• last year
Samuel Jackson stars in new Warburtons bread advert. Source: Warburtons
00:00 (car engine revving)
00:02 - Mr. Warburton, this is--
00:03 - Hmm?
00:05 - Sorry.
00:06 - Hi, I'm Jonathan Warburton,
00:08 chairman of the UK's largest family bakery.
00:11 Now, I'm a good guy, family man,
00:14 but sometimes Johnny Lovely Crumpets won't cut it.
00:18 Sometimes you need Samuel L. Jackson
00:20 to play you in a commercial,
00:21 because when I see this from Steve up in my socials,
00:26 it unleashes a furious anger in me.
00:31 Jonathan, I love your toasty loaf,
00:33 but I've seen other toasty loaves in the shops
00:35 that look exactly the same.
00:36 What gives?
00:37 What gives?
00:39 What gives, Tweety Pie, is me, Jonathan Warburton.
00:44 I give.
00:45 (upbeat music)
00:47 And hell hath no fury like a baker's scorn, Steve.
00:50 You see, the righteous baker
00:53 suffers the slings and arrows of temptation at every turn.
00:57 Sure, we could pack our toasty loaf
00:59 full of so much runner's meal wheat
01:00 it'd make your mama cry, but would we?
01:03 (laughing)
01:05 Hell no.
01:05 (glass shattering)
01:08 - Who was that?
01:09 - Jonathan Warburton?
01:10 - We pack it full of our unique blend of wheat
01:13 and 147 years of baking passion!
01:16 Like my father, his father, his father, and his mother.
01:23 We get up hella early and we stay up hella late.
01:27 - Thanks, boss.
01:27 - We test for softness, butterability,
01:31 and bounce-backability.
01:35 Yeah, that's a thing.
01:37 And only once our dough-eologists
01:39 have 3D scanned, stamped, and approved it
01:41 do we wrap it up in a pretty wax paper package just for you.
01:45 So you go ahead and grab yourself
01:47 some wannabe Warburton's toasty loaf, Steve,
01:49 because they all taste the same, right?
01:51 Right?
01:52 (laughing)
01:54 See, this is the real Jonathan Warburton,
01:57 and this here is the real Warburton's toasty loaf.
02:00 Something like that, J-Dubs?
02:03 - I couldn't have said it better myself.
02:05 (upbeat music)
02:08 Mmm.
