• il y a 2 ans
Gogglebox AU S18E05 || Gogglebox AU Season18 Episode5


00:00 - Tu vas aller au lit? D'accord, viens dire bonne nuit.
00:02 - Bonne nuit, papa.
00:03 - Bonne nuit.
00:04 Je t'aime.
00:05 Je t'aime tellement.
00:07 Dis bonne nuit, Jane.
00:08 - Bonne nuit, maman.
00:09 Donne-moi un bisou.
00:11 Donne-moi un bisou.
00:13 Chaque soir en Australie...
00:18 - On y va!
00:19 ... plus de 4 millions de nous choisissent de passer la nuit devant le télé.
00:23 - Ils vont nous laisser se cacher comme ça?
00:25 - C'est le but de cette émission!
00:27 Mais avez-vous jamais pensé à ce que les autres gens regardent?
00:29 - Je ne sais pas. Je ne sais pas.
00:31 - Découvrez ce que les gens pensaient à ce qui s'est passé dans les 7 dernières jours.
00:35 - Putain, quel délire!
00:37 - Est-ce que c'est valable pour une émission de télé? C'est ma question.
00:41 Cette semaine, le chanteur masque est de retour.
00:44 - Prends-le!
00:45 - Allez, prends-le!
00:47 - Comme l'a fait la célèbre Bake Off avec un ancien ami...
00:50 - Oh mon Dieu!
00:51 - C'est Ross de "Friends"!
00:52 - ... et le rôle de Big Pharma a été exposé dans "Painkiller".
00:57 - Ils ont menti au sujet du test et ont dit que ce n'était pas délirant.
01:00 - Vous savez qu'ils ont fait des milliards de dollars pour cette pilule?
01:02 - C'est diabolique!
01:04 - J'ai pas eu de voix pour le footy.
01:11 Je pleure et je chante la chanson.
01:13 Je dois boire un peu de ça pour me soûler.
01:16 - Oh, juste pour vous soûler?
01:17 - Je pourrais faire 3, 4, 5, 6.
01:19 - Qu'est-ce que c'est?
01:23 - Le chanteur masque!
01:24 - Oh mon Dieu, il est de retour!
01:25 - C'est vrai! Le masque est de retour le 10 juin.
01:29 - Oh mon Dieu, c'est tellement excitant!
01:32 - C'est un spectacle où on ne peut jamais imaginer qui est derrière le masque.
01:35 - Où est Usher?
01:39 - Quoi? Quoi?
01:40 - Qu'est-ce qui se passe là?
01:41 - Oh, je ne sais pas!
01:42 - Australien, nous sommes de retour!
01:44 - J'ai cru qu'il s'était transformé en Baz Luhrmann!
01:46 - Désolé. Nous avons rassemblé les plus grands célèbres du planète.
01:50 - Oui, ils le disent à chaque fois.
01:51 - Des noms grands, des noms grands!
01:53 - Et pour nous aider à déduire ces noms grands derrière le masque,
01:56 nous avons les 4 panélistes.
01:58 - Elfette!
01:59 - Oui, Scary Spice, nous vous aimons!
02:00 - Mel B est ma vitamine B!
02:03 - C'est Abbey Chatfield!
02:04 - Salut Abbey!
02:05 - Abbey partout.
02:06 - Il n'y a rien qui n'est pas Abbey.
02:07 - Bienvenue à la salle, Chrissie Swan!
02:09 - Chrissie Swan est sur le plateau.
02:10 - Oui.
02:11 - Chrissie était sur le plateau la saison dernière.
02:12 - Elle l'a été?
02:13 - Nous sommes d'accord sur ça, Husey.
02:14 - Oh, là est mon amour, Husey!
02:16 - Husey est connu pour faire les meilleurs déduits irréalistes.
02:19 - Allez, le premier!
02:22 - Cowgirl!
02:24 - OK, des clous!
02:26 - D'accord, prenez vos notes.
02:27 - Une chose que tout le monde croit sur les cows, c'est que nous sommes végans.
02:31 - Vous pensez que nous laissons certaines nourritures sans toucher?
02:34 - Ces clous n'étaient pas du tout utiles.
02:36 - Qui pensez-vous que c'est?
02:37 - Je ne sais pas.
02:39 - Allons, Cowgirl!
02:40 - OK!
02:41 - ♪ Yo, je vais te dire ce que je veux ♪
02:42 - ♪ Ce que je vraiment, vraiment veux ♪
02:43 - C'est un mouvement fort pour utiliser la chanson de Mel B, non?
02:46 - Oh, elle est comme, "Oh, c'est bon, nous payons des royalties sur ça, c'est sympa."
02:49 - ♪ C'est une histoire de 8 à 10 ♪
02:51 - ♪ You wanna get with me, you better listen carefully ♪
02:53 - Qui êtes-vous, Cowgirl?
02:55 - Je ne sais pas, mais qui sont les cowboys?
02:57 - ♪ If you wanna be my lover ♪
02:59 - OK, maman, met ton masque de pensée.
03:01 - Quelle chanson va-t-elle chanter?
03:02 - Je pense que c'est Pamela Anderson!
03:05 - Tu veux?
03:06 - Ils choisissent toutes ces personnes incroyablement célèbres.
03:09 Et c'est généralement quelqu'un de Masterchef 2002.
03:12 - C'était alors le moment de la chanson de la prochaine chanteuse.
03:15 - C'est parti pour le test de crash, Daphne!
03:17 - Le test de crash!
03:19 - Oh! - Papa, regarde ici!
03:21 - Oui, il a l'air boisé.
03:22 - C'était moi, la dernière fois que je suis allé au Valais.
03:24 - C'est pas long!
03:25 - Je suis habitué à être en boulot, beaucoup!
03:27 - Qui est-ce que tu penses que c'est?
03:28 - Marco Schumacher?
03:29 Il est sorti de la coma et est devenu chanteur de masque?
03:31 - ♪ I thought that I'd been hurt before ♪
03:35 - Oh!
03:36 - Bon chanteur ou mauvais chanteur?
03:37 - ♪ Got a feeling that I'm going under ♪
03:40 - Il peut chanter, non? Pour un chauffeur de voiture.
03:42 - ♪ And I'm without your kisses ♪
03:45 - ♪ Really ♪
03:46 - Tu as la voix la pire.
03:47 - Tu l'as.
03:48 - Si je pouvais chanter, je serais un triple threat.
03:50 - Quels sont les autres deux threats?
03:51 - ♪ I've been eating stitches ♪
03:54 - Oh, je ne vais pas le donner comme un hommage.
03:56 - Je ne pense pas que tu es un chanteur professionnel.
04:00 - Mais j'ai une idée de Husey.
04:01 - Pas un chanteur professionnel.
04:02 - Il est un sportiste.
04:03 - John Steffenson!
04:05 - Je pense que c'est moi.
04:06 - Tu penses que c'est John Steffenson?
04:08 - Attends, mais c'était une réponse sensible.
04:09 - Qu'est-ce qui se passe avec Husey?
04:10 - Husey est venu jouer cette saison.
04:12 - Qui est le prochain?
04:14 - C'est Bad Avocado!
04:15 - Bad Avocado!
04:17 - Il a été dans le réfrigérateur un peu.
04:19 - Apporte les vêtements.
04:20 - J'étais un peu rouge quand je suis arrivée.
04:22 - Mais je sais quand je peux arrêter.
04:24 - Quelqu'un qui est en colère.
04:25 - Martha, de M.A.F.S.
04:27 - Jackie Lambie.
04:28 - ♪ I couldn't hit the grade ♪
04:29 - ♪ But I put up a fight ♪
04:31 - ♪ And all I do is sit around and wait for better days ♪
04:36 - Je pense que ton cerveau commence à faire mal.
