:48:24Look, I've got no place to sleep. I've got no money.
00:48:27I want to know what the city intends to do about this.
00:48:29You're not going to do anything?
00:48:31Why don't you go up to the armory on 66th and Park?
00:48:34The National Guard's put up some army cuts there until the strike is over.
00:48:37And you can get some hot coffee and donuts.
00:48:39Oh, that would be nice.
00:48:41I don't want hot coffee and donuts.
00:48:43I want my money and my wallet.
00:48:45Myers, run these people up to the armory.
00:48:47On the way over, maybe they could look for my handbag.
00:48:50Come on, George. At least we'll be able to get some sleep.
00:48:53Well, Cots, did you ever sleep on army cuts?
00:48:55Oh, blow your voice.
00:48:56You want to sign this form on the bottom, lady?
00:48:58I'm through carrying pocketbooks in this city.
00:49:01You got a pocketbook, you're a moth woman.
00:49:08You folks live out of town?
00:49:11You folks live out of town?
00:49:13Oh, yes.
00:49:15You're lucky.
00:49:18I'm falling asleep.
00:49:21I won't make it to the armory.
00:49:23My husband and I haven't eaten or slept since yesterday morning.
00:49:31Don't let me fall asleep without eating.
00:49:34I'll never wake up again.
00:49:425743 Myers.
00:49:44About 63rd and 3rd.
00:49:47We've got two people. We're taking up the armory.
00:49:49Right. Pull up, Benny.
00:49:51Change of plans.
00:49:52I'm sorry, folks, but you'll have to get out of here.
00:49:54Is this the armory?
00:49:55About eight blocks from here.
00:49:58We've got a liquor store hold up on 71st and 1st.
00:50:00But I can't walk. Can't you drop us at the armory first?
00:50:03Lady, please cooperate. We have a hold up.
00:50:05We're shutting down the armory.
00:50:07Can't you drop us at the armory first?
00:50:09Lady, please cooperate. We have a hold up.
00:50:11We're short of squad cars.
00:50:12Oh, dear, yes. Come on, George. We have to get out.
00:50:14Let's get moving, Benny.
00:50:15And look, the looters ain't gonna wait around.
00:50:16Come on, mister. Wake up.
00:50:17What happened? Where are we?
00:50:18Come on, George. We have to get out and walk.
00:50:19Come on, mister. We've got a hold up on 71st Street.
00:50:22Well, can't you catch him later? You're supposed to take us to the armory.
00:50:24Please don't argue with me.
00:50:26I was supposed to get protection and transportation from the police department.
00:50:30I want to be protected.
00:50:31Listen, I'm doing this for your protection.
00:50:34We don't want you to get hurt.
00:50:35This man is a policeman now. He knows best.
00:50:37I can't let everyone push me around forever.
00:50:40It's got to stop sometime.
00:50:41I'm not getting out of the car.
00:50:43It's your move, man.
00:50:45Covenant first and first.
00:51:05They're running for it.
00:51:32All right, let's get them.
00:51:33Oh, my God. We're gonna chase them.
00:51:35I changed my mind. Let us off.
00:51:37We can't stop now.
00:51:39I warned you before.
00:51:41They're turning, Betty.
00:51:46Listen, the minute this is over, I want both your badge numbers.
00:52:15I'm through being intimidated.
00:52:46Stay there and don't move.
00:53:11Oh, five after four.
00:53:14By the time they catch him and book him and bring us back to the armory,
00:53:17it'll be five o'clock before we're in the cots.
00:53:19Why couldn't they have robbed a grocery store?
00:53:21Could have gotten some milk.
00:53:22They don't have any. They're on strike.
00:53:24Move it, man. Move it.
00:53:27Let's get the hell out of here.
00:53:29Oh, my God. We're being kidnapped.
00:53:32I'm a business executive from Ohio.
00:53:34Looks nice and cool.
00:53:48We have nothing to do with this.
00:53:50I'm a businessman on my way to the armory.
00:53:52We have two small children in Twin Oaks, Ohio, and my husband, he isn't well.
00:54:02You just drop us off at the next corner.
00:54:04My wife and I give you our oath that we won't bear witness.
00:54:06Go ahead and tell them we won't bear witness.
00:54:08Oh, no, we really, really, we won't bear witness. No.
00:54:22Yeah. Who's calling, please?
00:54:27I'm sorry. He's out to lunch.
00:54:30This is the butler.
00:54:35I don't think you're supposed to fool with that thing.
00:54:37None of our business, George. We're from Ohio. Let them be in fool with it.
00:54:52All right, let's dump them in the park.
00:54:54The park? Central Park? At four o'clock in the morning?
00:54:58Don't argue with them, George. The park will be just fine with us, thank you very much.
00:55:20I don't want to discuss it.
00:55:22You're not mad at me, are you?
00:55:23I'm not mad at you. I just don't want to discuss it.
00:55:26I lost my shoe getting out of the car.
00:55:28The police were told to take us to the armory.
00:55:30Anything that happens to us, it's their responsibility.
00:55:32My, my, that would be a comfort to my orphan children in Ohio.
00:55:36Would you please look for my shoe?
00:55:38If it wasn't for the fog and all of those strikes, we'd be fed and asleep by now.
00:55:42The Waldorf Astoria, you concede that?
00:55:44If I were discussing it, I would concede it, but I don't want to discuss it.
00:55:48Here, look, look, a car.
00:55:50Hey, hey, hey!
