TPZ S4 Episode 10 - Title : Unseen & Unspoken

  • 9 months ago

Melaka has been declared a heritage city. This declaration made by UNESCO allows many of Melaka's attractions to be protected.

Being an old city, means having very old sites and buildings. Being such, these buildings have its own histories and backstories. One example is the Capital Theater. Built in the 30s and today a mere dilapidated ruins.

One of the oldest areas of the city is the district of Tranquiera – a Portuguese word for Tranquility. Today Tranqueira connects to a place called Klebang where you will find some of the oldest mansions.

Li Kim will explore one of these mansions named Nam Hoe with a local master. Built in 1927, the building has been emptied for over a decade. Even though it is left in ruins, this huge mansion is still one of the most beautiful in this area.