“We must work collectively to prevent situations that can magnify inequalities”

  • last year

The President of Guyana, Mohamed Irfaan Ali, made a statement at the general debate of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, outlining his country's vision and priorities for sustainable development, international cooperation and peace. teleSUR


00:00 Hello, welcome back to Tell Us Your English and join us as we broadcast live the 78th
00:06 debate session of the United Nations General Assembly.
00:10 Kurosi, for his leadership as president of the 77th session of the General Assembly.
00:17 I join those before me in expressing Guyana's solidarity with the governments and peoples
00:24 of Libya and Morocco in the wake of the recent devastating flood and earthquake.
00:32 The theme of this year's assembly recognizes the need for us to collectively reset global
00:38 relationships and imbue them with enhanced trust and solidarity.
00:45 Only in doing so can we aspire to confront the most pressing challenges of our era.
00:52 Climate change, conflicts, the energy and food crisis, and achieving sustainable development.
01:00 I remain convinced that multilateralism remains the most effective approach to address these
01:07 challenges, foremost of which is climate change.
01:13 We are all experiencing its devastating effects.
01:17 The difference, however, is our capacity to respond.
01:22 It is well established that those bearing the brunt of the climate phenomena have made
01:28 no contribution to the current crisis.
01:31 Small island developing and low-lying coastal states like Guyana are among the hardest hit
01:38 and require adequate financing to address the attendant effects.
01:43 The commitments by the developed world, by the developed countries, including the pledge
01:48 of US $100 billion per year, remain unfulfilled.
01:54 How much longer must developing countries wait for these commitments to be fully delivered?
02:01 Although at net zero emissions, Guyana continues to pursue growth premise on a low-carbon development
02:09 strategy.
02:10 Our goal is to ensure that our resources are utilized sustainably to foster inclusive and
02:17 equitable development for our people.
02:20 As a country with the second highest forest cover per capita in the world, we know the
02:26 importance of forests in mitigating the effects of climate change at a global level.
02:33 Our advocacy in this regard has resulted in Guyana being issued 33.4 million tons of carbon
02:42 credits, the first jurisdictional scale program in the world.
02:47 Thus far, we have secured US $750 million for the period 2016 to 2030.
02:57 Guyana is committed to a clean energy transition.
03:00 We are aiming for over 80% reliance on renewable energy by 2030.
03:06 Technology, capacity, and financing are key for developing countries to build a relevant
03:12 energy mix and a share of renewable energy needed.
03:17 Guyana is using revenue from oil and gas resources to finance its transition to renewable energy,
03:24 notwithstanding our already globally recognized net zero status.
03:30 Allow me to expound on the critical question of a just, affordable, and equitable transition.
03:37 Bloomberg estimates that achieving global net zero emissions by 2050 requires annual
03:45 investments to more than triple from the 2021 level to $6.7 trillion per year.
03:53 To limit the rise of global temperature to less than 2 degrees Celsius, the IEA estimates
04:01 that investment in the energy sector alone will have to be increased by approximately
04:09 $1 trillion annually.
04:12 At the same time, in developing countries, the situation is more frightening.
04:19 With close to 900 million people worldwide having no access to electricity.
04:26 All of this against the backdrop of a widening financing gap in achieving the SDGs.
04:35 With adaptation alone estimated at $160 to $340 billion by 2030, and $315 billion to
04:46 $565 billion by 2050, according to UNEP.
04:52 More than 90 countries have committed to net zero emissions.
04:56 To achieve this, the IEA estimates that by 2050, more than 85% of buildings must be net
05:05 zero carbon ready.
05:08 More than 90% heavy industrial production must be low emissions, and almost 70% of electricity
05:15 will have to come from solar photovoltaic.
05:20 Based on these targets, renewable share in the generation of electricity will have to
05:25 increase from 29% in 2020 to 88% in 2050.
05:33 Meanwhile, to remove carbon from the atmosphere, the world will need to simultaneously halt
05:40 deforestation and increase tree cover gain two times faster by 2030.