00:55:53I hope you get in trouble someday!
00:56:00There's my shoe.
00:56:01Huh? Where?
00:56:03In the road where the car just went over it.
00:56:12Well, the heel was broken anyway.
00:56:14I'm wearing the one with the broken heel.
00:56:16Oh. What do we do now?
00:56:18Oh, well, I'm open for suggestions, George.
00:56:21Well, we can't stay here.
00:56:23That's a good suggestion.
00:56:25All right, come on.
00:56:27I don't think taking your shoe off in the dark is a good idea.
00:56:29You'll have to step on something.
00:56:31Yes, well, I'll just meet that problem when I come to...
00:56:33What's the matter?
00:56:34I just came to it.
00:56:35Oh, I thought that would happen. What is it?
00:56:37It's sharp, pointy, and painful.
00:56:40It's the flip part of a flip-top can.
00:56:42Slobs in this city.
00:56:44Is it bleeding?
00:56:45Uh, ooh, just a little.
00:56:47But it's bleeding.
00:56:48Not bad.
00:56:49But it's bleeding!
00:56:50Yes, it's bleeding.
00:56:51Oh, my God, it's bleeding.
00:56:54All right, come on.
00:56:56You can't walk with a bleeding foot!
00:56:58Well, I would fly, but New York is fogged in.
00:57:01There's no need for sarcasm.
00:57:02Uh-huh, well, there's no need for bleeding either, but they both came out.
00:57:07George, could we please get out of this park?
00:57:09Yeah, with pleasure.
00:57:11George, what are you doing? Put me down!
00:57:13If you bleed, you'll get an infection.
00:57:14You get an infection, you have to go to the hospital.
00:57:16Only the hospitals are probably on strike like everyone else.
00:57:18So you can't walk, and I'm carrying you.
00:57:20George, you haven't eaten for 18 hours.
00:57:22Well, neither have you. You're not happy.
00:57:24Don't worry, Gwen, we'll make it. We'll make it.
00:57:26I'm not worried, George.
00:57:27When did I ever say I was worried?
00:57:29I never said that, did I?
00:57:32I can't make it, Gwen. I can't make it.
00:57:35Put me down, George. Put me down.
00:57:37We can't stop now.
00:57:38We've got to get you to the armory so they can get some sleep.
00:57:42I've got an interview at 9 o'clock.
00:57:44You'll rupture yourself, George.
00:57:46You already have an ulcer. Now put me down.
00:57:48Please, George.
00:57:52Five minutes.
00:57:54We just rest five minutes.
00:57:56George, there's no point in going on.
00:58:00Why don't we just try to sleep here?
00:58:02Here, in the open?
00:58:04Well, we could go underneath the tree.
00:58:06Now we do it with the kids all the time when we go camping.
00:58:10In a $200 tent.
00:58:12With a stove and some steaks and a record player.
00:58:16George, I can't walk and you can't carry me.
00:58:20And there are no buses or taxis
00:58:22and no car is going to stop to pick up bleeding strangers.
00:58:26It's not safe in the park at night.
00:58:28We have already been robbed and kidnapped.
00:58:30We have nothing to lose but four cents.
00:58:34Please, George.
00:58:35I suppose it rains again.
00:58:37I am so wet now, it can only make me drier.
00:58:40Well, it'll be light soon anyway.
00:58:44Oh, if I could only close my eyes for a couple of hours.
00:58:48Oh, oh.
00:58:49It's drier near the tree, George.
00:58:53Oh, girl.
00:58:55With our luck, we'll probably be attacked
00:58:57in the middle of the night by squirrels.
00:59:06Keep your body next to mine, George.
00:59:10It's warmer that way.
00:59:14Oh, they're going to pay for it.
00:59:17A lot of people are going to pay for this night.
00:59:21George, don't mumble.
00:59:22You just keep yourself awake.
00:59:24People were safer in the war.
00:59:26With bombs dropping, they were safer in the war.
00:59:29Go to sleep, George.
00:59:30You bet I will.
00:59:32Good night, George.
00:59:33Good night, Gwen.
00:59:38What time do you want me to wake you up?
00:59:40That won't be a problem, I promise you.
00:59:42Go to sleep.
00:59:44Good night, George.
00:59:45Good night.
00:59:59Good night.
01:00:30Oh, my God.
01:00:53My neck.
01:00:54My neck.
01:00:58My neck.
01:01:00Can't move my neck.
01:01:08Where are you, Gwen?
01:01:20Where are you?
01:01:45I found Cracker Jack on a bench.
01:01:49All right, get out.
01:01:53Hey, get out.
01:01:57Hey, dog, get out.
01:02:01He's hungry.
01:02:04You can't have it.
01:02:09It's our breakfast.
01:02:11Bye, dog.
01:02:17You can't have it!
01:02:19It's our breakfast!
01:02:20We need it more than you do!
01:02:26Get up!
01:02:27Come here!
01:02:30Get up!
01:02:32Come on!
01:02:33I can't, I can't!
01:02:43I can't!
01:02:44Oh my God!
01:02:49Dog should have been on a leash,
01:02:50there's no excuse for that.
01:02:51No excuse.
01:02:52Oh, I would have caught him,
01:02:53but I couldn't run past him in my shoes.
01:02:56Is your foot all right?
01:02:57It's better, but not all right.
01:03:02What's that?
01:03:03Oh, Dog's collar came off.
