Doctor Who: New 60th Anniversary Trailer Breakdown & Things You Missed!

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Doctor Who: New 60th Anniversary Trailer Breakdown & Things You Missed!
00:00 Have we all calmed down from that premiere yet?
00:02 'Cause I haven't, so it's happened.
00:03 The trailer for the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Special
00:07 has dropped.
00:08 It's two and a half minutes and I needed a minute.
00:12 I needed a minute and a bit more to go through
00:14 because it looks awesome.
00:17 Clearly, Bad Wolf is throwing everything in the kitchen sink
00:21 at this, certainly in terms of set design,
00:24 in terms of VFX, and in terms of just making us all happy.
00:28 So I'm looking forward to that
00:29 and probably breaking our hearts as well.
00:30 Now, there's quite a few shots in this trailer
00:33 that we've seen in different contexts before,
00:35 so there is a little bit of repeating,
00:37 but I think it works in the context
00:39 of getting the excitement of.
00:40 So we get shots of, say, the noble house exploding.
00:44 We get London at night with a lovely shot of the Shard,
00:47 which I'll talk about again in a second.
00:49 And then you have Donna with echoes of the Doctor.
00:52 She's talking to Sylvia and she's like,
00:54 "Every now and again, I get these dreams
00:57 that I've forgotten something lovely."
00:58 And I lie in bed and I think, "What have I lost?"
01:00 And of course, this is intercut with footage
01:03 of David Tennant as the 14th Doctor.
01:05 We get a couple of shots of the Doctor running through
01:08 what looks like someone's kicked through a wall.
01:10 And then we get a shot of Donna,
01:13 but it looks like she's kind of surprised by something.
01:15 Her hair is a tiny bit different.
01:17 And I will, again, come back to that one now
01:19 in a second as well.
01:20 So the TARDIS appears.
01:22 We've seen this scene since the trailer
01:24 from "The Power of the Doctor,"
01:25 the TARDIS appearing in this alleyway in presumably London.
01:28 And then you have the Doctor and Donna in the streets.
01:31 The Doctor turns around.
01:32 Donna's holding a bunch of boxes,
01:33 and I bet you anything the Doctor lifts them off
01:35 and they see each other.
01:36 The Doctor recognizes Donna.
01:38 Donna doesn't recognize the Doctor.
01:40 Quick shot then of the Doctor with nice sticky-up hair
01:43 and his brainy specks explaining to Ruth Madley's
01:47 Shirley Ann Bingham, he used to have a friend called Donna
01:50 and he had to wipe her memories to save her life.
01:52 So there you go.
01:53 There's your little bit of backstory.
01:54 We all know this, of course.
01:55 So he's explaining the story of Donna to her.
01:58 On this, in this few shots of Ruth Madley in this trailer,
02:02 the only thing we really know so far
02:04 is the character's name, Shirley Ann Bingham,
02:06 and the fact that she's gonna be working with,
02:08 or seemingly she's gonna be working with,
02:10 Unit from this point on.
02:13 Now, producer Phil Collinson teased
02:16 that Shirley was going to be an important part
02:18 of this new Hooniverse going forward.
02:21 That might suggest that we're gonna see a lot of her.
02:23 It might suggest that she's gonna have a big role
02:26 in this story.
02:27 Now, the Doctor's explaining to, presumably Shirley Ann,
02:29 that we have to, basically, it's hard to hide things
02:34 when stuff is happening right in front of Donna's nose.
02:37 And we see the Doctor and Rose,
02:40 Yasmin Finney's new character,
02:41 watching the ship coming down out of the atmosphere
02:45 and, as he describes it,
02:47 crashing in front of her front door.
02:49 Yeah, that would be quite difficult
02:51 to kind of hide from Donna.
02:52 But then again, remember when the Raknoths
02:54 were flying over London and it got shot down by,
02:57 you know, the army and she just slept it out?
02:59 Bit harder to sleep it out, though,
03:00 when Beep the Meep, being played by
03:03 the wonderful Miriam Margulies, is in her shed.
03:07 We get that great scene of Donna going forward
03:09 and just poking Beep the Meep in the eye.
03:11 Now, obviously, to me, this is a massive reference to E.T.,
03:15 when, of course, E.T. hides in the closet
03:17 with all of the different teddies as well.
03:19 Whereas Donna and Rose are there
03:21 and, as I'm sure you would if you get poked in the eye,
03:25 Beep goes, "Ah!"