05:48 This means by 2050, 7.6 gigatons of carbon will have to be captured and stored compared
05:57 to 0.4 gigatons in 2020.
06:02 According to McKenzie and Company, it would cost $375 trillion in cumulative spending
06:11 on physical asset to transition to net zero by 2050.
06:16 Mr. President, the question is, under these circumstances, how realistic is a transition
06:24 path to net zero?
06:26 It is clear that the global ambition of net zero by 2050 is not currently realistic, given
06:32 the cost of transition and the financing commitment thus far.
06:37 I say all of this not to reduce ambition, but for us to honestly and frankly direct
06:43 our energies to a more balanced approach towards net zero in a realistic environment.
06:50 My country, Ghana, is blessed with the best of both worlds.
06:55 That is the ability to lead on climate change and the use of our expansive oil and gas reserves
07:01 to contribute to the advancement and development of our country and region.
07:06 But let me hasten to add, Mr. President, COP28 will not achieve the desired objectives of
07:14 definitively putting our planet on a net zero trajectory if we continue to address this
07:21 matter in a doctrinarian way, ignoring the current realities.
07:27 Given the growth in demand for energy, a significant part of that demand will come from many in
07:33 the developing world who continue to live in energy poverty.
07:37 It is also a fact that renewables will not meet the growth of demand in the near future.
07:44 Yet the debate at COP28 is framed by two camps, one calling for no cuts in fossil fuel production,
07:51 including the most polluting form, such as coal, and the other saying that the only solution
07:58 to net zero is an end to fossil fuel production, then we will fail once again to achieve a
08:05 viable outcome and not to give our world the energy it needs to grow and prosper.
08:12 I believe that net zero by 2050 as a target can only be achieved by a combination of measures
08:21 that include a cut in fossil fuel production, incentivizing the introduction of renewables
08:27 at scale, exploring advances in technology, in using carbon capture and storage, cutting
08:35 deforestation and land degradation, and introducing measures to curb demand for energy.
08:41 As custodians of the rainforests the size of England and Scotland combined, we are of
08:47 the view that a lack of financing for standing forests suggests they are worth more dead
08:53 than alive.
08:55 That is why we support the expansion of a financial mechanism that appropriately valued
09:00 environmental services provided by forests, including through the carbon market.
09:05 We are at the midpoint of implementing the 2030 agenda.
09:10 For a global blueprint for sustainable and resilient development, financing is a cornerstone
09:17 of all efforts to achieve the SDGs and the challenges faced by developing countries,
09:24 including the funding gaps, which I highlighted in the SDG Summit commitments, including those
09:30 made 50 years ago to provide 0.7% of GNI in ODA must be fulfilled.
09:38 The existing financial architecture is incapable of addressing current global challenges and
09:45 must be reformed.
09:47 In this regard, the early adoption of the multidimensional vulnerability index, implementing
09:53 the measures in the Bridgeton Initiative, and addressing liquidity support, private
09:58 capital, development lending, trade, and more inclusive governance of the international
10:04 financial institutions must form part of the reform agenda.
10:09 Mr. President, the world is presently experiencing a global food crisis marked by soaring food
10:16 prices, heightened food insecurity, and increasing levels of hunger.
10:21 Conflict, climate change, and the effects of the pandemic contribute to this dire state.
10:27 Nearly 198 million people in 26 least developed countries face severe food insecurity since
10:35 the beginning of 2022.
10:37 Due to rising food prices and trade restrictions, this situation has worsened.
10:42 By 2030, it is estimated that nearly 670 million people, equivalent to 8% of the global population,
10:52 will suffer from undernourishment.
10:55 Global agri-food systems must be urgently transformed to ensure they are more resilient
11:01 and that nutritious food is affordable for all.
11:05 We also condemn the weaponization of food as an instrument of war.
11:12 Ghana welcomes the convening of the three high-level meetings on health and the important
11:17 commitments in the political declarations.