04:38 - Je pense que c'est Martha, de Married at First Sight.
04:42 - C'est ce que je dis.
04:43 Ça veut dire que je suis bon ou mauvais?
04:45 - Je ne pense pas que c'est Martha.
04:47 - Pourquoi?
04:48 - Si c'était Martha, ils auraient donné un mot grec.
04:50 - C'est qui le star de l'Odyssey?
04:52 - C'est Ash Barty!
04:54 - Ash Barty, l'avocat.
04:56 - Au bout de la nuit, c'était la fin des deux.
04:59 - L'avocat, il va falloir l'enlever.
05:01 - Le chien de crash-test est Gonski.
05:03 - Qui va y aller?
05:04 - Le chien de crash-test!
05:06 - Oh!
05:07 - Qui est derrière ce masque?
05:09 - C'est quelqu'un qui a un peu perdu sa carrière.
05:12 - J'ai juste l'impression que c'est Grant Denya.
05:14 - Tire-le! Tire-le! Tire-le!
05:17 - Tire-le! Tire-le!
05:20 - Allez, l'enlève!
05:21 - Pouvez-vous imaginer ce que les voisins pensent?
05:23 - Oh!
05:24 - Qui est-ce?
05:25 - Oh mon Dieu!
05:26 - Oh mon Dieu!
05:28 - Qui est-ce?
05:29 - Le masque ne s'en va pas du tout.
05:31 - Oh mon Dieu!
05:32 - Non, non, 2-1-0! Beverly Hills!
05:34 - Oh! Austin Green!
05:36 - Oh!
05:37 - Tu ne le savais pas!
05:38 - Il est plutôt bien.
05:39 - Il n'a rien à faire.
05:43 - C'est une épreuve de crédibilité.
05:45 - Ils sont en train de dire des noms.
05:47 - Le masque est juste une bonne façon de faire des prédictions familiales.
05:51 - J'ai vu ce truc cool, les gars.
06:03 - Oui.
06:04 - Tu as ton doigt index sur une main.
06:06 - Oui.
06:07 - Ton doigt pinky sur l'autre main.
06:08 - Oui.
06:09 - Et puis, tu dois le changer.
06:11 - Oh!
06:13 - Ça va t'aider à avoir une copine?
06:15 - Qu'est-ce que tu parles, monsieur le 35 ans de Virginie?
06:18 - Je suis 36, mec.
06:20 - J'ai été en viral!
06:26 - Oh, d'accord.
06:27 - D'une bonne ou d'une mauvaise façon?
06:29 - Indonésie! Oh mon Dieu!
06:38 - J'aime l'Indo aussi.
06:39 - Tu le fais.
06:40 - Tu le fais.
06:41 - On s'amuse du climat tropical,
06:43 de la belle nature.
06:45 - Je vais en Indonésie juste pour la nourriture.
06:47 - Un déjeuner m'a fait tomber à l'esprit,
06:49 c'est le nasi padang.
06:50 - Oh mon Dieu, le nasi padang!
06:52 - J'aime le nasi padang!
06:54 - Je n'en ai jamais mangé.
06:55 - Je le déscrivais comme le grand frère de tapas indonésien.
06:59 - Ça a l'air délicieux.
07:00 - Ça a l'air très bon.
07:01 - Plus!
07:02 - Le nasi padang me donnera un diarhée pendant trois jours.
07:05 - C'est le début de la façon dont le nasi padang a littéralement changé ma vie.
07:09 - La nourriture qu'il a mangée a changé sa vie.
07:11 - Il a un virus ou quelque chose comme ça.
07:12 - Il va finir en hôpital.
07:13 - Retournant à la Norvège, Auden ne peut pas s'en sortir.
07:16 - Oh, je pense qu'il a un virus.
07:18 - On va voir un déjeuner où un homme meurt?
07:20 - Non, il ne peut pas se faire de...
07:22 - Il avait un problème de ventre ou quelque chose comme ça?
07:24 - On va le découvrir.
07:26 - D'accord, désolé.
07:27 - En gros, il a vraiment manqué le nasi padang.
07:29 Et le problème qu'il a...
07:31 - Il n'y a pas d'où trouver en Norvège.
07:33 - Bien sûr que non.
07:34 Où il vient, ils mangent des poissons fermentés.
07:36 - Donc Auden fait ce que tout être humain pourrait faire
07:39 qui ne peut pas traquer la nourriture qu'ils ont envie.
07:42 - Je fais une chanson d'amour pour exprimer
07:44 combien je manque de nourriture.
07:46 - Une chanson d'amour?
07:47 - On est allé dans un endroit et tu l'as mangée et tu as dit
07:49 "Oh, c'était magnifique, c'était beau!"
07:51 - C'est la première fois que je l'ai fait, Keith.
07:53 - C'était la première fois de ma vie
07:56 Et si tu étais humain, je te ferais ma femme
08:00 - Ha, ha, ha, ha!
08:01 - Si tu étais humain, je te ferais ma femme.
08:03 - Il doit vraiment aimer ce Nasi Badang.
08:06 - Nasi badang, nasi badang, nasi badang
08:13 - Il va être dans ton tête et ne sortir pas de là.
08:15 - Nasi badang, nasi badang, nasi badang
08:21 - Je te dis, c'est un banger.
08:23 - C'est sûr, parce qu'après partager son ode
08:26 à la dish de Samaritaine populaire,
08:28 des millions de gens ne peuvent pas en avoir assez de sa chanson d'amour.
08:31 - Il est devenu viral.
08:33 - Oh mon Dieu!
08:35 - Il peut devenir viral pour les choses les plus bizarres, n'est-ce pas?
08:39 - Le "Oh, Bruno Mars"
08:41 - Vous avez dépassé Bruno Mars!
08:43 - Il est le numéro un!
08:44 - Oh mon Dieu, c'est incroyable!
08:46 - Je pense que je vais faire des chansons de cover bientôt.
08:48 - Nasi badang, nasi badang
08:51 - Nasi, nasi, you so fine
08:54 - Nasi badang
08:56 - Nasi, nasi badang
08:59 - Nasi badang
09:02 - Nasi badang
09:04 - C'est vraiment fou!
09:07 - Le gouverneur de West Sumatra m'a invité à dîner.
09:10 - Quoi?
09:12 - Le gouverneur l'a invité à manger du nasi badang à Sumatra.
09:16 - Non!
09:17 - C'est incroyable!
09:22 - C'est génial!
09:23 - Ils le traitent comme un roi!
09:25 - Tout d'un coup, je suis habillé et honoré avec un titre.
09:27 C'est "Datouak".
09:28 - Oh, merde!
09:29 "Datou" signifie "dîner".
09:32 - Il peut se marier à trois femmes.
09:41 - Parce qu'il a fait une chanson sur...
09:43 - Ce n'est pas ridicule?
09:46 - Non, ce qui est ridicule, c'est que Orden est maintenant
09:49 sur un tour de célèbre de l'Indonésie.
09:51 - Oh mon Dieu! Il est un héros national!
09:55 - C'est incroyable!
09:56 - C'est juste un rongneur de Norvège qui mange un bon déjeuner.
09:59 - J'adore la chanson, en fait.
10:01 - Une interview avec CNN?
10:03 - Il fait le circuit de PR! C'est comme Elton John!
10:06 - Et il peut se trouver à courir vers le John,
10:08 parce que dans chaque apparence publique...
10:11 - Rappelez-moi ce qu'il mange!
10:12 - Nasi, nasi, nasi badang!
10:14 - Nasi badang!
10:15 - Nasi badang!
10:16 - Nasi badang!
10:18 - Je manque le don!
10:19 - C'est quoi ça?
10:20 - Avapadou.
