KHABAR Meher Bokhari Kay Saath | ARY News | 18th September 2023

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#Khabar #AitzazAhsan #qazifaezisa #chiefjusticeofpakistan #SaqibNisar #KalaBaghDam

(Current Affairs)

- Meher Bokhari

- Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan (Lawyer)
- Abdul Moiz Jaferii (Lawyer)
- Muhammad Malik (Senior Analyst)

Law Expert Aitzaz Ahsan's analysis on hearing of SC Practice and Procedure Act

"Qazi Sahab ju chah rahy thay wo aaj nahi howa...", Moiz Jaffer

What did Ex CJP Saqib Nisar talk to Aitzaz Ahsan regarding Kala Bagh Dam?
00:00 Assalamu alaikum and good evening.
00:13 I am Meher Bukhari. I am standing in front of you in the presence of Sareena Issa Sahiba. As soon as the event began, the formation of the full court bench and the direct publication of the proceedings of the Supreme Court, is an unprecedented chapter in the history of justice. After handling the task of the office, Chief Justice, Supreme Court, Justice Qazi Faiz Issa has counted a date.
00:36 The Supreme Court bench, which was formed by Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Issa, is concluding nine requests against the Supreme Court Practice and Procedure Act. Today, for the first time in the history of the country, the proceedings of the Supreme Court were published for many hours.
00:53 Before the start of the meeting, the full court was held in the presence of Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Issa, in which all the judges of the Supreme Court participated. The Chief Justice stated that we have decided to publish the proceedings as a pilot project. After the meeting, the meeting of the practice and procedure case began.
01:12 During the meeting, the Chief Justice said that the proceedings will start again because a new bench has been formed. There were three requests to make a full court including the Pakistan Bar Council, which are being accepted. In the first open court on the court date, the Chief Justice wrote the decision of today's meeting and issued an order. According to the order, the Supreme Court has terminated the order on the practice and procedure act on making benches.
01:38 In the order, it has been said that the request has been made and the Attorney General has to answer the questions of the bench.
01:45 Chief Justice Qazi Faiz Issa, in the end of the meeting, wrote the order and said that the senior judges, Sardar Tariq Masood and Judge Ijaz-ul-Ahsan are discussing the formation of the bench and we are doing this on our own. The court wrote in the order that the senior judges are discussing the formation of the bench. The Supreme Court ordered that all the free candidates submit their answers by September 25. The court accepted the request of the Pakistan Bar Council and terminated it.
02:12 If the former Chief Justice Umar Atta Bandyal was at one level, then Chief Justice Qazi Faiz Issa is at another level. The day before the court, Chief Justice Qazi Faiz Issa pointed to a guard of the President of the country, on whom the guard went and brought Chief Justice Ahliya and they stood side by side with Chief Justice. This was a big message for many people.
02:34 The full court's direct instruction is the second big message that has been given by the Chief Justice of Pakistan. The Chairman People's Party is also giving the same message.
02:44 I think that the image of the Honorable Chief Justice standing with his wife during his oath is a powerful message and a saying that behind every successful man is a powerful woman. Sirena Issa Sahiba proved in the last few years that she is one powerful woman. I think that this is a very good message.
03:09 That is indeed the case. The Prime Minister who advised was Pabandis Salasil. The President who sent the reference was bringing HALF. The colleagues who heard the case were sitting in the swearing-in ceremony.
03:24 The case of Practice and Procedure Bill is another big issue in which the Chief Justice of Pakistan has already given his strongest response. Justice Ijaz-ul-Ahsan, Justice Muneeb Akhtar, Justice Mazaher Naqvi, Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, Justice Ayesha Malik, Justice Hassan Azhar Rizvi and Justice Shahid Waheed have been the 8 members of the Rukni Bench who have given the final decision of the Practice and Procedure Bill.
03:49 In today's session, we saw a clear difference in the remarks of the 15 members of the Rukni Bench. During the session, Chief Justice Qazi Faiz Issa gave remarks that the country should be harmed. I do not want such a power.
04:01 Forget the rules, let's talk about the constitution. Do you not want to make the Chief Justice a reply to someone? We will reply to God before this law. As Chief Justice, you want to strengthen me more. Then I should not put your request for 10 years. So what will you do?
