• last year
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Un incident tragique s'est produit dans la région du Karabakh lorsque des employés du ministère de l'Intérieur de l'Azerbaïdjan ont été victimes d'une explosion de mine alors qu'ils se rendaient sur le lieu d'une précédente explosion de voiture. En réponse, le gouvernement de Bakou a mis en place des mesures antiterroristes locales pour garantir la sécurité et réprimer les provocations à grande échelle. Ces mesures visent à neutraliser les infrastructures militaires menaçant la région économique du Karabakh et à assurer la sécurité des civils.
Parallèlement, des tensions se sont intensifiées avec des tirs d'artillerie de l'armée azerbaïdjanaise ciblant la périphérie d'Askeran et la présence signalée des forces armées azerbaïdjanaises dans la région de Martakretti. Certains observateurs font remarquer que ces développements pourraient être interprétés comme l'ouverture d'un "deuxième front" contre la Russie, avec des préoccupations croissantes concernant le rapprochement du Premier ministre arménien Nikol Pashinyan avec les États-Unis et l'OTAN, et son éloignement de Moscou. Dans ce contexte, la stabilité et la paix dans la région du Karabakh sont plus que jamais nécessaires pour éviter une escalade dangereuse et des conséquences dévastatrices.
#Karabakh #Russie #Occident #Amérique #EtatsUnis #artsakh #arménie #guerre #ebenemediatv #mgm #russieoccident #Azerbaïdjan #explosiondemine #mesuresantiterroristes #infrastructuresmilitaires #sécuritécivile #tensions #arméeazerbaïdjanaise #Russie #NikolPashinyan #ÉtatsUnis #OTAN #stabilité #paix
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00:00 Before continuing, subscribe to Ebene Media TV and share the video too.
00:13 Do not forget to like and leave your point of view in comment.
00:17 The war between Armenia and Azerbaijan is now launched and the Azerbaijani strikes
00:22 on the high Karabakh shake innocent civilians.
00:24 However, this conflict is not directed against the two nations, but will serve as a second
00:30 front against Russia, while the failure of the West in Ukraine is sealed.
00:33 Employees of the Ministry of the Interior of Azerbaijan were victims of an explosion
00:39 of mines, while they were on the scene of a car explosion of the National Agency
00:43 of Roads.
00:44 This tragic incident shook the region of Karabakh and led the Baku government to
00:48 take local anti-terrorist measures to ensure security and repress provocations
00:53 on a large scale.
00:54 According to the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense, these measures aim to guarantee the provisions
01:00 of the Tripartite Declaration signed in November 2020 and to neutralize military infrastructure
01:05 that threatens the peace and stability of the Karabakh economic region.
01:08 Civilian safety is also a priority in this tense situation.
01:13 In the capital of the high Karabakh, an alert to air raids has been declared, arousing
01:18 concern among the population.
01:20 Videos circulate online, showing moments of panic as the sirens resound.
01:25 Combat positions have been reinforced and Azerbaijan plans to deactivate the positions
01:31 of the Armenian armed forces along the front line.
01:34 The Peruvian maintenance forces have been informed of the situation and are on alert.
01:38 Tensions are also rising with artillery fire from the Azerbaijani army targeting the
01:43 Askeran periphery.
01:44 Reports also show the presence of Azerbaijani armed forces in the region
01:49 of Martakreti, which aggravates fears of a conflict escalation.
01:52 What is currently taking place in the Karabakh region is worrying
01:57 as to a possible escalation of the conflict and the involvement of foreign powers.
02:01 Some observers believe that the United States is trying to open a second front against
02:06 Russia after failing in Ukraine.
02:08 Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is accused of getting closer to the United States
02:14 and NATO while moving away from Moscow, which causes tensions with Russia.
02:18 Pashinyan expressed his distrust of Moscow and refused to count on Russia as a guarantor
02:24 of the security of Armenia.
02:26 His anti-Russian statements and his rapprochement with the United States raise questions about
02:31 his intentions and the future orientation of Armenia.
02:34 The situation in the Karabakh remains tense and uncertain, with potentially serious consequences
02:40 for the region.
02:41 International actors closely monitor the evolution of the situation and seek to prevent
02:45 a dangerous escalation.
02:46 Stability and peace in the region are more than ever necessary to avoid human losses
02:51 and devastating consequences.
03:03 (air whooshing)