01:03:07Corky, owner, Mrs. Nancy Silverberg.
01:03:13OK, Corky, Mrs. Silverberg, attention, border, health.
01:03:18There's still a little left, George.
01:03:20Yeah, uh, why don't you eat it?
01:03:23You sure it's all right?
01:03:24I mean, you found it in a bench a dog's been at it.
01:03:27Oh, no, it's got dextrose and corn syrup
01:03:31and niacin.
01:03:32You need the energy, George.
01:03:34You eat it.
01:03:34Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.
01:03:36Heh, heh, heh.
01:03:42I was thinking, you could have been having your breakfast
01:03:46in bed this morning, huh?
01:03:49Orange juice and eggs and sausages and buttered toast
01:03:53with marmalade and a pot full of hot coffee.
01:03:59Instead, you've eaten stale cracker
01:04:02jack that a dog left over in an underpass in Central Park.
01:04:05And exactly where's my watch?
01:04:08Where's my what?
01:04:09Don't get excited, George.
01:04:10I'm not excited.
01:04:11Where's my watch?
01:04:12It just all happened so quickly.
01:04:14What happened so quickly?
01:04:15You said you wouldn't get excited.
01:04:17But that's before you said it all happened so quickly.
01:04:19Where's my watch?
01:04:21I gave it to a man in a black cape while you were sleeping.
01:04:27My watch?
01:04:28You gave my $200 watch to a man in a black cape.
01:04:32Because it looked like he had a knife under the black cape.
01:04:35That's why I told you it all happened so quickly.
01:04:40Why didn't you wake me up?
01:04:41Because I didn't want you to get
01:04:42knifed by a man in a black cape.
01:04:46You mean to tell me that I was mugged while I was
01:04:49sleeping by a man in a cape?
01:04:51I don't believe that.
01:04:54You were robbed while walking with a man with an umbrella.
01:04:57You believed that, didn't you?
01:05:00He didn't ask for any money?
01:05:02No, he didn't say anything.
01:05:03He just took the watch and ran.
01:05:04You mean he didn't ask you for the watch
01:05:07you just gave it to him?
01:05:08I had to.
01:05:09He had a knife under the cape.
01:05:11Did you see the knife?
01:05:13A man doesn't stand over you at 4 o'clock
01:05:16in the morning in a cape if he doesn't have a knife, does he?
01:05:20I don't know.
01:05:21It never came up before.
01:05:24I don't want to discuss it.
01:05:27Here are your shoes, Brad.
01:05:28I don't want me shoes.
01:05:29You wear them.
01:05:30I don't have an interview at 9 o'clock.
01:05:32You wear your shoes.
01:05:33I don't have a watch.
01:05:34I don't know what 9 o'clock is.
01:05:35I don't need the shoes.
01:05:41I don't want to wear or discuss your shoes.
01:05:51Eat your cracker, Jack.
01:05:57Oh, I'm sorry, George.
01:06:02I guess I must be a little irritable.
01:06:11I am sorry about your watch.
01:06:17George, I was thinking we could go to the Traveler's Aid
01:06:22They lend money to people who are stranded.
01:06:24We could find out where the office is,
01:06:26and we could walk right over there.
01:06:28What do you think, George?
01:06:32George, what do you think?
01:06:35I think I just busted a tooth.
01:06:39On the cracker, Jack?
01:06:41I must have swallowed the prize.
01:06:43I don't know.
01:06:44It felt like a little tin toy.
01:06:46Let me see.
01:06:47Right in the front.
01:06:48Right in the front of my mouth.
01:06:49The front tooth.
01:06:50There goes my smile.
01:06:51Oh, let me look.
01:06:52Maybe it's not busted.
01:06:53Oh, I can feel it with my tongue.
01:06:54It's busted.
01:06:55Can I look?
01:06:56Maybe it's not busted.
01:06:57You're right.
01:06:58It's busted.
01:07:00Well, that does it.
01:07:01Because I can't possibly.
01:07:02If I got money, if I got shaved, if I got my suit pressed,
01:07:05I could never get that job without a smile.
01:07:07Maybe we could find a dentist.
01:07:09He could cap it.
01:07:10For $0.04.
01:07:11We could ask Traveler's Aid.
01:07:12Hey, only aid travelers.
01:07:13They don't care about dentists.
01:07:15I'm just making suggestions now, George.
01:07:17I hear your shoes.
01:07:19Try to find a Traveler's Aid office.
01:07:22Do you hear that?
01:07:24Hear what?
01:07:25A whistling sound.
01:07:27Oh, I'm whistling through my broken tooth.
01:07:30I don't hear it.
01:07:31Oh, yeah, on the S's.
01:07:32I don't hear it.
01:07:33I hear it.
01:07:34It's a whistling sound.
01:07:36You think they're going to give the job to a man who can't
01:07:38smile and who talks with a whistle on his S's?
01:07:41Not on yours, sweetie.
01:07:43On his S's?
01:07:44Not on yours, sweet wife.
01:07:47OK, come on.
01:07:58Look at the sun.
01:07:59Must be 7, 730.
01:08:01I'll never make it.
01:08:02Not a chance.
01:08:03There's still time, George.
01:08:04You mustn't give up.
01:08:05I'm not giving up.
01:08:06I'm just saying I'll never make it.
01:08:07Giving up is when you can still make it, but you give up.
01:08:10George, wait a minute.
01:08:11We can't stop now.
01:08:12Look at the time.
01:08:13George, listen.