04:16 Chief Justice gave more remarks that the country suffered a loss of $615 billion in the record case. Do you want to give me such powers? I will not take. This is also the first time in history that a person sitting on the throne of power in Pakistan is refusing to take power. He does not want to see himself as a winner.
04:35 During the session, Justice Mansoor Ali Shah said that if we listen to the cases of our choice, then it is fine. Can we, the unelected judges, end the lawmaking of this parliament? During this time, Chief Justice gave remarks that it seems that the judges have become against me in regulating the powers. If the parliament has ended the rule of the Chief Justice, then what is wrong in it?
04:56 Justice Atar Minalla said that how can we, the 15 judges, stop the parliament from legislating? Justice Atar Minalla questioned that are you satisfied that the only power of the bench is of the Chief Justice? Are you not satisfied that the Chief Justice should decide with the consultation of two senior judges? During the session, the Parliament's supremacy and the side of the power of the parliament was shown.
05:22 Justice Atar Minalla said that the Parliament should be restricted in lawmaking. Can you do this, can you do that? The Supreme Court or the High Court is doing it.
05:35 Justice Atar Minalla said that the law is very good, but the Parliament did not have the power. We, the unelected judges, 15, if we do this, it will be fine.
05:49 The fundamental, the primary question is whether 184(3) can be invoked.
05:55 Are there any examples of this in any other country?
06:00 What life liberty did this law take?
06:02 It has been said that if we are taking the power of our Chief Justice, then the independence of the judiciary and the article 9 has been affected.
06:07 The constitution says that the Supreme Court will do everything.
06:09 Should a person have unfettered, unbridled, unaccountable, untrammeled power?
06:17 Which fundamental right has been violated?
06:20 This is your case, but tell us which fundamental right has been violated?
06:25 First tell us which fundamental rights do you want to enforce that have been infringed?
06:32 You have understood that the objective of the law is good for the common man, but the procedure that has been adopted, we should have made it, why did the Parliament make it?
06:43 The only question is now whether a fundamental right has been violated and if a fundamental right has been violated, which fundamental right?
06:54 The only question is whether the Parliament had the competence or not, whether the requirements of 184(3) are fulfilled because there is no enforcement of fundamental rights?
07:08 The second opinion that was seen to be very different in today's session was that of Justice Muneeb Akhtar.
07:27 He questioned whether the law on the formation of a bench committee is giving judicial power or administrative power?
07:39 Can the Parliament make a law on administrative rights?
07:41 Can the Parliament give new administrative rights and put the judicial power of the Supreme Court to the test?
07:44 Where the Supreme Court in exercise of constitutional powers granted by the constitution framed rules, the Parliament can legislate and overwrite those rules or amend those rules.
07:59 Can Parliament pick and choose? Can Parliament say no, three judges is okay with us, five judges is too much, one judge is too little?
08:09 These are aspects that go to the independence of the judiciary.
08:14 The question is whether that does not mean that we will decide on our own, where we do not want to appeal a case, we will make a full bench.
08:23 Does that again not amount to a power being exercised by the court itself?
08:28 That the Chief Justice is the master of the roster, in fact is not in order 11, it is given in judgments of the Supreme Court.
08:37 In law, the courts are not allowed to function independently? Is it not a violation of fundamental rights?
08:44 Do you think every time the full court sits, that allows the Supreme Court sitting as full court to reset the entire constitutional scheme?
08:56 The question is, are we to allow any erosion of independence of judiciary, access to justice and would that not be the grossest violation of fundamental rights?
09:08 Or are you arguing that it is the exclusive power of this court under article 191 to make rules?
09:18 We will talk about this, we have with us constitutional expert barrister Mr. Ittizaz Ahsan.
09:23 Mr. Ittizaz, Assalam-o-Alaikum, thank you for being with us.
09:26 It has been asked five to seven times by the former Chief Justice to make a full court.
09:32 Today, for the first time, Pakistan has seen unprecedented and its full coverage has been broadcast live for several hours at a stretch.
09:42 What happened today that the former Chief Justice was reluctant to do?
09:51 I have also asked him, my request, Ittizaz Ahsan vs. the Federation, in which the military courts have been challenged,
10:00 I have also asked and Lateef Khosa and I have also asked to make a full court.