10:21 - Il est comme "merde, mon prochain livre va être
10:25 sur le chocolat!"
10:26 - Mais pour finir son tour de célèbre,
10:29 il donne une performance en vie
10:31 sur l'un des plus populaires shows de la langue indonésienne.
10:34 - Oh mon Dieu!
10:35 - C'est hectique!
10:36 - On est dans le livre de la Bible!
10:40 - Oh mon Dieu!
10:42 - Allez, c'est parti!
10:47 - Nasi badang!
10:48 - Nasi badang!
10:50 - Nasi badang!
10:54 - Nasi badang!
10:56 - Frère, tout ce que je veux savoir,
10:58 avec tout ça, est-ce que tu as été enlevé?
11:00 Est-ce que tu as eu ta...
11:02 - Oh mon Dieu, c'est la chose la plus bizarre
11:06 que j'ai vue depuis longtemps!
11:09 - Je vais chanter cette chanson sur le toilette demain matin.
11:12 - Je pense qu'on peut chanter une chanson
11:13 sur un peu de ta nourriture, Kate.
11:15 - Quoi?
11:16 - "Burnt..."
11:17 - Il va aller viral, oui.
11:18 - "Burnt lamb and chops..."
11:19 - "Burnt steaks with no taste,
11:21 that's what cake is!"
11:23 ♪ ♪ ♪
11:25 - Izzy et Kerry ont juste retourné de visiter Emmy.
11:37 - C'était drôle quand elle s'est assise avec nous
11:39 à Morning Melodies avec Michael.
11:41 - C'était mignon!
11:43 - J'ai adoré!
11:44 - Et elle a perdu son aide au son.
11:46 - Je sais, encore.
11:48 - Comment trouvons-nous son aide au son
11:50 à un centre de soins de l'âge?
11:52 (rires)
11:54 - On Sunday night, we tuned into the finale of...
11:57 - The Traitors!
11:59 - Oh!
12:00 - Shut up, Nikita!
12:01 - I haven't said a word!
12:02 - This show's always reminded me of Cluedo.
12:04 - Well, it is the same, isn't it?
12:05 - Almost.
12:06 - This grand old hotel invited 20 strangers
12:09 to play the ultimate game...
12:11 - Ah!
12:12 - ...of strategy and deception.
12:14 - I love this show.
12:15 - This is one of my favorite shows on TV.
12:17 - But hidden amongst them were three traitors.
12:19 Sam...
12:20 - I don't like him.
12:21 - Camille...
12:22 - She's very naive.
12:23 - And Blake.
12:24 - Blake has been a follower from the start.
12:26 - Their job was to secretly murder the faithful...
12:28 - Brutal!
12:29 - And it was up to the faithful to banish a traitor.
12:32 - The faithful have been shit and trying to find them.
12:34 - These faithful are as dumb as dog shit.
12:37 - Yep, and they've all been eliminated.
12:39 - The Traitors have played a really strong game.
12:41 - They have.
12:42 - And none stronger than Sam.
12:43 - This is the moment I've been waiting for this entire game.
12:46 - Sam's been a good player this game.
12:48 - Sam is the most strategic traitor.
12:51 - This is the first time in the history of the game
12:53 three traitors have made it to the very end.
12:57 - Three traitors made it to the end.
12:59 - Wow, this is big.
13:00 - Now what happens?
13:01 - Therefore you must now face the Traitor's Dilemma.
13:04 - The Traitor's Dilemma.
13:06 - What's that?
13:07 - $208,000 is your grand prize.
13:10 - Is that chocolate or money?
13:12 - It's silver.
13:13 - You can each choose to share the prize
13:16 or you can each choose to steal it.
13:19 - Oh!
13:20 - If one traitor chooses to steal, they take it all.
13:23 - He's definitely stealing.
13:24 - He's a slippery ass.
13:25 - So predictable.
13:26 - If two traitors choose to steal,
13:28 they split the prize 50/50.
13:30 - Surely you just go steal.
13:32 - You know someone's going to dog you.
13:34 - If all three of you choose to steal,
13:36 you all get nothing.
13:38 - Oh!
13:39 - What would you do?
13:40 - I would ride share.
13:41 - And I would trust that you would ride share
13:42 and I would ride steal.
13:43 - Don't do that!
13:44 - What do you reckon Camille's going to do?
13:45 - We deserve to be at the end.
13:48 - Game well played man, they lasted the whole way.
13:51 That's incredible.
13:52 - All I want is the three of us to share.
13:55 - How stupid is she?
13:56 - Sam's not going to share.
13:57 - We talked about integrity at the end.
13:59 - Yeah, 100%.
14:01 - Liar, liar, pants on fire.
14:03 - He can't spell integrity.
14:05 - We talked about sharing.
14:06 - And we're sticking with it.
14:07 - No they won't.
14:08 - Sticking with it?
14:09 - We're sticking with it.
14:10 - Don't trust demons.
14:11 - You'd be an idiot to trust Sam knowing what he's capable of.
14:14 - Used car salesman wouldn't trust this bloke.
14:17 - Camille is in my back pocket.
14:19 I just tell Camille we're riding share
14:21 and Camille will say yes sir.
14:23 - Oh!
14:24 - Oh he's revolting.
14:25 - Cheeky bastard.
14:26 - I got rid of the other traders,
14:27 I get rid of all the faithfuls.
14:28 - I've done all the work.
14:30 - I deserve all of it.
14:31 - Of course you do, you entitled little prick.
14:34 - He was a key player, quite deserving.
14:36 - Oh God I hope Sam you get nothing.
14:38 - Please, everyone write steal.
14:43 - I hope Camille writes steal.
14:45 - She won't.
14:46 - Let's hear first from Sam.
14:48 - He's gonna say steal.
14:49 - Yeah we all know.
14:51 - It's been amazing playing with you two.
14:52 - Oh come on idiot.
14:54 - But I'm here to steal the silver.
14:56 - Of course.
14:57 - Oh you snake.
14:58 - Told you.
14:59 - Splitting the pot three ways is off the table.
15:02 - They look heartbroken.
15:04 - You knew you couldn't trust him.
15:06 - Let's now hear from Blake.
15:08 - Please Blake do not share steal.
15:12 - I also chose to steal.
15:14 - Oh my gosh.
15:16 - She's cut out.
15:18 - Camille, please reveal your choice.
15:20 - She wrote share and the boys are splitting it.
15:22 - I think she's smarter and she's gonna write steal.
15:24 - She's written steal, no one gets anything.
15:27 - I knew you wanted me because I was a sharer.
15:30 - Wait what?
15:31 - Oh here we go.
15:32 - But if I wasn't gonna win.
15:34 - Say cop this asshole.
15:36 - Then none of us were gonna win.
15:41 (cheering)
15:44 - Yes, you get nothing.
15:47 Look at Blake.
15:48 - Go to Sam, go to Sam, go to Sam.
15:50 - I can't believe that just happened.
15:53 - Suck shit Blake, suck shit Sam, you losers.
15:58 - Unfortunately, the silver will be staying with me.
16:03 - Yes.
16:05 - Careful, careful, you'll have the baby.
16:07 - Oh my God.
16:08 - Oh that was good.
16:10 - You cannot expect a better ending than this.
16:13 - And no one won, the winner was us.
16:15 - Yeah we won.
16:16 - That was my favourite season so far.
16:18 - So far, yeah.
16:19 - An amazing season.
16:21 - In Brisbane, Mia has some exciting news.
16:37 - So I've got an update.
16:40 - Are you having a girl?
16:44 - Yes.
16:45 - Mia!
16:46 - Oh my God.
16:47 - Shut up.
16:49 - How exciting.
16:50 - Do you wanna hear a pregnancy fact?
16:52 - What's that?