01:08:15Someone crying.
01:08:17Well, it's none of our business.
01:08:18Well, maybe someone's in trouble.
01:08:20Maybe it's the man with the black cape.
01:08:22He doesn't like my watch.
01:08:23Gwen, we got our own troubles.
01:08:24Oh, George.
01:08:31He's alone.
01:08:32Maybe he's lost.
01:08:34Maybe he's not lost.
01:08:35Maybe he's just alone.
01:08:36He wouldn't be crying.
01:08:37I'm going to go see.
01:08:40Here I come, sweetie.
01:08:44Oh, what's wrong here?
01:08:45Why all the crying?
01:08:47Where's your mommy and daddy?
01:08:48Where do you live?
01:08:51Soy feldito.
01:08:52I kill all mommy.
01:08:54Don't you speak English?
01:08:56He doesn't speak English, George.
01:08:57All right, there's nothing we can do.
01:08:58We'll have to wait until some Spanish-speaking people come
01:09:01We can't just leave him here.
01:09:02He'll be all right.
01:09:03Give him your broken heel to play with.
01:09:04Oh, George.
01:09:05The poor thing looks so hungry and frightened.
01:09:08George, you have got to do something.
01:09:12I chased a dog across Central Park to get a half a box of Cracker Jack.
01:09:16You expect me to feed a strange mouth?
01:09:18That's right.
01:09:19Go on.
01:09:20Become like everyone else in this city.
01:09:21Don't worry about anybody but yourself.
01:09:24You'll be late for your appointment.
01:09:26Oh, I'll stay here.
01:09:27It's all right.
01:09:28I'll stay here with you, don't you worry, little one.
01:09:31Tell him where you slept last night.
01:09:33Tell him what you had for breakfast.
01:09:34See how safe he feels.
01:09:35George, I don't know what's happened to you.
01:09:36I've never seen you like this before.
01:09:38I never saw you wearing my shoes before, but we're in trouble.
01:09:41I've got no money.
01:09:42I've got no luggage.
01:09:44I've got no hope for the future unless I'm at 38th and Park at 9 o'clock this morning.
01:09:48Sharp, clean, and alert.
01:09:50This is no time to be a foster parent.
01:09:52Yes, well, I'm not going to leave him.
01:09:54All right.
01:09:55All right.
01:10:09See if he's got any money on him.
01:10:12See if he's got any money in his pockets.
01:10:14Then we can call a traveler's aid and they'll send someone to take care of all of us.
01:10:17You want me to go looking through his pockets for money?
01:10:20A poor little Spanish boy, is that what you want?
01:10:22If he wants us to help him, he's got to help us.
01:10:24I'll do it.
01:10:25What if somebody sees you?
01:10:27Well, we'll just explain to them that their child is lost and we've only got four cents.
01:10:32So we were...
01:10:34I see what you mean.
01:10:36I'll do it in the bushes.
01:10:38Come on, little boy.
01:10:39I'm not going to hurt you.
01:10:40I'm just going to look for some money.
01:10:44You say that?
01:10:45My name is George and I'm your friend.
01:10:47Your friend, amigo, huh?
01:10:49Now, be a nice little boy.
01:10:51I just want to look in your pocket, see if you have a...
01:10:53You there!
01:10:54What are you doing with that little boy?
01:10:55Oh, I didn't see you there.
01:10:57There's nothing wrong.
01:10:58I'm a business executive from Ohio.
01:10:59My wife can verify that.
01:11:00Take your hands off that little boy!
01:11:02Oh, no.
01:11:03You have the wrong idea, you see.
01:11:05My child is lost and I was looking for money because I was mugged last night by a man in a black cape.
01:11:11Harvard in the park!
01:11:12Oh, no!
01:11:13No, please don't do that!
01:11:16Gwen, run!
01:11:17Gwen, just do what I tell you, run!
01:11:19Harvard in the park!
01:12:10Why didn't you just stop and explain?
01:12:14What I'm doing in the bushes with a little boy?
01:12:17With my hands in his pockets?
01:12:19They give me 10 to 20 years.
01:12:22I begged you to leave that kid alone.
01:12:24I did the right thing.
01:12:26That child was scared, didn't it?
01:12:30Well, right now, he's probably eating an ice cream cone and I'm a haunted place.
01:12:34He's probably eating an ice cream cone and I'm a haunted pervert.
01:12:37We better go out the west side.
01:12:39I don't think I can move.
01:12:41You chased a dog and you beat a horse.
01:12:43You're stronger than you think.
01:12:44Come on.
01:12:46George, you know, I promised I would call the children this morning.
01:12:50If they don't hear from me, they will be worried.
01:12:52Yeah, right now, they're eating a big bowl of rice krispies and bananas.
01:12:55Worry about us, will you?
01:12:56You haven't thought about them once since we left, have you?
01:13:00About their welfare, about their future.
01:13:02What's happened to us?
01:13:03Have you thought about our children once since we left, huh?
01:13:07In between the mugging and the kidnapping.
01:13:08Now, are you going to walk or are we going to stand here and have a PTA meeting?
01:13:12There's that tone of voice again.
01:13:13Ever since they lost our luggage, you have been sarcastic with me
01:13:16and whining and irritable and insensitive and intolerant.
01:13:21Oh, my God.
01:13:23My ring just came off.
01:13:25I just lost my ring.
01:13:28Now you lost your ring?
01:13:30I'm sorry.