10:05 Because there was a debate going on that the full court, off the record, not off the record, out of the court and before the media,
10:13 I have said five to ten times that there will be two separate streams, two separate arguments,
10:19 the lawyer will argue less and the judge will argue more. And that is what happened, you saw.
10:25 And it means that a lawyer, now he has proven himself, until he has completely killed the judge,
10:41 showed that Malik Asad's judgment, in which he said that the convention can also be kept at the level of the constitution,
10:49 and in which he said that the case of Malik Asad was related to the judges, 1998,
10:56 and in that the way of making a bench was discussed, then until he showed other judgments,
11:07 whose Chief Justice asked that do you have anything to support your judgment, so he said,
11:13 before that Chief Justice came in a bit of a hurry and said that I will issue you contempt notice,
11:20 now on whom was he trying to issue that contempt notice that you are not answering my question,
11:24 you are not starting the argument, how would he start the argument, there was a flood of questions,
11:29 and someone, I have heard, has estimated that 81% of the time was taken up by the judges,
11:39 now judges should remain silent, the job of judges is to listen quietly and their judgments should speak for them,
11:50 it is said that their decisions are their own language, and in between the minors would ask a few questions,
11:57 but there it seemed that between judges A, B, C on one side and D, E, F on the other side,
12:05 they wanted that all the cases would be turned on my question,
12:12 that I will ask this question and the case will be turned on it, then there was a glamour of the media,
12:19 and it was very important to ask questions in front of the media,
12:24 but I think that the questions that were asked with brevity and pertinence,
12:37 were asked by Muneeb Akhtar, Ayesha Malik Sahiba and Ijaz-ul-Hassan,
12:47 they were more dark, and I think that between the Chief Justice and the bar who was appearing before him,
12:57 the case was the day it belonged to the bar,
13:02 how much can this lawyer be troubled,
13:07 if the judges ask questions and the Chief Justice is asking to start the case,
13:12 if they start the case, then a question comes from the left corner,
13:17 I have a question, then a question comes from the left corner,
13:20 almost every judge participated and put in his bit,
13:25 some did more, some were very keen, that I don't know, they are in danger,
13:30 that what impression will be made,
13:32 third thing is that, distortion,
13:35 if you look at the media, they are mostly quoting and narrating the judge's observations,
13:42 and especially the judge's observation which is under the shadow of the media,
13:51 so this is a distortion, I have seen the proceedings myself for at least 4 hours out of 6 hours,
13:57 and I was very excited that this is a big step forward,
14:01 absolutely sir, it was unprecedented,
14:03 but I think it was a big disappointment,
14:05 one thing is that the day belonged to the lawyers,
14:08 Imtiaz Siddiqui and to the others,
14:12 Tariq and the people who spoke there,
14:18 it didn't even belong to the Attorney General,
14:21 because the Attorney General was going with the flow and the flow was taking him along,
14:25 although he is a very competent young man,
14:29 but I think,
14:33 after all, look, for 200-250 years,
14:38 he is the Supreme Court of America,
14:41 for 500 years, the House of Lords,
14:45 which morphed and grew,
14:49 the House of Lords of the 19th, 20th and 21st century,
14:55 then he is the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom,
14:59 or the Supreme Court of India,
15:05 why didn't they do audio-visuals,
15:09 they could have done this too,
15:11 but today it has been proven that by doing this,
15:15 setting up a field,
15:18 a verbal field for everybody to see,
15:25 this is a failure.
15:28 I think this process should be stopped at once,
15:34 and if it is not stopped at once...
15:36 Imtiaz Ahsan, you are being so harsh today,
15:38 but allow me,
15:40 today in the entire full court,
15:45 on all the benches,
15:47 it is shown that the objective is right,
15:51 but the means to an end,
15:53 the procedure to achieve it,
15:55 is unconstitutional.
15:58 And you saw that some honourable judges
16:01 kept talking about fundamental rights,
16:03 and sift through this for us,
16:06 but what did you not get from their questions,
16:11 and the questions that were being raised?
16:13 No, on the objective,
16:16 the authority of the Chief Justice should be regulated,
16:21 this is our position,
16:23 my position has been for a long time,
16:25 for 20 years,
16:27 and it is expressed even as President Supreme Court Bar Association,
16:31 I had kept this position,
16:33 but what you are saying is absolutely right,
16:37 that this is a constitutional amendment.