03:26 And Donna goes, "What the hell?"
03:28 And the next thing, then, you have the Doctor
03:30 running in the door to save the day
03:32 and Sylvia roundhouses him,
03:34 which I just thought was hilarious.
03:36 Not the fact that I find violence funny, no.
03:38 It's the fact that the character arc
03:41 that we've seen Sylvia go through
03:43 from her very first appearance to this one,
03:46 which is clearly here, she's doing everything she can
03:48 to protect Donna, who, if she sees the Doctor,
03:52 all of her memories will come back
03:53 and her head will explode,
03:55 unless there's another failsafe in there.
03:58 It's very interesting to note here
03:59 that everything seems to be, of course, centering on Donna.
04:02 And the Doctor does say that
04:04 if the Doctor were to believe in destiny,
04:06 destiny was converging on Don Noble,
04:08 because, look, we've got Beep the Meep
04:09 has landed in Donna's shed.
04:11 You've got the Rarth soldiers
04:13 are converging on the Noble House.
04:15 You've got the unit soldiers
04:16 are there to fight the Rarth soldiers.
04:19 And then, of course, you've got the Doctor there as well.
04:23 You also have the Doctor with some sort of cool force field,
04:25 like bulletproof technology at one point.
04:28 It's a blink and you'll miss it moment.
04:30 But the Doctor's holding out his hand
04:32 and he's stopping whether it's bullets,
04:35 whether it's like laser fire from the Rarth.
04:38 It's hard to tell.
04:39 All we know is that apparently, Doctor's gonna be fine.
04:43 Now, we get the appearance,
04:46 which again, we've seen this scene before
04:47 of Neil Patrick Harris,
04:49 but it has been officially confirmed via the BBC
04:54 and Doctor Who that he is playing the Celestial Toymaker.
04:58 Delighted, right, delighted,
04:59 because it was gonna start getting awkward
05:02 if I had kept insisting it was the Celestial Toymaker
05:04 and then actually it turned out
05:06 it wasn't the Celestial Toymaker at all.
05:07 So it is, it's confirmed.
05:09 Now, you know the way during all of season three
05:14 of Doctor Who, we had those
05:16 Vote Saxon posters in the background.
05:18 Well, there's no Vote Saxon posters here,
05:20 but there is room 47.
05:23 What does that mean?
05:24 Probably nothing.
05:26 Definitely don't need to think about that.
05:28 There is an absolute blink and you'll miss it moment
05:33 of Donna standing in daylight
05:36 and it's just at the very bottom of the frame.
05:39 It's what looks like
05:43 this kind of a hat that we know Wilf will be wearing
05:47 in a wheelchair at some point from set photos.
05:50 So while there is no Wilf in the rest of this trailer
05:55 and he's very conspicuous in his absence,
05:58 there is, you know, at least there is one shot
06:00 where Donna will be with Wilf.
06:01 So interesting to see why he's being excluded.
06:05 So is it that there is only a tiny amount of footage
06:08 or is it that his role is so important
06:11 that they don't want to give anything away?
06:13 Then we get, sorry, I love this scene.
06:15 There's this indent in, I'm guessing again,
06:18 the Rarth ship of where the TARDIS was,
06:21 because we get a shot of that later in the trailer
06:23 and Donna turns to the Doctor and says,
06:25 "Something is so scary that the TARDIS ran away."
06:30 And the Doctor goes, "Pretty much, yeah."
06:32 And the Donna just goes, "Well, let's go kick its arse then."
06:36 I'm assuming she means kick the arse
06:38 of the thing that scared the TARDIS, but you never know.
06:40 She could mean she's gonna kick the TARDIS' arse.
06:43 She's Donna, she's unpredictable.
06:44 We then get a shot of the Doctor,
06:47 and as we find out, Donna and presumably Shirley-Anne Bingham
06:52 who also might be waiting for them at the top of the tower.
06:55 In a helicopter behind it,
06:56 you've got a helicopter carrying the TARDIS.
06:59 For me, this is clear echoes of the 50th anniversary,
07:02 which effectively opens with Unit rescuing the TARDIS
07:06 by picking it up with a helicopter
07:08 and flying it to Unit Base.
07:10 I find that to be completely...
07:13 I think it's definite echoes of that, right?
07:16 And also because when the Doctor greets Kate,
07:19 it's with a lot of happiness.