01:13:31You'll do it when you're not in such a hurry.
01:13:33Look for my ring.
01:13:34How could it just slip off?
01:13:35I haven't had any food.
01:13:36My fingers are thinner.
01:13:38Oh, it's 14 years she hasn't taken her ring off and now she loses her ring.
01:13:42I heard that.
01:13:43Don't talk to me in the third person.
01:13:45I'm here in the first person.
01:13:46I'm not talking to you in the third person.
01:13:47I'm talking to myself in the second person.
01:13:49Anyway, what's the point in wearing a wedding ring when you always wear gloves?
01:13:52Well, what's the point in wearing socks when you always wear shoes?
01:13:55What's the point in arguing if my career is over at 9 o'clock?
01:14:01Go on.
01:14:02Go to your appointment, George.
01:14:04Don't you worry about me.
01:14:05I will just stay here on my hands and knees and scrape and dig down to the bone until I find my ring.
01:14:10We're running out of time.
01:14:11Now, it's only a $20 band of gold.
01:14:13If I get the job, I'll buy you 100 of them.
01:14:15Forget it.
01:14:17Forget it?
01:14:19Forget my wedding ring.
01:14:20I don't know.
01:14:21How can you say such a thing, George?
01:14:23How can you be so inhuman?
01:14:25It's my wedding ring.
01:14:26My wedding ring, George.
01:14:28I don't want another one.
01:14:29I want that one.
01:14:30The one you gave me.
01:14:31The one you put on my finger.
01:14:32Calm down, Gwen.
01:14:33I didn't mean anything by it.
01:14:36It is the only thing that I own that I really care about.
01:14:39Now, I'm not going to forget it.
01:14:41I'm not going to leave it.
01:14:42I don't care what you do or where you go.
01:14:45You're upset.
01:14:46I'm going to stay.
01:14:47That's right.
01:14:48I'm going to stay here and look for my wedding ring.
01:14:49All right.
01:14:50You're tired and you're upset.
01:14:51Leave me alone, George.
01:14:52I promise you, we're not going to go away.
01:14:53We're going to stay here until we...
01:14:54You leave me alone.
01:14:55Take your hands off of me.
01:14:56We'll stay here until we find the ring.
01:14:58What are you doing, family?
01:15:01Are you all right, lady?
01:15:02That's my husband, George.
01:15:04Are you all right?
01:15:06Why didn't she say something?
01:15:07I told you, never help nobody.
01:15:09It doesn't pay.
01:15:10Speak to me, George.
01:15:12I begged you to forget that ring.
01:15:14Where did he hit you, George?
01:15:16First time in the ribs.
01:15:17Second time in the same place.
01:15:19Is it your ribs?
01:15:21No, my knee.
01:15:22I'm kneeling on your ring.
01:15:24Oh, for heaven's sake.
01:15:27Thank you.
01:15:28Will you look at that?
01:15:29Well, I just feel better already.
01:15:46Can't you walk any faster?
01:15:48With no heels and torn shoes, George?
01:15:50I've worn through the bottom of my stocking.
01:15:52I'm down to bare skin.
01:15:54A bus.
01:15:55There's a bus.
01:15:56A strike must have been it.
01:15:57Run, Gwen, run.
01:15:58We don't have any money.
01:15:59It's a vehicle.
01:16:00They've got to take us.
01:16:21I thought Fischetti, huh?
01:16:23Well, Mr. Fischetti won't be driving a bus very long.
01:16:26I can promise you that.
01:16:29You should have sat down like I told you.
01:16:31Hey, when I had that nerd to throw us off, you were sitting.
01:16:36Yelling man is one thing.
01:16:37A sitting woman, that's something else.
01:16:41Why are you standing there?
01:16:42I'm finished, George.
01:16:44I can't take any more.
01:16:45I have no more strength.
01:16:47You mean you're just going to stand there forever?
01:16:50At 65th Street and Central Park West?
01:16:53Until I die or I'm rescued, whichever comes first.
01:16:57You mean you're giving up after you told me not to give up?
01:17:00Oh, you have to make your own decisions now, George.
01:17:04I chose giving up.
01:17:06Oh, come on, Gwen.
01:17:07You've got two children in Ohio to think about.
01:17:10Well, I'm not going to move from this spot until...
01:17:14What's the matter?
01:17:15I don't know. Listen.
01:17:17What is it?
01:17:19Sounds like a gas lane.
01:17:21George, get off us, for the love of...
01:17:23Get off!
01:17:24Do you hear me?
01:17:25Just get off of...
01:17:39George, are you all right?
01:17:42George, are you all right?
01:17:44George, are you all right?
01:18:13George, can you hear me now?
01:18:17Has the ringing stopped?
01:18:23The ringing hasn't stopped, but you can hear me?
01:18:26If you'd walked when I told you to walk,
01:18:28I wouldn't have been standing there.
01:18:30I can't hear again.
01:18:31Con Edison will pay for this.
01:18:33Say something.
01:18:36Say something. Just anything.
01:18:38I'm sorry.
01:18:39It wasn't my fault.
01:18:41My ankles were giving out,
01:18:42and my knees were beginning to go.
01:18:44I can only hear every other word.
01:18:46It's like a bad phone connection.
01:18:48It was the explosion.
01:18:49It'll clear up in a few minutes.
01:18:51It'll up a minute, is all I heard.
01:18:53George, stop it.
01:18:54You are getting me very nervous.