16:53 - Guess how large my uterus is right now.
16:56 - First of all, what's a uterus?
17:00 - Monday night on Nine.
17:02 - Previously on the block.
17:03 - One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock.
17:05 - Oh not this one.
17:06 - A great yawning divide split the blockheads.
17:08 - Oh the cracks are showing.
17:11 - Nine, ten, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock.
17:13 - No.
17:14 - We got it.
17:15 - No.
17:16 - Around it.
17:17 - No.
17:18 - Turn it up.
17:19 - I don't love the block.
17:20 - We don't show you anything about building,
17:21 but we've got drama.
17:22 - We're here for the drama.
17:23 - Today's open for inspection is now the validation express.
17:27 - Oh I love this when they go and check out everyone's houses
17:29 and just shit on them.
17:30 - Leah has promised to give validation
17:32 after the girls complained to Steph and Gian
17:34 about Leah and Ash's negative feedback.
17:37 - They just never ever say anything positive.
17:39 They just ignore us, sort of thing.
17:41 - What do you want approval from them?
17:42 - Oh who gets on with who?
17:44 - No you don't need validation, but it is nice.
17:46 - Have we confused the word validate with feedback?
17:48 - Ready for the validation station.
17:50 - I don't know, I feel like they're misusing the word validation.
17:53 - First stop.
17:54 - House four.
17:55 - Coming in third on 25 and a half points
17:57 was Steph and Gian with their Japandy styling.
18:00 - Oh I like that.
18:01 - Like a bit of Japandy.
18:02 - I think it looks shit.
18:03 - The judges felt they over-styled their room.
18:05 - Japanese styling is minimalist.
18:07 They've overdone it.
18:08 - It's making my eyes go all over the place.
18:10 - I think it looks really boring.
18:11 - Beige.
18:12 - If you were sitting in there you'd camouflage,
18:14 you'd just be a floating head.
18:16 - It's my vibe in there.
18:17 - Does the validation station think Steph and Gian have missed the mark?
18:21 - Oh wow, okay.
18:23 - We've got bamboo.
18:24 - Here we go.
18:25 - That's actually hideous.
18:26 - Uh oh.
18:27 - How many? One, two, three, four, five.
18:29 - What?
18:30 - Oh my god.
18:31 - What happened?
18:32 - Pots.
18:33 - Who cares?
18:34 - That's you Kate.
18:35 - I know.
18:36 - Have a look at what's behind us.
18:37 It's like Ornament City in this house.
18:39 - They are now ready to validate.
18:41 - Okay here we go, validation station time.
18:44 - If I hear the word validation one more time,
18:46 I'm going to lose it.
18:47 - Yeah, that was a lot of pots.
18:48 - Then we were over the back,
18:49 I was like there's a pot in the pot.
18:50 - Uh oh, they're not validating at all.
18:52 - Oh no.
18:53 - Oh my god, nasty pasties.
18:54 - Bamboo, 100%.
18:56 - You don't like it?
18:57 - Nah.
18:58 - Take a pot shot.
19:00 - Whack.
19:01 - It's nice to say, don't say anything at all.
19:02 It's like how I never compliment your shirts.
19:04 - And those two cane chairs.
19:06 - Don't like it.
19:07 - Not for you.
19:08 - My god.
19:09 - Get a hammer, get a saw, build something people.
19:11 - Oh yeah, the building.
19:12 - Just move on up, move on up.
19:15 - It's time for our blockheads to focus
19:17 on the master bedroom and walk-in robe area.
19:19 - Finally.
19:20 - They're going to do something.
19:21 - Now build, build, build.
19:22 - Lir and Ash's curvy top story is really taking shape.
19:25 - Show us your layout.
19:26 - They'll have a brightly coloured galley walk-in robe.
19:29 - That's going to look good.
19:30 - Whoa, that's as big as my unit.
19:32 - The closet I came out of was not as fancy as that.
19:35 - Looks terrific, looks tricky.
19:37 - Can't be that tricky, right?
19:39 - Well, kinda.
19:40 - While building House 2's steel frames,
19:42 Truecore had to reduce the upstairs ceiling height to 2700,
19:46 down from 2800 specified in their original plan.
19:50 - Oh shit, so the wardrobes aren't going to fit.
19:52 - Do they not measure things?
19:53 - That's bloody dumb.
19:54 - I think this is karma coming to bite them.
19:56 - Okay, I'm just here with Lir from House 2.
19:58 - She's an idiot.
19:59 - Their wardrobes have been built at 2800,
20:02 but we've only got a 2700 floor to ceiling.
20:05 - What a stuff!
20:06 - Well, they gave us the measurements to work to.
20:08 - No, I never gave the measurements.
20:10 - No, I never gave the measurements.
20:12 - Lir's so annoying.
20:13 - She's not taking any accountability.
20:15 - Who's going to be right?
20:16 - I went to Kinsman many weeks ago.
20:18 - This is so good because they can go back and check the footage.
20:21 - Aha, and you have your measurements.
20:23 - Oh, sure she did.
20:24 - We'll just get you to sign off on the master wardrobe.
20:27 - Oh, she signed off on it.
20:29 - There it is in ink itself.
20:30 - Dumbasses.
20:31 - Dan was saying, "Why didn't you measure?"
20:33 And I thought, "Okay, well, I didn't really think we needed to."
20:37 I guess that's misunderstanding number one.
20:39 - That's not a misunderstanding, that's a mistake.
20:41 - For you.
20:42 - Idiot.
20:43 - Don't you guys think that when this structure came up,
20:45 you would come and double check?
20:46 - You're meant to double check.
20:48 You're the contestant.
20:49 - You're throwing this all back on us
20:50 when you're the actual contestant.
20:52 - Yes!
20:53 - I never thought that was a problem.
20:54 - Because you didn't check.
20:55 - Exactly.
20:56 - I bet you she wants a bit of validation now.
20:58 [laughter]
20:59 - Probably the simple solution is to just delete
21:01 the top row of cabinets.
21:02 - Yep.
21:03 - Which will bring it back to 2,300.
21:05 - Yep.
21:06 - And they'll just have to do a bulkhead above that.
21:08 - Oh, they're just doing a bulkhead.
21:09 You know what a bulkhead is?
21:10 Boring.
21:11 - So her builder, Rob, has come up with another plan.
21:14 - You should do no kick.
21:15 - Oh, we're going to take the kickboard out.
21:17 - Drop the kick.
21:18 - How can we get solutions?
21:20 - You didn't solve it, the builder did,
21:22 while your husband's eating pasta.
21:23 - I'm loving it.
21:25 Really loving it.
21:26 - Truly hating it.
21:27 - Tomorrow night.
21:28 - I love the block.
21:29 I feel like we learn a lot.
21:30 - Answer me a question.
21:31 How many tools did you see in contestants' hands
21:36 during this episode?
21:39 Zero.
21:40 [music playing]
21:43 - I'm back in the gym.
21:52 - Are you?
21:53 - Yeah, a couple of days a week.
21:54 I go at, like, 5.30 in the morning.
21:57 - That's very commendable.
21:58 - The key is--
21:59 - It's too early, but it's commendable.
22:01 - The key is set your alarm away from bed
22:04 so you have to get out.
22:05 - Oh, no.
22:06 I do that, and I just grit my teeth and outweighed it.
22:08 Nine minutes, that's how long it takes for your alarm to turn off.
22:12 [music playing]
22:14 - This week on "Fox Tell."
22:16 - Rittstein's Far Eastern Odyssey.
22:18 Leanne, that's us.
22:19 We are Eastern Odysseys.
22:21 - Get your linen shirt out.
22:23 Head to the most humid destination that you can.
22:26 It's Rittstein.