07:21 "Kate, let's bring Stuart!"
07:22 He's obviously already buddied up with Donna at this point.
07:24 That is the one thing we do not know.
07:27 There's been nothing given away
07:28 as to how that Donna hasn't died seeing him.
07:31 So I do believe that we're gonna get some explanation
07:34 very early doors in the episode,
07:37 especially to have so much footage of them together
07:39 in this trailer.
07:40 But yes, they are now at the Unit Base.
07:42 So I mentioned earlier about the Shard.
07:44 Now I thought, when you look at it,
07:46 that this clearly inspired by Stark Tower
07:49 or Avengers Tower,
07:50 I thought it was actually a souped up,
07:51 kind of like a top's been stuck on the Shard,
07:53 but actually no, because we do see a later shot
07:58 where from the top of this building,
08:00 you can look out over London
08:01 and the Shard is over on the left-hand side.
08:03 So yes, you've got the Doctor goes, "Hello, Kate!"
08:06 You've got Donna there.
08:07 You've got Shirley and Bingham there.
08:10 And also I would like to say a very big hello
08:12 to the soldier who's standing right behind the Doctor
08:14 in this scene.
08:15 Hey, how you doing?
08:17 I mentioned Room 47 a moment ago.
08:20 Could be something, could be nothing.
08:22 Interesting then that the tail of the helicopter
08:26 is marked with the number 47 as well.
08:29 Here's where my inner Trekkie is coming out.
08:31 You see, the number 47 has been a very important number
08:35 in Star Trek history, at least since the next generation.
08:38 I mean, it's one of those recurring jokes
08:41 that the number 47 turns up all the time in Star Trek.
08:46 It's not like the Enterprise is 1701.
08:48 It's not like that.
08:49 It's in just, keep your eye out, honestly.
08:51 You will see the number 47 everywhere in Star Trek
08:54 for the last 30 years.
08:56 And now we have two call-outs to 47 straight away.
08:59 Either this is because Russell D. Davis
09:02 is just embellishing his inner Trekkie,
09:05 or perhaps the number 47 is going to play
09:09 a very important role in this 60th.
09:13 That's true, we can confirm right now
09:15 that all 47 Doctors are going to appear in this.
09:18 No, it's not.
09:19 There is chaos across the streets of London,
09:22 as, sorry, tends to happen when the Doctor shows up.
09:25 And then you have the TARDIS beginning to take off,
09:27 leaving Sylvia, Rose, and,
09:31 I'm not sure how long he's gonna be in it for,
09:32 but Sean Temple is there as well.
09:35 Sean Temple Noble is there as well.
09:38 So they seem to be left behind because Rose is going, "Mom!"
09:40 So at this point, I reckon the Doctor and Donna
09:43 have gone off in the TARDIS.
09:45 Now, then we get the reference to,
09:46 "Something has entered this world."
09:48 We see a glowing portal,
09:50 and then we're into the Toymaker's shop.
09:53 It looks to me that the Toymaker and the 14th Doctor
09:57 are dressed, at least in this scene, very similarly.
10:01 Like that waistcoat that they're both wearing
10:03 looks to be an almost identical pattern.
10:06 And, you know, as we know,
10:08 at the end of "The Power of the Doctor,"
10:10 when the 13th Doctor was regenerating into the 14th,
10:13 the clothes changed as well.
10:15 Now, look, I know Russell T. Davis came out
10:16 and said that it was because he didn't want to have a scene
10:20 where David Tennant appeared in Jodie Whittaker's outfit.
10:23 There's been a lot of discourse about that online.
10:26 But I'm wondering if there is either a retroactive reason
10:31 for regenerating into these clothes
10:35 or something to do with that.
10:36 Because so that could be it.
10:38 Just the fact that they're in such similar clothes
10:40 could be something, it could be absolutely nothing.
10:43 We get a quick shot of the Doctor hugging Donna,
10:45 and then it goes to the Doctor going,
10:49 in a very, very dramatic way, "Why does it have to be this?"
10:52 Now, already, we've got a couple of theories for this.
10:56 So the first one,
10:58 it seems to be some sort of sealed room.
11:00 Is this another radiation chamber?
11:03 Is this how the 14th Doctor is going to regenerate?
11:06 I would be somewhat annoyed as well.
11:08 It's like, "Oh, seriously,
11:09 what is it with this face and radiation?
11:11 What's that about?"