01:18:56George, it getting nervous.
01:18:58They're not going to give a vice presidency
01:19:00to a man who hears half of everything.
01:19:02We have important meetings.
01:19:03I'm supposed to listen to all of them.
01:19:05George, do you know where we are?
01:19:07What? What was the second part?
01:19:09Where we are now.
01:19:10It's a church.
01:19:11Maybe if we pray.
01:19:13Maybe if we pray very hard,
01:19:15we'll still be able to make it.
01:19:17Well, how are we going to make it
01:19:18if you stop to pray?
01:19:20What we need now is hope and courage.
01:19:23What I need now is a barber and a dentist.
01:19:26Gwen, Gwen.
01:19:41I don't mean to be disrespectful,
01:19:43but of all the times to go to church.
01:19:50We're closed.
01:19:52The church is closed?
01:19:54Yeah. I'm sorry.
01:19:55It's a TV rehearsal.
01:19:56We are televising Easter service on Sunday.
01:19:59Oh, well, my wife just wants to pray for five minutes.
01:20:02Won't be long.
01:20:03Hey, Mac, I understand,
01:20:05but I got my audience from the network, see?
01:20:07It's a closed TV rehearsal.
01:20:08There is no one allowed in this church until 2 o'clock, okay?
01:20:11What, you mean to say that my wife and I,
01:20:13who happen to be of this denomination,
01:20:15can't sit here and pray?
01:20:17Forget it, George.
01:20:18We'll go to another church.
01:20:19You stay there and keep praying.
01:20:21I'd like to see them stop you.
01:20:23There is no public praying until 2 o'clock.
01:20:26We won't need praying at 2 o'clock.
01:20:27We need it now.
01:20:28Hey, look, Mac, I don't want to argue with you.
01:20:30My orders are to keep everyone out of this church
01:20:32until 2 o'clock, okay?
01:20:33Until things are set up.
01:20:34Now, we got wires and stuff here you could get hurt.
01:20:36In other words,
01:20:37you're denying my divine rights
01:20:39to worship the God of my choice
01:20:41in the house of the Lord of my desired faith.
01:20:43Yeah, until 2 o'clock,
01:20:44when you get your divine rights back.
01:20:46I see.
01:20:47Can I have your name, please?
01:20:49Yeah, my name is Lenny.
01:20:50Lenny Moyes. Moyes.
01:20:51Forget it, George.
01:20:52Forget it?
01:20:53I can forget my watch, my luggage, my money.
01:20:54I am not gonna forget my divine rights.
01:20:58Okay, Mr. Moyes.
01:21:00Uh, please let your network people know
01:21:02they can expect a letter from my legal people.
01:21:04Come on, Gwen.
01:21:05Mr. Moyes, don't know if you're a religious man,
01:21:07but if I were you at 2 o'clock,
01:21:08I'd start praying for my job.
01:21:13Come on.
01:21:18George, what are we doing wrong?
01:21:20We can't ride.
01:21:21We can't walk.
01:21:22We can't eat.
01:21:23We can't pray.
01:21:24Well, we can think.
01:21:25As long as we got our brains, we can think.
01:21:27Oh, they'll get that too, George.
01:21:28You'll see.
01:21:29Stop talking like that.
01:21:30We're not licked yet.
01:21:31Yes, we are.
01:21:33We're licked, George.
01:21:35We surrender, New York.
01:21:36You win.
01:21:37We don't surrender.
01:21:39We don't surrender.
01:21:41You hear that, New York?
01:21:42We don't quit.
01:21:44Now, how do you like that?
01:21:48You go ahead and you can rob me and starve me
01:21:51and break my teeth and my wife's ankles.
01:21:53I'm not leaving.
01:21:56You're just a city.
01:21:58George, somebody will hear you.
01:22:00Well, I'm a person,
01:22:01and persons are stronger than cities.
01:22:03This is George Kellerman talking.
01:22:07And you're not getting away with anything.
01:22:09I got all your names and your addresses.
01:22:12Gwen, we're riding in a car to the Waldorf,
01:22:15and they're going to give us a luggage and a room
01:22:17and a nice hot bath and a decent meal.
01:22:20And I'm through fooling around.
01:22:22How, George?
01:22:23How will we get there?
01:22:25I'll show you how.
01:22:34Will you help us, please?
01:22:36My wife can't walk, and we're both weak,
01:22:38and we've got to get to the Waldorf Astoria.
01:22:41You got any decency as a human being,
01:22:43any compassion, you won't leave us here.
01:23:04God bless you, sir.
01:23:06You know what my wife and I have been through?
01:23:09Oh, you wouldn't believe it.
01:23:11Mr. and Mrs. George Kellerman from out of town,
01:23:14Manuel Vargas.
01:23:15I am from out of town, too.
01:23:18Oh, really?
01:23:19Here on business?
01:23:20Just arrived.
01:23:22I am the new delegate of Cuba to the United Nations.
01:23:26Oh, imagine that.
01:23:27Didn't you know the first person who's been nice to us
01:23:29is another out-of-towner?
01:23:31Our Cuban mission is on 66th and Park.
01:23:34I will get off there, and my chauffeur will
01:23:36take you to your destination.
01:23:40Creo que está listo.
01:23:42Oh, don't you see?
01:23:44It's not ready yet.
01:23:45Oh, I see.
01:23:47Oh, it's ready.
01:23:48Oh, I see.
01:24:08I think it's dangerous.