11:20 But we must together move rapidly to implementation if we are to achieve universal health coverage
11:29 for all and be adequately prepared for future pandemics.
11:35 Ghana has already made tremendous strides on the path to universal health coverage.
11:40 In so doing, we have increased our health spending per capita by 64% in the last three
11:46 years.
11:47 Mr. President, global peace is hinged on respect and human dignity.
11:54 Our work at all levels must advance the dignity and rights of every person on our planet to
12:00 create a just, equitable, and peaceful world.
12:04 We have noted that since the war began in Ukraine more than a year ago, the developed
12:12 world provided approximately $220 billion in support to Ukraine.
12:18 The World Bank has added more than $37.5 billion in emergency financing, almost $260 billion
12:26 mobilized in less than two years.
12:29 On the other hand, aid to the Palestinian people over a period of 26 years amounted
12:34 to just over $40 billion, according to figures compiled by the OECD.
12:40 Haiti received just over $20 billion in aid for reconstruction and development over the
12:47 past 60 years.
12:49 African countries were recipients of just over $113 billion over a three-year period
12:55 to fight hunger, according to the OECD.
12:58 To be clear, Guyana unequivocally supports the principle of sovereignty and territorial
13:05 integrity as enshrined in the UN Charter and remains in full solidarity with the people
13:12 of Ukraine and what they justly require from the international community.
13:18 However, I cannot overlook the disparity in the approach to other countries and regions
13:24 of the world.
13:26 This must be corrected.
13:27 Clearly, this is a demonstration of an unjust ecosystem surrounding and supporting development,
13:35 financing, peace, and security.
13:37 Importantly, it also proves that if truly committed, mechanisms do exist to unlock financing
13:46 at scale.
13:47 Mr. President, adherence to the rule of law, including international law, must continue
13:54 to be the cornerstone of all of our engagements.
13:58 This is being undermined by threats and naked acts of aggression against sovereign states
14:05 and by the perpetuation of old conflicts and disputes between states.
14:11 The Russian invasion must end.
14:15 Greater diplomatic efforts must be made to bring an end to this war.
14:20 The ongoing crisis in Haiti is of grave concern.
14:24 Urgent and decisive action must be taken to secure a comprehensive solution.
14:30 I commend the offer of the governments of Kenya and Rwanda to lead the multinational
14:36 force in Haiti, as well as the offers by the Bahamas and Jamaica.
14:41 Guyana is committed to working closely with partners within the UN and CARICOM frameworks
14:47 to find a long-lasting, stable, and sustainable solution to the Haitian crisis so that our
14:53 Haitian brothers and sisters can live in peace and dignity.
14:57 The Republic of Cuba has been the object of aggression for more than six decades.
15:06 We repeat our call for the dismantling of the unacceptable embargo against our sister
15:14 Caribbean state.
15:15 The economic and political aggression, along with the designation of Cuba as a state sponsor
15:21 of terrorism, must come to an end.
15:23 I also reaffirm Guyana's longstanding solidarity with the Palestinian people and support for
15:30 their dignified existence in their homeland in accordance with the two-state solution.
15:37 As member states of the United Nations, let us do more to move past rhetoric so that the
15:43 peace process can progress.
15:46 Mr. President, when I addressed the OAS last Friday, I recalled to that hemispheric body
15:53 how Guyana was excluded from the OAS for 25 years from its birth as a nation on account
16:00 of a spurious territorial claim to two-thirds of our homeland by Venezuela.
16:06 But justice prevailed, and Guyana was ultimately admitted.
16:10 It is sad, however, that 57 years after Guyana's independence, we remain threatened.
16:18 Venezuela's efforts to undermine our freedom, sovereignty, and territorial integrity are
16:23 today before the International Court of Justice, as decided by the UN Secretary General under
16:29 the Geneva Agreement of 1966.
16:33 The ICJ's jurisdiction in the matter has been twice affirmed by the Court.
