• 2 years ago
The United Nations has '17 Sustainable Development Goals' as part of its Agenda 2030 adopted back in 2015. In September 2023, a summit was held where the UN pushed for the acceleration of the goals and many were not progressing as the UN wanted them to. Are these goals consistent with what Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum, the Vatican (in Pope Francis' Laudato Si encyclical) and Lynn Rothschild's Council for Inclusive Capitalism have called for? Might this all be leading to some type of a totalitarian globalist system? Are parts of the goals good? Are some of the goals unattainable according to the Bible? Has the UN been pushing toward a global system of governance? Will a totalitarian system result in utopia before Jesus returns and ushers in the millennial Kingdom of God? Could the year 2030 be relevant? Dr. Thiel and Steve Dupuie discuss these matters and more.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'DW: UN warns world way off track to meeting 2030 goals' URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/prophecy/dw-un-warns-world-way-off-track-to-meeting-2030-goals/
