Newcastle Williamtown Air Show 2023 update

  • last year
00:00 people will be able to get up close to the fighter aircraft like the F-35 and the E-7
00:05 Wedge that are isolated out by the Sky Aircraft.
00:09 We'll also have a range of cargo aircraft, maritime control aircraft and a lot of war
00:15 birds from our heritage fleets and from fighter welding between here and Wintertown.
00:20 We'll also have in addition to the aircraft all the people in the military, people to
00:25 talk to and mingle with the crowd and talk about our jobs, roles and experiences.
00:30 And then we'll have about 50 exhibitions in an area of grounds planes, virtual ground
00:36 lease simulators of fighter aircraft and helicopters, and a lot of actual aviation scene from the
00:43 F-35 fighter aircraft.
00:46 And some of the weekend aircraft from the F-35 military and the F-17.
00:52 And then from the F-17.
00:55 We'll have a great range of virtual reality simulators.
01:08 We'll also have science and technology, we'll have science and industry, we'll have space
01:16 and biomedicine simulators for satellite launches and satellite recoveries and things like that
01:22 in the airtime experience.
01:24 We'll have the Air Force and the Navy Cadets here.
01:27 And some of those will be in their own bands, the Air Force and the Army bands.
01:32 We'll also have one of my favourites, the Bones and Drones zones, which is the military
01:36 walking dog arena and the flying drones.
01:39 So we'll have some drone racing here and also cable model aircraft racing in that Bones
01:44 and Drones area.
01:45 So it'll be fantastic.
01:46 30 Air Force aircraft, the current and previous types, and about 50 exhibitions ranging across
01:52 everything from aerospace to military in general, and the science, technology and maths.
01:58 We're really looking forward to people coming from the area, not only Newcastle and the
02:02 surrounding areas, but indeed all over the state and Australia, for people coming.
02:06 They can plan their travel for Newcastle, you don't need tickets for Newcastle, we will
02:10 have tickets for Newcastle, and we'll plan those tickets for our own sale, and we'll
02:16 be doing a second of that.
02:18 Righto.
02:20 [Dogs barking]
02:36 [Dogs barking]