16:38 We are confident that Guyana's sovereignty and territorial integrity will also be affirmed
16:45 when the Court issues its final judgment.
16:47 I regret to inform you that Venezuela's threats continue.
16:52 Just last night, Guyana received a very threatening message from Venezuela.
16:57 It came in the form of a communique attacking Guyana for putting certain oil blocks in our
17:03 sovereign waters of forbid.
17:05 Venezuela considers this a threat to regional and international peace and security, as well
17:11 as to Guyana's investment partners.
17:13 We demand that Venezuela honors its obligation under the Charter to pursue only peaceful
17:20 means to settle any disputes it may have with Guyana, including adjudication before the
17:27 International Court of Justice.
17:29 Allowing the Court to decide would ensure a resolution that is peaceful, equitable, and
17:35 in accordance with international law.
17:37 Guyana will spare no effort in defending its sovereign and territorial integrity.
17:42 I express appreciation to every member of the international community that has continued
17:48 to support Guyana's effort to preserve its sovereignty and territorial integrity.
17:54 Mr. President, as Guyana takes its place next January as a member of the Security Council,
18:01 those principles of international law and justice so prominent in the Charter of this
18:06 organization shall be our guide.
18:09 And so, I express heartfelt gratitude to the overwhelming support of member states to our
18:16 candidature to the United Nations Security Council for the 2024-2025 term.
18:22 I wish to assure the entire UN membership that Guyana is committed to working with fellow
18:28 council members and the wider UN membership to fulfill the mandate of the Security Council.
18:34 Mr. President, as I reflect on the state of growing insecurity in the world, let me also
18:39 reiterate the calls made by CARICOM for the early and urgent reform of the United Nations
18:46 Security Council to make it more effective and inclusive.
18:50 Mr. President, September is the month dedicated to indigenous people in my country.
18:57 You are aware that globally indigenous peoples are often left behind, not so in Guyana.
19:03 My government is investing heavily in indigenous peoples' development, ensuring their inclusion
19:08 and participation in decision-making at all levels.
19:12 Our land titling program has resulted in indigenous peoples obtaining legal ownership of 16.4
19:20 percent of Guyana's land mass.
19:22 In addition to regular government investment, 15 percent of all proceeds from the sale of
19:28 carbon credits go directly to indigenous villages to finance their development.
19:34 Guyana is the first country to implement such an initiative.
19:38 We are proud of our record and stand ready to share our experiences.
19:42 Mr. President, allow me to conclude by renewing Guyana's solidarity with the peoples of the
19:49 world, our commitment to multilateralism, our readiness to partner with states large
19:55 and small in the quest for peace and prosperity for all.
20:00 I thank you.
20:01 (Applause.)
20:02 On behalf of the Assembly, I wish to thank the President of the Cooperative Republic
20:09 of Guyana for the statement just made, and I request protocol to escort His Excellency.
20:17 The Assembly will hear and address by His Excellency Zoran Milošević, President of
20:23 the Republic of Croatia.
20:24 I request protocol to escort His Excellency.
20:37 And the President of Guyana affirmed the islands and small nations are the ones carrying the
20:42 heaviest burden of climate change, overconsumption, and environmental neglect.
20:46 So there are the resources to address and solve the crisis.
20:49 The head of state called for green energy, sustainable industrialization, and accelerated
20:54 actions to achieve the 2030 agenda.
20:57 He also said that exploring technology advances, avoiding deforestation, and properly funding
21:02 development mechanisms is the path for social inclusion, economic growth, and true well-being.
21:08 The head of state said global peace is respect for human dignity and rights of every one
21:12 person on the planet, and that the resources exist, so ensure basic humanities for everyone,
21:18 but the government lacks will.
21:20 He also said the Russia-Ukraine conflict must come to an end, and a diplomatic solution,
21:25 and called for the end of the blockade of the U.S. against Cuba.
21:28 We will have more details in upcoming news briefs.
21:31 Stay with us.
21:32 [Music]