22:27 - Or pink and sweaty with Rittstein.
22:29 - It's just a delight to the eye.
22:31 - I wonder where he's going.
22:33 - In Asia somewhere, I would say.
22:36 - Now I'm in Malaysia.
22:37 - Malaysia!
22:39 - That's us.
22:42 - Oh, my god.
22:43 That looks like Penang.
22:44 - This is the island of Penang.
22:45 - Ah!
22:47 That's where I was born.
22:49 - Penang is the food capital of Malaysia.
22:51 - You would love this because they have really hot food
22:54 over there, and you're a big hot guy.
22:56 - Thanks, mate.
22:58 - Eating out is so cheap, and the variety is so immense.
23:02 - That's a real holiday, walking through the markets
23:04 amongst the locals, picking where you're going to actually
23:07 get diarrhea from.
23:08 - And yeah, and shitting yourself for three days.
23:10 - Who dreamt up this way of cooking rice noodle pancakes?
23:15 - Oh, oh, I've literally eaten there.
23:17 - Oh, OK.
23:18 - What he does is just ladle some rice batter.
23:21 - God, when was the last time that was cleaned?
23:23 - And then he's sprinkling some sweet pork and prawns on it.
23:27 - When was the last time he washed his hands?
23:28 - This is a Cantonese dish, chee cheong fun.
23:31 - That looks delicious.
23:33 - Oh, I don't think so.
23:34 - This chap learnt his trade working in a dim sum restaurant.
23:37 - How many times did they put their hands on the top of the food?
23:39 - Would you buy this off the streets?
23:41 - I tell you what, you're rolling the dice there, aren't you?
23:43 - Oh, that is the whitest thing I've ever heard.
23:45 - Thank you.
23:46 - The dish is finished off with a stock flavoured with sweet soy sauce.
23:50 - You don't sit down and have that meal until you find out where the nearest toilet is.
23:53 - Rick's next stop is with Mr Lim.
23:56 - Mr Lim has been making these spring roll skins.
23:59 - Oh, that's bo piah skin.
24:00 - Spring rolls?
24:01 - It's bo piah, it's not spring rolls.
24:04 - Oh!
24:05 - I bet people would say, don't you get bored doing the same thing day after day?
24:09 - Oh, that guy's never been bored in his life, has he?
24:11 - He's having a ball.
24:12 - I can assure you he wouldn't be bored, you can just see how much he's enjoying it.
24:15 - Enjoying it, please, mate. He's making it $2 an hour.
24:18 - Standing over a hot plate, it's 40 degrees, 90% humidity, and he's loving it. Is he, Rick?
24:24 - And he's got a sweaty pink British man pointing at him.
24:27 - So much skill involved, I have never seen.
24:29 - Look how much he's sweating.
24:31 - Sweaty, beddy, city.
24:33 - I get the same feeling walking through the market streets.
24:36 - Look at that back.
24:37 - Enticing smells from the various stores.
24:40 - That is our favourite store, we go there all the time.
24:43 - Has the health department been there and checked it out?
24:45 - All sorts of wonderful things being made.
24:47 - Look at that shirt.
24:48 - Look at the pockets, the only dry bit.
24:50 - I don't have a clue as to what's in half of the delicacies on offer here.
24:54 - Oh no.
24:55 - That looks like a hand.
24:56 - Chicken feet.
24:58 - The claw.
25:00 - Gelatinous.
25:02 - Oh, yuck.
25:04 - Soft to the palate.
25:05 - Doesn't look like he's enjoying that one bit.
25:07 - He wants to spit that out.
25:09 - When the camera goes off, he goes...
25:11 - Early the next morning, I met up with a Malaysian food writer, Faye Khoo.
25:15 - Faye Khoo.
25:16 - I've met her.
25:17 - Are you serious?
25:18 - I've met her.
25:19 - Of course you have.
25:20 - Her enthusiasm knows no bounds.
25:22 - Yeah, let's make some fish head curry.
25:23 - Fish head curry?
25:25 - No, why? No, you lost me a fish head.
25:27 - Thank you very much.
25:28 - Thank you, thank you.
25:29 - Fish head curry is the bomb.
25:31 - How's your ass going to feel afterwards?
25:33 - Mention fish head curry to a Westerner and they look at you most strangely.
25:37 - Oh.
25:38 - No.
25:39 - That bloody fish curry's looking at me, mate.
25:40 - Being a connoisseur of fish, I was, of course, very keen to try the eyeballs.
25:45 - What the hell?
25:46 - No, Rick, no.
25:47 - Here goes with the eyeball.
25:49 - Oh!
25:51 - Yuck.
25:53 - He's taking the retina out.
25:55 - Oh, God, Rick, for God's sake.
25:58 - Next, I'm going to another famous place on the Spice Route,
26:06 the teardrop island of Sri Lanka.
26:09 - Go Sri Lanka!
26:12 - Oh, my God, I love Sri Lanka, the Sri Lankan fish.
26:17 - Oh, shut up. Stop talking.
26:19 - I've just arrived here. I am totally knocked out by what I'm seeing.
26:23 - Look at the rubbish on the beach.
26:25 - Oh, this makes me miss Sri Lanka.
26:27 - I was asked if I fancied a trip with a bunch of fishermen.
26:30 - Good on you, Rick.
26:31 - He gives things a go, doesn't he?
26:33 - And then they all started to jump ship.
26:35 - What are they doing?
26:36 - They're scaring all the fish into the net.
26:38 - It's the strangest way to catch fish I've ever seen.
26:41 - You would only ever find Sri Lankans jumping into the ocean,
26:44 scaring the fish into the net.
26:46 - It actually worked. That is amazing.
26:50 - Well, I have to say this is a great moment.
26:53 - Oh, I can't wait for them to make their fish curry.
26:56 - In the next program, a fisherman's wife shows me how they cook these fish.
27:00 - What?
27:01 - Is that it?
27:04 - Oh, we didn't get to see the food.
27:06 - One of the most delicious shows on TV.
27:09 - Now Rick's got to go home and wash every single linen shirt that he's ever owned.
27:14 - How was school today?
27:28 - Good.
27:29 - What did you learn?
27:31 - Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.
27:34 Mmm.
27:38 - This is what you pay school fees for, eh?
27:40 - Yeah, not much, eh?
27:41 - This week, we got excited by...
27:44 - This is The Voice!
27:47 - I love The Voice!
27:48 - Tonight, the battles begin.
27:52 - The Voice battles! Alrighty.
27:54 - I love the battle rounds.
27:55 - Head to head, toe to toe.
27:57 - That's right. Sunday on 7, the first battle round began.
28:01 - And judge Jason Derulo isn't living up to his surname.
28:06 - I broke the rules.
28:07 - What?
28:08 - What?
28:09 - Jason is always bending the rules.
28:11 - I'm going to take both of you to the battles.
28:13 - You're Jason Derulo, bro. You do whatever you want.
28:17 - Now I have to do a three-way battle.
28:18 - Oh, wow. It's a three-way.
28:20 - I love this.
28:21 - Three hot guys. What's there not to love?
28:23 - Let the three-way battle commence.
28:26 - Here we go.
28:27 - Time for the battle. Ding, ding.
28:29 - Oh, beautiful.
28:33 - He's just giving me goosebumps.
28:36 - Do you know how that guy can hit the high notes?
28:40 Look how tight his pants are.
28:41 - Alex has got the whole package.
28:43 - Look at the evil scientist.
28:47 - I know.
28:49 - You raise me up.
28:52 - I could stand on mountains.
28:59 - You raise me up.
29:02 - That was awesome.
29:08 - That was one of the greatest voice performances ever.
29:11 - I could definitely see the three tenors playing
29:14 "You Raise Me Up" in the local RSL.
