Nour Play With Your Food Official Launch Trailer

  • last year
Nour: Play With Your Food is a casual atmospheric physics game developed by Terrifying Jellyfish. Explore a world centered on the aesthetics of food and interactive exploration. The game features over 20 goal-free edible vignettes along with a full soundtrack by Maximilian Mueller and James Morrison.
00:00 I would describe myself as someone who's thoughtful, almost to a fault.
00:09 I often overthink things, but often good ideas come from that as well.
00:15 I spend so much time in my head, ideas will come to me sometimes.
00:19 It's almost like I have a muse inside of me, just like kind of showing me things like,
00:24 "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if this happened?"
00:26 Or, "What if you connected this thing to this thing?"
00:29 And so I'm definitely someone who really likes to bring the visions in my head to reality.
00:39 While growing up with games, I realized the potential they had, also how unexplored of
00:43 a medium they are, just because of how new they are.
00:46 Books have been around forever, movies, they've been around for a minute, but games, we kind
00:52 of haven't done everything yet.
00:55 One strength that this medium has that others don't is you can put someone in someone else's
01:01 shoes and they're the ones making the decision, they're not watching someone make the decision.
01:07 And so because of that, it can lead to a lot of really empathetic moments.
01:11 And I think that's really the strength of video games, is you can put people in others'
01:16 shoes.
01:17 There's so many different directions we can go and I just want to open up those pathways.
01:22 [Music]
01:37 [Music]