16:41 For instance,
16:43 if you take this example,
16:45 our point is very simple,
16:47 that in 2015,
16:50 after the APS Peshawar massacre and carnage,
16:56 of those young martyrs,
16:58 around 150,
17:00 there was a great fire in everybody's belly,
17:03 that put up military courts.
17:05 It was the government of Mian Nawaz Sharif,
17:07 and he had to amend the constitution first,
17:10 to accommodate the military courts.
17:12 Now we say that after amending the constitution,
17:15 put up military courts,
17:16 without that it is not possible,
17:17 that military courts should try civilians.
17:20 Similarly, here also,
17:22 the work that has to be done according to the constitution,
17:24 has to be done according to the constitution.
17:26 Now if the constitution does not permit,
17:29 that by law,
17:33 under the constitution,
17:35 the facts that have been created,
17:40 which are established as existing facts,
17:43 and factual situation,
17:46 which is present today,
17:48 the factual situation of the constitution,
17:51 that you change by subordinate law.
17:55 And this is a very good distinction,
17:57 between the act of parliament and the law.
18:00 Sir, this was raised by Iyad Siddiqui.
18:02 This was raised by Iyad Siddiqui,
18:04 and it was expounded very precisely,
18:08 by Justice Ayesha Malik,
18:10 concretized,
18:12 and Justice Mudeeb Akhtar also.
18:16 And that is,
18:18 where it is written,
18:20 that how the rules of the Supreme Court,
18:26 can be changed.
18:28 It is not written that by act of parliament.
18:31 In two other places,
18:33 in this same ayin,
18:35 it is written by act of parliament.
18:37 Here it is written by law.
18:39 Law, as Iyad Siddiqui said,
18:47 and the judgment of the Supreme Court,
18:50 law meant not just act of parliament,
18:54 but even constitutional conventions.
18:56 Now this is a convention of the constitution,
18:58 that the senior most judge becomes the Chief Justice.
19:01 You see, for 23 days,
19:03 Khwaja,
19:05 Khwaja,
19:07 Jawad Asfaji Sahib,
19:08 he was appointed.
19:09 Jawad Khwaja.
19:10 So he became the Chief Justice for 23 days,
19:12 but his date of birth,
19:14 the senior judge,
19:17 was after 23 days.
19:19 He became the judge for 23 days,
19:21 and the next senior took over,
19:22 and the next senior took over,
19:23 and the next senior took over.
19:24 He said that this has become a constitutional convention.
19:27 This is law that can,
19:29 that the rules may be subject to.
19:32 But it doesn't say that the rules shall be subject to act of parliament.
19:37 Law, as Justice Ayesha Malik explained,
19:41 is a larger space than act of parliament.
19:45 Law, judgments of the court, Supreme Court,
19:48 this is also law.
19:50 They lay down law.
19:53 So they come with a definition of law.
19:55 So through a judgment of the Supreme Court,
19:57 you can certainly,
19:59 the rules of the Supreme Court are subordinate
20:02 and subject to the judgments of the Supreme Court
20:05 as they may be to the constitutional convention,
20:08 such as that at every 60,
20:10 every Chief Justice retires at age 65,
20:13 and the next, on his birthday,
20:15 and the next Chief Justice takes over.
20:18 This is a tradition in India and in India as well.
20:21 And this is a very good tradition.
20:23 It is in force now.
20:24 We can call this a constitutional convention.
20:27 We can give it its status.
20:29 By changing the rules,
20:32 by changing the rules,
20:34 by changing the Supreme Court rules in 1980,
20:38 that the Chief Justice will be appointed
20:40 at the discretion of the outgoing Chief Justice.
20:44 So we cannot do this.
20:46 This constitutional law,
20:48 this act of parliament,
20:51 cannot bring about this change
20:54 in the Supreme Court rules,
20:57 that you will not appoint the senior most,
21:00 the Chief Justice of Pakistan,
21:02 but you can appoint whoever the President wants,
21:05 in his discretion,
21:07 or the outgoing Chief Justice,
21:09 who will be nominated.
21:11 You cannot amend these rules,
21:15 even by act of parliament.
21:17 This has been tried to explain to the bench.
21:21 And I think this is a very clear thing.
21:25 So it is, when it says that subject to law,
21:29 the rules will be subject to law.
