وزير الاقتصاد الإماراتي لـCNBC عربية: نتوقع نمو الاقتصاد 6% خلال 2023

  • last year


00:00 The world's banks, the IMF and the World Bank are expecting a 3.6% growth rate.
00:11 This is due to global pressures, the rise in inflation and the rise in interest rates.
00:23 Our main goal is to achieve a 6% growth rate to double our economy.
00:30 We are working on attracting foreign investors.
00:35 We have attracted 84 billion dollars in the year.
00:39 This is one of the largest numbers in the history of the UAE in attracting foreign investors.
00:45 We are still one of the top countries in the world in attracting foreign investors.
00:50 These investments have come from new economies.
00:54 They are not based on traditional economies.
00:57 Our goal is to build a flexible economy in our laws and regulations to face global challenges and changes.
01:07 The UAE is one of the few countries with low inflation rates.
01:11 But it seems that the pressure has its effects. The inflation rate in Dubai in August is 2.3% and it rose 1% in July.
01:20 What are the mechanisms that can be taken in the coming period?
01:24 We have seen decisions and measures taken in the previous period.
01:28 We are also waiting for adjustments to the consumer protection law.
01:33 When can we see the adjustments being made?
01:36 Are there other decisions that can be taken in this context?
01:39 The main goal is to reduce inflation.
01:44 Our programs are aimed at providing more sales in the market.
01:50 This means opening up new economic partnerships and new communication channels.
01:58 This is what provides the products that are available in the UAE markets.
02:03 The sales are available today and the prices are reduced.
02:07 This is what we are working on.
02:11 As you know, we have a comprehensive economic partnership agreement with six countries.
02:17 The target is to have more than 26 countries in the next seven years.
02:21 This trade will reduce the revenue on the ports to import products that can reduce inflation.
02:32 What is the target for the current year?
02:35 As I said, the target for the UAE is 3.6%.
02:44 Our target is 6%.
02:51 What about inflation?
02:53 We have not seen the figures yet.
02:56 We are taking a quarter of the figure every day to evaluate the situation.
03:01 We are working on the supply chain to speed up the import of these products.
03:08 Shukran Jazeera.
