Saviez vous que Michel Sardou a un lien de parenté avec Christine Haas

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Saviez-vous que Michel Sardou a un lien de parenté avec Christine Haas ?

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00:00 Michel Sardou is one of the figures of the French song, and continues to be in the news
00:13 especially with his farewell tour.
00:14 But when he is not at the heart of the debates, Michel Sardou can hear Christina on the
00:22 RTL antennas.
00:23 A woman he is close to, and for a good reason.
00:30 Michel Sardou has not finished making the French sing and the French.
00:37 This Friday, September 22, the fans of the artist will be able to offer one of the two
00:44 best-of of his best songs.
00:46 Best-of in which will be present a brand new title untitled "In what year Georgia".
00:56 Compilations that will also include his famous song "Kul", "The lakes of the Connemara".
01:04 A title that made a lot of talk about him this summer after the singer Juliette Armané
01:10 to qualify the song "cult of music" during an interview for the Belgian media Typik.
01:16 It did not take more for a controversy burst and make many people react,
01:23 who are surprised at the singer of the last day of disco, attacked from all sides.
01:28 If finally Michel Sardou is the person who put an end to the debate around his song
01:35 declaring at the microphone of Europe 1, she said a bullshit, it happens to everyone.
01:42 "We have the right to love my songs and not to love them.
01:48 We are in a free country "said the singer.
01:52 A famous astrologer is in the family Messi Esti on a competitor radio that he can hear
02:00 a former member of his family.
02:01 Cristina is surely the most famous astrologer in the Hexagon.
02:09 She works in the magazines Femina, Television Magazine and TV 7 days, but also on YouTube
02:17 on her own channel and of course on RTL, where she presents the horoscope every day of the
02:22 week.
02:23 She is none other than the sister of Elisabeth Ass, who was the companion of the singer for
02:30 25 years, and with whom he had two children, Romain born in 1974 and Davy in 1978.
02:39 A relationship that ended in 1999, because of the many infidelities of the artist.
02:48 And since their separation, the singer spends happy days with Anne-Marie Perrier.
02:54 "I have a lot of friends who are very close to me, and I have a lot of friends who are very,
03:14 very close to me, and I have a lot of friends who are very, very close to me, and I have
03:44 a lot of friends who are very, very close to me, and I have a lot of friends who are
03:45 very, very close to me, and I have a lot of friends who are very, very close to me,
03:46 and I have a lot of friends who are very, very close to me, and I have a lot of friends
03:47 who are very, very close to me, and I have a lot of friends who are very, very close
03:48 to me, and I have a lot of friends who are very, very close to me, and I have a lot
03:49 of friends who are very, very close to me, and I have a lot of friends who are very, very