21:32 [Farhan] This is exactly what the government wanted.
21:53 [Sadhguru] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
21:57 This can be done anyway.
21:59 This is not a consultation.
22:02 This is not the consultation that is required
22:06 under the Practices and Procedures Act.
22:11 Not under that.
22:13 That still is suspended.
22:15 If I am the Chief Justice,
22:18 then I can appoint the junior most judge
22:21 and ask him to give me some advice
22:24 on how to make the bench.
22:26 Many times, the Chief Justice
22:28 even starts asking in the court,
22:30 that you should make it on the Kalabagh Dam.
22:33 When Mr. Saqib Nisar was lying behind the dam,
22:37 he started asking in the open court,
22:40 how to make it.
22:42 I said, first, don't make it.
22:44 Don't make it at all.
22:46 Don't touch it.
22:48 The dam will be closed.
22:51 The dam will be blown.
22:53 Either it will be built overnight,
22:55 overnight, with a touch of a button,
22:57 the entire Kalabagh Dam will be built.
22:59 Then it's okay.
23:00 It won't be built like this.
23:02 So, don't make any bench.
23:04 If you want to make a bench,
23:06 then take it from all four provinces.
23:08 On which he told me,
23:10 that the Balochistan guy
23:12 will not sit with me.
23:14 So, that is his plan.
23:16 But today, there have been very good arguments.
23:19 Very good observations have been given.
23:22 Atar Minnala, although I think he
23:25 hacked most of the time
23:27 in the questions,
23:29 but he made some good pertinent points.
23:32 So did Mansoor Ali Shah.
23:34 But I think the concise and precise points
23:37 that were taken up by
23:40 by Justice Muneeb
23:44 Ayesha Malik and Ejadul Asim,
23:48 I think they prevailed over the issues
23:51 that were raised by the Chief Justice
23:54 and his like-minded
23:57 kahi phrase chal gahi hai toh,
23:59 his like-minded judges.
24:01 But I think it was an interesting day.
24:06 It was an honest effort on the part of
24:10 the Chief Justice of Pakistan.
24:14 Sir, you are saying honest effort.
24:16 I am saying that it was a pleasure to hear
24:18 that there is someone in this country
24:20 who does not want to sit on the chair
24:22 and increase his authority.
24:24 In fact, he is saying to answer.
24:26 So, in this regard,
24:28 a good precedent has been set.
24:30 This is a very good thing.
24:33 But let me tell you one thing.
24:35 Whether someone likes it or not.
24:37 The other person who gave up
24:40 the huge authority
24:43 as the President
24:45 including the 582(b)
24:48 ki 18th Amendment mein isko khatam kar do.
24:51 Qadasif Ali Zardari as President.
24:53 He gave up the powers of
24:56 solely appointing Governors,
24:59 of solely appointing
25:01 his discretion, the Chief Election Commissioner, etc.
25:05 Sab kuch Parliament ko,
25:07 Parliament ko de diya.
25:09 Usne apne beikhtyar Sadar tha.
25:11 Aur uske baabujood,
25:13 one must say,
25:15 he was a successful President.
25:17 Sir, awaam ke liye batayiye ki agar
25:19 iss Act ko uphold kar liya jaata hai,
25:21 kanoon ki shakal tasleem kar liya jaata hai,
25:23 toh pehre anewale dinon mein,
25:25 parliament usse kuch bhi expect kiya jaayega,
25:27 woh kuch bhi raddho badal kar sakti hai,
25:29 rules ke hawaale se,
25:31 the way the Supreme Court is run,
25:33 aat Rukmi Bench toh pehle stay de chuka tha,
25:35 saath mazeed aur
25:37 iss full court mein maujood hai,
25:39 it could go any which way.
