• 2 years ago
Jamie Oliver travels the Med in search of deliciously traditional and vibrantly innovative ways of cooking, from fresh f | dHNfUUg1Q3ktRXRfbEk


00:00 These crispy prawn parcels are stuffed with spicy harissa, zingy lemon and eggs.
00:04 Normally you'd make a brick with brick pastry and they call this pastry malsuka.
00:09 It means to stick.
00:10 Now that dough to do at home I think is really tricky.
00:14 But this little pastry I think you're going to love.
00:16 It's a very good little hack.
00:18 So 250 grams of strong flour, a nice pinch of salt and then I've got about 150 millilitres
00:25 of hot water.
00:27 The hot water changes the flour and it allows you to have this incredibly bendy pastry which
00:33 is perfect for going really thin and really crisp.
00:38 So just bring it around the bowl like this and as soon as the fork is finding it a little
00:44 hard then we'll bring in our hands.
00:48 Just do it for a couple of minutes just to kind of get that gluten sort of texture going
00:53 and then have a little look at that.
00:55 That is our dough.
00:56 It is that simple.
00:57 I'm going to just add a little bit of oil to the surface here.
01:03 All over like that and then rub the dough with the oil as well.
01:07 I'll put a little cloth on top.
01:09 We'll let it rest just for 15 minutes.
01:14 Perfect time to crack on with the filling for my mini pastry parcels.
01:18 Two eggs go into a bowl and then I'm going to whisk those up with a little pinch of salt,
01:26 pepper.
01:27 I've got some fresh prawns that are peeled and some with their shell on but you can use
01:33 frozen ones if you prefer.
01:34 I'm going to take the peeled prawns, slice up like this so there's some nice little chunks,
01:39 right about half of it and then this part here I'm just going to keep chopping to make
01:43 almost like a very coarse mousse and that with the eggs is going to be the basis of
01:49 our filling.
01:51 Now the great thing about these bricks is you can look at this recipe and you can make
01:56 it your own.
01:57 You can have leftover roast chicken, you know you can use it to carry any flavours that
02:01 you've got in your fridge.
02:02 A flavour that I love is lemon, right.
02:05 We take a little bit of this zest, the flavour, the freshness is in there and I'm going to
02:11 use the lemon for added flavour later.
02:13 The harissa here, I want to do a little tweak, I'm going to put some oil in and if I just
02:18 mix it up like that you get this incredible ruby red oil.
02:22 Maximum flavour, minimum effort.
02:25 That'll be a super easy drizzly sauce for my crispy parcels.
02:30 Let's get to the dough.
02:32 Push it down like this, try and be even, use the palms of your hands and we're going to
02:36 pick it up and just let gravity do all the hard work, right.
02:41 Can you see how I can almost stick it there and it doesn't move back.
02:47 Joy.
02:48 Cut them roughly into 5 or 6 inch squares.
02:54 We're going to get our harissa here, here and here.
03:02 Put in the lovely prawn and egg.
03:05 Look at that.
03:09 And here's the fun bit.
03:10 So look, just take the pastry and gently pull it over like a little Christmas present.
03:16 Beautiful.
03:18 Let's have some olive oil into a pan, just above medium heat.
03:25 Just place them in the pan like that.
03:29 And for extra flavour, I want to serve mine up with some whole prawns too.
03:33 Just to make it exciting and gorgeous.
03:35 Look at it sizzling away.
03:37 The great thing about this recipe is the pastry cooks quickly, the prawns and eggs cook quickly
03:41 all at the same time.
03:42 So about 2, 2 and a half minutes on each side.
03:45 So in no time at all, these are done.
03:49 Look how sizzling these are.
03:51 Golden and delicious.
03:54 And then last but not least, I want to take some of that harissa oil and just pour that
03:59 over the top.
04:00 Look at the colour.
04:02 We can finish it with a nice little bit of lemon juice and if you've got any herbs, you
04:05 know, just take some basil, some parsley, anything delicate.
04:10 Beautiful.
04:11 It's my little take on a brick.
04:14 All in that lovely little homemade pastry that I know you could do.
04:22 Right.
04:24 Wow.
04:26 Sweet, delicious, elegant.
04:29 Punch of fire.
04:31 Spices.
04:32 Lovely big chunks of prawn in there.
04:34 Look at that.
04:35 Harissa, flecks of lemon.
04:38 The pastry is crispy, really crispy.
04:41 Beautiful little mouthful.
04:43 I love it.
04:44 Guys, what are you waiting for?
04:46 Get a little bit of Tunisian street food into your life.
04:49 You will not regret it.
04:50 (upbeat music)