29:16 - I'm just so proud of each and every one of you.
29:18 - This is a hard one.
29:20 - Ooh.
29:21 - I think he's got a hard on.
29:22 - Individually, you guys are amazing,
29:24 but as a unit, you guys are really incredible,
29:26 so this is really difficult for me.
29:28 - Is there any chance that I could get more time?
29:32 - Wait, what?
29:33 - You can have more time?
29:35 - I'll take it.
29:36 - Jason Derulo?
29:37 - That's not right.
29:38 - Absolutely not.
29:39 - Jason Derulo, no.
29:41 - Because Jason can't decide who to eliminate,
29:44 the three tenors have to do another sing-off.
29:46 - Oh, my God, they're gonna sing again?
29:48 - Oh, for God's sake.
29:49 - Wow.
29:54 - He's got a good voice.
29:55 - Wow.
29:59 - It's fantastic.
30:01 - Oh, my God.
30:05 - Oh, no, he sounds like the backup singer.
30:06 - Who do you reckon he's gonna pick?
30:08 - Ooh.
30:09 - Genuinely, been racking my brain all night about this decision.
30:13 - Oh, just tell us who it is.
30:15 - Hurry up and pick one.
30:16 - Give us a name.
30:17 - Come on, Jason, just make the decision.
30:21 These guys are sweating bullets.
30:23 - I want the decision to be yours, not mine.
30:26 - What? How?
30:27 - What the f--
30:28 - Oh, what?
30:29 - Together, as a group, you guys are unstoppable.
30:33 - Great boy band.
30:34 - My question to you...
30:35 - Hurry up.
30:36 - Will the three of you, as a unit,
30:40 join me for the semifinals?
30:42 - It's like a really budget version of One Direction.
30:44 - Yes! Yes!
30:46 - Or it is totally and utterly your decision.
30:49 - Yes!
30:50 - Why not?
30:51 - Please, someone make a decision.
30:52 - Can we have a second?
30:53 - Yes, yes, yes.
30:55 - Can people stop extending this show?
30:58 - Would anybody like to tell me what the decision is?
31:01 - Please make a decision, you're driving me crazy.
31:03 - We have discussed, and the offer is...
31:06 - Hurry up, yes or no.
31:10 - But together, we have decided that...
31:13 - Say yes, say yes!
31:14 - We are singular artists.
31:16 - Oh!
31:18 - Christ!
31:19 - I think one of us still deserves a spot in that semifinal.
31:22 - Oh, you should have gone together, you three buffoons.
31:25 You could have been called the three buffoons.
31:27 - At the end of the day, it is your decision.
31:29 - No, it's your decision, Jason.
31:31 - The pick!
31:32 - Finally, it was time for Jason to make his mind up.
31:35 - There's one of you that's going to the semifinals.
31:39 - OK, and the decision is?
31:40 - Make a decision, bro.
31:41 - Kayla.
31:42 - Yay!
31:44 - Thank God.
31:45 - Finally, mate, that was like an hour and a half.
31:47 - Go and join Ethan, your fellow semifinalist.
31:50 - Sorry, it's Jason Derulo.
31:53 - I'm denied with Derulo about changing the Derules on the DaShow.
31:58 - I've never seen a person try harder not to do their job.
32:03 - Never get Jason Derulo to pick between two things ever again.
32:08 ♪ ♪ ♪
32:11 ♪ ♪ ♪
32:21 - That caravan parked across the street,
32:23 like, our street's not very wide,
32:25 and it's just been sitting there for months.
32:27 Well, the other day, the owner was reversing out.
32:31 When she reversed out, she hit her own caravan.
32:34 - Did she do damage?
32:36 - Not a lot of damage, but enough to put a smile on my face.
32:39 - You know what we've got, buddy?
32:42 - Got some baking!
32:44 - But Monday on Foxtel, it wasn't any ordinary baking.
32:49 - What kind of baking is it?
32:50 - Celebrity Bake Off.
32:53 - What celebrities have we got?
32:54 - Actor, director, and producer.
32:56 - Oh!
32:57 - A swimming swimmer.
32:58 - It's Ross.
32:59 - Oh, my God.
33:00 - It's Ross from Friends.
33:01 - Jessie Nelson.
33:02 - I would love to win it, I won't lie.
33:04 - Who's the winner?
33:05 - I won't lie.
33:06 - Who's she? I know her from somewhere.
33:07 She got Nolly fans?
33:08 - Not quite.
33:09 That's Jessie Nelson from pop band Little Mix,
33:12 and she'll be joined by comic actor Tom Davis.
33:14 - Who?
33:15 - And comic actor Rose Mattafeo.
33:17 - Who's she?
33:18 - But let's face it, we're here for the judges.
33:20 - Paul Hollywood.
33:21 - Mmm.
33:23 - Can we see men on his eyes?
33:25 - I know.
33:26 - Happy with them?
33:27 - Mmm.
33:28 - And let's not forget Drue Leith.
33:29 - England's Maggie Beer.
33:30 They probably call her Maggie Lager.
33:32 - I like that.
33:33 - What are we baking?
33:34 - Eight bright orange macaron.
33:37 - Oh!
33:38 - Oh, yum.
33:39 - What is a macaron?
33:40 - They're like the rich man's Oreo.
33:43 - Yes.
33:44 - Get set.
33:45 - Bake.
33:46 - Melt the chocolate butter, cream and orange zest
33:49 over a bain-marie.
33:50 - A bain-marie?
33:52 - The bloody hell is a bain-marie?
33:53 - Oh, she doesn't know what a bain-marie is.
33:55 - Well, why is she on a cooking show?
33:57 - And mix. What is it? What mix?
33:58 - Give it a little mix.
34:00 - Give it a little mix.
34:01 - Oh, and mix!
34:03 - Oh, she's...
34:04 - Jess has got a clue.
34:05 - Maybe, because whilst Ross from Friends' macarons
34:08 are looking like this...
34:09 - Ross has absolutely nailed it.
34:12 - ...Jessie's look like...
34:14 - Please!
34:15 - Oh, that is not good, that girl.
34:16 That is absolute...
34:17 - Shit. Can I help you?
34:19 - Oh, you're so sweet.
34:20 - I can see Ross is helping out his friends.
34:24 - I like it.
34:25 - Bakers, your time is up.
34:28 - OK, we have eclectic mix.
34:30 - That looks disgusting.
34:31 - What is that?
34:33 - I don't think anyone knows what that is.
34:35 - I'd say it's an abomination.
34:37 - An abomination!
34:39 - Oh, no!
34:41 - Don't eat it!
34:43 - Oh, my God, he's spitting it out!
34:45 - Paul, you'll get sick.
34:46 - If he gets sick, you go over there and help him.
34:48 - Yeah, I'll be nursing him.
34:49 - Absolutely.
34:51 - This is starting to resemble a little bit of a macaron.
34:54 - OK.
34:55 - On your Ross.
34:56 - He could sell them at Central Perk.
34:57 - Which means that this is the winner.
35:00 - Yes!
35:01 - Well done, Ross.
35:04 - OK, it's time for that part of the show.
35:07 - When they do that creative cake thing.
35:09 - The judges would like you to create a 3D scene
35:13 out of meringue depicting your biggest ever celebrity fail.
35:19 - 3D meringue celebrity fail.
35:22 - Oh, these guys have got no heart.
35:25 - Tell us what you're doing.
35:26 - Yes.
35:27 - Her biggest mistake was coming on this show,
35:29 so she should be doing a dessert based on that.
35:32 - I'm actually making the bake-off tent
35:34 because yesterday was my biggest fail.
35:37 - Told you.
35:38 - Tom, are you going to tell us about your big fail?
35:40 - I used to sell T-shirts at festivals.