25:41 Nahi phir toh sab kuch,
25:43 phir toh rules 1980 ke rules,
25:45 ya jo bhi rules judicially banayegi,
25:47 parliament usko strike down kar sakti hai,
25:49 usko tabdil kar sakti hai,
25:51 jaise maine kaah ke,
25:53 yeh jo ek convention ban gayi hai,
25:55 ke Chief Justice aata jaayega,
25:57 ab woh Chief Justice nahi pasand,
25:59 reference ki zaroorat nahi hogi,
26:01 agar aapke paas parliament mein strength hai,
26:03 aapko Supreme Judicial Council
26:05 ko refer karne ki koi zaroorat nahi hai,
26:07 aap two thirds majority
26:09 apni lehae,
26:11 woh kisi na kisi party ki aur alliance ki ho jayegi,
26:13 aur woh lehae hai aur
26:15 aap Judge sahab ko ghar bejne,
26:17 koi Supreme Judicial Council
26:19 na hai, yeh nahi ho sakta,
26:21 yeh isliye nahi ho sakta,
26:23 ke humare haan yeh entrenched ho gaya hai,
26:25 yeh principle of
26:27 trichotomy of powers,
26:29 taslees
26:31 ikhtiyaraat ki, yeh teen
26:33 alayda executive,
26:35 jis mein army bhi aajati hai,
26:37 lekin civil
26:39 executive zyada tha,
26:41 executive, judiciary
26:43 and parliament, and
26:45 unko yeh kahna ki, yeh parliament is
26:47 supreme, it may be
26:49 superior,
26:51 it can't be supreme, because the
26:53 constitution is supreme,
26:55 parliament bhi
26:57 ke paaband hai, ke wo constitution
26:59 ke mutaabak intidam chala hai,
27:01 woh yeh nahi kar sakti parliament,
27:03 ke kal hum 40%
27:05 pe hum,
27:07 jisko vote 46% milenge,
27:09 jis motion ko, jis tehreek ko,
27:11 woh pass samjhi jaayegi,
27:13 jis bill ko, kyunki
27:15 ayin me likha hai, by a majority,
27:17 phir ayin me kehin likha hai,
27:19 by two-thirds majority,
27:21 phir ayin me kehin quorum likha hai,
27:23 by one-fourth minority, but one-fourth
27:25 at least, ab ayin me jo
27:27 fractions de di hai, usko aap
27:29 law se to change nahi kar sakte, aap kehin
27:31 ji humne to kuch nahi kiya, supreme court
27:33 ke jo rules hai, humne uda di hai,
27:35 kyunki humne act of parliament hai, we are
27:37 the law, you are the
27:39 law, but you are not the law,
27:41 of the level,
27:43 us sata ke law nahi ho, us taakat
27:45 ke salayat ke aap kanoon nahi ho,
27:47 jo act of parliament hai, woh aapka
27:49 salayat nahi rakhta, ke rules
27:51 of the supreme
27:53 court ko woh amend kar sake.
27:55 Bahut bahut shukriya,
27:57 Barrister Ittizaz Ahsan
27:59 sahab humare saam maujood the, parliament
28:01 legislate kar sakti hai,
28:03 lekin supreme court ke rules ko kya overwrite
28:05 kiya jaa sakta hai, yaani ke sab yehi chahte
28:07 hai, lekin karna kisko chahiye
28:09 tha, this was the million dollar question,
28:11 it still very much is,
28:13 tantalis saal guzar chuke hai, khud
28:15 adliya ne apne ghar ki correction
28:17 nahi ki, apne rules ke andar
28:19 radho badal nahi kiya, unko update
28:21 nahi kiya, ek vakfa lete hain, vakfe ke baad
28:23 nahi kya, hume stay with us.
28:25 [Music]
28:29 [Music]
28:31 [Music]
28:33 [Music]
28:35 [Music]
28:37 [Music]
28:39 [Music]
28:41 Pakistan
29:02 to the court. How did you see them?
29:09 The court has given him a chance. For me, it was a fresh breeze.
29:16 The court has given him a chance. For me, it was a fresh breeze. For me, it was a fresh
29:23 breeze. For me, it was a fresh breeze. For me, it was a fresh breeze. For me, it was
29:30 a fresh breeze. For me, it was a fresh breeze. For me, it was a fresh breeze. For me, it
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29:44 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
29:51 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
29:58 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
30:05 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
30:12 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
30:19 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
30:26 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
30:33 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
30:40 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
30:47 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
30:54 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
31:01 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
31:08 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
31:15 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
31:22 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
31:29 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
31:36 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
31:43 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
31:50 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
31:57 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
32:04 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
32:11 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
32:21 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
32:31 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
32:41 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
32:51 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
33:01 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
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44:21 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
44:31 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
44:41 For me, it was a fresh breeze.