01:24:38Bastard! Bastard!
01:24:43What is the police?
01:24:44We were promised police protection.
01:24:50George, don't you think they're having a say? Can't you do something?
01:24:53Don't panic! It's just a demonstration.
01:24:55And then they're gonna kill us! Look at their faces!
01:24:57Try not to look afraid. That's what they want.
01:24:59Show no fear.
01:25:00All right.
01:25:02Wait, George. Just wave your hand nicely.
01:25:38Oh, what the hell are you doing here?
01:25:52Come on! Come on! Come on!
01:25:54I'm still not talking to you from last night. Get us out of here.
01:25:57Come on!
01:25:59They're taking pictures! It'll be on television!
01:26:02Communists! My whole career is over!
01:26:04I'm blocking out! Somebody help me! I'm blocking out!
01:26:08Don't pull! Please, don't pull!
01:26:10Oh, my God! My straps are broken!
01:26:38What time is it?
01:26:42Five minutes after eight.
01:26:45We can still make it, Gwen. We've still got a chance.
01:26:48George, I really think I'm gonna pass out.
01:26:51No, you're not. Gwen, wait till we get to the hotel. You can pass out there.
01:26:55No, I'm gonna pass out here. I'm dizzy. I'm gonna faint. I can tell.
01:27:00No, you're not, Gwen. You're not.
01:27:02I am. Watch.
01:27:04She passed out.
01:27:08Five after eight, and she passes out.
01:27:12Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.
01:27:35Four, seven, one, nine, one, eight, oh, two, nine.
01:27:37Those are two batch numbers I'm not forgetting.
01:27:39Thank you very much.
01:27:41What are you thanking him for, deserting us? Will you stop thanking everybody? Excuse me.
01:27:54Now, listen, my name is George Kellerman. I was here last night.
01:27:58Look, I'd better not have any trouble with you.
01:28:02I see you made it.
01:28:03Just got here myself.
01:28:04I stayed in Boston last night.
01:28:051421, Mr. Cooper.
01:28:06Well, they held a room for you, huh?
01:28:08Sure, just wired ahead.
01:28:09What about you?
01:28:11Same thing.
01:28:12Well, see you around sometime.
01:28:14Yeah, see you.
01:28:18He'll be foggy again, he'll still be in Boston.
01:28:21Now, can I help you, sir?
01:28:22Yes, my name is George Kellerman.
01:28:24Oh, yes, Mr. Kellerman. One moment, please.
01:28:26Oh, don't tell me one moment, please. I don't have one moment.
01:28:30I was told to come here this morning, and if I don't get the room, I...
01:28:33We have your room, Mr. Kellerman, suite 927.
01:28:35I was just getting a message that was left for you.
01:28:38Things certainly have eased up since the transit strike was settled.
01:28:41Ah, here we are.
01:28:42Your luggage arrived from the airport and was sent up to your room.
01:28:45Now, if you'll just sign the register.
01:28:47They finally settled.
01:28:48They knew they were going to settle.
01:28:49Why didn't they settle yesterday?
01:28:51Are you all right, ma'am?
01:28:52Well, does she look all right?
01:28:53Do you know what this woman has been through?
01:28:55Do you have any idea?
01:28:56Tell him later, George.
01:28:57Help me now.
01:28:58Could I have a bellboy to help me with my wife, please?
01:29:02Don't worry, Gwen.
01:29:03You're going to get hot food in the bath and tape for your ankles.
01:29:05Help Mrs. Kellerman to 927.
01:29:07Yes, sir.
01:29:11I'm so humiliated.
01:29:12It'll all be in the lawsuit.
01:29:14Murray, the humiliation, everything.
01:29:25Put her on the bed.
01:29:31Somebody turn on the bath.
01:29:33What time is it?
01:29:3417 minutes to 9.
01:29:3517 minutes.
01:29:36I got 17 minutes to eat and dress and shave.
01:29:40Where's my suitcase?
01:29:41On the rack, sir.
01:29:42Will that be all, sir?
01:29:45Oh, you're waiting for a tip.
01:29:46All I got is four cents, four pennies, and that's it.
01:29:48I mean, if you're interested, you can have them.
01:29:50But otherwise, thank you very much.
01:29:52Right, sir.
01:29:53The bath.
01:29:54Please turn on the bath.
01:29:55Oh, you can have a bath when I leave.
01:29:57Call room service.
01:29:58Get hot food for two people.
01:30:00Tell them I only got 17 minutes.
01:30:04Hello, may I have room service in a hurry, please?
01:30:07I have no feeling in the lower third of my body.
01:30:09You hear me, George?
01:30:11What's wrong, George?
01:30:13It's locked.
01:30:15The suitcase is locked.
01:30:17Why don't you open it with the key?
01:30:18What key?
01:30:19The key that you keep in your wallet that opens the suitcase that...
01:30:23Oh, my God.
01:30:25You don't have the key.
01:30:27Murray has the key.
01:30:29In there is a clean shirt and a razor and shaving cream.
01:30:32And out there is a crook with glasses and my key.
01:30:36Oh, please.
01:30:37Please, if there's any justice, let Murray get mugged by the man who took my watch.
01:30:41Can't you break it open with a knife?
01:30:43You know what that suitcase is called, huh?
01:30:45Diplomatic courier.
01:30:47It's for couriers with important papers for diplomats.
01:30:49Can't get it open with a hand grenade.
01:30:51How about a locksmith?
