James Cleverly agrees the entertainment industry has questions to answer

  • last year
James Cleverly on Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg discussing the accusations against Russel Brand and the questions the entertainment industry has to answer for
00:00 I want to ask you about the scandal around Russell Brand
00:03 and this alleged appalling behavior.
00:04 Now, some years ago, actually, you described him
00:06 as a vacuous narcissist.
00:09 But I wonder, in a wider sense, do you
00:11 think, from what we know now, that there are wider questions
00:14 that the entertainment industry must answer?
00:17 So I think there are some real challenges where
00:22 you have these very, very acute differentials in power,
00:26 whether that be in the entertainment industry,
00:27 whether that be in politics.
00:30 And we see this in the commercial world as well.
00:32 And I think we have to be particularly careful when
00:36 we listen to the voices of the people who
00:38 are relatively powerless, because we, I think,
00:43 collectively have missed opportunities
00:45 to do the right thing and intervene much, much earlier.
00:47 And we've got to be better at this.
00:49 So do you think there are questions for the industry?
00:51 Sadly, I think there are.
00:52 OK.
00:53 Foreign Secretary, thank you very much, indeed,
00:54 for being with us.
00:55 Always great to have you in the studio.