11:12 Or why does it have to be this?
11:14 Does he have to sacrifice Donna?
11:16 Now, the reason I say that is because a little bit later on,
11:19 he says to Donna,
11:21 "I don't know if I can save your life this time,
11:24 but I'm actually going to say,
11:26 I think that line comes before
11:30 they jump into the TARDIS together.
11:32 I think that's where that scene comes from."
11:35 And I think Donna being Donna,
11:36 she probably just goes, "Okay."
11:38 You know, it was like, "Look, if the threat is big enough,
11:42 then what does this matter?"
11:43 We saw her second episode, we saw that.
11:46 Fires of Pompeii, well, third episode, really.
11:48 Fires of Pompeii.
11:50 She thought she was sacrificing her life
11:51 for the greater good.
11:52 So yeah, I believe that is something
11:53 Donna would absolutely do.
11:55 So that's another theory.
11:56 Another theory that I'm just coming up with on the spot
11:58 that I don't think is going to pan out anywhere,
12:01 but we've seen nothing of Wilf.
12:04 What if Wilf has to do a switcheroo
12:05 and Wilf ends up sacrificing himself
12:07 to save the Doctor's life?
12:09 But I don't think that's going to happen for two reasons.
12:11 One is that that's a lot to ask poor Bernard Cribbens to do.
12:15 And obviously he was not a spring chicken
12:17 when they were filming.
12:18 And second of all, to do a big bait and switch like that
12:20 and sacrifice somebody's life,
12:21 and then, 'cause we know the Doctor has to regenerate.
12:25 I don't think they're going to do that.
12:26 So, sorry, theory that Sean came up with on the spot.
12:29 No, the Doctor goes through another door
12:32 and it reveals this giant Neil Patrick Harris Toymaker
12:35 as a marionette master.
12:37 And I think that there's going to be a lot of head trippy
12:40 stuff going on with the Celestio Toymaker.
12:42 For example, we see the Doctor and Donna running along
12:44 a corridor that's clearly in the Toymaker's shop,
12:47 'cause you can see those playing card lights
12:49 on the walls as well,
12:50 as the corridor behind them starts to collapse.
12:52 There's a scene where the Doctor's really breaking down
12:55 and kind of hitting the walls or something.
12:56 I definitely think he loses someone important,
13:00 particularly when, you know, the very next scene,
13:01 you have the Toymaker turns around on this,
13:05 looks like an anti-aircraft gun
13:07 and really kind of like,
13:09 that kind of like British biplane kind of outfit as well.
13:13 That's incidentally where we see the Shard right behind him.
13:16 This is on the top of the unit building.
13:18 He's pointed the gun at the Doctor,
13:18 and the Doctor's saying, you know,
13:20 your problem's with me, 'cause behind him is Kate, Donna,
13:23 you've got Shirley, and also just because you can see
13:26 reflections and you can see there's more people
13:28 standing there as well.
13:29 Then we have worldwide premiere,
13:32 and that shot we'd seen before of the Celestio Toymaker
13:34 throwing rose petals into the sky.
13:38 And then we get the wonderful shot of Shutee Gatwa's
13:42 15th Doctor in, if you look closely,
13:46 what seems to be his series outfit.
13:50 It doesn't seem to be the regeneration outfit.
13:52 In fact, I'm 99% sure it isn't his regeneration outfit.
13:56 I am really excited by this trailer.
13:58 I have to say, I think it's gonna be a lot of fun.
14:00 I think it's gonna be back to basics, RTD,
14:04 Crash Bang Wallop, Doctor Who.
14:06 I'm really, really excited.
14:08 I can't wait to share this and start going through it
14:11 with you, the audience as well.
14:13 You're awesome, you're wonderful.
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14:18 We're this close to 150,000 subscribers,
14:20 so thank you very much.
14:21 We might have a little surprise at 150,000.
14:24 Who knows?
14:25 Who knows?
14:26 You'll have to subscribe to find out.
14:27 Thank you so much to the wonderful Danny for editing this,
14:30 and thank you so much to his wonderful wife, Sophie,
14:32 who is so forgiving, so forgiving.
14:35 You're all awesome, you're brilliant, you're great.
14:39 Follow us on all the socials,
14:40 and we will bring you news as we see it.
14:42 We're getting close now, folks.
14:45 We're getting close.
14:46 You're all awesome.
14:47 Keep things wibbly wobbly, and I'll see you soon.