01:30:52In 17 minutes, he'd have to feed me and shave me while he's opening the suitcase.
01:30:56But it's the last time that I buy good luggage, I tell you.
01:30:59Never again. Never again.
01:31:00Hello? Hello, room service.
01:31:02Is it possible to get hot food in 10 minutes?
01:31:05It's not possible to get hot food in 10 minutes.
01:31:07At least an hour.
01:31:09Thank you, Bill.
01:31:10At least an hour, George.
01:31:11There's a convention in the hotel.
01:31:13I hope it's morticians, because I may kill somebody.
01:31:15Oh, George, why don't you just call them and tell them you'll be a few minutes late?
01:31:18I'm sure they'll understand.
01:31:20There's no room for lateness in a company that makes plastic precision instruments.
01:31:24Nine o'clock beans.
01:31:25Nine o'clock.
01:31:27Any slob can show up at 10 o'clock.
01:31:30Damn it, I'm going to be there by nine.
01:31:32I want this job more than anything in the world.
01:31:35A little obstacle like New York City is not going to stop me.
01:31:39You hear me?
01:31:40You hear me?
01:31:41They got my money, they got my watch, they got my tooth.
01:31:43They didn't stop me, did they?
01:31:44They didn't stop me.
01:31:45You want something in this life bad enough, nothing can stop you, right?
01:31:48Right? Is that right?
01:31:49I'll be back in one hour.
01:31:51I'm going to beat the vice president and try his sales in the New York division.
01:31:54Oh, my God.
01:32:00Ann, I want to tell you something.
01:32:04No matter what happens, thank you, love, for standing by me.
01:32:08I just want you to be happy, too.
01:32:10God, your beard, your beard.
01:32:12I'm sorry, excuse me.
01:32:14It's getting worse.
01:32:15Yes, it's getting worse.
01:32:25A basket of fruits are compliments of the manager.
01:32:27Good, let me have an apple.
01:32:33A big banana.
01:32:35Thank you.
01:32:54Thank you.
01:33:05Mr. Kellerman is here, Mr. Drexel.
01:33:08Send him in.
01:33:09Yes, sir.
01:33:10You may go in, Mr. Kellerman.
01:33:16Thank you.
01:33:24Come in.
01:33:30I'm Kellerman.
01:33:32Oh, uh, well, Kellerman, 9 o'clock on the dot.
01:33:36To tell you the truth, with all the transit trouble we've had,
01:33:38I didn't expect to see you here on time.
01:33:41Oh, it's no problem, sir.
01:33:43A couple of minor inconveniences.
01:33:48Yes, sir?
01:33:50A couple of minor inconveniences.
01:34:07They want me.
01:34:08Vice presidency, double the salary.
01:34:10Company car, they'll find us an apartment,
01:34:12any neighborhood we want,
01:34:13and our choice of schools for the kids,
01:34:15our private schools.
01:34:16And we've got two seats for all the New York Giants
01:34:18and a season subscription to the ballet.
01:34:20They're crazy about me.
01:34:21Broken tooth and all.
01:34:23What did you say, George?
01:34:24What did I say?
01:34:26What do you think I said?
01:34:28I don't know, George.
01:34:30I was hoping you would say no.
01:34:32I was hoping you would say that you and your wife
01:34:35don't really belong in New York.
01:34:37You wanted to live the rest of your life in Ohio,
01:34:40but you never wanted to see a big city again
01:34:42as long as you live.
01:34:44You don't want to live here or in Chicago or San Francisco
01:34:49or New Orleans or Paris or any other place
01:34:51where people have to live on top of each other
01:34:54and they don't have enough room to walk or to breathe
01:34:56or to smile at each other.
01:34:58You don't want to step on garbage in the streets
01:35:00or be attacked by dogs
01:35:02or have to give away watches in the middle of your sleep
01:35:05to men in black capes
01:35:07that you were through traveling on trains
01:35:10that had no place to sit and no food to eat.
01:35:13You didn't want to fly in airplanes that have no place to land
01:35:16and no luggage for you when you land there.
01:35:18You wish you'd never came here.
01:35:20The only thing in the world you really wanted
01:35:22was to pick up your wife and carry her to the airport
01:35:27and fly home
01:35:29and live happily ever after.
01:35:32That's what I was hoping you would say, George.
01:35:36That's funny.
01:35:39That's what I told him,
01:35:41word for word.
01:35:59Coffee or tea with your dinner?
01:36:01Nothing at all?
01:36:02No, thank you.
01:36:03We're going to have a big meal with our family as soon as we get in.
01:36:05Will we be getting in on time?
01:36:07My children are waiting at the airport.
01:36:09Oh, well, we anticipate no delays.
01:36:11We'll be landing in another 40 minutes.
01:36:13Thank you.
01:36:14Will you stop worrying? We're going home.
01:36:16Well, I won't feel better till I'm back in my own house.
01:36:21George, could I please have a cup of coffee?
01:36:25It won't spoil my dinner.
01:36:27You can't relax.
01:36:28You've been a nervous wreck this whole trip.
01:36:33Excuse me, could I get by, please?
01:36:35Sit down.
01:36:36I beg your pardon?
01:36:37I said sit down.
01:36:38You don't understand.
01:36:39I want to go in there.
01:36:40You go where I tell you to go.
01:36:42Now, everybody, sit down and be quiet.
01:36:44This plane is going to Havana, Cuba.
01:36:51Oh, my God.
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