35:42 - Uh-huh.
35:43 - And one festival, I broke into Brandon Flowers' trailer.
35:46 - Huh?
35:47 - Brandon Flowers is the lead singer of The Killers.
35:49 - And started to go about my business.
35:50 - He went to the toilet in The Killers' bathroom.
35:52 - His security team came in and caught me.
35:54 - No!
35:55 - Yep, love it. What's he making?
35:56 - The Killers' star-studded festival toilet.
35:58 - Oh!
35:59 - Ha, ha, ha, ha!
36:00 - Look at the floor.
36:01 - Mango curd represents urine.
36:03 - Oh!
36:04 - Cocoa powder forms meringue poo kisses.
36:06 - They're literally going to eat shit.
36:08 - Oh, yuck.
36:09 - This is way more entertaining than normal bake-off.
36:11 - Exactly.
36:12 - And Ross from Friends' celebrity fail was on stage,
36:15 mistaking the words "a large rabble" for...
36:17 - Will you buy a large rabbit?
36:19 - He's making a large rabbit.
36:21 - A lot can go wrong.
36:22 - I'm just making a surreal sculpture.
36:24 - It's hideous, Ross.
36:26 - This is amazing. It looks like the colour of the floor.
36:28 - This looks like some of the things that Malik comes home from daycare.
36:31 - Ha, ha, ha, ha!
36:33 - I might have actually made the most disgusting thing
36:35 that Bake-Off's ever seen.
36:36 - Looks like the toilet of the bloody MCG.
36:38 - He's nailed it.
36:39 - Bakers, your time is up.
36:41 - Show us your masterpieces.
36:44 - Oh!
36:47 - Oh, no!
36:48 - It's like a horror story rabbit.
36:50 - How do you reckon his friends are going to react?
36:52 - David, that is absolutely delicious.
36:54 - She thinks it's delicious.
36:55 - Oh, my God, look at this one.
36:58 - That's the Bake-Off tent with no roof, no walls,
37:01 two people lying down.
37:03 - Pretty good.
37:04 - What?
37:05 - That's a participation award.
37:07 - Yeah.
37:08 - Oh, my God, no!
37:10 - How do you even want to eat that?
37:12 - Are you up to eating a turd?
37:15 - Come on, Prue, eat the poo.
37:17 - Eat the poo. Eat the poo.
37:19 - It's lovely.
37:21 - I want Poo Man to win.
37:22 - Dunny's either going to be number one or number two.
37:26 - David!
37:27 - Yeah!
37:28 - Oh, it's Ross!
37:30 - Oh, Ross!
37:32 - We keep calling him Ross.
37:33 I don't think that's his name.
37:35 - We did it!
37:37 - We did it!
37:38 - So no one told you Ross was going to win the show.
37:42 - It's always a bit of fun, the Bake-Off.
37:47 - You just can't hate that show.
37:48 - Celebrity Bake-Off really means Bake-Off disasters.
37:51 I love it!
37:52 - Do you mind getting me my Vaseline out of my bag, please?
38:11 - Why can't you get it?
38:13 - Because I'm pregnant.
38:18 - This week on Netflix, we watched a drama based on real-life events.
38:23 - Painkiller!
38:25 - This is all about the opioid crisis in America.
38:28 - As you probably already know, every state and dozens of cities and counties
38:32 are suing Purdue Pharma for their role in starting the opioid epidemic.
38:36 - The series is about the events that led to the takedown of big pharma company Purdue,
38:41 the makers of OxyContin.
38:43 - What's OxyContin?
38:44 - We know it's a zendone and it's very addictive, but it's a really heavy-duty narcotic.
38:48 - Nearly 645,000 people have died from an overdose.
38:52 - It's a whole problem in the US.
38:54 - Well, we can't bring people back from the dead, but we can make these people pay for what they did.
38:57 - They lied about the testing and said that it wasn't addictive.
39:00 - Would you state your name, please?
39:02 - Ferris Bueller.
39:04 - Is that Matthew Broderick?
39:05 - You haven't seen him in a while.
39:07 - Richard Sackler.
39:08 - Richard Sackler was the mastermind of the highly addictive OxyContin.
39:13 - Le Sackler famille est dans l'entreprise.
39:16 - Vous avez déposé Richard Sackler?
39:18 - Je veux faire clair que l'apparence de Docteur Sackler...
39:20 - On est en grande course.
39:22 - Oh, donc ils ont déposé quelqu'un de très haut au niveau des pharmaceutiques.
39:26 - Au début, la seule façon de savoir que c'était OxyContin,
39:29 c'était de le produire sur un de leurs médecins pour visiter votre médecin local.
39:32 - Chevy, on va courir!
39:34 - Oh, quelque chose va se passer.
39:35 - Et vous étiez malheureusement blessé.
39:37 - Ah oui, des blessures de travail.
39:39 - Ne vous fumez pas!
39:40 - Dites-moi quand c'est fini.
39:41 - Rien n'a passé, vous pouvez regarder.
39:42 - Vous savez comment un T-Rex se fait couler?
39:45 - Hey, arrêtez!
39:46 - Il va se faire toucher.
39:47 - Arrêtez!
39:48 - Oh mon Dieu, arrêtez de faire des trucs.
39:50 - Je vous ai pas donné un signal?
39:51 - Oui, vous avez.
39:52 - OK, alors qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
39:53 - Quoi?
39:54 - Rien n'est passé.
39:55 - Je disais, rien n'est passé.
39:56 - Quelque chose va se passer.
39:58 - Il a tué lui-même.
40:04 - Je vous l'ai dit.
40:05 - Oh, mon dos!
40:07 - Mon dos!
40:08 - Mon dos!
40:09 - Mon dos!
40:10 - Oh!
40:11 - Oh, wow, il a une opération sur le dos.
40:13 - Il va prendre le tablette et il va être attiré.
40:15 - Bien joué.
40:16 Tout va bien se passer.
40:17 - Oh, ces dernières mots sont célèbres.
40:19 - Ensuite, nous entendons les plans de Sackler
40:21 pour faire de l'argent de la drogue.
40:24 - Si nous devenons les portes-paroles
40:25 pour tout le monde qui veut s'éloigner du mal,
40:29 alors nous aurons changé le monde.
40:32 - Vous savez qu'ils ont fait des millions de dollars
40:33 de cette pilule?
40:34 Des millions.
40:35 - Et vous n'aurez plus besoin de vous inquiéter
40:36 de l'argent.
40:38 - On se sent comme un groupe de hommes grignons.
40:40 - Oui.
40:41 - La médecine doit être à propos de sauver des vies,
40:43 pas de faire de l'argent.
40:44 - C'est appelé "Big Pharma" pour une raison.
40:46 - Purdue va développer l'un des meilleurs
40:48 taux de douleur qui ait jamais touché le marché.
40:50 - Oxycontin commence.
40:51 - En nous disant que c'est parfaitement sûr.
40:53 - C'est tellement...
40:55 - Juste...
40:56 - Mauvais.
40:57 - Mauvais.
40:58 - La clé au succès de l'oxycontin
40:59 était une campagne de marketing.
41:01 - Plus de nourriture.
41:03 - On fait une association de mots avec les drogues.
41:06 - La famille Sackler a utilisé des groupes de focus
41:08 pour s'assurer qu'ils avaient le droit de faire le marketing.
41:11 - Dites-moi les mots que vous associez à l'oxycodone.
41:16 - Oxygène.
41:17 - C'est bon.
41:20 - Vous voyez, ils ont tous une idée de la morphine,
41:23 mais l'oxycodone est un plat propre.
41:25 - Ils glorifient une drogue
41:27 pour la rendre attirante pour le vendre.
41:30 - Personne n'a de associations avec ça.
