Affaire Pierre Palmade  ce rebondissement qui va soulager l’humoriste

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Affaire Pierre Palmade : ce rebondissement qui va soulager l’humoriste

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00:00 The life of a 27-year-old pregnant young woman, that of her brother-in-law and her nephew
00:12 was brutally upset on February 10.
00:15 It was necessary that the trio unfortunately cross the road of Pierre Palmade, then under
00:22 the influence of a stupefying blow, on this departmental of Villiers-en-Bierre, in Seine-et-Marne.
00:30 For more than 7 months, the one who should have welcomed her very first baby on May 14
00:36 must mourn for him, who did not survive the car accident caused by the humorist.
00:41 But as the Parisian reveals, this Thursday, September 21, the affair is now experiencing
00:50 a rebound that could somewhat play in favor of the 55-year-old actor.
00:54 Indeed, our brothers have recalled that since the baby expected by the pregnant woman, a
01:03 little girl who should have been called "Selin" in "Sal", has died, there is a real legal debate
01:08 regarding the criminal qualification of the charges against Pierre Palmade.
01:14 And for good reason.
01:21 The objective of the procedure is to determine whether the child is born alive before extinguishing
01:29 or if she died before giving birth and made an emergency once at the hospital.
01:35 The difference between these two cases is that a fetus does not have a legal point of view,
01:41 and therefore, it is not possible to determine whether the child is born alive or not.
01:47 Currently, the actor who caused the road accident having gravely injured the three
01:53 passengers of the hit vehicle, has been put on trial for involuntary homicide for killing
01:59 the baby that the young woman was expecting.
02:03 But it seems that a new medical expertise carried out by three experts assisted by the
02:09 last eight can question the criminal qualification concerning Pierre Palmade.
02:15 Superior to Superior to Pierre Palmade, Muriel Robin, Michel Larocque, Véronique Sanson.
02:23 The fans of her old humorist who could cut from 5 to 7 years in prison, they specify
02:28 that the child was viable at the time of birth, first of all because she was born after 28
02:33 weeks, that is 4 weeks beyond the fixed liability threshold at 24 weeks, then because she had
02:38 a much larger weight than 500 grams.
02:43 In addition, the experts have ensured that the clinical condition observed in the child immediately
02:48 after her uterine body was extracted is clearly and undeniably that of a state of death
02:53 constituted, no motor reactivity, no spontaneous movement and no breathing reflex.
03:02 In summary, the little Solin in Salna, at no time, showed signs of extra-uterine life
03:08 after her birth.
03:12 Thus, the continuation of the instruction could lead to a recalification of the examination
03:17 of Pierre Palmade and the abandonment of involuntary homicide charges so that there is only
03:22 one left for involuntary injury.
03:26 He would therefore not risk 10 more years in prison but between 5 and 7 years, as underlines
03:32 the Parisian.
03:35 Article written with the collaboration of 6 media credit photos, Coady Kogirek
03:40 and Pierre Palmade.
03:43 The end.
03:45 Thank you.
03:47 Thank you.
03:50 Thank you.
03:52 Thank you.
03:54 Thank you.
03:56 Thank you.
04:00 Thank you.
04:04 Thank you.
04:07 Thank you.
04:10 Thank you.
04:13 Thank you.
04:16 Thank you.
04:20 Thank you.
04:23 Thank you.
04:27 Thank you.
04:30 ♪ Look and make a ♪
04:33 ♪ You're unique ♪