41:32 On peut le faire ce que l'on veut.
41:34 - C'est le problème,
41:35 car les entreprises pharmaceutiques en Amérique
41:37 peuvent advertiser leurs drogues.
41:39 - Vous voulez prendre une drogue,
41:41 avec deux fois le prix de la morphine,
41:43 et la donner à tout le monde?
41:45 - Oui.
41:46 - Par out.
41:47 - L'abuse sera un vrai problème.
41:49 - Quand un patient est sous la supervision
41:51 de son médecin,
41:52 ces drogues sont très cher.
41:54 - Ce n'est pas notre problème, c'est le fauteur des médecins.
41:57 - C'était leur trou.
41:58 - On va donner beaucoup de personnes de leur vie.
42:00 - "Vie" ne veut rien.
42:02 C'est juste le dollar bill.
42:04 - Qu'est-ce qu'on appelle ça?
42:06 - Oxycontin.
42:07 - Ils le donnent aux médecins.
42:09 - J'aimerais commencer par quelque chose de nouveau.
42:11 - Ils donnent à la médecine un retour pour le vendre.
42:13 - C'est appelé Oxycontin.
42:14 - Donnez-le au patient. Le patient devient addicté.
42:17 - Ching-ching.
42:18 - Ching-ching.
42:19 - C'est aussi sûr que n'importe quel autre opioïde.
42:21 - Ils pensent que c'est sûr.
42:22 Ils le sont prescribé.
42:24 - Est-ce qu'il cherche une pilule déchirée?
42:31 - Ah, mon Dieu!
42:32 - Il le transforme en addicte.
42:34 - Ces gars sont des vendeurs de drogue licenciés.
42:40 C'est ce qu'ils sont.
42:42 - Je veux regarder le reste de ça.
42:45 C'est super intéressant.
42:46 - C'est bien de faire des histoires comme ça,
42:49 d'ouvrir les yeux des gens.
42:50 - C'est triste que les gens ne se soucient pas
42:52 d'autres êtres humains.
42:53 - Je suis prêt pour l'épidémie 2.
42:55 - Donc, tu es addicté.
42:56 - Oui, je suis addicté.
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43:15 - Hum.
43:16 - Are you sure you were thinking?
43:23 - Yes.
43:28 - Yes.
43:30 - Life hacks?
43:38 - A life hack is an easy way to do something.
43:40 - How do I iron my clothes
43:42 without having to iron my clothes?
43:44 - Out of the washing, you hang your clothes on a hanger
43:46 and you dry them with the hanger on.
43:48 - And on Tuesday, we looked forward to learning
43:50 a whole lot more life hacks
43:52 with mathematician Lily Cerner
43:54 in the ABC's new show...
43:56 - Lily's Life Hacks.
43:57 How does a mathematician make her an expert in life hacks?
44:00 - I could just Google life hacks.
44:02 - No judgment, please.
44:03 Let's see the show's first life hack.
44:05 - A science-backed stress hack.
44:07 - Oh, I'd like a stress hack.
44:09 - OK, what is it?
44:10 - Well, it's breathing, actually.
44:11 - What?
44:12 - Breathe.
44:13 Who would have thought of that?
44:14 - Oh, I feel like I do that all the time.
44:16 - Yeah, me too.
44:17 - Not too sure this is a life hack.
44:19 - What's this guy doing with his bloody shaker?
44:21 - It's five seconds in through the nose
44:23 and five seconds out through the nose.
44:25 - Oh, no, dude.
44:26 It's the big circle of people that all stand around and breathe.
44:29 And it's really just a place where dudes try and pick up chicks.
44:32 - I do it at least two a week.
44:34 - I call it the highway to inner peace.
44:36 - Sounds a bit woo-woo.
44:37 - I thought they said they were doing it without the woo-woo.
44:39 - I feel quite relaxed.
44:41 - Well, that's because you've just been lying down having a rest.
44:44 - Life hack.
44:45 - Tick.
44:46 - But will slow deep breathing keep me calm in a more stressful situation?
44:50 - Oh, they're going to pour water on them.
44:52 - Ice bath?
44:53 - Everybody in the eastern suburbs is doing this at the moment.
44:56 It's the fad.
44:57 - Oh, I've done this.
44:58 - Straight in, no thinking, straight in.
45:00 That's it.
45:01 - This was invented by creepy dudes.
45:02 - That's it, baby.
45:03 - That's it, catch your breath.
45:05 - Oh, my God.
45:07 - Oh, my God.
45:08 - Two.
45:09 - Oh, my God.
45:10 - Three.
45:11 - Oh, my God.
45:12 - Four.
45:13 - Five.
45:14 - Nipples are well and truly erect.
45:15 - Oh, my God.
45:16 - And out.
45:17 - See, after a few seconds, it's fine.
45:19 - You know when you finish the ice bath, feel alive.
45:23 - Yeah.
45:24 - You feel amazing.
45:26 - Now let's get a number or two.
45:27 - Is it safe for everyone?
45:29 - Well, actually, no.
45:30 - Oh, my God, seriously?
45:32 - Yeah, I'm not getting a life hack part of this.
45:35 - Give me some advice to make my life easier.
45:38 - Use frozen grapes to chill white wine down
45:42 without watering it down.
45:43 - Oh, I might try that.
45:44 - Now back to the show, which will reveal the almost
45:47 supernatural benefits of being in a group.
45:50 - I used to be in the National Boys' Choir, Kate.
45:52 Do you remember that?
45:53 - No, I do not.
45:54 - I was 11.
45:55 - Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
45:57 - Remember this, when they got all the nursing homes
45:59 to join a choir?
46:00 - Yes, that was fantastic.
46:01 - No, but then COVID hit and they all died
46:03 because they gave each other COVID.
46:05 - Didn't need it.
46:06 - It was kind of like a death hack.
46:07 - OK, let's try another one.
46:08 - Aw, aw, puppies.
46:10 - These bundles create a sense of joy in almost
46:13 any human on the planet.
46:15 - Like, ah, ah, ah.
46:16 - Let's give you a kiss.
46:17 - How is this a life hack?
46:18 - OK, give me another life hack.
46:19 - On hot days, use a stubby holder to cover the gear stick.
46:24 - That's actually a good one.
46:25 - I want some proper life hacks.
46:27 - Well, I've discovered a hack that can improve
46:29 our ability to bend, carry, stand and even balance better.
46:34 - Hooray!
46:35 - And surprisingly, the thing that sets us apart
46:38 is our bums.
46:40 - Our bums?
46:41 - What has this got to do with life hacks?
46:43 - Are you telling me that the entire evolution
46:46 of human history...
46:47 - Is to develop that big old dump truck.
46:49 - I've got one of the greatest bums you'll see.
46:51 - You could say that.
46:52 The bum is so important for our posture
46:55 and for our core strength.
46:56 - Yeah, give it a go.
46:57 Work it harder, work it harder.
46:58 - OK, so...
46:59 - What's the hack here?
47:00 - Well, the easiest way is just to be active.
47:03 - How is that a hack?
47:05 - You don't even need to leave the house.
47:07 Those dreaded chores can keep you moving.
47:10 - Doing your housework is a life hack.
47:11 - Oh my God.
47:12 - Oh, I can't cop this.
47:14 - I've had a ball, and I hope they work for you too.
47:17 - That show, that could have been so much better.
47:20 - Did we learn anything?
47:21 - No, I've learnt nothing.
47:23 - Sounds so complicated.
47:24 I'm just going to do none of the above.
47:27 - I'll tell you the one life hack
47:29 that I actually want to find out about.
47:31 Leather seats in cars.
47:33 I want to know how to automatically make them cold
47:36 on a really hot day, automatically.
47:38 - How about, Holly, park in shade?
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47:50 Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
